Novel Take Up the Cross (R18)

Discussion in 'Community Fictions' started by nonothing, May 20, 2021.

  1. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Chapter 20: Strange Beginnings

    Adris takes in the situation as best he can, for the details grow ever stranger.

    “Ahaha~! Then Silver says, ‘surely you can believe in me’ or something, turns the corner, and we all drop down from the ceiling! Then while we’re attacking, he says ‘fiends are upon us, we’re in danger!’ while the big puppies run right past! All he does is pose dramatically!”

    A voice ahead cheerfully recounts a strange story to another creature present.

    “That sounds like Lord Silver, yeaaah~. For anyone to trust him, kinda doesn’t make sense~. Guess it’s just that derring-do he has that makes you see a hero~?”

    The dreamy, female voice is quieter than the screaming imp, but is also far more alluring.

    (Thanks for the story.)

    Forced to listen to the energetic idiot ahead, little conversation has transpired between his own group since leaving the overlook.

    What Adris has witnessed still fuels his growing discontent. Ave initially reassured him of his safety and offered small questions, but that ended with the midget’s rude, yet also distressed, words.

    Be silent in this presence of the unseen that stalks us, newt, lest given to it in Recompense you may be.”

    Though Adris didn’t feel it more than an idle threat, the promise deeply hurt his elvish captor, a bitter face on her afterwards.

    (This “presence” stalking us can only be one thing, and it apparently is perceivable by you… This same technique or sense you use to navigate the halls, the Castillo’s sentience is picked up by this, isn’t it?)

    Rather than facing threats in the halls, the delver party’s secret weapon has been displayed for Adris. At every intersection and branching choice, the frail girl in blue stands seemingly idle for some minutes, before directing the cloaked one…

    (Shall we say “Puddle”, since that seems to be the bruiser’s insistent name for her?)

    … down a path after some quiet discussion that Adris is ever excluded from. This Puddle creeps ahead, blending in with her environment so perfectly that not even Adris can see or follow her after a point.

    Between her scouting reports and the midget’s preternatural senses, Adris presumes all traps and encounters have simply been avoided. Kol’s consternation at being denied a challenge has led to her solution for the threat ahead being -

    Put axe into them.”

    Even though it should be easy, the party seems reluctant to risk combat with Adris present.

    (At the midget’s insistence, even though she…)

    By nature one be suspicious and threatening, though admittedly not by presence. With neither internal strength nor outward weapon, how would one be deemed competent enough to be a true problem, and yet…

    (… considers me completely inept, I’m also dangerous? Is that not contradictory?)

    This silent traversal of the dangerous Castillo, combined with the absolute avoidance of the party in acknowledging him, has led to this strange encounter’s deadlock.

    While Puddle and the overdressed girl silently discuss the unavoidable roadblock ahead, always keeping Adris in view, Kol stands between the party and the threat.

    Of Ave, there is only shivering.

    Adris is quiet as the shaking girl hugs his back, her long tail always creeping slowly forward to wrap further around his legs. Deathly hushed in the presence of the creatures ahead, she’s clung to him while attempting not to cry.

    Her floral, forest scent and body warmth is distracting him terribly, this “owner” of his who comes to him for comfort.

    Be silent, for imp and dream faun lie ahead. In no danger one be, but for now a course of action must be decided.”

    The girl’s shaking can only relate to the monsters spoken of. Having never met a “dream faun,” he recalls that they fought imps and ran.

    (I see. Male imps are not something you can deal with?)

    For the girl that carries a finely crafted whip and seems magically inclined, her uselessness is a stain on the party’s utility.

    (If the midget is a mystic, this Puddle is an outfighter, and Kol is a frontliner, then you with a whip would be support? Whips are quite powerful weapons on Xin. This sort of balanced team should easily be victorious in an ambush.)

    An aura alloy-tipped whip in the hands of an expert, one wielding it to its fullest potential, is a weapon capable of such subtle manipulations and reach that Adris could never hope to overcome.

    (Yet, they hesitate to attack when overwhelming odds should be in their favor. Even I could take the imp. The dream faun doesn’t sound vicious.)

    Though the paranoia of the party does have easy grounds, as the blazing focus of the Castillo grows ever stronger.

    While initially passive during their march, the lack of danger and excitement has led to it becoming…

    (Disenchanted? It wants to observe us. It put me together with these four intentionally, because it desires to see the outcome.)

    Detecting magic, like detecting aura, must utilize similar senses. The keen magical senses of the airy one must well register the threat. None of the others seem as overwhelmed as she is.

    (From her I sense… a strange sort of “aura”. It’s hard to define it here, unlike on Xin. All four of these girls definitely have presence. Not as strong as Lycia’s or the rabbit sage’s, but still… I don’t think any of them are weak.)

    Kol’s “presence” holds definite anger…

    “Just smash. One, two, done.”

    When told to stand down by the midget, the armored warrior agreed, but Adris can feel her annoyance building at a close enemy withheld from her. Even now, she mutters while stewing in her hunger for carnage.

    (They make decisions as a group. If at least two out of four back me, then I can win over the other two after establishing certain conditions suitable me.)

    No group is a true democracy, and the dynamics of this group are terribly fractious between members. Groups do not risk existential confrontation easily, no matter the danger perceived by one member.

    (I have a feeling I can goad Ave into aiding me, while Kol has an adversarial relationship with Ms. Puddle that I can triangulate. If I can temporarily set them against each other by proving my power…)

    Even if they’re adversarial, they’ve worked together well.

    (So far.)

    Only the addition of Adris drawing the mansion’s gaze has upset the flow of events beyond the capacity for the midget to fix.

    (Their safe haven won’t be safe when they reach it. Unless the Castillo is satisfied, they will never be left alone… So, let us satisfy it.)

    Adris makes a decision, bold as it might be.

    (I need this Kol.)

    Patting Ave on the shoulder, she jumps at the touch, her teary face whipping up to stare into his.

    “Remain here, I’ll return.”

    Holding on more firmly to his clothes, she rapidly shakes her head.

    “Nooo, bad! Dangerous…!” Teeth chattering, the green-haired girl’s trauma leaves her unable to form whole sentences.

    (I don’t have time to console her… What did Cethran say?)

    Elves? Aren’t they brash and self-confident? An arrogant race, wouldn’t their dismissal of the qualities of others border on ingrained narcissism?

    (Quite unlike this fragile thing.)

    Lifting her face with his hand gently to her chin, she obeys his hand with surprised eyes. Smiling while dialing up his poise, Adris lets a honeyed tongue do what reason can’t.

    “The elves I’ve heard about from the fools within this Castillo sound much braver than you lead me to believe; but, I can see within you a strong spirit submerged by doubts, Avenalliah.”

    Her mouth squirms as if she’s bitten into a hot pepper, turning her head away to escape his eyes; yet, she also stops shaking.

    “No, no, no, you can’t expect me to hear something like that and just be okaaaay… buttt… I am an elf and I can’t rely on a guy I just met, so get it together Ave!” She holds her cheeks with her hands, letting go of Adris as she psyches herself up.

    Talking to herself openly in front of Adris, he worries that she might trust him a bit too much. She produces a strained smile while sweating as Adris moves off, pulling her body closer to the wall to hide.

    Walking up behind the metal beast unobtrusively, Adris doesn’t have to get her attention. Her pink eyes are already turned to study him.

    (And the other two?)

    From the corner of his eyes, he sees Puddle’s awareness of him unchanged, but she doesn’t intervene.

    “Are you four not stronger than these foes? Why wait? What does a dream faun do that an imp cannot?”

    Adris has neither felt, nor heard, any other threat. Neither traps nor hidden enemies seem likely in an intersection as small as the one ahead.

    (Almost as if they’re sacrificial lambs.)

    “Hah!? Think Kol want wait? Moon say wait… wait.” Irritation creeps out of the helmet as she stares hard at him. “Goat? Goat, worse imp, make person lose mind.”

    (How fortuitous! Mental attacks mean very little to me.)

    “No, waiting would be a terrible idea.”

    (The mansion is cruel, but it answers to and rewards desires. For me, the mansion presented a challenge to gauge me as an unknown. My clever ploy unfortunately earned its furthered attention… But I can’t afford that to be a fluke.)

    Not omniscient, the mansion’s interest, its pleasure, will fade into anger…

    As Kol stiffens at Adris’ words, perhaps readying to challenge his authority to speak…

    “Waiting doesn’t bring victory.” Placid as he stares at her, Adris offers his wisdom.

    “Like you said at the overlook: fight, solve everything.”

    Untensing at these words, the warrior chews on them for a time.

    “Uhn, ‘well said’. Fine, want fight, Kol agree! How fight?” Her voice loses its edge, becoming welcoming as she cocks her head.

    Adris easily removes the rope tying him while hiding it from Puddle, a simple task even with only one hand and a cross stuck to his other. The knot was pathetic, for Ave’s kindness towards his wrists had left it horribly loose.

    Kol tilts her head the other way while watching his fast escape.

    “Can the faun affect you?”

    Kol shakes her metal helm curtly. “Kol will, strong.”

    Unsure of how to respond, Adris decides to trust her self-assessment, lest he unwittingly insult her.

    “Then, with two people who can fight them without succumbing to their powers…”

    Adris shows her his wrapped cross.

    “Lay them out with one rush.”

    Kol hefts her axe, a great exuberance coming to her.

    “Very smart! Like idea!”

    “Then, on three-” Adris starts to count…

    But, Kol is already running along the wall and toward the door.


    Adris snaps off the floor, casting aside the rope and running flat out to catch up to her.

    Blood and steel!”

    Adris feels the heaviness of combat wash over him, the discordant voices jumping out with startling abruptness.

    As the clanking Kol exits the door…


    Clearing it at the same time, Adris sees an imp boy turning, his arms high while holding a necklace he’s inspecting using the blue light of a wall sconce.

    Bearing down on him is a hunk of metal and anger, a sharp axe swinging.


    Kol drives her axe straight down, looking to split the creature.


    The imp barely avoids the blow by cringing and throwing himself on one foot to the side, the floor being smashed by the incredible strike instead. Blown aside by the impact, he lands on the floor, beginning to scoot away in terror.

    With him engaged, Adris turns his attention to the girl leaning against the wall. Wearing a short, fluffy red dress with a criss-cross top, the girl with an upturned tail and legs ending in goat’s hooves is stuck drinking from a horn flask.

    Curly blond hair covers short goat horns and frozen eyes, with the flask beginning to spill a reddish alcohol onto her curvy, supple body.

    Awakening from her self-imposed daze, she moves a hand to point at Kol, words coming to her lips.

    Will-taking song, flavorful breath, unleash a heart from its chains with-!”

    Rushing at her, Adris somehow avoids her notice until the last moment, but she immediately targets him with fear in her eyes when she does.

    R-r-r-raucous promise! [Joyful Heart]!”

    The stammering girl’s hand effuses an expanding phantasmal, purple smoke that is blown forward in a coruscating wave. As it consumes the charging Adris, he holds his breath.

    Feeling it cling to his skin, a sighing sound teases along it as the smell of cloying wine fills his nose.

    But, aside from an increase in lust…

    (Your charms don’t work, girl!)

    Emerging from the purple haze, Adris looks to Kol, noting that her attack leaves her back turned to him.


    Adris’ bound cross goes low, turning into an upward strike aimed at the faun’s face. With the girl’s hands high and wide to weave her magic, she blinks once before the cross drives into her unprotected chin, lifting her off the ground with a crashing sound of breaking glass and peeling thunder.

    She flips, landing unconscious on her face, her cute, peach butt sticking up as she collapses into a pile, her dress falling up her body to reveal no panties.

    “EH!? Lisit!”

    Showing compassion for his fallen comrade, the imp’s eyes grow furious, before blinking wide as they change focus.


    Kol heaves her axe back into a striking position, with her inhuman strength translating to raw quickness, before plunging it straight at him with zero technique. An apprentice butcher’s chop would be more skillful than her swing.

    A strangled cry coincides with an explosion of golden particles, the imp hit so hard in the stomach by the axe that his body folds up briefly where he lays, the ground underneath cracking slightly.

    (But he’s still in one piece.)

    Though a great, golden gash is left in the imp, he doesn’t appear to die, only go unconscious with his eyes rolling back into his head.

    Both creatures are laid out with a single attack landed, each.

    Puddle bolts into the intersection with sword drawn, a horrible tension to her that vanishes with a quick inspection. As she leaves her sword pointed at Adris instead of the enemy, tapping feet are heard from the door.

    With her sparking rod drawn, the one called “Moon” enters too, her expression sour as she takes in the sight.

    “What course of action be forced, knowing not what stalks us?”

    Rebuking him, the girl’s focus is also on how Adris accomplished his work.

    (Call me powerless, again.)

    “‘Knowing not’, do I?” Chuckling darkly at the assertion, Adris moves onto his next task.

    (I’m going to disabuse you of the notion that you understand me.)

    “If you’re referring to the lingering presence of danger, then know that you can’t hide from it anywhere in the Castillo. Of my knowledge concerning it, that is assured.”

    Though Adris feels that the Godless Chapel might be one such place, out here in its domain, nobody is ever safe.

    Moon’s aggression to him doesn’t lapse, but Puddle’s does.

    “… Claim knowledge of its nature, one does? Unrelated to it, claim now will one?”

    The accusation flows easily, the girl agitated at his actions which don’t follow from her own conclusions about him.

    “Hazardous one would be, if power one possessed…? Hazardous now one demonstrates as being by refusing directions.”

    (Make up your mind: do I have power or not? You’re trying to protect me but also corral me.)

    “Definitely not unrelated, but also not aligned with. Far from hazardous to you, my company should prove beneficial in the future.”

    (Enigmatic, always enigmatic. I will never give you what you truly want. And you will wonder, won’t you?)

    Adris can play this game forever.

    A step ahead of them, always with sage words anew, Cethran has been a wonderful tutor for this role. Adris wonders now why he never considered joining one of the mystic sects of Xin.

    “Good work, nice!”

    A hand strikes him on the back, the impact so heavy that Adris feels his breath rush out. His once broken ribs are still inflamed, with Kol’s help making them feel worse.

    (How can something so small hit that hard?!)

    Though Adris has noticed that physicality doesn’t translate directly to one’s strength on Zennia, Kol still amazes him.

    As she stands next to him without regarding Adris as an enemy, Kol speaks fondly of him to Moon.

    “‘Strong human’, right? Kol, know strong! Great fight will be, when smash him!”

    Cackling a bit, her friendliness mixes with absolute danger.

    (Why does liking me more increase your desire to hurt me!?)

    Adris cannot follow the logic of this girl, yet.

    “What wisdom claim one, to make decisions for our group, even assuming one grasps the nature of a hidden stalker?” The blue-dressed girl is somewhat animated, her questions fair and direct.

    “Recompense provided by one would be rendered, should an errant guess prove unfortuitous?”

    (At least you consider the repercussions.)

    “Ah, but good plan? Work out, Moon. Win big, easy.” Kol speaks up in support, a cheery sound to her voice.

    Adris appreciates the backup, as he has no solid answers for her. His interpretation of the Castillo’s nature is only a supposition based on exposure to it, and he cannot explain his aura senses which allow him a peek behind its facade.

    “As one who has navigated the eternal fog of a broken world and avoided its mad scholars, I say that I understand a bit of the perverseness that motivates the inhabitants of this mansion...”

    (Why let concrete details fail to do what empty words can better accomplish?)

    “I have seen the source of waters of this place, the great, undying leviathan that they’ve trapped above. Lounged in the luxurious, hidden pools they secreted away.”

    (All true, from my perspective.)

    “Approached the summit of the Alchemaster’s decadence, only to turn away and descend on spiraling flesh.”

    Adris addresses them with as much mystique as he can summon, closely watching their bodies for signs of recognition; but, his read produces nothing. The cloaked girl is ambivalent, while the short one is attentive, but unimpressed.

    “I have been to the highest floors and back. I do not seek to…”

    Adris considers his position and hers.

    “… make demands of you, but if I feel the need to act, I simply will. As I traverse this mansion…”

    (Please hear this, almighty hell fortress.)

    “… I begin to appreciate its nature, such that given the opportunity, I wish to… struggle against it in a way which will definitely overturn the long-held expectations of this Alchemaster.”

    (Failing that, you will receive the spectacle of my grandest escape.)

    “If the Alchemaster’s life has been so long that she might not expect to witness a unique scenario within a hundred years, then I will smash that calculation and force her to accept the danger I represent now.

    I am a false god, and I intend to show her a future that not even she can predict, so long as I can achieve my own desire, first.”

    (I can’t let the mansion grind me down before I complete the investi-)

    His head hurts as he totters a bit, his free hand going to his temple.

    Dizziness washes over as he feels the heaviness of malignant air weighing him down. The sound of cracking comes to his ears.

    The blue-dressed girl’s head sags a bit at the same time, her eyes unfocused as the walls beat around the two of them.

    Even Kol and the cloaked girl feel something now, axe high and short sword menacing. They turn outward down the halls to confront an unseen threat.

    A strangled, sweet cry comes from the door they entered through, every person here constricted by the evil oppressing them.

    Expectation, doubt, revelry, and coldness seep into his bones.

    Before the feeling disappears completely.

    The sentience of the mansion…

    Completely vanishes from the area. Only a passive feeling remains, the omniscient eye secreted deep away in the darkness ahead.

    (That’s more than anyone should have to endure.)

