Spoiler Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Shivani, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Shivani

    Shivani Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    Yaoying transmigrated into a novel.

    In the chaotic and troubled times, many nations were at war. Her father happened to be the most powerful of those vying for supremacy, her brother turning out to be the male lead that finally dominated the Central Plains.

    As the male lead’s younger sister, Yaoying was ready to accept this benefit that came without her having to lift a finger.

    But it turned out that the male lead hated her to the bone, going as far as to have her marry the sixty year old grassland tribe leader in place of the female lead.

    Yaoying was forced to marry. Wolves in front, tigers in the back and wolves surrounding her, all coveting the lovely-as-a-flower Han Chinese princess.

    At the moment of crisis, passing through with his troops was the novel’s young legendary lord who was destined to die young.

    Shivering, Yaoying pointed at the sickly lord in order to escape from their clutches: This princess fell in love with you at first sight. If you won’t marry, I’ll seek you out with a dowry!

    The lord’s subordinates turned pale with fright: Princess mustn’t speak so casually, our king is a monk, a noble-blooded Buddha’s son!

    Yaoying, with a face full of grievances: This princess doesn’t disdain that you’re a monk. In life, I am your person, in death, I am your ghost!

    Monk: ….

    From then on, the tale of the Buddha’s son and the Han Chinese princess began to circulate through the grasslands.

    Monk whose reputation couldn’t be cleared even if he plunged into the Yellow River: ….

    (Note: The title refers to an expression that for friends, family and lovers separated far away, moonlit nights would make them miss each other more.)

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    SamSam, Niaau and Dragon_Reader like this.
  2. Spoiler Curator

    Spoiler Curator Hi , Click Edit and Edit My Posts

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Table of Contents
    • Chapter 100 spoiler
    • Chapter 250 spoiler
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  3. Sami84

    Sami84 Active Member

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Actually hating the family dynamics.
    kawaii12345 likes this.
  4. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    The family dynamics is definitely NOT ideal. It's full of greed, schemes and ego.
    Book!ML's dad is an emperor. He loves Book!ML's mom but has to act all lovey-dovey with MC's mom coz she comes from a super-powerful OP army clan. Book!ML is born and the emperor acts shitty with Book!ML's mom. Turns out to be a damn bad idea. The emperor's family (aka extended family) plot against the empress (aka Book!ML's mom). Emperor goes to war with MC mom's clan so he definitely has to act good with them. Stuck in between, empress is forced to flee with toddler book!ML and is raped. War is won, emperor comes back and takes Book!ML's mom back. MC's mom is promoted coz of her clan's contribution. However, in order to destroy the clan that helped him win the war coz the emperor is an insecure piece of ingrate cockroach, he continues to ignore book!ML mom and pets MC mom. Until one day, MC mom says some shit which book!ML mom misunderstands as MC mom knowing she was raped (nobody knows she was raped. It would be considered cheating against the emperor and is a treasonous crime in those days). Scared and angry thinking that MC mom clan was the one who plotted against her, she kills herself in front of book!ML and says it's MC Mom clan fault. Mom clan had nothing to do with this. The true fault was with emperor's family clan.

    Emperor at once changes face. He punishes MC mom heavily and forces MC (a small baby at that time) and MC brother (a small toddler) to move to this far-away isolated and neglected courtyard. MC Mom who genuinely loved that asshole emperor is poisoned and goes nuts.

    Book!ML never forgets his promise. Once, MC goes away somewhere with her mom clan (which is dying off coz of the ingrate cockroach emperor) and meets an injured Book!ML. They don't recognise each other and book!ML kind of develops a crush on her. Unfortunately, later they meet as siblings and realise the truth. At first MC is like - oh it's ok, I will be good, my brother is good, we will explain. Except Book!ML is not willing. He almost squeezes her neck to death. Then, MC's puppy frightens the book!MC (actually it doesn't, book!MC was exaggerating) and she begs on her knees to book!ML to let the puppy go. He shoots the puppy dead with an arrow and MC realises that unlike stories, book!ML is nuts and will kill the siblings even though they have never harmed him.

    Emperor sends MC bro to war even though he is a small kid hoping he dies. He doesn't for a couple of years. Later, news of his missing or death arrives.

    By that time, the brutal (old and fat) tribe head has come to marry book!MC and ally with the country. Book!MC doesn't want to marry. Book!ML and his assistant deliberately trick tribe head into seeing the extremely beautiful MC. At once tribe head says if Book!MC doesn't want to marry him, he wants MC. MC refuses until she gets notice of her brother's missing/ dead status. She goes to book!MC and tells him to find her brother and protect him in return for her marrying the tribe head. She negotiates the same with the emperor. She also gets her mother promoted and protected by some other high ranking concubines in the palace.

