Spoiler The Double agent

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Deleted member 262282, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. Sherlockisk

    Sherlockisk Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2020
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    Honestly, the ml is a psycho who is manipulating her into thinking that he is kind to her, when in reality he is the reason she is still stuck in this shitty situation. Classic Stockholm syndrome. I really hope she realises that what a horrible human he is and somehow leaves him ✌️
  2. nyxxx

    nyxxx Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2020
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    I can't deal with John anymore. He is too psychotic.
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  3. Cotten

    Cotten Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2020
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  4. mixordia

    mixordia Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2020
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    the world has always been rotten. I don’t ship them but I want to know what happen anyway... so if someone have spoilers please post, if not... okay too... :blobowoevil:
  5. Cotten

    Cotten Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2020
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    ikkk >~< i dropped this already but also tryna find out what happened next xD haha can't be helped
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  6. KimLumineee

    KimLumineee New Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    From what I've decipher so far is...Sorry I dont know how to use a spoiler tag

    (I'm also bad at Korean since I'm still learning but anyways)
    Bear with me as I summarize chapter 8 To 13

    —Fl had heard a strange sound coming from just outside her room, she grabbed a lamp thinking it was the silver haired guy but it wasnt but instead its a box. She opened the box after a few moments of inspecting and she found herself a new companion (if I'm not mistaken, her name is Belle)

    Anyways, the Ml's torture sadistic games. Sasha (the fl) and Belle had became close companions. The Ml was only calling Sasha to the dining room via the blue haired guy then one day Belle saw the blue haired guy dropped a key which she picked up and waited for Sasha to return so she can tell Sasha about a possible way out.

    The following day(I think), the blue haired guy had barged into their room (Yes Sasha and Belle shared the same room) frantically searching for something which I reckon was the key. The blue haired guy had first questioned Sasha about, very harshly to the point he was already beating her buuut then Sasha was called to the ml's dining room sooo the blue haired guy had redirected his anger to Belle. Sh1t happened in the dining room which angered the Ml and threw all the food on the ground.

    Sasha returned to her room without a food to give to Belle aaaand Belle had told her about the hidden trapdoor she found when she was secretly following the blue haired guy after beating her up. That night Sasha and Belle went to the location of the trapdoor but because it was on the ceiling they couldnt reach it, Sasha tried carrying Belle but still couldnt reach it sooo they used furnitures, it was Belle who climbed and opened the trapdoor, Belle opened the trapdoor using the key and pulled a roped ladder which Belle eagerly climbed.

    Sasha had told her to wait and climbed after her to where they thought would be a step away from freedom buuuuuuuut it was a trap set by the blue haired guy. After a few words, Sasha and Belle were thrown into the court yard and both t'was handed a loaded gun. They were basically being ordered to duel each other and the one who survived gets to lived.

    Now, Sasha couldnt bring herself to shoot her close companion, the one who she spent her miserable time in the room buuut it was a different story for Belle who wanted to live on, Ml appears and Sasha tried talking to him which ya all should guessed right now that he ignored and responded with a very cold remark.

    Long story short, Ml refused to help so Belle had shot Sasha and mind you, Belle wasnt a trained shooter and she peed herself before shooting, anyways Belle missed and only hit Sasha in the shoulder and after thaaat Sasha stared at Belle as she was shot dead by the blue haired guy.

    Onto chapter 13 where it's the ml's pov, he questioned the one who Sasha was supposed to be spying on theen after that the blue haired guy had a minny flashback when the ml had jumped on the bridge, into the water and climbing on the bank. In the flashback it showed how daring and crazy the ml was and he dedicated himself to follow him.

    • • •

    Yosh! This the only parts I could decipher so faaar. Again, I'm not fluent in Korean so I may have mistakes in interpreting some scenes.
  7. Sourwer.XDD

    Sourwer.XDD Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2019
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    Is ML some kind of immortal?? There is scene where he's on rooftop with gun pointed on his head. Like he does some dangerous shit without thinking.
  8. NinaC

    NinaC New Member

    Jan 10, 2021
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    Thank you all for the summaries, I really want to read the novel but I dont know korean u_u. The ML is so fucked up but I trust that he'll change at some point
  9. taytay2787

    taytay2787 New Member

    Jan 17, 2021
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    Can someone tell me where i can read this in english im on chapter 7 rn on a website but it hasnt updated since dec 28th 2020
  10. Feiya

    Feiya Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2020
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    I read bout the story somewhere before...

    So along the story, sasha will get the toy, belle where she became attached and later on belle will die (john the phsyco killed her) so sasha became mentally unstable. The john said sth like this is the reality of the world, so she need to thoughen up (sasha was instable, but she still tried to kill john) J said she was too weak then said he will teach her to kill him... crazy guy. Still, sasha started to try killing chicken in the barn (pretty cute hahaha) and John was ammused.

    Then sasha had a makeover where her ori hair colour was revealed, and (I think) this is when she fell for him. Sasha asked why John did all that, he said to make her stronger, to kill him (yada2 those stuff)

    This is weird, but sasha said she was tired, so he told her he will give her a gift, the he kissed her; only to dress her for like the bobon guy (the guy john works for, like the boss wtv).