    Adris keeps his composure by sheer willpower. Something wet is on his face.

    His hand goes up to his nose, touching liquid coming from his nostril. Bringing it tentatively before his eyes, red is what stains his finger.

    Adris is stunned by the mental impact damaging his very body. Peering beyond his fingers, he sees Moon staring up at him.

    “… What be you?” She asks a very rude question, her expression quite serious.

    Shaking his head, Adris gives a slight smile as he wipes away the rest of the blood on his sleeve. Both the midget and the cloaked girl focus on the red stain on his hand, the midget’s mouth opening, but not uttering a word.

    “As I said, I am a true false god from another world. Whether you believe it or not… changes nothing about me.”

    (By the end, I will make you believe…)


    An emerald flash stings Adris’ sight as a girl streaks quickly to cower beside the cloaked girl, who immediately leans away from the quivering Ave.

    “With proper prayers such an answer would be divined, possessed a gecko were of any brains.” Leaving a brief insult, Moon walks away.

    “Sh-shut up! Pellaeon just doesn’t have time for questions… Kuuuuu!” Ave waves a hand angrily, before looking sad at being ignored.

    As the snake girl stares daggers at the midget, Adris notices that while the cloaked girl’s mask has a neutral expression to its mouth, her gaze on him lingering…

    Until she turns away, searching their surroundings for danger.

    (What was that gaze? There was… deep intent there…)

    “Nothing upon them?”

    “Only small.” Kol presents a cheap necklace, found laying by the imp, before putting it in her pocket.

    “Promised spoils be the only reward, then.”

    Standing beside the imp, Moon speaks clearly.

    “Treasure, willed by a tool.”

    Like the rasselbock, the imp begins to glow a bit before ghostly golden sheeting envelops its body. When it becomes a mummy of gold leaf, the shell cracks and breaks away, the fragments being absorbed by the stone floor.

    In place of its body, only a small, gold coin remains.

    Even though Kol had slammed into it full power with her axe, only a decaying golden streak was left as a wound; but, when ordered by the midget…

    (How absurd. There’s no death, but demanding treasure sends it away? Or did it “die” for good?)

    With none of the girls fazed by the displayed, Kol reaches down to pick up the coin.

    This action prompts Puddle to lunge at her.

    “No! Kol defeat! Shitty Puddle, nowhere!”

    The larger cloaked girl jumps onto the smaller one’s back, hanging with feline-like aggression as she tries to grab onto Kol’s arm. The objections by Kol are growls, until she roars.


    Kol slams both of them into the wall, crushing Puddle. When Kol stumbles away, the cloaked girl is completely unharmed, still fishing in Kol’s hand for the hidden coin.

    While the two totter around while fighting, the midget approaches Adris.

    “Though method of victory unknown, and an unwelcome interloper as surely as could be defined, to one before this tool… spoils of victory be promised.”

    Confused by the statement, Adris is unsure of protocol… or even what she means.

    Noticing his silence, the girl offers helpful advice.

    “Upon one, the stink of its pseudo-Art lingers. Libido and desires aroused, should not one reject unnecessarily enduring these temptations? Will one not utilize one’s reward, suffering from an ailment as one does?”

    Without so much as a disagreeable look, Adris interprets her as suggesting that he…

    … rape the faun.

    (Isn’t that a bit… improper? No, that’s also a bit dark, even for me?)

    What Adris considers a usually detestable act, these girls as he scans their faces…

    (Ignoring Kol and Puddle…)

    Turning to the elf girl holding her hands, she blushes when he tries to gauge her thoughts.

    “I… I won’t watch!” She blurts out, before looking guilty and slithering off to confront Kol.

    “Just… just let go, Kol! We all work together~!”

    (Even you find this acceptable?)

    Returning to the midget, he finds her patiently waiting.

    “Possess unspoken needs all creature do, newts and honest girls included. Even supposing… words spoken be true, find not one among this assembly who will reproach… you.”

    Musing on her own words, the girl briefly stops while her violet eyes narrow, looking him over once more.

    “Adaptation be required… if one be from another world. Lest one succumb to danger at inopportune moments, instinctive revulsion must be thrown away. The Castillo’s effects shan’t lessen, even if form of available females be repulsive to one. Leaches into spirit, know by now this feeling?”

    While she treats his desires brusquely, like a mother explaining sex to a precocious son turning his lust toward her, she doesn’t seem disgusted.

    “Most importantly, know that our assembly possesses no obligation to aid one…”

    Turning to look at the snake girl…

    Ave has started wrestling with Kol too, the three of them thrashing about until the coin flies out of Kol’s grip, with them diving for it as it bounces around.

    Pursing her lips at this, Moon amends her statement.

    “… A terrible curse comes from such ‘release’ that a lustful lizard might willingly provide, but degenerate options may exist.”

    Looking placid after this comment, she concludes her thoughts.

    “A quick beating shall be thrown upon one who throws himself upon us. Blessings be with one later, should opportunities now be refused.”

    (“Instinctive revulsion?” Towards what? The imps and fauns?)

    Even though his own countenance is as impassive as hers, Adris’ heart leaps in his chest, with his thoughts equally scattered. Though the midget seems to think he is either in danger or is dangerous because of the faun’s magic, his lust has only increased slightly.

    The long explanation she spared for him, even though dutifully offered, seems to consider his best interests.

    (Only thorough and mildly expressive when conveying what she feels are important instructions, she then returns to being silent and aloof? “None would fault me?” Not only is assault a regular occurrence, but it’s not even frowned upon? No, that makes sense in…)

    Swallowing, he turns to eye the girl he defeated.

    (It’s a dark rationalization. But to actually hear it is different from knowing intuitively.)

    To clear his head now might be wise. Far from revulsion, the faun girl’s body seems appetizing, a drunken sort of scent rising from her that seems inviting rather than unwelcoming.

    (They don’t even care about watching? How do they feel about all of this? Knowing that it could happen to them at any time?)

    The thought of rutting with the goat girl in front of the four others is too bizarre, even as he feels excited by the prospect. This completely unknown scenario that springs up during this crisis of thought drives him wild.

    (What if they were the ones defeated?)

    Adris looks at Ave, still rolling around. A sincerely…

    (She was terrified?)

    … troubled thought wells up.

    Though he might eventually choose to, and on some level even feels his id imagining the possibility, such an act is worthless and self-destructive if done inelegantly.

    His teeth grind at the idea.

    (Especially since I am not a “human.” I am not “someone.” If I do it, it’ll have some purpose. Maybe I can enjoy it then... Maybe I should, but… So long as I am rising, I don’t intend to sink into depravity! I am…)

    A false god.

    Striding past the girl, her expression unchanged, he approaches the faun and looks down at her. Her supple figure smells quite nice. Her butt is still raised for him, easy enough to use in her current position, a tight pussy awaiting that Adris has never tasted...

    “In my name: treasure.”

    The faun girl sheets up with gold, the foil cracking and wafting away, nothing left of her but a similar gold coin.

    He picks it up, turning it in his hand.

    (To where do they return?)

    On the front of the pure gold coin is a great, ornately carved door with stained glass windows framing it. On the back…

    … the Alchemaster’s symbol.

    “Though your advice might be helpful to another, my ambitions are far more resolute.”

    Adris gives her a subtle smile, showing her the coin for a moment before pocketing it.

    “Without passion, where is the pleasure? Why take what should be given to me, for am I not worthy of affection from interested parties?”

    Letting her bask in his self-confidence…

    “… Be that the truth of one’s nature, or pure dissembling for effect…?”

    Amusingly, the girl spares an idle retort for Adris in response to his outright bragging.

    With her only other words either dismissive or dispassionate, these words feel like a victory to Adris, one made much stronger when he sees this Moon relax slightly.


    Moon calls out, getting the cloaked girl’s attention as she darts away from the ruckus. With Kol no longer in possession of the coin, the armored girl is instead harassing Ave, trying to get her to give it back.

    “Relinquish not party funds, instead hold tightly to oneself, lizard.”

    “I am not a lizard!” Ave hisses, her tongue darting out. “Ah! Right! Kol, you can’t have it!”

    The cloaked girl, apparently named Still and not Puddle, walks up with the rope, the girl slightly taller than him having a wry smile on her mask. Making a quick gesture of touching her head while tilting it, she then flicks her hand a bit before lovingly stroking the rope bundle.

    {Sorry, sorry, but this time you’ll be having an expert touch~}

    (Right. This is still going on.)

    “… With all that you’ve seen, you still think a rope is a hindrance?”

    Darkly asking this question of Moon, she cocks her head to deliver her rebuttal.

    “All avenues of protection be important to pursue, even if they be… useless by one’s estimation. Power unwitnessed still be power unproven...”

    (Still paradoxical! I just single-handedly…!)

    She walks off while Still happily ties him up.

    “… yet, ‘extent of power unproven’, should this not amend a tool’s assertions succinctly? Effect properly demonstrated… at least one cannot be said to be helpless in totality... Congratulations be in order, for proving one’s resourcefulness and danger.”

    Adris resigns himself to this lingering humiliation, knowing that he’s elevated his position with both of the holdouts. Even now, Still proves she is quite concerned with binding him properly.

    (You think I’ll try to escape or harm you? That couldn’t be further from the truth. Keep me as close as you’d like.)

    Walking up, Kol gets his attention before pointing to Ave, who shrinks back in horror.

    “Strong human, help Kol get coin. Kol and human, earn, take.”

    (… Well, that’s two.)


    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)


    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned


    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”

    Attributes by Grade:

    Strength – E

    Vitality – E

    Dexterity – D

    Agility – C

    Intelligence – D

    Mentality – C

    Luck – F

    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"


    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”

    “What do you think these four girls each find attractive? Isn’t this the question you should ask?”

    "If you're going for appeal, then mystery is the easiest to rely upon, but the absolute hardest to create, isn't it?


    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”

    “Only now does Adris appreciate his finer qualities. Pretending to be something you aren’t is a talent that takes a long time and hard practice. It also takes a willingness to submit without appearing to, all while becoming in truth something you aren't.”

    "Not content with being thought of as helpless, a foolish need to demonstrate self-reliance always seems to shine through."


    “Going through Adris' thoughts are a good way of understanding where the plot is going.”

    Name: “Kol”
    Titles: Idiot
    Race: ???
    Sex: Female?
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Frontliner
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Straightforward / Confrontational / Respectful
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Pink
    Hair: White
    Skin: Tanned


    Rantil Value –

    Attributes by Grade:

    Strength - C

    Dexterity - E

    Agility - F



    Cethran Value – “Are you attracted to rampaging metal? Though in your case, you appreciate the voice, don’t you? Do you long to see more? If she reminds you of a certain someone, then...?”

    "Is forthrightness an attractive quality? What is the difference between truth-seeking as a subject and living a lifestyle of it?"


    "Brash and forthright, a warrior wielding an axe with two hands forsakes protection to deliver only harm. Contrary to this impression, she also seems interested in a straight up fight. If her words are any indication, she offers little thought to her actions."

    "In addition to being honest, she is also obsessive about certain things, least of which is deciding who is stronger than others."


    "A reader of my work in the beginning phases described Kol as being like a dog with super-strength. This might be accurate, but she does get better..."

    Name: Still
    Titles: Puddle
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young Lady

    Occupation: Delver, Trickster/Outfighter
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Playful / Sadistic / Skulking
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: ???
    Hair: ???
    Skin: ???


    Rantil Value –

    Attributes by Grade:

    Agility - C



    Cethran Value – "Do you really think it's not obvious? What she possesses is what you've missed all your life, yes? Breasts and curves... are these not a new fruit for you to taste?"

    "While you don't get to see much of her, it may be that her lifestyle is the most appealing thing, perhaps? If she's always surprising you, doesn't that create an appeal of danger?"


    "A mute girl who says much with gestures, she also has more going on than she seems to. Though not outwardly aggressive, there's an atmosphere of danger about her. Opposite of Kol, hers is subtle... Yet, she also can protect others. Given to acrobatics, it matches with her dark, but flamboyant, colors."

    "Self composed as always, it won't be easy for Adris to get into her head."


    "If someone keeps watching you, it means one of two things: they're plotting something against you, or they want to fuck you."

    Name: Avenalliah Aurmaris
    Titles: Lustful Lizard, Elf
    Race: Elf
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young

    Occupation: Delver, Scared Girl
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Joyful / Impressionable / Cowardly
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Crystal Green
    Hair: Moss Green
    Skin: White


    Rantil Value –

    Mentality - F



    Cethran Value – "While not possessing your newly favorite curves, isn't a girl with a naive charm also fine? Because she covers so little, you are also left without having to imagine what you could possess, yes?"

    "If you're looking for a girl to protect and curl up with, where else could you find a girl as clingy as this? Does being innocent entice men? Isn't that a stupid question, Mr. Star?"


    "As cheerful as she is skittish, Avenalliah fits an unknown position within the four delvers' group. Though she carries a large sack, that would hardly count as a position... right?"

    "Prone to fits of panic, there's a lot she needs to do to prove her worth..."


    "Isn't she a little spoiled?"

    Name: "Moon"
    Titles: ???
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young?

    Occupation: Delver, Mystic
    Discipline: ???


    [Sparking Rod] - "The danger inherent be apparent, even if not demonstrated."

    Disposition: Impassive / Calculating / Curious
    Alignment: Ordered

    Eyes: Pale Violet
    Hair: Amber
    Skin: Pale White


    Rantil Value –

    Agility - E

    Intelligence - B



    Cethran Value – "First imps, and now short girls? This is certainly becoming a pattern, isn't it? Though you might not fare badly with a girl as beautiful as this, yes? Though she's a little perfect, doesn't she seem oddly demure?"

    "Having her rebut all of your words so desperately, is it her intellect you're falling for? Are you sure that's wise, considering she could dethrone the wisest person you know...?"


    "An otherworldly existence, she wears clothing that doesn't fit with the Castillo. With mannerisms quite distinct from all others, even the girls she travels with seem incomparable to her uniqueness. Yet, she definitely seems to be in charge...?"

    "Given to only worrying about what she can demonstrate as true, how does such an uncompromising and uninterested person lead a group of four girls through situations that cannot be easily explained?"


    "Girls with calmness, but also attitude, are fun to banter with."

    Dream Faun - "A creature of revelry and fornication, especially powerful if it can lull its target to sleep... whereupon it takes its enemy's body both in reality and in dream."
  2. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Chapter 21: Winning Arguments

    With the intentional capriciousness of the Castillo absent, the chambers and passageways thereafter were easily navigated. Still and Moon’s uncanny duo technique brought the party down safe routes to a series of rooms laid out in a curving hallway.

    With all of them possessing finely made, wooden plaques adjacent to them, Adris stifles a yawn as the girls eye both directions of the hall before opening room “7” unnoticed. When the brass handle with no lock turns, the sealed door releases a loud rush of air.

    “Inside, pleeeaaaseee…” Looking concerned as she prods him, Ave quickly shuts the door.

    (It’s a shame that they can’t be told the truth about the “threat” from earlier. It would calm them immensely.)

    As the girls all part on entry, Adris takes in the decor. Not an overly large room, the blue wallpaper with golden lines forming repeating chevrons contrasts with the furniture crafted almost entirely of animal parts or petrified wood.

    The outlandish taxidermy features a great, fanged orange cat turned into a sofa and a large bed whose blanket is a woolen beast’s whole hide.

    Across all surfaces, personal possessions are strewn. The room definitely bears the damage of four girls inhabiting it.

    (What safe space? Aren’t you four just squatting in a guest room!?)

    Still quickly approaches a bureau, opening an ornate box set on top that folds out into multiple compartments, exchanging vials and sealed containers she draws from somewhere. The blue-flames illuminate their oddly colored contents, with the interesting knickknacks she shuffles between her body and the box all seeming very unique and attractive to Adris.

    (You remind me of someone… Where did your hinged sword go, though?)

    The flame-bladed sword that Adris had noticed could be separated into two pieces is nowhere to be seen.

    Moon walks up to a regal viewing mirror, pulling out a carved shell comb from her dress to begin combing her tussled hair. Still creeps up from behind after finishing her tasks, plucking the comb from Moon’s hand and calmly doing it, instead.

    (Why do you look displeased, but also content?)

    A whetstone sparks shortly after a thud. Kol’s efforts at sharpening her axe begin before she even sorts her possessions or removes her armor. On the small dresser that stands next to the bed she’s sitting at, oils and maintenance tools are laid out. They’re messily picked through by Kol as she chaotically checks her gear.

    Taking in the room, Adris is slightly put off by an alien feeling, as if someone else still lives here. A presence other than these girls clings to the air and walls, as though the true owner of this room can neither be changed nor its ownership diminished.

    (What if they never departed?)

    Abruptly pulled forward, a humming Ave moves Adris to a statue in the left corner of the room with multiple packs beside it. The bent-over girl opens a pack to begin pulling out a kettle, flask, and various pouches. She dances a bit in place as she does so, matching with the statue’s imagery of a barely clothed couple twisting.

    When she accidentally tangles with clothing hanging from the dancers after lifting her head, she yelps in surprise.

    “Intend what course of action do you, iguana?”

    With her amber hair still being diligently brushed, Moon interrupts Ave’s business, narrowing her eyes with displeasure.

    “A tea party planned with a stranger found only a ‘quick’ ago, defy all explanation this inane behavior does.”