    This is where the emperor thinks - Of all my children, this girl is most like me and knows exactly why I am doing what I am doing. This is why she should not be in this country because she is a danger to book!ML.

    Later, MC will marry off. She has done a lot of good, protected a lot of people so almost all commoners come out to bid her farewell. Many nobles are also very sad to see her go. Book!MC is hated by many coz of this.

    Book!ML will deliberately come to MC when she reaches the tribe and tell her - if you come to my side, I will save you. MC refuses saying - Even if it's a lie, I will never come to your side you brainless psychopath.

    Later, someone will tell book!ML that MC is not the biological daughter. The mom lost the child during the war and picked up the abandoned new-born baby MC and raised her as her real daughter. He rushed to the tribe thinking - it's ok if I don't take revenge against MC coz she is not biologically related (as if that matters u bitch ass wuss). It's too late - the tribe was attacked by another country, MC escapes and sends urgent SOS to her country's border armies alerting them to an upcoming attack just in time that saves thousands of lives.

    Very much later, book!ML will get to know the emperor's family was responsible for everything and that he used his most beloved woman to kill off an extremely loyal clan. He will also at last tell the emperor of how much his mother suffered and was raped by his own family. Book!ML will make multiple attempts to kill emperor and that too in front of all the ministers too and succeed only at the end. The ministers want him to be punished of patricide but there's literally no one else who can take up position as next crown prince.

    In the end there's this little speech MC gives to emperor calling him out on his bullshit and telling him that he never loved his beloved and everything was just a price for his power.

    And when book!ML comes to know about MC not being blood related, his crush turned to twisted love and jealousy especially since she keeps sticking to her brother and supporting her brother unconditionally turns into this really dark, twisted love for a lover. He will chase her and tell her to become his as a lover. Later, it will come out that he has always loved her like a lover (even when he considered her his half-bio sister) but ironically, just like his father, his 'love' was to send her off to get married into a brutal war tribe (basically push her to death). He regrets a lot of MC doesn't give a shit, doesn't forgive him and tells him to never appear before her.

    A fucked up family fest. Honestly, without family issues, this novel cannot exist in the first place
    potatofriez, Kumoshiro, N. B and 14 others like this.
  5. Iwashereyoo14

    Iwashereyoo14 Active Member

    Sep 3, 2020
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    Can you tell us a spoiler how MC meet ML and how ML is please
  6. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    MC is married away to tribe. Tribe and MC Kingdom get into an alliance. MC sees a weirdo staring at her and thinks he is more dangerous than anyone in the tribe including the tribe fat leader's son who keeps raping other women, molesting MC and telling her how he will take her once his father is done with her.
    They reach the tribe. Tribe leader is killed by son and weirdo. MC acts as if she wants to keep vigil over the tribe leader's body since she was 'going' to be his wife. This saves her from being raped at once. On the funeral day, she gives a speech and announces loudly how the son killed his own father. By now that weirdo has disappeared and along with MC's knowledge of the book, realises that the weirdo is the main villain (aka illegitimate son of MC kingdom's greatest enemy king). She sends her soldiers in different directions to send a message about the upcoming attack. Many soldiers die on the way in the hands of the main villain (it's too sad tbh). MC and her maids + personal guard run away. Villain tries to attack MC kingdom but they seem to be ready. He gets news about MC running away and realises - fuck that bitch!! He guns for her, catches her and tells her he will marry her (coz she is smart and strong and he wants to 'break' her). She tells him she is actually ML's lover (ML is feared by the villain and the villain kingdom coz he has trounced their ass before in war and they had to beat a very hasty retreat). Villain is not sure whether to believe her but decides to confirm coz he is going to meet ML. MC knows if he talks to ML she will be fucked so she runs away. Except she runs exactly to the meeting place (she is not to be blamed coz she didn't know the meeting place and villain changed the meet place or something MTL is damn confusing in this novel). Villain sees her, MC is fucking scared and ML comes. She literally jumps on ML and begs him to save her. ML takes her away after proclaiming her as his bride.
    ML has some problem caused due to his power. MC will temporarily solve his power with some medicine formula she has and the promise that the medicines are available in her dowry which is with villain (ML takes it back later). She also helps ML block the many corrupt idiots who do not want ML to live anymore/ to be the king coz he is not full noble. Forget about winning wars and being a damn good emperor - nuh uh, his blood is not pure enough.

