Lcd and spoiler Merge Request

Discussion in 'Novel Updates Site Discussion' started by Aean, May 8, 2021.

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  1. Aean

    Aean Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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  2. Westeller

    Westeller Smokin' Sexy Style!! Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    I've moved this here because it's an unusual request and merits discussion.

    At the moment, I'm thinking no.

    LCD threads are made for the active discussion of a novel as chapters are translated. They're a space people can chat about the chapter they've presumably just read, toss around opinions, ideas, and so on. Spoiler threads, on the other hand, are made for the sharing and discussing of untranslated content. Of the raws. While these two threads can be extremely similar, and will be with the translator caught up to the raws, they remain subtly different.

    Going forward, there are still going to be people who read and want to talk about newly released chapters... before they're translated, just as there are going to be people who read and want to talk about them as they are. These two threads serve these similar, but different, purposes.

    There's also the possibility of the translator dropping the novel at any point in the future, which would separate these threads more thoroughly.


    I can see, however, how the old spoiler thread might resemble an old LCD thread with the translator caught up. It does make some sense to transition it to an LCD thread when there are no raw chapters left. In this case, there also was no LCD thread until today. There.. probably won't be much use of the newly created LCD thread going forward, if that's any indication of how likely people are to use it. So it does make some sense to direct people to the extensive spoiler thread if they're interested in past (and possibly current) discussion of the novel.

    I also see that you've preemptively asked people in the spoiler thread to use spoiler tags when they want to discuss the chapters before the translator gets to them, which is a way the two could work as a single thread. If unreliably, as people can rarely be counted on to consistently use spoiler tags.

    That said, I think it'd be more appropriate to simply link the spoiler thread in the opening post of the newly created LCD thread, with a warning that it might be slightly ahead at times.
    CadmarLegend, Ral and AliceShiki like this.
  3. Aean

    Aean Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    I see. Well thanks for the explanation.
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