    “Shut up!” Cringing at the jab, Ave then whips her tail towards Moon. “Hospitality is the most graceful thing any girl can offer~! … Not that you’d know…”

    “Answers should be accepted, not good graces offered.”

    When Still pats Moon’s head, the short girl marches over to Ave. Cornering the snake girl, the two spark once more.

    “If grace one seeks to find, then cease useless gestures and inculcate it within oneself first before worrying of displaying it for others.”

    As Ave puffs up at this, Moon includes the nearby Adris in this disagreement.

    “Suspect to the extreme one remains. Were it not for necessity, returned to the mansion’s corridors one would be.”

    (That’s honestly the intelligent thing to do.)

    Adris has no delusions of appearing enticing to them by his handsomeness.

    (Or lack thereof.)

    He can only play up a broader appeal based on the mystery of his existence, found at random as he was by these four.

    (Kol and Ave might accept my presence, but they haven’t put as much thought into things as these two have. Even now, Still is observing me.)

    “Yes, but brought me you have. Even should I have desired to accompany you, there are some sensibilities that must be maintained. To hold a guest in bondage, yet also state him incapable, haven’t you considered the insulting contradiction…?”

    “Right! He can’t do anything, so let’s just…”

    Ave smiles brightly as she claps her hands once, before letting go of the rope and…

    “Silence, lizard. Be joined in bondage a fool will find herself, should she seek to end our ‘guest’s’.”

    Ave stops in mid-motion, looking immediately to Still with a frozen smile.

    (Is she who you go to for help?)

    Walking into the fray, Still makes several quick motions, first shrugging and then pointing to Adris’ cross, before making an “x” motion with her arms.

    {As long as he’s as weird as this, there’s no way he’s being freed and left unguarded.}

    (Weird, am I? That’s accurate, too. While I’m annoyed at the term, it’s still preferable to being treated as a cripple.)

    “Rather than worrying about my bonds, what do you intend to do yourselves? If you have me, as you say I am necessary, then does that mean you will be leaving?”

    Adris’ deep voice carries his reserve of dignity with it, seeking to take control of the conversation.

    (You absolutely cannot leave until you’re in my grasp, even if I have to sabotage you. However, none of you look too hurried. Having found your goal… shouldn’t you all be…?)

    As he looks around, Kol is not packing up but rather pulling out more things. Indeed, she’s scratching at the golden necklace she obtained from the imp, checking its purity.

    Everyone has been somewhat subdued since they returned, aside from arguing about Adris. As he examines the faces of the people here…

    Still meets his gaze, her mouth neutral, only a shrug given in response to his question.

    Ave is touching her pointer fingers together with an expression of discomfort and uncertainty, before noticing Adris and giving a strained smile as she puts her hands behind her back.


    The midget has a mildly unhappy look at the thought of leaving.

    (… Are you four unable to leave?)

    Though unsaid, the lapse in response indicates that they either will not tell him because they distrust him or because they don’t want to admit they can’t.

    (And given Ave’s expression… That improves my outlook considerably.)

    “Leaving aside the question of leaving, is anyone hungry!” Ave breaks the silence, going to a pack.

    The strained smile she wears grows ever harsher as she peers inside. Adris steal a glance, seeing relatively little: morsels of meat, fruit, and bread are glimpsed, with the pack quite larger than the contents within take up.

    (And you’re running out of food.)

    “Un, Kol hungry!” The clanking warrior moves over to join the other four in the small corner, giving Still a focused glare before the cloaked girl moves slightly out of the way. Ave’s mouth is aghast as Kol closes on her.

    Looking around, Adris doesn’t pick out any more likely food stores.

    (Is there no food in the Castillo? No, even if there was, who would trust it? Madmen from the Works roam the halls and traps of food are left out. Water might be a bit safer, though I have no knowledge of the longer term effects…)

    “More immediate issues there be, disregarding such trivialities.” The midget speaks up, regaining Adris’ attention.

    “Leaving the mansion is trivial, is it? Then that’s good.” A sly smile at her attempt to avoid the issue results in her tilting her head.

    “… As one says. No issue exists within this room, at least concerning sleep and safety. Of hospitality…”

    “No, more there. Kol, still hungry, right?” Kol grumbles at Ave, trying to muscle past her.

    “You… you have to watch your weight, Kol! Don’t… don’t eat too much…” The sight of Ave denying Kol prompts the fairy before Adris to quietly sigh.

    “… Offer of ourselves what is possessed in earnest, should one before us be dispossessed of sustenance...”

    (No, that’s fine, I actually have some.)

    Within his pack lies the oil-cloth-protected remnants of the expedition to the Emperor’s tomb. Gesturing towards said pack…

    “Then partake of what I come with. Within my pack is food, though not much. Feel free to ration it.” Adris’ kind smile, but hard eyes, capture Moon’s. Before she can speak…

    “Really!? Thanks! Food from… another world!?”

    Ave sways back and forth, as Kol tries to figure out what is happening. Slithering over to Adris’ pack, she retrieves the wrapped packages.

    “Oh, human give… Moon say word, ‘tribute’?”

    (It’s not tribute, you…!)

    Ignoring the question, Adris addresses Still and Moon.

    “Feel free to help yourselves, as well. Should you be taking me from the mansion out of kindness, then I have no issue returning it in kind.” Adris stresses the last words, a quid pro quo relationship his honest desire.

    Looking at Still, she wears a curious smile, only a slightly dismissive hand gesture with a waggling finger indicating her thoughts.

    {No worries, maybe later.}

    “Concern unneeded, for such a necessity will not present.” The midget flatly denies him, refusing any for herself. Waiting for Ave to unwrap her package, Moon pulls out a morsel as Ave hisses.

    Holding it for Still, the swift handed sneak nicks it and goes back to her opened box, pulling out some vials.

    (Commendable security, even if openly rude.)

    Using a tray and the vial, Still does what Adris imagines is a screening for poisons, even if he doesn’t recognize the method. Not even aware of the potential threat, Ave is sniffing happily at the food before she looks slightly disappointed at the aroma.

    Adris takes one of his own packages, sitting down on the sofa and opening it dexterously with one hand before eating as best he can.

    Time passes, the hunger of Ave and Kol not a slight issue. They exchange food, a curious act to Adris: Kol gives Ave the vegetables, while Ave gives Kol all of the dried meat. More curiously, Kol refuses to remove her helmet, simply tossing the pieces through the gap.

    After they scarf down their meals, Adris is left alone clumsily eating his.

    (For starving people, I guess the rations aren’t bad.)

    As Adris had been forced to eat them for weeks, he has to seriously concentrate to avoid openly showing his displeasure at the food he himself offered.

    (And made, what wasn’t bought.)

    Even Serras, a woman who could eat anything, hadn’t…

    He momentarily pauses eating, before brushing off the line of thought entirely.

    “At a high overlook, for what reason one waited there?” Moon asks Adris a question similar to the one he asked Cethran.

    (Wasn’t that answer fine? No, best to vary it…)

    “… Have you never sought… explanations for why the world works as it does?” Adris tries to mimic the exact look that Cethran gave, that slightly vulnerable tone and face.

    (That would be one of my deeper questions.)

    When he turns his mournful gaze to her, she…

    Wears an expression far more conflicted than Adris thought she could show.

    (Did that actually…?)

    Disappearing as quickly as it came, she returns to expressionlessness. The temporary emotion didn’t appear false, however.

    “Then the worst place be chosen by one, like so many fools before. Only desire, treasure, and disgrace be found in a cruel Castillo.”

    Moving up to stand closer to him, she leans in a bit, ruffling her dress against his legs.

    “‘Who are you? Why are you here? What do you seek? How did you get here? Where do you come from?’” A series of questions issue forth without her pausing, very pointed ones that seek to deny Adris room to evade.

    But they don’t seem to be voiced using her own words.

    “Explain how the strangeness of the one before this tool, be one not of the Castillo?”

    (I’m more than collateral or a prize, am I? To call yourself a tool, though?)

    Even Still seems tenser at this interrogation, despite not contributing any questions of her own.

    (I cannot begin to imagine what about me is odd from your viewpoints, considering how strange all four of you are to me.)

    Lacking a more comprehensive frame of reference, Adris has played up the parts he wishes to imprint on their thoughts, but he’s certain more seems unusual.

    (That’s why I can only choose a charade that excuses the things that are out of place.)

    “All very fine questions. Shall we begin?”

    Adris speaks with surety and conviction, wiping his face with a cloth after finishing his meal. Setting aside the remnants, he starts.

    “I am Adris fehl Dain, an unchanged fact. I am here because I was… called here to this mad place by something from your world. I came from beyond the…”

    (How to phrase it?)

    “Uncertainty and instability at the edge of this world, from a great domain known as…”

    (If anyone knows what it is, then I run a risk, but it’s better to give a name that I am familiar with. A lie in the wrong place can disturb the larger ones.)

    “Xin, a realm of godlike beings and those who control the very flow of the natural world. I would say I arrived by means of the very same power.”

    Looking to his bound cross, Adris moves his eyes back to continue.

    “A great existence has sent me here, and with that conveyance comes a certain opportunity that I intend to explore. I will say one thing, though: this Castillo is not and never will be my ally.”

    Continuing, this bell-voiced questioner rapid-fires once more.

    “‘Why do you appear in such a form, should you be an entity as claimed? Why do you not simply demonstrate your power? What are your objectives?’” The questions that seem unrelated to her own words pick at Adris' weakpoints.

    “As a human? Why not?” Considering this question, Adris’ answer goes back to the voice at the end of his life. “Why does form matter? Do you not take a similar one, yet still possess expertise in use of mag-”


    Immediately interjecting, Adris’ sentence dies on his tongue. The shining violet eyes will not provide allowances for any refusal to use the correct term.

    (Quite proud of your talents, are you, to call them “Art”?)

    “Very well, Art. And if you ask why I don’t demonstrate my power, then perhaps you simply haven’t noticed it? Isn’t this more interesting, discovering things about each other? Why force what is inevitable, this wisdom we gain when appropriate to discover?”

    (Any information you seek needs to come with certain exchanges, midget. I don’t care how cute you think you look.)

    “The power… no, the insights I have to offer… Have you not dwelt upon what their nature could be? What you could… gain from understanding? Even if you seek knowledge of my secrets, should you also not share your own?”

    The hint of a frown on the girl’s perfect face is satisfactory, for Adris has given her completely truthful answers that only invite more questions. A stalemate he creates intentionally lays bait for this group.

    “As valuable as I obviously am to you… why not indicate why?”

    This question prompts the gaze of the picturesque face before him to slightly falter.

    No one else in the room speaks up for her.

    The promise of secrets unshared invites them to share theirs.

    (Cethran is a treasure trove of useful behaviors to “borrow”. I can shame you with your own questions at any time.)

    “Wait… ‘Xin (BROKEN SKY WORLD)’? You lived in the sky!? That sounds wonderful~!” An elf girl slithers over to perch on the bed next to Adris, her mouth still having flecks of dried bread on it as her shining eyes grow wider.

    (“Wonderful?” It’s not a… wonderful place. If anything, Xin in comparison to even this mansion seems muted and sad. Nothing remains there for me to consider “wonderful.”)

    “… Say what one will. Doubts and concerns merely grow, for no answers provided illuminate one’s true qualities. Complete safety and opportunities remain forever unavailable, so long as one avoids such questions.” The midget seems to have given up, walking off as Ave pesters him.

    (You speak of trust, yet ignore my own questions.)

    As Ave says “Hey, what is it like~?”, the armored Kol moves beside Moon and looks down at her.


    “… Indeed, a day be laid to rest. Axe recovered, treasure secured, tomorrow beckons gently.” Moon nods, giving her “permission”.

    Adris receives Kol’s attention next as she hovers over him, giving him a look when he doesn’t move. Ave is pulling on his jerkin, asking, “Like, where in the sky? Is there nothing below~?”

    When Kol tilts her head, Adris is forced to mimic the motion.

    “Get up. Kol, take bed.”


    Rising from the bed with Ave attached to him, Adris allows the small Kol to throw herself on top of it, her armor jangling as she lays on the tucked sheets and fur cover.

    “Good work, see tomorrow.”

    Kol gives a slight cheer, before… she goes completely still.

    Though Adris can hear the girl breathing, her tail doesn’t even move as she lays flat, still wearing her armor and having failed to wash her sweat off with a damp cloth.

    (Is… she just going to take the whole bed…?)

    Still only gives a dismissive gesture when Adris looks to her for answers. Walking up to Ave, she motions to give up something.

    “Ah, thank you, Still!” Ave is appreciative, pulling off her sashes and the ornate dress at her waist right in front of Adris. Only her bodysuit clings to her, a very thin piece of metallic scaling that does little to disguise her slight curves.

    Rather than stare impertinently, Adris folds up his arms and turns to regard a painting on the wall. The painting turns out to be the worst place to look, as closer inspection shows two lovers meeting in a forest glade and already engaged in a carnal act, the man leaning upon his lover who is on her knees…

    “Hm? What Still? The… ah… AH!”

    There’s a rushing sound as someone moves to the corner, with cloth rustling.

    Adris waits, until a tap is felt on his shoulder.

    Turning around, Still is looking at him, her mask a bright smile as she again shrugs. In the corner, Ave has a hand over her face while rummaging through her possessions, wearing a one-piece dress made of green cloth, the designs of foliage and flowers.

    She tries her best not to meet his eyes.

    (This girl has rarely been around men.)

    Still moves over to her box, pulling out a tailoring kit to begin repairing Ave’s sashes. The girl called Moon is toying with the rod she menaced Adris with, while another silver-colored, thinner one sits next to it.

    (I need privacy to work. My plan can’t begin until I can talk with one or more of you without the others there.)

    “Given the situation, it would be boorish to have a man stay with four girls.” Adris tries to start the conversation that should be on everyone’s mind.

    Stopping her work, Moon looks as impassive as usual.

    “Where be the man?”

    Preventing himself from collapsing to his knees, Adris laments that he had completely forgotten his body’s situation.

    (Rather than a man, am I not more like a brat forced to room with his annoying sisters!? This sounds like a rural nightmare. Ah, I had… forgotten, that explains her earlier comment.)

    Suddenly reeling in his own mind, he wonders what the presentations he’s been giving them seem like from their perspective. Even if all of the gestures and tones are right…

    (I’m still about their own fucking ages! No, some appear older!?)

    Though not a terribly young boy, he’s still nothing special to look at.

    Collecting himself, Adris…

    “For someone that doubts me and my reliability, shouldn’t you be more concerned for your bodies? Ho, no… With me being ever in control, shouldn’t I be more worried about advances from the four of you?”

    Adris gives a smirk as he challenges the midget. When he sees Ave twitch, he wonders if it was the correct way to phrase it.

    “None… correction, three of those present would not be considered any danger for a boy.”

    “HEY! Which three!? The fourth is Kol! Right!? RIGHT!?”

    Moon’s quiet statement is met by a strangled cry of outrage.

    “Disregarding newts…” When Ave slithers forward menacingly while crying in frustration, Moon snatches up her rod and points it at her. Flinching, the usually cowardly girl makes aggressive clawing gestures at Moon while hissing cutely.

    “… would one not be quite precocious for considering oneself within consideration for intentional sexual companionship?”

    (I’m not precocious and I’m not a kid!)

    Adris refrains from yelling at the annoying girl who puts on lady-like airs, his heart racing with his tension.

    (If anyone here appears young, it’s you!)

    “Ah, but… um…” Ave moves up closer to him, finally willing to look at him now. “We… we won’t attack you, you don’t have to be worried! We’re all in control!”

    (Disregarding that… I could attack you… No, I can’t, because I proved that I won’t. Then…?)

    Unable to appeal to fear, Adris instead…

    “Is there not another room?” Adris points to the door.

    “Indeed, another room be there. A study.” Moon lightly replies, lowering her rod.

    “Then, there I will sleep. Someone of my dignity shouldn’t be forced to share a room so small, especially not while intruding on a woman’s space.” Adris tries to appeal to her femininity, though with the state of the room’s disarray he considers that it might be a worthless gesture.

    “With one who demonstrates presumed intellect and obvious secrecy, would such a location not be ideal for developing a conspiracy against us in hiding?”

    (No, I won’t be doing it in hiding. I’ll be doing it with at least one person.)

    Because this isn’t an appropriate response, Adris decides to use emotion.

    “Quite the accusation you make against me, despite my assistance rendered to you more than once? If you find my existence to be so duplicitous, then I suppose you will return my food? Or will you now claim to be insincere?”

    Attacking their reputation, Adris hopes that he is right about their dispositions. Though they’d immediately sought to capture him, that was without a doubt the smartest thing to do within this Castillo.

    But, judging by their conversations and appearances they don’t seem to be malicious. Even this “Moon” is simply acting for their safety, including Adris’ in her calculations.

    “… Right, right! Adris hasn’t done anything to us! He even… ah.” Ave begins to speak up for Adris, until Moon glares at her. Still, currently out of Moon’s gaze, makes a gesture of silence to her own mask.

    {Don’t start.}

    “An existence such as yours defies trust, no matter what assistance rendered. Whether a slayer, or prisoner, or creature of Castillo seeking to subvert us, classifying one’s existence be currently impossible. As such…”

    The girl wearing heavy clothing offers a relaxed expression before continuing.

    “One named Adris cannot be trusted. Unharmed one will remain and all one possesses entrusted with us, but aforementioned be impossible to easily alter.”

    (Then don’t trust me.)

