Spoiler Latest Chapter Discussion Thread for Death Mage Raws

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by FussyBadger, Nov 25, 2017.

  1. Mesaphrom

    Mesaphrom Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2017
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    I think it was from of one Densuke's comments, or maybe one of the end of volume characters summary.
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  2. RichardNova

    RichardNova Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Just how new worlds may be born out of nowhere so may some gods. Nothing was said about before the lambda's black and white gods were fighting each other. We can infer that new worlds (another dimension with its own phisical laws) may appear out of nothing and primordial 'gods' would appear likewise.

    I remember densuke saying Rod was born much longer before lambda, our earth, zakkart's earth and many other worlds... That's all there is to it.

    There are as many worlds as there are stars at sky and other gods who control their own world's circle of transmigration souls or gods similar to rodcorte who aren't bound to a single world and only manages reincarnation of multiples worlds without doing anything extra do exist

    Rokudo did some experiments about their powers, but the only ilegal, anti ethic stuff he did about it was testing how far their good fortune would go.

    If there is, like, 0.1% survival chance but not 0 then they survive. Any situation with 0% survival chance will result death (perseus and skanda).

    Brave's good fortune cancel each other regardless of how many there are in one side, reason why they can kill each other and get killed by others (8th guidance killing some bravers and that sensei's companions was a result of this).

    Lastly, before she was a brave she indead was kidnaped and there was some goverment or criminal organizations watching her.

    After she joined bravers, although a bit of fault falls upon her for not telling the true about her power being messing with memories instead of atraction, she had a hell lot of mental strain once they began fighting against terrorists or interrogation of some pretty bad criminals.

    No, that's was just fate's mischief. There are trilions of souls at rod system and Van's was within his 100's picks by coincidence. It's like winning a lottery with a 1 and one billion chance, but there can always be someone who may win.

    Forgot both of gods were under slumber? Also when Rod realized Van was the 4 champions souls at trial of zakkart arc he himself says that when would NEVER have sent Van's soul to lambda if he knew it, why did he send then?

    Because he didn't bother to check at his system in detail about the 100 chosen souls, the probability of something happening was virtualistically zero AND when he gives his blessing he can see the target soul in detail, but because he didn't even touch Van's soul due to his mistake he couldn't realize he was zakkarts reincarnation.

    There was 50% chance of Van being called first. But as previously said, Rod would realize that he was the 4 champions soul and he wouldn't incarnate him even if it cause a bit of error at his system (he just would need to move his ass and work to fix the system a bit manually)

    So... Ironically, van not being called first and get missed actually saved him and the story could be made.

    If Bellwood had the "enlightment" everything he does would just go wrong, Heinz's epifany was that he must do all he can to fix his mistakes but always being a lickass of Alda's forces

    He was going to do such agreement, but he overestimated guduranis and underestimated Van.

    Like how the gods's fear blinded them to invite guduranis's evil gods to betray the DK or that once the plan worked out Zakkart would be OBVIOUSLY targeted by DK himself and guduranis move of spliting his army in 2 but not going after the creation champions himself was REALLY suspicious... All the fear they felt was narrowing their minds and cloulding they judgement, Heinz not thinking too deep about Van eating(destroying) Gudu's soul was the same mistake based on fear.
    hillo315 likes this.
  3. Wannabe-shutin

    Wannabe-shutin Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
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    New chapter has just been posted.
    More chapters should follow later this month
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  4. Eddy andres

    Eddy andres Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2019
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    I can only say, what have they done to my poor sinful chains? damned alda, even after death you prove to be a hypocrite who tortured the poor boy.

    well, it seems that there will not be so much post-war cleaning, and it is written in the coming centuries how the new great god gave freedom of government to the oppressed nations (omitting the part in which he does it because it makes him lazy and disgusted ).

    It is sad that you have more attachment to a house, a garden and your enemies who captured you, than to your own blood of your blood, that says a lot about how lonely you are in life.
    hillo315, proton51097 and Korleone like this.
  5. RichardNova

    RichardNova Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Finally post war chapters ^^

    I imagined that they would leave Amid holy kingdom mostly aside except about providing support for botin, peria, zuru and rick's ffaithfull believers, but i thought such gradual political&faith change would be equally gradual in all Amid States.

    Well, it does make more sense favour Kalahad (strong peria faith) and that other state with strong Botin faith, focusing on their native believers to rebuild themselves while listening To Peria and Botin temples allied with Vida - also acquiring and enjoying their blessings as rewards - and have them later become a bridge between the remaining countries.

    I didn't expect Van actually got the 15 Swords's souls and going to use them as undead afterwards o.o. I thought those souls got destroyed or ascended to after life on the spot.