    Ok, here’s the thing, why on earth people read ppl still read manga/manhwa w trashy character? Maybe cause the plot. They taunt people, and we are attracted to those imperfectionss, my opinion. Anyways...

    John will die at the end (fake dead) and sasha will be sad but then move on... few yrs passed, and the situation became better, john alive came to meet sasha and brought her to her real bro. John is the double agent cause he ‘pretend’ to work for the enemy but actually is working w sasha’s country.
  11. mavi

    mavi Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2019
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    this is a really a plot twist
    anyway i wish she at least grow stronger from this
    her killing him sound like a day dream now
  12. tsukkiiss

    tsukkiiss Active Member

    Feb 23, 2021
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    Is she really going to fall in love with that shitty male lead? That’s disappointing. This is not my kind of trope
  13. Juhee95

    Juhee95 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2020
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  14. avrilblondd

    avrilblondd Active Member

    Apr 14, 2021
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    Lo leí en español y son más avanzados o eso creo (capítulo 34), así que agrego algunos datos importantes, no sé usar la etiqueta de spoiler, lo siento si esto sale mal. (cap 20-34) John arregla un compromiso para Sasha con un tal Bovan (no recuerdo si tenía algún estatus o lo que sea). John le da a Sasha una daga y trata de matarlo ya que ella lo considera su enemigo. ella logra lastimarlo pero él le advierte que es capaz de no lastimar a su enemigo y matarlo por completo. En el capítulo 22 hay una fiesta, a la que todos asisten, es evidente que Dorothy siente algo por John, así que cuando ve que Sasha habla amablemente con John, y hasta él le da un vino, intenta rebajar a Sasha diciéndole que "Escucho "que Sasha se quita la ropa cuando está borracha, etc., a todo esto. John defiende a Sasha diciendo que Dorothy tiene el mismo nombre que su yegua Dolsey. Estoy tratando de hacer esto lo más sucinto posible. durante las próximas horas, John le habla de su compromiso y de que está considerando acostarse con su prometido. luego Sasha va a ver a Dolsey, y la persona que hace dieta (solo nombrándolo la odio) va a buscarla y la trata muy mal. oh el próximo capítulo es bueno, dorothy (el perro no se cansa) va al dormitorio de sasha para acosarla y ella se defiende con la daga que le dio john y le advierte que no quiere volver a verla. Capítulo 30, John va a ver a Sasha en su habitación, y ella le pide el favor de aplicarle la medicina en la espalda, él dice que sí. Él le pregunta si puede quitarle el vestido ya que necesita revisar el diseño para el día de su boda, le toca el cuerpo y le pregunta si le duele, ella estuvo soportando el dolor todo este tiempo por lo que se derrumbó en lágrimas frente a él. John le devuelve su daga y la empuja hacia la cama, se sube encima de ella pidiéndole que la use en ese momento (por peligro), Sasha no puede alcanzar la daga por lo que intenta encontrar otro método para alejarlo de ella. , luego lo besa. Después de esto, Sasha va a su habitación para verlo, para preguntarle que no necesita una escolta (ni una persona que hace dieta ni Dorothy) para ir a la iglesia, por lo que John se ofrece a acompañarla. Ambos se sienten extraños por sus sentimientos, John aún más. Al día siguiente cuando va a buscar a Sasha para que la acompañe, ella todavía no se había cambiado, cuando le estaba poniendo las medias en las piernas desnudas, John, cuando los vio, se sent exaltado (?) Y salió de la habitación. Creo que luego de esto, antes de entrar a la catedral, John ignora a Sasha cuando ella estaba hablando, entonces ella le reprocha y él la trata mal (obviamente quiere convencerse de que no siente nada, pero no es) a lo que ella. se siente triste por haber creído que era diferente, y sigue el camino solo. Ella le pregunta al padre qué tipo de persona es John, a lo que el padre le dice que no lo sabe con claridad, le revela hechos algunos pasados y ahí termina.
  15. Juhee95

    Juhee95 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2020
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    Thank you, kind soul:aww:
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  16. xcxndyxcanex

    xcxndyxcanex Member

    Dec 20, 2020
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  17. manga84

    manga84 Member

    Feb 3, 2021
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  18. Midsummer_dreamss

    Midsummer_dreamss Member

    Aug 28, 2021
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    Major spoiler
    So i read the latest chapter (korean raws ch 49) and korean spoilers .. here is a summary of whats happening so far.

    This is probably a long webtoon, its set during war times with political struggle and spies. There is barely any fluff. You need to carefully read and try to understand every character.

    The double agent is John our ML nkt the FL = major plot twist.
    Hes the perfect spy because he doesn't seem to have any emotions (do to his background/upbringing, the webtoon hasn't got there yet). We are still at the beginning .. not even at the juicy part.