    ML is seen as an extremely calm, pure Buddhist king.
    Well, his 2nd Avatar is the extremely violent killer for justice only though haha. In public, the 2nd Avatar is some guard commander or something but mute and doesn't talk. MC spends a lot of time with 2nd Avatar since he saves her from multiple villain assassination/ kidnap attempts, escorts her as she tries to build relationship between ML Kingdom and MC Kingdom's powerful ally etc. However, she is v smart and will realise the double role played by ML. As for why ML keeps his violent self secret (nobody knows about it other than his closest two assistants and his master (shitty guy imo)). It's coz the people adore ML as the Buddha. They hate the violent guy even though he dispenses justice coz he is violent and technically goes against Buddhist principles of non-violence etc etc.
    Their relationship is v v slow and there's sooooo much happening that MC and ML barely get time to breath. Even when ML realises he loves MC, he thinks it's better if she goes away coz ML Kingdom is poised at the brink of an awful war from ALL sides that can fuck him and the kingdom up completely. ML Kingdom has no allies and stands alone and only the fact that ML is fucking asura on the battlefield keeps the other kingdoms/ tribes away but they are at the edge of war. MC promises to help ML get allies in return for saving her and she goes to those small kingdoms for building up rapport. Lots of stuff happen there also but in the end succeeds.
    Another reason why ML is not ready to be with MC is coz he thinks he is going to die soon due to power problems. Lmaooo. Later he will send MC away even when she confesses and then run behind her and grab her lolll.
    ML is a VERY VERY VERY good emperor. All his actions, all his decisions and everything he SUFFERS is only to keep his kingdom and the people safe and happy. He is a MAD FOR PEOPLE king. The type who would happily sacrifice himself if need be to protect the kingdom.

    This changes in the end coz his illegitimacy and 2nd avatar is spread by the corrupt ministers and some boring chick princess who is a destructive moron bitch tbh. The people can't digest that some illegitimate guy is sitting on the throne and attack ML. ML, MC and his loyal guards barely escape.

    WHEN VILLAIN ATTACKS. With his own army + other allies he has made.

    Boy do the people suddenly realise - uh who's gonna save my ass?

    In any case, ML is pissed and realises that these people don't deserve his everything. Or rather, the common people are also humans and humans are not so good people at all. He decides he will be what he wants and not just maintain a kind facade even though they deserve a whopping.

    ML is Buddhist follower. He is considered the top-most and holds daily/ weekly prayer chanting meets with all other monks. He teaches, lectures etc. He also attends debate competitions with other Buddhist reverands etc and wins all of them. MC often stays with him chanting/ noting Buddhist scriptures in the beginning before shit goes south. ML is a legit Buddhist. It's not like he is putting up a false illusionary mask. He is a stringent follower and holds great faith in Buddha. However, in order to get people to like him, he was JUST LIKE BUDDHA aka never getting angry etc etc. He instead used the 2nd avatar which was HATED by most people in the kingdom since the 2nd avatar is everything the Buddhist King is NOT.
    Kumoshiro, N. B, rock.doll and 8 others like this.
  7. Fulminata

    Fulminata Typo-ist | Officer of Heavenly Inc. |

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Thank youu!!
    Dragon_Reader likes this.
  8. Sindlor

    Sindlor Active Member

    Oct 26, 2017
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    Thanks for the spoilers. I'm carious about her brother (2nd prince). Did he really go missing and did he ever find out what happened to YY?
  9. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    Are u talking about her 'biological' but not biological brother? The one for whom MC sacrifices herself and get married to the tribe leader?
    Later, he will be found near-death. He goes into coma. By the time he wakes up, a lot of shit has happened and he has completely lost all martial arts. He goes nuts and attacks the king. He is barely stopped by the imperial guards. He will take a carriage to follow MC's route to the tribe. On the way, he will abandon everyone who is accompanying him coz they are all actually the king's and the crown prince's spies. He will run away. Of course he will get the news that the tribe was attacked by villain. He will go to the villain's kingdom. On the way, the crown prince will join him coz crown Princess will tell the news that MC is not biologically related and crown prince is like - Oh so I should not take revenge on her.
    Brother is pissed but crown prince is strong (especially now that he is v injured) and has more men. They get caught by villain kingdom's people and prisoned. Then they break out, join the war with ML's army in a city away from the capital (where MC and ML are). Sister and brother will meet in the middle of the battlefield and hug each other uwu
    potatofriez, Kumoshiro, N. B and 7 others like this.
  10. muriloandrade

    muriloandrade Active Member

    Nov 22, 2018
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    What happens to the original FL?
  11. Sindlor

    Sindlor Active Member

    Oct 26, 2017
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    Thanks for the spoiler.
  12. LunarWolf