    “Ah, a truly wise stance. I completely understand.” Adris nods. “Yet, the need to be apart remains. So, how about this?”

    (If someone is with me, then I’m not a danger, right?)

    “Let someone ‘guard’ me. They may keep me company as long as they wish and you may switch out at your leisure.”

    “Find no one here who…” As the midget starts to respond…

    “Ave will stay with him~! I’m not tired right now, anyway!” Avenalliah cheerfully speaks up.

    “Truly deranged of mind you’ve become.” Lashing out at Ave, a girl looks up at her with distaste written plainly on a pale face.

    “Entrusting one’s body to a man within the Alchemaster’s Castillo… Be this not the easiest way to be taken advantage of? Intentionally seek this, does an addled creature?”

    With a growl in her throat, Ave pumps her arms up and down.

    “AH! I’m not lewd, midget! Put that silver seal on the ropes! I swear I won’t take them off! If he attacks me even after that… then… then…”

    Throwing her hands up high, Ave reaches her limit.

    “Then he can just ravish me if he’s that powerful! You’re the one that keeps saying I’m not worth notice and he’s weak, right!? What would you do if he proved you wrong either way, you nitpicking, fun-killing, friendless bully!? Would you even be able to admit being wrong!?”

    Smugly yelling, Ave then laughs while shaking in anger, taunting her opponent while pointing. Moon’s eyes widen at the argument returned to her.

    “Brain finally liquefied in full, be this your affliction…?”

    Stopping in mid-laugh, Ave’s face goes from smug to horrified when she remembers who is behind her.

    Brushing his hair back, Adris tries not to look bothered.

    “…… Ah… No… Ave didn’t… imply that she wants… no, that you would… or should…”

    (I’m not going to do anything… So please stop looking. This just makes it more awkward. I guess even you can have enough.)

    The stay in the mansion has unnerved these girls as much as Adris.

    A mesh-covered hand pats Moon lightly on the shoulder, the perfectionist looking back to receive advice.

    Making fast gestures, Still ends with an “ok” sign.

    {Between noticing magic and the response time for anything dangerous, I think he’s pretty much secure~. Just lay the [Slayer’s Friend] out on his ropes and I’ll handle the details. I know you’re fine, but we’re a bit tense. If Ave wants to chat, then we don’t have to make this a bother, okay~?}

    “… hah, Kol not care, do what want, wake when ready, but…”

    A disgruntled voice issues from the bed.

    Stop talking.”

    The voice finishes its sentence with an edge of anger.

    With three out of four members agreeing, Moon shakes her head at the futility of resisting further…

    “Truly ill-conceived. Very well.”

    With the holdout relenting, Ave claps her hands and goes to get her paraphernalia, pretending that her dubious exclamation never happened as she sings to herself.

    Still opens the adjoining room, walking in and checking it out.

    (This will… be okay.)

    Bending down for Moon to begin altering his binding, Adris’ disappointment seems to always deepen…

    … but his conviction in his plan oddly never wavers. Instead, he now feels firmer in his belief that he can succeed.


    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)


    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned


    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”

    Attributes by Grade:

    Strength – E

    Vitality – E

    Dexterity – D

    Agility – C

    Intelligence – D

    Mentality – C

    Luck – F

    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"


    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”

    “What do you think these four girls each find attractive? Isn’t this the question you should ask?”

    "If you're going for appeal, then mystery is the easiest to rely upon, but the absolute hardest to create, isn't it?

    "Only remembering your dilemma now? Are you getting used to your perspective?"


    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”

    “Only now does Adris appreciate his finer qualities. Pretending to be something you aren’t is a talent that takes a long time and hard practice. It also takes a willingness to submit without appearing to, all while becoming in truth something you aren't.”

    "Not content with being thought of as helpless, a foolish need to demonstrate self-reliance always seems to shine through."

    "A man that willingly sets fire to the plains so that he can use it as a weapon, weaving between the burning nature with glee."


    "When people believe that they are in control, that's usually the same time they are about to lose it."

    Name: “Kol”
    Titles: Idiot
    Race: ???
    Sex: Female?
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Frontliner
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Straightforward / Confrontational / Respectful
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Pink
    Hair: White
    Skin: Tanned


    Rantil Value –

    Attributes by Grade:

    Strength - C

    Dexterity - E

    Agility - F



    Cethran Value – “Are you attracted to rampaging metal? Though in your case, you appreciate the voice, don’t you? Do you long to see more? If she reminds you of a certain someone, then...?”

    "Is forthrightness an attractive quality? What is the difference between truth-seeking as a subject and living a lifestyle of it?"

    "Perhaps an uncomplicated female would be useful for a man that seems so interested in complicating life himself? But why are you fooled into believing she's simple?"


    "Brash and forthright, a warrior wielding an axe with two hands forsakes protection to deliver only harm. Contrary to this impression, she also seems interested in a straight up fight. If her words are any indication, she offers little thought to her actions."

    "In addition to being honest, she is also obsessive about certain things, least of which is deciding who is stronger than others."

    "Not worrying about details, Kol prefers to let others deal with them for her, so that she can concentrate on what she cares about."


    "Wearing your armor to bed sounds like something people do in tabletop games."

    Name: Still
    Titles: Puddle
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young Lady

    Occupation: Delver, Trickster/Outfighter
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Playful / Sadistic / Skulking
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: ???
    Hair: ???
    Skin: ???


    Rantil Value –

    Attributes by Grade:

    Agility - C



    Cethran Value – "Do you really think it's not obvious? What she possesses is what you've missed all your life, yes? Breasts and curves... are these not a new fruit for you to taste?"

    "While you don't get to see much of her, it may be that her lifestyle is the most appealing thing, perhaps? If she's always surprising you, doesn't that create an appeal of danger?"

    "Possessing feminine pursuits such as sewing and toxicology, isn't she perfect for you?"


    "A mute girl who says much with gestures, she also has more going on than she seems to. Though not outwardly aggressive, there's an atmosphere of danger about her. Opposite of Kol, hers is subtle... Yet, she also can protect others. Given to acrobatics, it matches with her dark, but flamboyant, colors."

    "Self composed as always, it won't be easy for Adris to get into her head."

    "Not interfering unless she has to, Still appears to be mild-mannered, but such a misunderstanding might be dangerous."


    "Is it okay if you have girls that don't put themselves at the forefront of every chapter?"

    Name: Avenalliah Aurmaris
    Titles: Lustful Lizard, Elf
    Race: Elf
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young

    Occupation: Delver, Scared Girl
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Joyful / Impressionable / Cowardly
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Crystal Green
    Hair: Moss Green
    Skin: White


    Rantil Value –

    Mentality - F



    Cethran Value – "While not possessing your newly favorite curves, isn't a girl with a naive charm also fine? Because she covers so little, you are also left without having to imagine what you could possess, yes?"

    "If you're looking for a girl to protect and curl up with, where else could you find a girl as clingy as this? Does being innocent entice men? Isn't that a stupid question, Mr. Star?"

    "Not being afraid to flaunt her beauty if she doesn't notice that she is, yet cowering at exposure... isn't this a gap?"


    "As cheerful as she is skittish, Avenalliah fits an unknown position within the four delvers' group. Though she carries a large sack, that would hardly count as a position... right?"

    "Prone to fits of panic, there's a lot she needs to do to prove her worth..."

    "While a master of avoiding confrontation, she finally finds a backbone after being kicked around enough."


    "Now we get to learn about elves."

    Name: "Moon"
    Titles: ???
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young?

    Occupation: Delver, Mystic
    Discipline: ???


    [Sparking Rod] - "The danger inherent be apparent, even if not demonstrated."

    Disposition: Impassive / Calculating / Curious
    Alignment: Ordered

    Eyes: Pale Violet
    Hair: Amber
    Skin: Pale White


    Rantil Value –

    Agility - E

    Intelligence - B



    Cethran Value – "First imps, and now short girls? This is certainly becoming a pattern, isn't it? Though you might not fare badly with a girl as beautiful as this, yes? Though she's a little perfect, doesn't she seem oddly demure?"

    "Having her rebut all of your words so desperately, is it her intellect you're falling for? Are you sure that's wise, considering she could dethrone the wisest person you know...?"

    "Having a woman stand up to you... isn't this a strange fetish for you to discover?"


    "An otherworldly existence, she wears clothing that doesn't fit with the Castillo. With mannerisms quite distinct from all others, even the girls she travels with seem incomparable to her uniqueness. Yet, she definitely seems to be in charge...?"

    "Given to only worrying about what she can demonstrate as true, how does such an uncompromising and uninterested person lead a group of four girls through situations that cannot be easily explained?"

    "The reasoning member of the group, all of her questions are direct and impossible to sneak away from."


    "Hopefully her thought processes and style of conversing find people that appreciate it."

    Slayer's Friend - "A special substance that resonates with a magic of its own. When it's looped to itself and then broken, it emits magical energy that can be detected."
  3. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Reading List:
    Chapter 22: Elf Breaking

    Joyful humming fills the room, improving Adris’ mood as he reads a book with a whimsical name. Called Foibles, Fulfillments, and Failures of the Castellani, the introduction assures the reader of the author’s dispassionate and impartial review of the stewards of Castile, the country that the Gran Castillo resides in.

    Far from it, the first chapter excoriates these earliest stewards:

    Imbeciles appointed for their supposed loyalty, they failed to see that loyalty begins with continuing traditions, rather than changing them to line their pockets with silver. Of their excesses, base greed is ever the reason and crying excuse for their failures. Do not even seek to overlook their-

    Closing the book, the author's name is...

    An Anonymous Historian.

    Shelves all around hold books, mostly dealing with history and politics. They might be useful, if they weren't all...

    (With an entire library dedicated to anonymity, I question the accuracy.)

    A pouring sound comes, a pleasant scent beginning to banish the smell of old parchment and ink. Within this bland room of shelves, books, and pastoral landscape paintings…

    “Enough for on~ly two~; a romantic flavor I ca~ll ‘you’~! But what’s a lady got~to do~?”

    A whipping emerald tail dances on the carpet, while the owner serenades a boy. With childish, yet also aggressively romantic, lyrics, Ave makes her intentions obvious.

    Contrary to her usual bumbling, the freshly prepared mixture of dried leaves, fruits, and spices she steeps leaves Adris curious to taste the result. Arranging cups on saucers, the beautiful pieces of blue crystal bear no indications of how they’re sculpted or shaped.

    With the set pulled from a box of wood of such fine quality and embellishment that Adris could live off of its sale for two seasons on Xin, he’s jealous of the girl’s apparent wealth.

    “Tea is freedom.”

    A pure smile of fantastic pleasure has been affixed to Ave’s face since they entered.

    Putting aside his book, Adris inspects his bonds.

    (Useful silver, isn’t it? If you can detect the presence of this material, Moon, then I assume this is also contained in the axe that Kol always seems to lose? How about this very location…? I’m understanding you more and more.)

    “Do you use sugar? I… I have enough for you, probably...” A pleasant voice starts with great spirit, before ending in dismay.

    (Sugar? Such amazing splendor, that even the lowest of this world can enjoy it.)

    Though natural sweeteners exist on Xin, the mild cane sugar of the Imperial Court is far beyond his status.

    “No, to cover up the natural flavor of your tea, wouldn’t that miss the point?”

    (Always reject with a compliment; always seek the better impression with your host, no matter the temptation.)

    “Oh! You have excellent taste!”

    While she is left busy...

    (Since you are the first, let us begin our interview.)

    A judgment most unkind shall be rendered, should one overstep one’s so-desired ‘hospitality’.” The emotionless girl had been only blunt after conceding, but Adris feels she suspects something.

    Lining up Ave’s personality traits, Adris categorizes his thoughts concerning her while inwardly thanking her for aiding his plot.

    (Rather than mind or body, why not your deepest concerns?)

    They are easily listed:

    An elf’s pride is how she defines her life, though moments of hesitation come when she speaks of her people.

    Though strong as a party mule, she no doubt bears insecurities concerning her contributions otherwise.

    Her overall poise and mannerisms are flamboyant, but a shy, caring sort of girl lurks underneath, eager to please so long as others offer respect or fascinate her.

    (The looks she flashes at me, undisguised and sloppy, are followed by careless affectations… Innocence is easily stormed.)

    Feeling a gaze directed at him, Adris lifts his head to peer at a nearby painting. A moss-green ponytail whips suddenly, the girl returning to her work with one hand while the other goes up to pull at her hair.

    The girl’s tail flicks energetically, leaving Adris refreshed by the awkwardly naive fascination directed at him.

    (Breaking down her defenses with a passionate assault would probably be…)

    Looking at her face, she turns her eyes to him before snatching them away.

    (… Way too easy! I don’t want her to fall in love with me. If I’m going to make her my strength, I don’t need jealousy and even less focus. Besides, I don’t feel like…)

    At the idea of being loved, Adris feels both deep pain and also a longing he cannot define.

    (… that feeling is too dangerous.)

    Adris viciously murders it.

    “I am forced to admit little knowledge of your people. No book here describes them, either.”

    “Hm?! Oh, elves? My, a noble interest~!” Instantly regaining her easygoing nature, the one-sided gazes cease when the girl claps her hands and gushes about herself.

    “Yes, we are caretakers of the old forests and nature, inheritors of the pure wind and beloved by the spirits of it!”

    Moving her arms with flourish, she paints a fairy-tale portrait of her life.

    “I, myself, am a… [Sylvan Caller!] Chosen by the spirits to play with them! We’re one of the oldest peoples of Zennia! You can barely find a spot on it that an elf hasn’t been before, as the wind goes everywhere!”

    “And you said you were… ‘an elf of the deep earth?’”

    Stopping suddenly, her open mouth can’t find words. As Adris considers the strange notion of wind underground, she recovers.

    “Ah-ah, yes, there are tribes of elves that have since moved from the forests, migrating over time! Mountains, the depths, cities, and even the sea!” Her wriggling tail punctuates her explanation, as rushed as it is.

    (Your kind lives in the sea?)

    With anthropomorphic, half-human fauns, it’s not impossible for him to imagine it now.

    (Some snakes are excellent swimmers, after all.)

    “Yes, yes, our great race is everywhere, supporting the arts and the dramatic, music and theater our forte, pillars of ancient wisdom and intellect for these… um… difficult times!”

    Pouring tea into a cup through a strainer, she carries the crystal plate to set it before him. The uplifting smell of the spices and tea purges all thoughts of the Castillo with a single waft, a smell both more earthy and appetizing than Cethran’s brew.

    “With bodies gifted with litheness, yet also strength, by mighty Pellaeon, and an irresistible sense of style, you can hardly find a people more dedicated to enshrining the beauty of…” Coiling in front of the desk, Ave holds her plate with one hand.

    Before she can drink, she wilts under Adris’ piercing gaze.

    “Beauty… um… is this…”

    “No, the story is quite interesting and I wish to continue, but…”

    Lifting his bound hands for her, he smiles wryly at the sheepish girl.

    “While I can handle eating food with the price of somewhat diminished dignity… to drink from a cup is…”

    Going from confusion, to shock, to horror, to a strained expression covered by a smile, to a sad look of self-loathing, the expressive girl sets her cup down and clutches her hands before her.

    “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t… didn’t even…” Bowing while apologizing, a completely red face is finally covered by her hands.

    “… why, so obvious!? I didn’t even pay attention! Now I’m an idiot! Oh Pellaeon, why do I always do this when it’s important…! Now he’s uncomfortable!! … ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”

    The elf is crumbling before Adris’ eyes, a silenced scream issuing from her as she openly laments her failure.

    (Only now do you realize the totally obvious? Maybe we can work something out…)

    Feeling like bullying the airheaded girl, Adris offers a helpful solution.

    “It would be quite rude to pass up on such delicious-seeming tea.”

    Her attention returns, eyes watering as she tries to regain her composure.

    “Would you consider serving me, yourself?”

    A cute face is blank as she interprets his words.

    “… Servvvve? Like… how? Oh, you mean? Hold the cup? And?”

    Working through all of the necessary steps, the addled girl then blushes.

    (Are you as easily…)

    “Of course! If you… don’t mind? I’ll be careful…”

    Moving to join Adris behind the desk, she thoroughly fills the small area with her winding coils.

    The shivering snake girl picks up Adris’ cup and slowly brings it to his lips. With eyes darting from the quaking cup to his face...

    (Please… don’t spill it!)

    Instead of spilling it, she gasps before bringing the steaming cup to her lips to blow on it. Watching her cheeks puffing up cutely brings a relaxing smile to him.

    The cup finally returns for a sample.

    (My… the taste is superb.)

    Unlike anything from Xin, the background accents of cinnamon and zest join with the leaves’ mild taste. The aroma is the most compelling flavor, finally calming the tensions of a boy riding high on two days worth of adrenaline.

    “You are quite the artist. A finer flavor I’ve never tasted.” The sheepish face before him brightens, his compliment sliding easily into their original conversation.

    “Yes, elves seem to be a race unlike any seen in my home. I admit to being… Fascinated by you and your kind.”

    Ave rushes to sip her hot tea before pulling it away, her lips scrunching as her tongue flicks out. A disgraceful yelp accompanies her regretful look, leaving Adris impressed by the somewhat witless girl.

    (I could write a comedy about you and retire.)

    “Ah, ‘f-f-f-fascinating’, is it? Such as it is… you want to hear more?”

    Nodding his head in acknowledgment, the girl ponders for a moment.

    “Okay… Oh, we can begin with…~!”