    John cares for sasha but doesn't coddle her. In other words, he gifts her a sword and teaches her how to use it. Hes one of those teachers that gives you a sword and throws you into a lions den ha... but it makes sense.. currently in their world, if you can't survive on your own, your dead. John can only help her so much without compromising himself. His subordinates notice his different actions with sasha and question him behind his back.. In order for sasha to survive she needs to be not only physically strong but mentally strong. So thats where all his sick lessons begin. The little girl was proof that she shouldn't trust and how fragile it is..

    John gives her a motive to survive this cruel world and her current situation by using himself as her motive. He teachers her how to fight and kill. "I'll teach you how to kill me"

    Although this novel is twisted, its precicly the reason why it highly rated. The characters and plot is well fleshed out ...

    Now continuing, john tries to get sasha to marry the fat dude. Yes there are ulterior motives, but it also gives her safety. He obviously favors sasha without realizing himself. And yes the fat guy and sasha are currently together.

    Dorothy who love john gets preggos by the a55hole Dietrich (or we his name is) and dies* while trying to abort it. [Edit: okay she goes limp but maybe they save her at the end. The scene ends with sasha asking the fat guy to get help... so she may be alive*]

    Dietrich is obsessed with torturing our FL for no reason. I hate him. But i think he blames her for changing his role model John. He shoots and kills our beautiful horse dorothy so that FL can't escape .. they end up fighting and hopfully she succeeds in killing him, but i won't know till the next episode. It cut off with her attacking back.

    Currently our FL feels sometype of attraction but the story isn't rushed. She can't help but think of john ..

    But have faith because this is suppose to have a happy ending♡ currently both ML and FL are attracted to each other without realizing.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
  19. jsemere

    jsemere Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2021
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    Oh wow thanks ! So is Dietrich the father of the baby of that blonde lady officer any idea?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
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  20. Midsummer_dreamss

    Midsummer_dreamss Member

    Aug 28, 2021
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    yes! Dietrich is the father of dorthys baby. :notworthy:

    Now more spoilers: Dorthy dies from the blotched abortion :(. Sasha kills dietrich using the skills john taught her = stabbing him in the neck. Shes in denial and kinda losing her mind from the trauma in the woods. She tries to justify killing dietrich. John find her in the woods and he hugs her. He tells her to snap out of it and yells that nows not the time to lose her mind. He places her on top of his horse and while bringing her out of the woods he sees his beloved white horse in pain on the ground. Sasha starts to apologize but Dietrich just tells her to stay where she is. He goes over to his horse and says farewell while giving his horse a kiss. He then shoots his horse to end its suffering. (Dietrich shot the horse multiple times, that monster!)

    From this event sasha realizes that john is not evil. That john says cruel things whenever he's bewildered or lost. To him, death = release, true freedom. John wishes to be free from his life. Sasha is waiting for him in his room. John comes in and realizes she must've used the secret passage way.
    He tells her to leave. Sasha instead starts to apologize for the death of the priest, the stable man, dorothy, Dietrch. But john stops her and tells her he already got the report. When she tries to apologize again, john throwns his glass of whiskey, And tells her to stop. Sasha who wouldve have listened in the past, now knows that john isn't yelling because he's mad, so she yells back. "Your the only person that i can talk to!" "Your the only person who can forgive me!"

    Sasha pretty much asks john to sleep with her. "Save me" her pov: if you can save me. I want to be your savior. John tells her, he can't. He can't be who she wants him to be.

    Sasha opens up her robe (shes nakie~) and moves closer to john. She says that, john can save her. That she wants to be with him tonight, and tomorrow she'll complete her mission and marry bourbon. (In her pov, shes has feelings for john. She realizes he could die tomorrow, that tomorrow may change their relationship, that if she weren't able to see john in the future, she would regret this moment. Its like she finally understand the Hell of a situation there in. How she's really part of a war. Finally our FL realizes the reality of surviving and the toll it takes on ppl aka john.)

    John stops her and tells her: stop acting cheap, i won't sleep with you.
    Sasha in return takes off her robe completely and walks towards him. He explains to her how he never held a woman before. How he doesn't know how to be gentle. Sasha says thats a lie.

    She questions why he came rushing to find her in the woods, and why he hugged her.
    John is questioning himself as well. Johns POV: Ever since he entered the military he became devoid of emotions, and yet, why did his heart race when he heard of the priest and stablemans death? Why did he feel panic when he found out Dietrch escaped from his holding and that dorothy the horse was not in her stable? In the fast dark woods how was he able to find sasha? Why was she the only thing he could see.

    He looks at Sasha, who to him was bright and full of life.

    Sasha places her hand at his cheek. John wraps his arm around her waist and brings her closer.
    Andddd pretty much they have sexy time.

    Thats how ch 51 and 67 (novel) end. ;)

    I know its rushed.. sorry. :oops:
    After my exams, when i have thanksgiving break, i plan on reading all the chapers (most importantly the epilogues!!).
    If by then there are no spoilers here, I'll try to translate the chapters or give a quick summary :X3:

    If anyone has questions, feel free to ask, i can always read whats happening in the webtoon
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021