    LunarWolf Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2017
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    moarrrrr! i need moar spoilers!!!! i adore the 2nd prince. he is my poor baby. i really want to know more about his faith and ending. i really wish he gets a happy ending.
    also does the crown prince/half brother envy their relationship later on ?what ever happens to that du sinnan strategist side character that she blocked in the early chapters?
    Numerouno likes this.
  13. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    This one I don't remember much. I think once crown prince realises how much of an a-hole he is and how he only sent his 'loved' one MC away, he loses all semblance of love for her. Later, it will be revealed that she betrayed the country or some shit? And either she is killed or exiled? Take this with a grain of salt coz I am just writing as per my impressions and it may be very wrong. One thing I am sure of is crown prince completely loses interest in her and the crown Princess hates her coz the crown Princess was actually saved by MC as a child and had always held great love for MC. This little bitch FL pushing MC to that tribe makes crown Princess hate FL a lot.

    Once ML and MC have solved their problems, MC Dad (emperor) decides he wants to kill MC. MC and her brother also want to deal with him once and for all. So MC goes back to the kingdom (as ML kingdom's queen). MC Dad imprisons her (not even thinking about war between 2 countries) and almost kills her but MC Brother, ML and Crown Prince come with their own armies and kill Emperor and his army. Lots of dialogue between Emperor and MC but I don't remember.
    MC Brother goes back with MC and ML coz he doesn't give a fuck about the kingdom. He settles as head/ chief/ commander of some city near the MC ML capital city and is quite happy there. They meet frequently.

    Later, an innocent princess from villain kingdom who helped save MC Brother falls for MC Brother and is quite vocal about it. Unfortunately, MC Brother is not sure until MC asks him about it. It's left as an open ending as in we don't know whether they got together or not but he does most probably get together with her coz usually he is v cold to women and even uses physical confrontation to push them away except with this princess. He only walks away or huffs but let's her go anywhere in his estate.

    I use MTL only and this is historical so there may be wrong stuff too in there.
    potatofriez, Kumoshiro, N. B and 4 others like this.
  14. Hejona

    Hejona Active Member

    Nov 15, 2015
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    I just wanna know what was the emperors problem with his kids and the need to kill the princess all the time, cause i read in another review that he didnt hate her he just didnt know what to do
  15. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    When MC sends various messages warning of an impending attack, one of the person she delivers the message to is the strategist. He insists on meeting the emperor and ministers and passes on the message and also the fact that MC has gambled her own life to send this warning. At once, the entire court appreciates MC and her reputation increases. The court also requests the emperor to take her back to the kingdom since she is not married and also helped save the kingdom from a sudden, brutal attack. The emperor has no choice but to agree but MC never gets to go back home until the very end. Later, the strategist will rise up in ranks. I don't remember much about him coz he is just a minor character.

    No, emperor def hates MC and MC Brother coz their maternal side was an OP army clan whom he destroyed and he does not want them to rise back in power. His 'true' love is Book!ML's mom and his intention is to make only Book!ML into the crown prince/ king. He is an illogical asshole who did whatever evil he could to grab and hold on to power. To ensure his 'true' love's son becomes the king, he tries his best kill and destroy MC Brother even though MC Bro and MC demonstrate in every possible way that they don't want power and would rather happily leave the palace and the capital.
    Unfortunately, the emperor is a paranoid bastard and is not ready to let them go. He even sends MC to a violent tribe to wed the very old man even though she is a girl with no claim to the throne because he is scared of what she might do in the future. He is NOT a good man and I don't know why anyone would consider him one.
    Kumoshiro, N. B, rock.doll and 2 others like this.
  16. Aquaa

    Aquaa 『We Lost The Summer』

    Mar 15, 2018
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    how does the novel end?
  17. briannacommoname

    briannacommoname Active Member

    Dec 12, 2019
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    Where can i read the mtl ?
  18. Dragon_Reader

    Dragon_Reader Humans just don't taste as good as books \( ̄ハ ̄)

    Jan 12, 2018
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    You can check out MTL website. I think (when I read this novel) it was either incomplete or incorrect. But confirm first coz it's a no-porn-ad/ no sus pop-ups site. Otherwise, u will have to search the CN title and then use Google auto-translate to read in any website that pops up in the search
  19. briannacommoname

    briannacommoname Active Member

    Dec 12, 2019
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    Ooof thank you. I will search the CN title cause i couldn't find mtl with english title.
    Dragon_Reader and GissellaRDBD like this.
  20. GissellaRDBD

    GissellaRDBD Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
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    Thank you spoiler.