    The girl launches into a narrative immediately, the pretty elf losing her tension and the shrillness in her voice as she comfortably coils up.

    “It’s such an epic tale, too! The conclusion of the First War of the Three, the battle at the town of Fanarocco, which would be called Tomelloso today after the vile Castellani conquest, saw the three armies fight each other!

    The demonic army of the Three Great Evils, the Horde of the Starborn Lords (INVADERS), and the free nations of Zennia!

    Hyarno, High Elf Lord of Sideria, led the charge against the dark lord Magnus, Last Banner of the Tiberian Empire! Tales can be sung of…~!”

    With a throbbing head, Adris tries to survive the innumerable strange words thrown at him.

    (… Even if it’s painful to listen to, why is the definition “INVADERS”? That sounds definitively important! But not relevant to your…)

    “Yes, it is… a thrilling story, but you mentioned a treasure of Pellaeon? I understand that it belonged to Hyarno; but, given its proximity to us now and its value, a more simple explanation might suffice…”

    The duration of her oration is lost to him, for Adris’ brain has melted at the onslaught. Though dutifully asking questions and skillfully honing in on important details, he cannot reign in the tangential dives into the esoteric and flowery this once simple girl forces him to suffer through.

    (I thought you were naive, but you’re not! You’re just so… uselessly focused on one topic!)

    This elf is…

    (An elf-loving elf!?)

    “While it’s all academically interesting and I would love to eventually hear more, can you not tell me about this [Spiraling Red Tower]?”

    Within the unending details of elves, the Castillo had come up, and with it her objective...

    “Hm? Where the Song of Elveara is? Yes, it’s within the [Songster Heights] of the Gran Castillo, at the very top of the Red Tower! One of the few places you can see from the outside~!” Ave’s eyes sparkle when returning to the Song.

    “Unmentioned of in even the lore of the Coalition of Wills, here is the final resting place of the Elveara after Hyarno passed on into shaded shadow after his glorious charge! Stolen by the wicked Alchemaster from the spoils of the battle, in the Castillo it lies waiting to be rescued!”

    “Such a treasure… how could you pass up on seeking it?” With a solemn voice, he commends the deeds she seeks to write.

    “Right~! If I have the Song, then no matter where I go, elves will-!”

    Stopping in mid speech, she exits her manic state, finally remembering that she’s talking to Adris. Shy again, a difficult look is on her face as she avoids admitting the truth.

    (If it’s concerning your objective here, then not sharing it must be quite difficult, considering how open you’ve been with literally everything else.)

    “Elves will recognize your greatness all over Zennia, of course.”

    “… hm!? Yes! Of course! But… no, it’s not… because of vanity!” Agreeing at first with his attempt to gloss over the issue, she suddenly pales at being the spotlight of her own ambitions.

    “No, retrieving it will aid everyone…”

    (Vanity is a noble goal, fret not. If you seek glory, you should take it if you can. Some deep desire to be accepted drives this girl. While she often loses her confidence, her flamboyancy is not some front. The attention and good taste she applies to both her style and public face proves she is not a poseur.)

    Like the boy, this girl is playing a part of her own creation; except, unlike Adris's charade, this part is what she wishes to become.

    (You pass, on goals at least. The higher the goal the greater the risk. The more you might be incapable of reaching it, the more you’re willing to descend into bondage to obtain it at all costs.)

    As she looks shy at confessing her dream, he decides to press on with the gabby girl.

    “You said the other girls aren’t as motivated about your ambition as you’d like? Perhaps if I knew more about them and how they act, I could… advise you on demonstrating this value?”

    (Just as long as we don’t have to talk about more elves.)

    “Hm? The others…? Right, that s-s-stupid girl is always insulting me! It’s always complaints about what I’m doing! She says it’s idiotic to try to find an elven artifact! Then she makes fun of my spirit talking, while saying she can “cast any spell,” but all she does is use those rods or draw runes! Ah, no… there was…”

    Talking irately at first, she then cradles herself with fear. Her eyes shake at a buried memory resurfacing.

    “No secret will pass from my lips, Ave. What is it that bothers you?”

    The girl bites her tongue, before relenting and leaning closer.

    “… No, she did try casting a spell once. She opened that book of hers, the one with the weird writing on it! And… and when she started… with the p-p-p-pages turning on their own… well…”

    The blue lights flicker as Ave finds the courage.

    “… no, but the earth itself was crying out. Even though it didn’t work right, whatever she was trying to do, the earth spirits were terribly afraid.”

    (Well, calling her “the most dangerous” wasn’t wrong.)

    As she recovers from her admission, he renews his concerns about the "perfect" lady with her secretive book.

    “Such information is, as I thought, a useful way to help resolve your problem. The observations of a girl as kind, and close, to them as you are should be quite astute, yes?”

    Ave looks unsure for a moment, but then smugly smiles.

    “Welllll, I have noticed some things about them~!”

    “Ah, Still is so kind! More than just sewing, she will also cook and make things for me! When anybody needs help, she’s always there! Anytime I’m sad, she tries to cheer me up! Although she doesn’t like me hugging her… Or standing next to her… Or often being in the same room as her?

    But, she’s just an independent girl, right!? She’s so cool~! Um, though she doesn’t help Kol, but that’s just… well, sort of…”

    Singing Still’s praises alone for the last ten minutes, Ave's monologue focuses on her idol worship.

    Adris easily interprets her undisguised body language. A library of mental pictures of her cringing, swaying, smiling awkwardly, and sometimes losing all hope guide his understanding of her mentality.

    Once leading her to discuss the party and its “grand battles,” he’s been regaled with every last bit of tactical information he requires.

    (As long as I avoid making it sound like I’m interested in something useful against them, this girl is…)

    A sieve.

    (Beginning this quest to defeat the accursed rabbit out of sheer necessity… you four are really desperate. You need me for this bounty, is it?)

    “And… when Kol needs… money, and I give her some, Still always helps me buy things I need later…”

    Speaking lower and lower, she sighs while waggling her fingers on the table.

    When she notices Adris glancing at them, she stops moving them. With little distance between them, every action he takes leaves an impression on her.

    “You’ve really worked-”

    “Um! If-”

    They both begin to speak at the same time, then go silent. Nodding his head, she begins.

    “I… I know that you don’t want me this close, and I’m sorry that I screwed up offering tea when you’re… inconvenienced like this! I really am sorry!”

    Apologizing profusely, the girl then purses her lips.

    “Since you’re done with your cup, I’ll move away now…”

    (Are you not… attracted to me? No, rather, shouldn’t you be mad that I’m forcing you to be this close?)

    Something is off, a strangely repeating theme tugging at his mind.

    (Why not try a direct attack?)

    “How could any man, even one as important as I, be offended by the presence of a kind and beautiful girl? Rather, I should accept just blame for requesting such an…”

    A shocked face is yanked back by her snake body moving, interrupting him as he's suddenly concerned.

    “... Is something wrong?”


    In the dimness of the study, the elf in front of him becomes stuck on a single sound.

    “Are you okay?”

    Stern now, he clumsily reaches out to touch her still outstretched hand.

    “Beautiful!? Huh!?”

    Jumping at the touch, she pulls her hand away. When Adris withdraws his slowly…

    Ave, quick as a snakebite, reaches in and softly grabs his wrist.

    While he keeps his expression calm, his heart beats in unsteady confusion. Also now mildly excited by this contact, he suffers patiently under her wild-eyed inspection.

    Her body temperature alone…

    (Part reptile, but wam-blooded?)

    With him not reacting badly, she does the next logical thing to her…

    The feel of them, even if they’re small, is lovely. Even felt through the bodysuit and dress, the soft mounds send his mind racing, all while he remains outwardly calm.

    Licking his bottom lip, Adris allows his expression to become savage and libidinous.

    “… I am a bit surprised by how direct you are. You are quite lovely, it’s true, so I won’t fault you for knowing your appeal; but, are you sure…?”

    When the girl’s brain resumes functioning, she yelps and hides in the corner.

    His hand free, Adris wonders…

    (Has she lost her mind? Is the cross…?)

    “Eh? Eh? Ehhhh? No, you… don’t mind? You’re… fine touching me? You want to touch me? Is this real?”

    Sounding like a broken person while talking, her eyes are comically wide.

    A dangerous woman’s voice plays in his mind.

    You wanted to taste me? Without any compulsion? It was of your own free will?

    (That’s why you really wanted me, Lycia. That’s the missing part.)

    It’s not that humans and non-humans can get along and choose not to. It’s that…

    Something instinctive is buried in humanity’s mind. Repressive and overriding, it is quite intentionally placed, no doubt.

    (Cethran, give me a fucking clue! Stop speaking in riddles and explain things properly!)

    Adris had misinterpreted Cethran’s description of humans abhorring “monsters” and carnal pursuits to be based on religious reasons, even strictly societal-moral ones.

    (But humans are always deviants, some scum even find animals attractive. This is far more pernicious if this rare!)

    Trying not to shake, his rage is peaked at his “mentor.”

    “Um, you… you are human, right?” She speaks with a glimmer in her eye, her lips growing fuller as she wets them. The interest she has is no longer subtle.

    (If you are so deeply confused, then let’s begin.)

    Lust, confusion, shock, and the mysterious.

    Thrust into this situation by a mistake, Adris will capitalize on her emotional instability.

    “Did you doubt me when I said I was from another world?”

    His voice deepens to become a roaring storm.

    He turns his chair with his legs, the scraping on the floor punctuating the current situation: Ave, backed into a corner, while he leans back menacingly to regard her.

    With a face now partially hidden from the light, his dark smile carries both terror and fascination. Cowed by this change in tone, she shivers; yet, the glimmer in her crystal green eyes only excites further.

    (All women desire a sense of undefined danger. As long as I thread it carefully...)

    “If all elves are as beautiful as you, surely that would be a splendorous paradise; but, if you say they are more beautiful than you, I can hardly conceive of it.” Sharing his truthful thoughts, he strikes for her vanity.

    “Even for I, a being of great power from another world, such an artful appearance as yours isn’t easily obtained… Any man would seek to obtain such a treasure.”

    “Nonono, I’m not… super… special, right? No, but you’re… human… right? Wrong? I'm being... praised...!?”

    “You care for your friends, have ambitions for your people, and hold a willingness to write your name into legends. You speak with the spirits and are brave enough to invade this dangerous place. What isn't wonderful about this girl?”

    Completely enthralled, her voice can only protest with a squeak.

    “… but as you spoke of your quest, isn’t something missing?” Adris’ voice is mournful now, his change in tone making her swallow hard.

    (Having played her up, I will now break her down.)

    “With how you’ve explained your progress…”

    Briefly closing his eyes in thought while sighing, he then stares her down while offering his assessment.

    “… You can never reach your goal with your current strength, nor reach your fullest potential without first gaining something necessary.”

    Ave freezes, her blush morphing into a deep look of sadness.

    (You can feel it on some level. The four of you can’t do this as you are. You can’t even escape this place, anymore.)

    “It’s unfortunate, but this mansion is quite cruel. For all the efforts of those who march into it, something stronger is needed to overcome its sinister nature.”

    Her hands are tight as she holds them to her breasts, looking small and threatened.

    “Those who tread upon it are shown despair, too often. Think of what you’ve brought with you to face the mansion. Though you speak with spirits, is it… sufficient? ‘Loss within the mansion,’ what does it mean…?”

    The girl shakes, even her snake tail quivering, as her breathing rapidly increases. Her eyes twitch as some memory replays for her.

    “No, but it doesn’t have to be that way, Avenalliah.”

    Upon hearing her full name, the elf breaks from her nightmare.

    (A comforting figure appears before her, even if... I'm short...)

    “All you need to do is find a source of strength. Something secure, belonging to you. A source that will care for you, and will never leave or betray you.

    One which can deliver to you what you deserve and give you access to all you desire. The highest Tower and the hidden Song!”

    As he smiles benevolently, she searches his face, hidden as it is but for a proud glint of gleaming silver.

    “If that power were offered to you with an open hand, encouraging you to let go of fear and embrace adventure… allowing you to become what you desire to be...”

    Misty, green eyes full of longing betray her eagerness.

    “… would you take it, walk with it, make it yours as you give yourself to it?”

    Time passes in silence, uncertainty lingering on her face. When she finally finds courage...

    “What would I have to… do… or give up to get that?”

    Though she asks this softly, he realizes it's her deepest fear.

    “No, it’s just… I couldn’t… do something that would hurt the others. Um, even if I don’t like her… I wouldn’t leave any of them behind!”

    Talking a bit wildly, she tries to reject some betrayal she appears caught in, though no real offer was even stated and she has agreed to nothing.

    “What are you talking about?”

    Gaping at the wistful question, she looks flabbergasted.

    “No, but… what, you were…!?”

    “Ah, I was just interested in hearing how committed you are to your goal.”

    With a cheerful voice, Adris seems oblivious to her concerns.

    But when he lets his eyes relax…

    “Or, did you desire something…?”

    (A polite and caring girl would never accept temptation. You always act for the sake of your friends, right?)

    Waving her arms wildly, she laughs stupidly while stuttering.

    “N-nonono, right, just a question! E-e-e-everyone going into the Castillo should… know the answer, right? Or… rather, know what they… think, right…?”

    (There’s no further need to tempt her, for the seed was planted successfully.)

    “It might be asking for a lot, but…”

    Ave’s expectant face is still just as cute, more so now as she hangs on his words while waiting breathlessly for him to finish.

    “Could we have another cup? When sharing tea with you, I feel relaxed… and quite welcomed.”

    When she slithers over mutely to fumble at making a new pot, he knows the impression he’s been desperately trying to leave is now unshakeable.

    (And you pass, anyway. Even if you might be a bit unreliable, I’d never turn down someone who truly believes in my role.)

    Suddenly feeling a pang of something, he relaxes his posture.

    (… And it’s not like I won't take care of you, too…)

    Opening his mouth in surprise at the errant thought, he wonders where it came from.


    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)


    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned


    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”

    Attributes by Grade:

    Strength – E
    Vitality – E
    Dexterity – D
    Agility – C
    Intelligence – D
    Mentality – C
    Luck – F
    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"


    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”

    “What do you think these four girls each find attractive? Isn’t this the question you should ask?”

    "If you're going for appeal, then mystery is the easiest to rely upon, but the absolute hardest to create, isn't it?

    "Only remembering your dilemma now? Are you getting used to your perspective?"

    "Taking advantage of looking evil and dangerous is an easy path to being hated, or have you forgotten?"


    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”

    “Only now does Adris appreciate his finer qualities. Pretending to be something you aren’t is a talent that takes a long time and hard practice. It also takes a willingness to submit without appearing to, all while becoming in truth something you aren't.”

    "Not content with being thought of as helpless, a foolish need to demonstrate self-reliance always seems to shine through."

    "A man that willingly sets fire to the plains so that he can use it as a weapon, weaving between the burning nature with glee."

    "Seamlessly moving into his role, Adris does what he does best: leading people astray."


    "Isn't it kind of hard to get that presence around people? The one that makes them think you're more than you are? I think that'd be a good skill to have."

    Name: Avenalliah Aurmaris
    Titles: Lustful Lizard, Elf
    Race: Elf
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young

    Occupation: Delver, Scared Girl
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Joyful / Impressionable / Cowardly
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Crystal Green
    Hair: Moss Green
    Skin: White


    Rantil Value –

    Intelligence - C
    Mentality - F


    Cethran Value – "While not possessing your newly favorite curves, isn't a girl with a naive charm also fine? Because she covers so little, you are also left without having to imagine what you could possess, yes?"

    "If you're looking for a girl to protect and curl up with, where else could you find a girl as clingy as this? Does being innocent entice men? Isn't that a stupid question, Mr. Star?"

    "Not being afraid to flaunt her beauty if she doesn't notice that she is, yet cowering at exposure... isn't this a gap?"

    "Another girl that won't shut up, is it? Shouldn't that dissuade you? Or is it okay if it's her bubbly voice?"


    "As cheerful as she is skittish, Avenalliah fits an unknown position within the four delvers' group. Though she carries a large sack, that would hardly count as a position... right?"

    "Prone to fits of panic, there's a lot she needs to do to prove her worth..."

    "While a master of avoiding confrontation, she finally finds a backbone after being kicked around enough."

    "The one thing in the world she loves the most is her own people, which makes her a master of everything related to them."


    "Now we'll never escape learning about elves."

    Sylvan Caller - "One who interprets for and speaks supplications to wind spirits."

    Invaders - "Who might be named as such, called the lords of the stars?"
  4. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Chapter 23: Saucy and Bitter

    “Um, thank you~! I’ll be back and…”

    A dark hand waves silently with its palm opened forward, followed by an open hand beside a white mask.

    {No need, just get some sleep.}

    “Ah, but… I want to talk… EH!?”

    A snake girl yelps, being prodded out the door by a chair thrust against her tail.
    “Then… then, thank you, Sir Adris, for your time~! Ah, where is the pot…”

    (Enjoyed a little too much of her own delicacy.)

    A trained hand silently closes the door. The black-cloaked, fashionably dark girl…

    (Definitely older than me.)

    ... slinks about while dragging the chair, taking in the decor before she spins the chair to rest against the door, plopping into it and leaning back.

    The girl moves her hand to showcase the room, before giving a thumbs down.

    {A little lacking, ain’t it?}

    “I don’t think you’ve formally introduced-”

    Waggling a finger, her gestures end with a flat palm facing down - a name.