    Jarods, Evil god of chinfull chains really is still able to speak while buried in the wall by countless stakes?! I know it was once said he had a high deal of mental power, but that's a hell lot of mental power O.O

    He speaking all polity and trying to welcome the great gods who have appeared in his "home" whist in such bad shape sealed kinda moved me.

    Can't wait to see That stupid duke in Orbaum election kingdoom reaction and people trying to stone the 2 surviving CB, blaming them for their families who got killed at war and all the consequences.

    Hope Selen is fine, that she doesn't annoy Van and convice jennifer and that elf priest to stop waging war and live with her - push come to shoves Van can just undead them later and order both to take care of the damphiyr girl.
  6. proton51097

    proton51097 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    van:your people your problem!
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  7. Wannabe-shutin

    Wannabe-shutin Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
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    When an Eldritch horror creature resembling his former boss crawled into his cell...
    Sounds like some genuine nightmare, ngl.
    hillo315, proton51097 and Eddy andres like this.
  8. proton51097

    proton51097 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    gotta wonder if Densuke sensei is secretly trolling us at this stage....
    also did we ever get any explanation for what spirits are ?,not dead spirits the sprits for spirit magic.
    hillo315 likes this.
  9. Nakakure

    Nakakure Zadiris Empress Faction. NNN member Nr.1.

    Jul 10, 2016
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    Eh aren't dark elf from Thunder party have spirit, their hair style is same as their master. Also soul that not turn into ghost yet, remember first arc when they think Van is spiritualist and he ask help from his mother spirit but the vampire denies it since Darcia is kind of weak at that times.
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  10. proton51097

    proton51097 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    I thnk the spiritualist they are referring to is some1 who can interact with dead spirits I'm talking bout spirit magic users.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
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  11. Nakakure

    Nakakure Zadiris Empress Faction. NNN member Nr.1.

    Jul 10, 2016
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    It mention they can borrow spirit power so maybe it like a weak version spirit magic user
    hillo315 likes this.
  12. proton51097

    proton51097 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    Does anyone have any news on the Light Novel or are there any light novel readers who know what's the difference between the LN and the WN?
    hillo315 likes this.
  13. proton51097

    proton51097 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    i find it amusing how borkus is the strongest conventional undead but when you picture undead u picture swarms of undead attacking you yet borkus is just a one man army.

    on the other there is knochen who is the strongest unconventional undead who acts more like how you would expect undead to act swarming there enemies.
    hillo315 and Eddy andres like this.
  14. Eddy andres

    Eddy andres Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2019
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    I'm sorry for the delay, there are some small differences, some more details in the light and Zandia's hand is to turn into an undead. otherwise, the characters and the order of events are almost the same only with a change in some background.
    both are different versions of a one man army, they go technically speaking also falls into this category
    hillo315 and proton51097 like this.
  15. Wannabe-shutin

    Wannabe-shutin Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2016
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    New chapter just came out.

    Looks like Jarodips is going to join the Vida faction now. I’m happy for him! :blobparty:
    As an official god, he’s also gonna need some statues, so Van will have to ask Nuada to build them. Which, to Van’s lament, means that the construction of statues of The Great God, Emperor and Demon King Vandalieu Ark Hillwillow Solder Zakkart will be postponed… sniff

    Also, some more karma for Alda! :blobowoevil_horns:
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2021
  16. Truciderete

    Truciderete Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2016
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    Thanks for letting me know.
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  17. w1ck3d

    w1ck3d Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2019
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    It looks like 50,000 years of isolation has turned Jerodips into a full-blown hikikomori; the guy has grown so attached to his 'home', that he wants to have it relocated and await til his own follower appears before issuing a formal doctrine. Fortunately for Jerodips, Van has already promised to have statues constructed, so Jerodips has decades, centuries and even millennia to observe the changing world, before finally leaving his 'home'.
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  18. Eddy andres

    Eddy andres Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2019
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    now I imagine the new alda crying in a fetal position, I feel sorry as well as satisfaction for it.

    pity for japis, possibly the evil god with the most fair and reasonable doctrine of all, now he is an evil lord misinterpreted by thousands. although now you will have time to create a new image and gain some true followers.
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  19. proton51097

    proton51097 Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2020
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    make jarodips the supreme justice for vidal empire ....all those who keep trying to steal van's blood will know the cringe van feels after reading the reports of their actions.
    hillo315 and Eddy andres like this.
  20. hidefreek

    hidefreek Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2019
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    Jarod guy is like the teaching of Christian.
    Everyone has Sin.
    He indeed a reflection of the mind of living being.
    hillo315 and proton51097 like this.