    {No, you already know, right? Still is fine~.}

    A masked face that changes on command combined with carefully controlled mannerisms hide all her thoughts. True intentions only rarely peek out.

    (A personality profile is… impossible for you. Aside from you being "nice", you're an agile combatant with a penchant for dueling, ambushing, and flanking. A technical fighter? But… your sword hand is awfully amateurish. Still, you remind me of...)

    Zon’til, the city Adris had been abandoned to, had many older youths like this one: quick of wit and flexible of character, they reached their ages by surpassing the cruelty of even adults.

    Languidly relaxing, Still’s curves intentionally invite Adris to lose himself in them, though it's difficult now after the comparison.

    (An orphan your age would be quite venerable, terribly world wary… and, just like me, a criminal.)

    “A pleasure, of course. Interceding to protect Kol earlier earns my favor.”

    Still raps a closed fist on her temple, before making a sliding movement with her hand at her neck, then shrugging with both arms up.

    {Would it have ended badly for her if I didn’t? Missed opportunities~!}

    (At least there is symmetry in their rivalries, or is this profound dislike?)

    At the quip, Adris lines up her traits.

    Operating at the edge of the group, she avoids attention.

    Shows kindness to Ave and possessiveness of Moon, bordering on sisterliness.

    Wastes few words, but always lavishes coquettish teasing for Adris.

    (She’s already guessed that… non-humans don’t bother me, which means she’s not human.)

    Living dangerously, she-

    Launching into a bizarre chain of gestures after getting his attention merrily…

    {Do you like sleight of hand? Lunastra won’t let me show her anymore. I need another person’s opinion.}

    Thoughts interrupted, Adris smiles, “Very well, so long as it’s amusing. Though I warn you, my senses are-”

    A chair walks on two legs, with the girl approaching the desk while on it. Her large breasts sway with the effortless balancing act.

    (Balance and agility are both superb. It’s not like I couldn’t do it, but it-)

    {Sorry, sorry, I misplaced the prop! “Spare a coin for a starving girl?”}

    With a grabbing hand reached out, Still’s mask is a great smile.

    (Are you a scout or a performer? Very well…)

    With his only money being in a pack in another room, he’s left with…
    Pulling out the faun’s reward, he surprises her in mid motion by flicking it. Not missing a beat, she catches it mid flip between two fingers.


    Sitting back as the odd girl starts, he finds his mouth cracking, a slight smile breaking through his persona before he corrects it.

    (Pay attention, Adris.)

    {As you can see, a simple coin of the hated, old golden bitch. Worth a lot in Petripolis, but only if you know who to talk to. Observe!}

    Pulling up her doublet’s sleeve, she reveals mesh traveling up her slender arm. Also revealed is…

    A wrapped piece of cloth, with a pocket that could conceal a coin. With a shocked look on her mask, she quickly removes the cloth before letting her sleeve drop.

    {Sorry! No idea how that got there!}

    (… Distraction.)

    One finger held high, she points it to her open hand.

    {Now, the actual trick! Take one gold coin, put it in the hand like so…}

    Letting the coin stand between two fingers, she drops it into her palm and flicks her hand, opening it to reveal…

    Nothing there.

    (Sleight of hand with her sleeve… or actually magic. That is a possibility.)

    Lamenting that he never studied sleight of hand, his focus is ever on social manipulations and schemes.

    (I’d rather work magic on a crowd with my tongue. It’s not her sleeve, too obvious.)

    “True magic?”

    Genuinely interested as he throws the half-joke, half-question out, he leans over the desk to study her body. Doing so, her legs start slowly opening, drawing his attention to the gap revealed underneath her slightly pulled up skirt.

    The girl’s chausses don’t go all the way to her hips, showing…

    Looking up at a tapping sound, the mask bears a confused expression as she thumps it, before she makes the movement of an explosion with her hand.

    {You were watching, right? Why do you think magic?}

    Glancing back down, her legs have neatly closed. Realizing he’s been caught peeping, he’s still impressed.

    (This girl knows how to distract. Did I miss the trick?)

    “Because it’s ever present, why not use it for this? If not magic, then your sleeve-”

    Waggling her finger, Still reproduces the coin in her other hand with a flourish. The boy witnessed no crossover between her arms, making exchange impossible.

    {Ah, but how could it be in my sleeve when it’s here?}

    (That is impressive, but there are still options.)

    {No, but magic is still a viable answer, right? Then… “I swear upon my magic that it was not used to perform this trick.”}

    A light haze creeps upon the girl, surrounding her with a deep bluish-green for a moment before vanishing with a sigh.
    The cross in his hand twitches, a feeling of danger in the room, now.

    (You can use magic!? Then you just… swore an oath on it? Is that even possible…? No, assume it isn’t!)

    While he recovers, the quick flick she does results in the coin reappearing in her other hand.

    {The trick is quite easy to reproduce~!}

    (And also to explain.)

    “Simple. There are two coins: you received one as Recompense as well. Taken from Ave, or you already possess another one in the same style of minting.”

    (Where she palms it is the mystery, but a two-coin trick is easy.)

    “Rather than tricks, I had assumed you might want to know more about me or-”

    Slamming the coin on the table, Still gestures with an inquisitive look.

    {Am I not learning about you~?}

    (… You are testing me.)

    Waving her hand, she then points to the coin.

    {We’ll see if I can duplicate the effect with…}

    Metal flashes in the air, as a thin blade is slammed into the table next to the coin. Body limber and ready to strike, Adris’ concentration was on the coin instead of where she instantly produced the blade from.

    Still makes a bunch of gestures, before the blade goes to the coin’s surface.

    {With a trusty pointy, the trick escalates~! See, if you put a little scratch into the gold here, it becomes a perfectly-impossible-to-pass-off-as-a-copy coin.}

    Sweating while watching her carve, he wonders at this “test”.

    (A threat? Intimidation? Battle of wits? Isn’t it all the same thing…? She's far quicker than I am!)

    Flicking between the blade, coin, and her face, his senses tell him that the girl’s eyes have never once left him, even if they’re unseen.

    (Can you sense aura… no, something comparable?)

    Moving with fanfare, her fingers wag as the coin is thrown up.
    {Now, for the grand finale: it vanishes, and…}

    Grabbing the coin out of the air, she then opens the palm, revealing nothing. A moment later, her other hand opens, producing the same coin with an identical scar across the Alchemaster’s symbol.

    Watching the girl, Adris' extended aura senses ponder her true nature.

    (She feels more like Ave, except... not as... pure? Vigorous, but not energetic like Kol? Compared to this shining 'Lunastra', softer and concealed? How undefinable.)

    “… It’s a good trick. Excellent distractions, but the essential detail is easy once you think.”

    (And stop letting yourself be scared by a little girl half your age.)

    Tilting her head, Still leaves her hands out.

    Smiling, he reveals his talent.

    “The black mesh you wear has holes in the palms. The coins are hidden underneath the mesh, obscured from sight by the mesh color and size of the coin. Two coins exist, both with the exact same scratch. You’re good enough to duplicate the mark outside of the room. The first time, you showed me the unmarred door side rather than the marked symbol side. Alternating between them…”

    Shrugging, it’s all academic to Adris.

    “It’s an effective trick, for someone not paying attention and easily impressed.”

    (You’re not bad at social manipulation and you certainly know your appeal.)

    With a flick of her wrist, the second coin appears, too.

    {My, so observant!}

    “Not terribly so. You are quite... distracting, but not enough so to miss it.”

    The girl slowly makes a number of gestures, a genuine smile on her mask now, carefree and appreciative.

    {Lunastra always notices obvious things, as she loves details; but, she hates distractions~. Nice to have another person’s viewpoint~!}

    (You have to appreciate distractions, or you’ll die to them.)

    “Intellect is a powerful weapon. While this Lunastra is intelligent, she doesn’t appreciate cunning in the same way you do, obviously. Kol and Ave aren’t dumb, but-”
    Still makes an “x”, before mimicking a wobbling box with both of her hands.

    {The walking waste bucket is dumb.}

    (Cunning comes in all forms.)

    “Regardless, you’ve carried them through this mansion through your wits and guile, something that anyone should be proud of, but…”

    Adris leans forward, his voice low and stern.

    “Aren’t there limitations to that? If you carry them through all the dangers, they won’t grow stronger through tribulations. Something eventually will go wrong, the dangers-”

    {Hey, did you taste what I left you with? I went to a lot of effort to set you up with it~.}

    Mind freezing at the hand movements, he watches Still rise and put her elbows on the desk while leaning in, the catlike grace of her figure enticing him.

    (Taste… what? … Ave?)

    Knocking on the desk, she makes a coy gesture to her mouth after, mocking him.
    {She was giving it up that easy and you never bit? Really~?}

    Looking down on him after standing, she continues to needle him.

    {Are you not fond of ripe fruit? You don’t want to sink your teeth into something fresh? … Even when she wanted you to so desperately~?}

    (What is with this girl? Your “best friend” is asking if I threw myself on you… or invited you, Ave?)

    Growing frustrated with her, she continues her badgering.

    {What, did you have some in the Castillo? Is that why you weren’t hungry? Not even a delicious morsel like that for dessert?}

    With an innocent-looking mouth drawn upon her mask, the way she also sways with her hands behind her back sets him off.
    “Ah, I’ve had a sample of the flavors the mansion has to offer. Not eating too much, merely enjoying the variety. Some ‘fruit’ is…”

    With an authoritative smirk…

    “Definitely more appetizing than others.”

    (I am not some naive virgin, little girl. If my passion for her were that strong, I would’ve seduced her without any pressure. Ave is worth it… but you…?)

    Bringing her hand to her mouth, she pulls it away to reveal a slight “o” of surprise.

    {No, that’s just a bad idea! The Castillo’s are poisonous~. If you’re going to taste fruit, always accept it from a friend.}

    (I won’t disagree that they were poisonous, but I also don’t need you to sate my lusts! And we’re not friends.)

    This girl lowers her esteem in his eyes by the minute. Between being mocked, reducing Ave to an object, and-

    Animating suddenly, Still hops a bit and then taps her head, making a furtive gesture of apology after, before reaching behind her back to get something off of her belt.

    {Ah, sorry, sorry! No wonder you didn’t taste it!}

    A red object soars lightly toward Adris. Catching it with his bound hand, he turns it up to look at it.

    {I forgot to give it to her! My mistake~.}

    A pristine and delicious-looking apple does seem appealing.

    All of the tension drops out of his body as he calmly sits back down.

    Retrieving her blade, Still sits on the desk, her thighs luxuriously pulling up on it. Thicker than Adris would’ve guessed by sight, the soft flesh spills out temptingly, a pleasant picture while mentally drained.

    A coin trick - Logic and observation.
    Seductive gestures - A guage of how attracted he is to her, yet also in control.
    Subtle comments and allusions - Emotional analysis.

    (Feelings of outrage for a deserving girl, one who is this girl’s “friend”, are correct? Very cute, Still. In the end, this was an interview of me. I wonder, did I pass..?)

    Such sympathies he demonstrated for a girl of recent acquaintance and limited usefulness surprise him.

    Still begins to sign while fanning her face with her hand.
    {I was keeping it from the walking trash, saving it for Ave to impress you with it~. She’s pretty curious about-}

    “… Do you believe that deception has power?”

    Still freezes, with moments passing before her hand goes to her mask, revealing a sarcastic smile.
    Tapping her head, she moves her hand around the room, as if she’s pointing out the Castillo itself, before returning to put her hand on her breasts.

    {Isn’t deception the strongest power of all?}

    (I agree.)

    Considering the girl before him, he finds she is…

    … an absolute threat.

    (Though, her thin blade can be turned outward.)

    “Deception can win without a fight, but to win after deception fails you require more. Beyond poise, chicanery, and fraud there must be… real power to safeguard the illusions you weave.”

    (A woman named Serras was once that. Now… you four will be.)

    Still’s wry smile is silent as approaching night, a night that can perhaps banish the whispers which haunt this mansion.
    Throwing away all pretense, his persona's voice booms out.

    “Raw strength and a future. That which is true even beyond the petty lies. If you found a true power that could accomplish all your goals for you, would you reach for it?”

    Unmoving for a moment, she finally shrugs her shoulders. Moving her hand in a looping fashion, she then points to her eyes before moving to Adris’ cross. A few more gestures round out her thought.

    {I’ll believe in what I see, when I see it. It’s not like I’m… completely unimpressed, so far~.}

    “I see? Isn’t that fine? Though if you desire it, always remember that there are requirements and necessities best worked out beforehand.” Adris is solemn, before smiling lightly. “Enough about pleasure, surely you have questions about more than tricks?”

    Shaking her head, the wry smile turning to a joyful one with a moving hand as she grabs up the two coins a second later.
    {You had half of the trick, but you don’t know the rest! Observe~!}

    With perfect flourish, her hand whips before opening, revealing them gone.

    In her other hand proudly held before Adris’ face…

    Two golden coins, both with exact marks, are deftly held between “V” shaped fingers.


    Refraining from screaming, Adris’ heart races.

    (Four coins? But how does she hide them? No, there was the blade, too!)

    Tossing the coins in the air, her other hand gestures before stroking her chin, a quizzical smile on her mask.

    {If not by magic, then how did the young lady do it, oh all powerful false god?}

    Mystified by this dark and purple jester, Adris also finds his heart racing as he studies her, forcing his eyes not to wander from her face down her body.
    Even though only understanding her at the surface level…

    (Yeah, you definitely must be mine!)

    He can’t help but reveal an evil-looking smile at this perfect find.

    With the strange reverse interview over, conversation moved to a single topic.

    “The upper levels themselves are rather sparse for enemies, but you won’t be able to avoid the traps. They’re everywhere. With only four access points, they control the entire dynamic of the mansion. Knowing this, they appear to be… reviving the upper quarters with the minimum of people.”
    Finding himself doing his favorite thing, Adris trades information for better information.

    Lounging in the chair as if it’s his throne, Still remains sitting on the desk, showing off her femininity even as she remains remarkably businesslike.

    (Finally... someone competent. You alone are worth the risk, even if you're dangerous.)

    Making fluid gestures with the barest use of energy…

    {The eastern access within the Forbidding Quarters is a death trap on the second floor. No real name, they call it [Invasion Grounds]. The western access is through [Memories Eternal] and no slayer group has survived it. The Spiraling Flesh…?}

    An open-ended question brings only a knowing smile from the boy.
    A neutral mask accompanies a long pause.

    {Then that leaves Servant’s Circle. Anything about it?}

    Leaning forward, he shares Cethran's "wisdom".

    “Awakened, ready, and the most dangerous place to consider. The personal servants of the Alchemaster are staffed there. A series of forced duels are the only passage up the spiraling climb. As should be expected for the climb to her Throne.”

    (More than just them, you will also have to deal with the Alchemaster’s lieutenants and this vaunted Mother, but you don’t need to know that. Though, why do you want to reach the Throne so badly?)

    Listening, the girl abruptly tenses. With questions concentrating on this one goal, Still rapidly gestures.

    {How many duels-?}

    The door opens with great energy, a rust-red, clanging monster bursting in. Still’s head sharply turns, great hate exuding from her cloaked body.

    “Get out, Puddle.” Kol growls, leaving no room for misinterpretation or refusal.

    Still’s arm extends straight in response, before relaxing. Jumping up lightly from the desk, she walks up to conspiratorially lean next to Adris while pointing at Kol.

    {Glad you agree with me about that thing, I’ll let them know it’s a unanimous vote to eject her~. We can replace her with you~!}

    After incriminating him, the seductive lass sways while walking out the door, easily sliding by the pink-eyed terror glaring her down.
    At the door, she produces a gold coin, rolling it between her fingers as she looks back.

    (That might get annoying quickly.)

    The door slams violently, with Still’s arm narrowly escaping being mangled.
    A red apple still lies on the desk, waiting for Adris to take a bite.

    In the ensuing silence, Kol’s helmet is locked on him.
    Examining his newest interviewee, he finds her completely unchanged, but more details stand out. Though uncleaned and devastated, her armor doesn’t fit sloppily, for an expert touch was given to resizing and joining disparately crafted pieces.

    The short girl throws a rolled up fur blanket onto the floor, before grunting at him.

    (Too much aggression to share your nature with me verbally.)

    Quite one-track minded, Kol has voiced little more than a desire for contest, but Adris still feels something deeper.

    Standing at the front of danger, she also acts to protect the others.
    She imposes her authority whenever possible and favors her own solutions, but defers to smarter ideas.
    Foremost, she shows neither fear nor hesitation about committing to action.

    (Doubts? Yes. But she doesn’t fear me in the least.)

    “How was your sleep? Given the day, I’m sure you put in a lot of effort-”

    The girl’s rich voice booms out, instantly taking over.

    “No talk. Only listen. Talking, dumb. Only important, action. Human words, trash, prove action!”

    Lifting her head as she walks up to the desk, she projects an image of disdain for him.

    “Human brave, strong, true. Laugh at magic, move into danger, fight! Defeat rabbit, Moon worry. Moon worry, know strong.”

    A fast, exasperated voice, combined with clenched claws, shows her impatience.
    “If human strong, why no fight!? If human powerful, why not show!? Why, nothing happening!? Human… Kol understand: human’s words, offer power… Why not give?”

    (The comparison between you and Serras… please don’t say it’s totally accurate! I don’t need a second butcher girl!)

    Even if people don’t die here, the last ally needed is a blood-thirsty calamity.

    “Though you might enjoy fighting and inflicting pain, I find it uncouth. If all you want is to rage, then wander the halls.”

    Leaning over the desk now, completely unafraid of her...

    “My power would be wasted on you.”

    (The entire plan will be ruined if this girl is as belligerent and foolhardy as she seems.)

    Frustrated, he holds back from shaking in dismay…

    “What? ‘Like fight?’” The girl sounds confused, tilting her head.

    “No, Kol hate fight.”

    (Now you're a contradiction!?)

    Wondering if he's made a miscalculation, he adjusts his tone and measures his words.
    “... If you claim to hate fighting, then for what reason do you seek to challenge me?”

    “‘Challenge’? Yes, challenge! Exactly!” Animated, the girl pounds the desk.

    “Human have power, Kol want power. Only important, who in charge.” Serious and short, Kol leans in, too.

    “Win battle, own other; lose battle, be owned. Castillo rule!”
    Her deepest beliefs come out, absolute and unchangeable.

    Submit, unless beat Kol. Decide. … If submit, Kol… protect. If beat… liar, ‘maybe’ protect… If win… then, hmm…?”

    A lustful inflection is added to her rough words when she speaks of him winning. Pink eyes swim with this feeling, while her heated body shifts to demonstrate the effect.

    (You’re sounding like an inverse Lycia… Why does the thought of me winning excite you?)

    Licking his lips, the two are locked briefly in this charged atmosphere.

    “… Why must we decide with a fight? Why now?”

    Tilting her head, Kol lets out a voice full of disbelief.

    “Is easy, strong human! Whoever win, ‘right’; whoever lose, ‘wrong.’ Only true right and true strong, become knight (NOBLE RETAINER)!”
    Rapping her hand on the table...

    “Only true knight, protect weak.”

    The idea of this bundle of carnage protecting others seems somewhat out of character.

    (But this girl doesn't lie.)

    “Human strong, unbeaten. Maybe dangerous? Not know, then threat. Threat? Elf, danger. Break danger.”

    (Is your goal to protect others or to be strong enough to do it? Your logic is contorted by itself… But you consider Ave weak, so that’s accurate.)

    “You never want to lose?” Adris’ voice is low, sensing a path in her desires.

    “RIGHT! Never lose! Every time, Kol win! Nothing else!” The screaming voice should carry through the door, but he feels no rescue attempt forthcoming.

    “‘Kol can’t lose', ‘reputation'! Moon, great knight, both say: ‘protect weak, only strong!’ Kol strongest, nobody cause trouble.” The girl backs down finally while nodding, the edge out of her voice as she calms.

    (That’s like ruling, but different? You’ve lost me, but at least it’s… noble. “Winning every time” sounds like “never having to lose something”, because you have lost something for you to have this fervor over it.)

    Redeemed significantly, her desire is vague but usable. Because she understands loss, she will cling to the power to prevent it.

    (And protect me, the source of this power.)

    “Very well, we fight tomorrow.”

    Fist shaking and voice happy, her tail finally wags.

    “Yes!? Tomorrow, fine!”

    “Hold! There are conditions.”

    Leaning in, the girl digs into the desk with white-furred claws.

    “‘Conditions’? Limit? Why?” Suspicion is strong in her tone.

    (Because, you are my prey.)

    “Don’t worry, they’re easy:

    1.) The one who is the winner claims dominance of the one who is the loser. The winner is the one who defeats the other. Anyone who cannot act is the loser to the one who caused it.
    2.) Only those who agree to the terms of the duel and to be bound by its oath may participate, and must only fight when it begins.
    3.) All participants are allowed to take into the duel all of their weapons and the personal effects of their choice.
    4.) Anyone participating in the duel must support the duel taking place and completely resist the efforts of others to forestall it, and the duel must take place on neutral ground.
    5.) Those who agree to this must swear to the unknowable unknown that they will abide by these terms, signified by saying they ‘swear.’ And they must not speak of this part of the oath.”

    Nearing his head to hers while leaning in, Adris looks grave as he stares her down.

    Kol, to her credit, pauses, searching him for duplicity.

    “This is in order to prevent others from infringing on our fair fight, Kol. Have you never had someone sabotage you?”

    Gripping her fist, Kol points at the door, straight towards Adris' bait.

    “Right! Puddle! Always lie, interfere! ‘Fair fight’? Bring everything!” Kol sounds pleased as she agrees with him. “Only know ‘strength’: no mercy, no lies!”

    (No lies about the fight I intend to bring, at least. Manipulating people by using what they like and dislike… flitting between them, it’s all too wonderful.)

    “Swear it.”
    “Kol, [swear]!”

    Once more, Adris feels out with his senses to detect this unknown thing he is bound to; yet, once more it eludes him. Aside from the intensity of Kol’s emotions, the room is quiet.

    “This one known as Adris fehl Dain also swears to the unknowable unknown to honor these terms as stated.”

    Again, nothing happens.

    “Kol, enjoy!” The girl cackles, an affectation that disturbs Adris.

    (Is that… supposed to be your laugh?)

    “I thought you didn’t like fighting…”

    “… Kol not like fighting, but…” Looking at him, the girl speaks in a voice he hasn’t heard yet: untroubled, yet also pensive.

    “Human, different.”

    Pointing to the blanket, she says, “Kol, give. Sleep good. Must sleep. Good fight.”

    As she clomps to the door, Adris adopts his grandest pose.

    “Kol, would-be knight: if you had absolute power, what would you use it for?”

    Stopping with her hand on the door, the girl turns, her pink eyes menacing.

    “Hunt down, ‘winning’ monster.”

    (Which one…?)

    Surprised, he almost forgets his next plan.

    “Ah, wait.”

    “Human say, morning-”

    With a clumsy catch, the red object is held before her sallet for inspection.

    “Though it’s not tribute, you can accept this as a ‘gift.’ As one warrior to another, you have to be strong, too.” Adris looks solemn, respectful even.

    “This why, better! Human… not Puddle! Kol say… ‘thank you’?”

    Opening the door with enormous strength, she slams it behind her, causing a precariously balanced book to topple to the floor.

    Throwing off his persona leaves him exhausted, a sigh finally released as his eyes droop. Moving to the fur and unrolling it, the idea of being tied up and sleeping on stone is unappealing.
    Laying down, he realizes that he can’t put his arms under his head.

    (… I’ve never seen what she looks like.)

    The always armored girl keeps hiding from him. While he’s seen the other’s beauty, hers evades him. Lustful feelings that sprang up from her briefly during their conversation had an effect on Adris, despite his efforts.

    (Do you want me? I sort of want to… know…?)
    Sleep comes easily, one last look given to the banal paintings on the wall, which now seem to silently drip their running paint onto the-


    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)

    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”

    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength – E
    Vitality – E
    Dexterity – D
    Agility – C
    Intelligence – D
    Mentality – C
    Luck – F
    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"

    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”
    “What do you think these four girls each find attractive? Isn’t this the question you should ask?”
    "If you're going for appeal, then mystery is the easiest to rely upon, but the absolute hardest to create, isn't it?
    "Only remembering your dilemma now? Are you getting used to your perspective?"
    "Taking advantage of looking evil and dangerous is an easy path to being hated, or have you forgotten?"

    "If you can be strong, perhaps that's all the beauty you need? That might be a principle you agree with, somewhere?"

    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”
    “Only now does Adris appreciate his finer qualities. Pretending to be something you aren’t is a talent that takes a long time and hard practice. It also takes a willingness to submit without appearing to, all while becoming in truth something you aren't.”
    "Not content with being thought of as helpless, a foolish need to demonstrate self-reliance always seems to shine through."
    "A man that willingly sets fire to the plains so that he can use it as a weapon, weaving between the burning nature with glee."
    "Seamlessly moving into his role, Adris does what he does best: leading people astray."

    "Where else to start with manipulating people than to getting to know them? Information is the most important part of a scheme. Be sure not to give too much away, or you'll lose again."

    "Do you think more or less of the main character? It's not easy to tell if he's just an asshole or really good at faking it."

    Name: “Kol”
    Titles: Idiot
    Race: ???
    Sex: Female?
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Frontliner
    Discipline: ???


    Disposition: Straightforward / Confrontational / Respectful
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Pink
    Hair: White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength - C
    Dexterity - E
    Agility - F

    Cethran Value – “Are you attracted to rampaging metal? Though in your case, you appreciate the voice, don’t you? Do you long to see more? If she reminds you of a certain someone, then...?”
    "Is forthrightness an attractive quality? What is the difference between truth-seeking as a subject and living a lifestyle of it?"
    "Perhaps an uncomplicated female would be useful for a man that seems so interested in complicating life himself? But why are you fooled into believing she's simple?"

    "If she feels excitement looking at you, then perhaps she isn't as pretty as you're thinking she is?"

    "Brash and forthright, a warrior wielding an axe with two hands forsakes protection to deliver only harm. Contrary to this impression, she also seems interested in a straight up fight. If her words are any indication, she offers little thought to her actions."
    "In addition to being honest, she is also obsessive about certain things, least of which is deciding who is stronger than others."
    "Not worrying about details, Kol prefers to let others deal with them for her, so that she can concentrate on what she cares about."

    "While somewhat behind in intellect, she is far from witless."

    "Is it okay to start off with a noble goal and then show how the character evolves from that first impression?"

    Name: Still
    Titles: Puddle
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young Lady

    Occupation: Delver, Trickster/Outfighter
    Discipline: ???


    Disposition: Playful / Sadistic / Skulking
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: ???
    Hair: ???
    Skin: ???

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:
    Agility - C

    Cethran Value – "Do you really think it's not obvious? What she possesses is what you've missed all your life, yes? Breasts and curves... are these not a new fruit for you to taste?"
    "While you don't get to see much of her, it may be that her lifestyle is the most appealing thing, perhaps? If she's always surprising you, doesn't that create an appeal of danger?"
    "Possessing feminine pursuits such as sewing and toxicology, isn't she perfect for you?"

    "Do you find yourself losing focus in her presence? You might be weaker to seduction than you think? Or is it something else...?"

    "A mute girl who says much with gestures, she also has more going on than she seems to. Though not outwardly aggressive, there's an atmosphere of danger about her. Opposite of Kol, hers is subtle... Yet, she also can protect others. Given to acrobatics, it matches with her dark, but flamboyant, colors."
    "Self composed as always, it won't be easy for Adris to get into her head."
    "Not interfering unless she has to, Still appears to be mild-mannered, but such a misunderstanding might be dangerous."

    "Showing something of her true nature, the girl that says little can surprisingly say a lot when she needs to."

    "Probably the most difficult character to get right, she's a strong minded type, but also cunning enough to use others."

    Invasion Grounds - "Tier 2, right section."

    Memories Eternal - "Tier 1, left section."
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2021
  5. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Chapter 24: Night of Regrets ☆

    A wagon piled high with plunder enters town under the watchful eyes of a young man and his equally young female accomplice.

    “Why are they returning so openly!? Shouldn’t they be skulking back to their hideout!?”

    The plan has gone perfectly, except for this error. Prone and hidden on a roof as the light fades, their long wait for the bandits to return with the spoils of the “sacrificial” convoy Adris had prepared is over.
    Marching into a small town of tents and lean-to houses against ruins, they arrive at the near nightward turning of the torch-like sun. Endless shadows coat the scene, warring with the remaining light.

    “If they open it here…”

    Despite his cold hatred, this potential future he doesn’t want stabs at him.

    “What will happen?” An assertive voice forces him to turn to her, her shining hair and quiet countenance his only support. Insisting she should come along, her anger has been a constant threat, yet now she only looks passive.

    “… You know what will happen.” With a dark voice, he foretells the future.

    “Everyone will die. Not just them and a few sacrifices, but the whole village!”

    The village leader turned brigand marches to the center of town to the calls and whistles of his people. Come alive with their return, the villagers rush out to hug the bandits and gather. Wives and children are swept up in the grand, festive atmosphere.

    Straining to hear, Adris pushes his senses to the fullest.

    “Got a big one! Lotta stuff! Not like the last few!” The fat, yet muscular, leader with a long beard scampers on top of the wagon pulled into the town common where all gather to witness.

    “Idiots marched right into the rockslide! Ones that were left… well, what do you think?”

    The fate of the convoy guards and tenders is a joke to those assembled. Already, stolen loot is being distributed.

    “They’re all in on it…? Murdering savages!”

    Suddenly, the swirling emotions settle. Thinking back to the older couple who bothered to care for two abandoned “animals”, his vengeance blazes.
    “Best thing yet, got a premier pot of fresh honey wine! A regent’s own delicacy! Why not drink to our fortune!? Beats plowing dirt!”

    With the cheering village’s destitution ended by murderous banditry, their clothing of silks and soft muslin stolen from the southern barbarians proves that nobody is starving.

    Hands bleeding, Adris’ nails dig deep.

    “Adris… won’t children die, too?” Whipping back to face her, Serras’ placid gaze mystifies him.

    “Huh!? Who cares!? Certainly you didn’t! You’re the one that wanted to carve them up personally! Not killing the kids was my idea!”

    Steaming with anger, he turns back.

    “Best year of our lives! People who… cared. No running or terror!”

    If tears weren’t a missing commodity, they would fall down his face now.

    “They left Mori and Lerna swinging from a tree! They’d nothing worth taking!” Yelling at the suddenly caring girl, he explodes further.

    “These bastards and their fat offspring, they plundered what we and others lost! Lives and families - raped and murdered! Save their kids? No thanks!”

    No longer regretting this…

    (They’re all going to die.)

    Men, women, children, animals all, the whole village will soon be a feeding trough for carrion eaters.
    His only plan and goal took their money and all his skill to set up.

    “There isn’t good, Serras, but there is evil!”
    Smiling harder and more cruelly, he then giggles.

    “If they wanted to live, they shouldn’t have started this venture. Time to pay up.”

    The man is already yanking on the tight lid of the pot, his arms twisting powerfully. Mouth dry, the anticipation is killing Adris, even as something painful gnaws at him.

    (Do it. Doom yourselves, you scum.)

    Tensing with a touch on his back, his rigid muscles are warmed by Serras’ arm crawling over to pull him closer to her.
    With her head next to his, she awaits the end with uncharacteristic tenderness.

    (… Comfort? Usually I… comfort you? When have you ever held me first…?)

    The excitement of impending doom for those he hates joins with the touch of a girl he loves.

    “Fucking thing!”

    Finally wrenching it off…

    A soft moan issues from the pot. Circulating his aura and at a safe distance, the voice only prickles Adris’ skin.

    “The fuck, ain’t nothin’ in…”

    Stopping his sentence, the man watches red drops fall into the pot. Confused, his hand to his face feels the red waters from his nose… and mouth… and eyes…

    Clutching his head, the man shakes and stumbles off the wagon, drenched in his own fluids.

    “AAHahaAHAH!” Gurgling as he screams, he is not the only one.

    The pot of madness turns men against each other. Biting and tearing, they strike with objects while women pounce on them, joining in before being beaten.
    Children attack the fallen, gnawing at the flesh of their mothers and siblings, before they are smashed.
    With many collapsing forever into the dirt, those still standing begin to butcher and hunt each other…

    Paling at the devastation so expertly inflicted by him, his emotions run dry before…

    “They got exactly what they deserved, Adris.”

    The solemn voice next to him has a deep tone, but the scary part is the mirth lingering at the edge.
    He is no longer able to watch, pulled as he is into a tight embrace that prevents him from shaking at the sight. A boy of only fifteen is cradled by a girl of fourteen.

    After escaping from Fatso and finding a home, they lost it. Adris’ first act after is a massacre, which leaves him with bloody satisfaction and newborn regret.

    “We can’t go back.”

    With his voice lost in the screaming, he submits to Serras’ patting of his head. The experience is out of place.

    When he tries to ask why she’s doing it, he’s devoured by the embrace.

    Nightfall brings cold air and swaying tent flaps, a thick fur blanket the only protection against the wind.

    “How glorious, the victory! How wondrous, the victors!” Lounging in the fur while drinking thick honey wine, the small jar which is stronger than he’s used to still provides a sweet taste, even if slightly dry and acerbic. Pulling a ladle from it, he drinks, spilling drops upon the upper half of his body pulled free from his caftan.

    Sweat has dried on the cracked lamellar chest protector beside him, physical proof of him escaping death.

    “Although, they missed the name of the truest victor: the beautiful Serras!”

    Scooting closer to his partner and bringing the ladle up for her to drink, she gives him a passive look before giving a thin smile and accepting it. Wearing only her inner garments, the woman is just as battered as he is. Dust and sweat cling to her bruised flesh, her neck and arms still stained dark red despite the care he gave for wiping her down.

    (Always present, the blood is.)

    “Was it worth it?”

    Brought away from her forged abdomen and slender limbs by her voice, her plain question confirms the success of his plan.

    “I’d say so. One good slaughter; one saved company commander! Though…” Leaning closer, he takes in her scent while whispering into her ear.
    “I suppose the saving was ‘inspired’ by us, so it’s more like hidden blackmail?”

    With Serras’ power as the company’s core strength, Adris created a weak spot at the commander’s end. Plunging the man into danger, the two of them saved him in the nick of time from the collapsing enemy’s mad counterattack. Between rows of red-stained bamboo and shadows, the man had lavished them with praise while cowering at the carnage.

    “Shame about the adjutant.” Smiling darkly, his one miscalculation had been the expected strength of the counterattack, leading to a good man’s death. “I was fond of him, actually…”

    “… Will you advance?” Still placid, her question makes Adris grin ear to ear.

    “Within three days, I’ll know if the bird song I sang reaches his ears.”
    Calling in many favors, Adris laments that he will be the sole adviser. An unplanned vacancy ushers in unwelcome responsibility.

    “Why talk about me? A jar of honey wine is my gift, let’s talk about you…”

    The near death experience in the thicket drives Adris wild, for the man had locked his eyes on Serras for the rest of the battle, desperate to be within her.

    (“No” isn’t likely, you feel it, too. Always acting uninterested, yet we both know what your face means. This night doesn’t end until my seed is in you, beauty of my dreams.)

    A mask of self-control is only a thin shell separating him from bruised hips, the man always responsible for making it drop.

    “Pleasure and joy, as little as we get, is the only way to warm up this cold night.”
    Moving his hand over her body, he tentatively touches her back at the small of it, gauging her thoughts at a one of her tender points.
    “Hey Serras, seeing you running through the shadows like that made me remember there’s nothing more stunning than you. When you looked back, it was like the whole thicket existed to frame your-“

    She pounces on him, driving the breath from his lungs. Grappling with him, she mounts his lap while moving her hands along his bare chest.

    “… Yes… well… If you want to be on top…?” Instantly knocked off his throne, the Serras that initiates the rarest of nights confuses him.

    (Normally you… require more poetic coaxing before the lewd kind…?)

    “… I can’t help what I feel for you either. As I watched you dance around, the veils of blood surrounding a smiling goddess…”

    (Even if I lie sometimes… even if you frighten me a bit, wanting you is the easiest thing in my life.)

    A wry smile is drawn upon her face, dark eyes reading his heart as his breathing quickens. The alcohol and growing insecurity about the sex thrust upon him excites him.

    (… Why do I see prey reflected in your eyes-?)

    Pushing his hands down, she leans in to lick his neck. Black, shining hair spills over his body, dancing along it with her tongue. Quicker than usual, his arousal pushes against his caftan. A pronouncement of his inescapable lust, the wordplay from before that was cut short fails to convey his feelings of now.

    (I’m usually the one that does things romantically…? You’re always so much more… direct when in charge.)

    The dark, surly woman without full confidence in lovemaking has been replaced by a woman dominating him with more than just submerged passions, possessing instead a fervent and teasing mood.

    Moving off of his waist, the quiet woman opens his caftan’s belt, dexterously exposing him with the utmost care before trapping his legs with hers. Stroking his hard dick gently, she returns to licking his chest. The motion of her hand is surprisingly good, a fierce bullying of the head becoming a bit too strong.
    Twitching in discomfort, he starts to complain, but she eases off before he can.

    (You’re pretty into this… Am I that attractive tonight? Or are you more…?)

    Though the alcohol is strong, her passion still exceeds any expectations. Moving her butt up, she lets his dick fall behind it as she strokes his cock against her firm cheeks. He slides between her loincloth and flesh, a cocoon of warmth given as the rest of his body suffers.
    Staring up at her, he reaches with his free hand to rub her bound breasts, but is instead intercepted. Forcing him back down, the serious look in her eyes forces him to relent. When he does, she laughs before leaning in to kiss his cheek, beginning to remove the wrap herself. Coming loose, the dim light reveals the contrast between skin tones: while her body is tanned, the soft globes with erect nipples are still delectably white.

    Reaching up to kiss and lick the tips, she leans away while smirking.

    (Why are you suddenly so set on denying me!?)

    With a hunger that burns deeper with each rejection, the Serras who is stringing him along fires him further as she locks his dick in her cheeks to rub. Only licking him and breathing on his skin, her hands return the favor by reaching under his back to massage him. With only her body to protect him from the cold, she begins to slide his dick along her covered crevice now.

    Cock throbbing hard, he feels the urge to grab and throw her down, then force himself inside. A warm, tight pussy leaving him waiting has a pedigree proved by her exceptional muscles and years of their efforts in lovemaking. As cold as his dick is, he needs to warm it.

    But when he reaches to grab her, she intercepts him again while tauntingly smiling. A silent laughter is shared, her almond-shaped eyes light and passionate as she leans in.

    “Why such a hurry? Haven’t you had me before?” The sweet and alluring tone is so very unlike her.

    “Of course! Many… many times… Why would I ever grow tired!? Serras: I want you.”

    She ceases to be only receptive and grows frustratingly proactive.
    “Okay…” With her face next to his ear, she whispers with a chilling breath.

    “If I… take you for myself, will you give up everything?”

    Nodding quickly, his willingness is transparent.

    (Anything you want. Even if it’s a baby… no, that’s not… a bad idea? Just, let me have you…)

    The neediness he feels is contrary to his personality, his oldest acquaintance both begging and demanding him to pleasure her. Rather than a fire that kindles slowly and then burns bright, the Serras of tonight is more like the great Sea of Stars that sweeps over gently, encompassing him until the strong tide pulls him out before he can struggle.

    Smiling gently, the rarest of expressions, she reaches back to lift her butt and pull aside the loincloth, lining up with his terribly erect length before slowly dropping…

    (Ah… how tight!)

    The wet and suffocating grip is like usual, but when she begins to flex her muscular canal it is more pleasurable than any previous time. Clinging to him, she doesn’t even move, yet he feels like a slave to it. Reflexively, he pushes up as the flesh aggressively accepts him.

    Smiling as if she’s a victor, Serras lets her weight drop him harshly against the fur, her fingers dancing on him as he breaths erratically in ecstasy of being completely within her. Left in this sitting state while she rubs his muscled chest and abdomen, his squirming to thrust brings her face back to his.

    “Serras!” Whispering her name, he still refuses to beg.

    Smiling briefly, she finally lazily lifts her body, closing her eyes and swirling her head to let her hair fall back, before she begins to ride him. Eyes glued to her soft breasts as they lift and drop, he willingly surrenders to the full gyrations and slow piston she inflicts. Slightly thin lips part for a rich, red tongue to peek out as Serras stares back, her expression mocking his inability to look away. None of her playfulness vanishes, even as her face reddens.

    Minutes pass as she pumps on top of him, changing her position occasionally to use his cock in a different way as if it’s her private toy. Her hands never stop moving, a constant stream of sensations along his arms and legs, even his inner thigh as she reaches to cup his tight balls. It finally goes too far when she twists a nipple, earning a pained moan as he stares in amazement at his attacker.

    (This is unreal!)

    Releasing his tension at this completely novel experience, he understands that Serras’ game has been won. Slippery sounds of contact from beneath her loincloth match with wet thighs rubbing on him. Finally giving in to her own pleasure, she uses his hands to support her as she picks up speed. Letting his cock almost fully exit her, she torments him by repeatedly forcing him to squirm while trying to push back in.

    The knowing smile on her face is witness to his shivering, rising orgasm.

    “Serras… faster, I’m almost…”

    Unwilling to contain himself, the woman’s ministrations combined with her newfound attitude toward control brings him to a quicker orgasm than normal. Able to climax multiple times in the same night if he desires, he doesn’t feel like waiting. Always forced to hold back until she climaxes first, the look she gives is privilege to go first. Clenching every time he pulls out, then letting him slide back in energetically, it’s no longer possible to restrain his orgasm.

    (But why is she so… serene? With how pleased she looks, she should be… throwing herself against me to kiss me! Begging for my fingers to be on her. She’s the one that demands attention, not me!)

    “I’m cumming, Serras!”

    Feeling his balls tighten, the rising release pushes him to bury himself. With his cock head gripped by her juicy insides so expertly, as if she knows where it is within, it kisses it as he plunges. When he can’t hold…

    The motions cease.

    Struggling to cum, the sudden stop forces his eyes painfully open. Frustration and anger are met by a proud face, no malice to be seen.
    Only amusement.

    “… Seras! Why!?”
    Sharp and accusatory, his voice questions an event she knows is close, given that she always knows. Strangely, she seems almost like him: on edge.
    Noticing his body has grown weaker with the pleasure, while she’s grown more energetic, the situation grows tenser.

    “Will you give it to me? You promise?” Her voice is needy and bold. Going up to his neck, she lightly strokes under his chin before continuing to hold his head.

    “All of it! Deep inside! Serras, please!” Throwing away his dignity, he rises up to grab onto her waist.

    “… Okay… No regrets, right Adris~?” Lovingly smiling, her dark hair hides half of her face, a completely drunk look to what he can see.

    (Fuck, let me give it to you if you want it so badly!)

    Moving swiftly, she lifts and slams, her muscled but lithe body wild now. Moving more like the Serras he remembers, her breathing matches with his, as Adris’ painfully postponed climax builds anew. With tension returning with Serras’ internal gripping, her pussy now feels alive as it coaxes him.

    Rocking back and forth, her free hand massages his balls while the other grips his hand.

    (Why are you so different…?)

    Brain fogged by pleasure and need, he still knows that Serras should be tending herself right now. A hand rubbing her clit under her hood, two fingers gently squashing it as they move is how she devotes herself to her own pleasure.

    “Ah!” Going into her final assault, she denies this expectation. Rather than seeking selfish pleasure, her movements time perfectly to milk him.
    Finding release…

    … he begins to spew deep inside of her as she slams down. Beyond his wildest fantasies, her pussy actively milks him, as the woman it’s within goes crazy. Falling onto him, she shudders while losing control; yet, her depths only squeeze him more fervently.

    The inhuman undulation continues as his climax is lengthened, only ceasing when the last willing drop of semen is claimed.

    “Ha… ha… Serras, where the hell did you learn…?”

    Dazed by the experience, the sensation leaves him bodily drained. With her head on his shoulder, he tries to get her attention by rubbing her back. Pulling back, the woman sits back to look down upon him. While his cock is softening, she…

    Has a terribly lustful expression to her face, with her tongue licking her bottom lip wantonly as half-lidded eyes burn with need.


    She then darts in to kiss him.


    Even during sex, Serras only kisses him at the very height of their passion, and only when forced to gaze at him by his hand. Doing it after climax, the the soft feeling of her lips and face is a wonderful change as he recovers.

    (This has never happened.)

    “… Serras?” When she pulls away, an unknown passion reignites in him. Even during all nighters, she’s never invited a repeat performance with a kiss.
    Rubbing his abused testicles, she begins to gyrate.


    Giving him no time to recover, she forces herself on him despite his clearheaded period. Even if he wants to, even aura cannot cure the impossible.
    Realizing his problem, she puts her lips to him again…

    … and forces something into his mouth. Tasting the sensation, he rebels against the foreign object.

    “Nnn!?” When he tries to buck, she pins him while her tongue dances. With fear in his heart, his only partner forces a dissolving pellet under his own.

    (… Are you trying to…!?)

    When she pulls away, there’s no hostility on her face, only lingering passion and a soft smile of expectation. Quickly followed up by a gentle kiss, he remains silent and horribly confused.

    After mere moments, everything changes.
    The night is completely banished by the roaring inferno that becomes his body. Chest, abdomen, testicles, and dick all inhumanly burn.


    Amplified beyond reason, he pulls her down into a strong, sloppy kiss. His hardening dick rapidly becomes a throbbing rod. With the immeasurable heat, he feels it become even bigger than normal, swiftly expanding her inside as his blood rushes.

    Still kissing him, she resumes riding. Only when he pants so hard that he cannot kiss does she cease, smiling with a beet red face before lifting off him completely. When he moans in dissatisfaction, she answers it by turning around and dropping back on him in a reverse position.
    While she pistons with her body and undulates with her velvety hole, he stares at her sweat-sheened back as she rides. Running his arms over it, she leans forward and grabs his legs, using them to increase the pace.
    Her tanned skin glistens with the wicker light, this female form that both belongs to Adris and also constantly opposes him finally feeling in tempo with him again in both heart and body.

    (What is this urgency!? Why did you drug me!?)

    “Ah! Serras, again! I can’t…!”

    Dismayed at only lasting a short time, the embarrassment is met by reassurance.

    “It’s fine! Do it! Cum for me!” Hair swaying as she furiously bucks, her insides are even hungrier than the first time. Looking back, her gaze is both kind and cruel.

    (How can I so soon!? Fuck!)

    Tightening again, his balls launch another load into her. Quaking with this release, everything leaves him and is sucked inside of her greedy pussy. Tight muscles lock him in, forcing him to bottom out next to her lifted cervix and deposit at her fleshy door.

    Falling into stillness with even more pronounced exhaustion, breathing is now difficult. But for Serras, the pleasure has become inconceivable. Climaxing when he coated her insides, she still shakes even as he lays still.

    (… Tired…)

    Contrary to his expectations, cumming twice has done nothing to soothe the heat. Rising off of him, the woman sits back to face him, and only then does Adris realize that he’s done nothing to quell her lust.

    “More! Give me more!”

    A hunger of a thousand years glares at him, her eyes wide and joyful, even as her mouth hangs open and her tongue lewdly lolls outside. Before he can speak, she enters his mouth again with it, wrestling with his.

    (S-Serras!? What…!?)

    Forced to lay helplessly, only moments pass before she recommits to her attack on his dick…

    Breathing is impossible, for there is only hot pleasure.

    Serras moans as she shakes, his most recent gift added to the pool already inside her.

    (Serr… I can’t… keep…)

    While he collapses, she is done for, too. While maintaining composure for the first three shots, every shot after trashed her dignity further. Now as sloppy as him, the lewd smile on her face matches with her childish clinging to him.

    “M… Mooore!” Mouthing the word without energy, his remaining vitality is assaulted by her.

    (I can’t… No more… Serras… You’re going to…)

    Whispers sound from all around him.

    (KILL ME?)

    The rogue thought rises to the forefront, stating that this night in a small tent with dim light, no matter the passion he feels, is…


    Now wide awake,

    Hands close around her neck, as he puts his thumbs to her arteries and circulates a strengthening technique. With wide eyes full of disbelief, the woman stares back as he begins to murder her. Cock hardening more with the rushing adrenaline, the woman’s tight insides also unconsciously stir in response.

    “Serras…! You!”

    The woman he loves.
    The woman he loved.

    The woman who…

    (You won’t get away!)

    As he strangles her with all of his power… she begins to lift and slam down. Ramming his dick into her depths, her tongue peeks out as she massages him more strenuously, mocking him as her face brightens.
    A deep look of longing is in her blue, almond-shaped eyes. Instead of rejecting her death, she embraces it. Anger exceeding the limits of sanity, his lust becomes the same thing as rage. The medicine brings him pleasure even as he abandons it.

    You killed me! Serras, I will… never forgive you!”

    Hissing the statement, he gives up and instead tries to break her neck. For his efforts, she only silently laughs, leaning into his death grip to give him more leverage.

    Fog rolls into the tent as the flaps begin to melt, the colors falling to the ground to squirm. Dank air is no longer merely chill, but instead freezes him to the bone, even as he melts internally.
    Only a thin veil of night separates the two from what’s beyond.

    As he groans while climaxing inside of her for the last time, she nearly passes out. The two falsely struggle: him trying to murder her, while she resists ever leaving his grip.

    He falls through the floor, suddenly, dropping through raving darkness and slamming into cold, viscous water.

    Choking as he sinks, his flailing arms search for a surface that no longer exists.

    Red lights all around him, appearing like baleful stars of his namesake doom, swirl as he succumbs.

    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)

    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength – E
    Vitality – E
    Dexterity – D
    Agility – C
    Intelligence – D
    Mentality – C
    Luck – F
    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"

    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”

    "There's little to say, isn't there? Aren't you truly beautiful when you're honest?"

    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”

    "Losing everything is often an impetus to descend deeper into bad things. In Adris' case, it certainly amped up his energy for harming others."

    "I think every person has reasons for the things they do, even if they're really sad ones."
  6. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Reading List:
    Chapter 25: A View of Luna

    In a semi-conscious state, the lessons of those days play out.
    The night with Serras in the wake of the battle at the steps of Ulicha, a meaningless conflict where the only benefit was possible promotion. Passion that had made him feel like a king had given way to the realities of life among soldiers.

    (One of the worst things I’ve ever done was turned into an embrace, while the best sex I can recall became… horrifying. … There was never a promotion…)

    Hands twitch, the sensation of gripping her neck still fresh. Feelings of love and attraction play upon him, curious thoughts coming in this moment.

    (Can I still succeed with women? With Ave, it was a heart strike and a failure to understand: she’s fallen for the image completely, but knows nothing about me. With Still, it felt like we saw eye to eye for a moment, almost as if I was more interesting than the image. With Kol… all she sees is what I can offer…)

    Trying to rise, the sleepiness still refuses to leave him. More than sleepiness, he feels absolutely drained.

    (… Even if the plan is going perfectly… that dream is a bad omen. How am I still so tired after sleeping? If I don’t watch out, my body will succumb without aura to bolster it.)

    Stuck as he is in this charade, the hatred has had no time to eat at him.

    (But… it’s odd… even though I still hate her, the pain from my death… isn’t as bad…? Almost as if it’s been sucked-)

    Aura senses finally awaken, with a bright, familiar presence near him appearing at that moment. Eyes peeling wide, the dimly lit room shows his guest that was present the whole time.
    Moving her hand towards his bound wrists, a kneeling girl with strangely pale skin stops when her ensnaring violet eyes register his consciousness. With no word uttered, they stare, though only he is shocked.

    (… Was she the one responsible for the dream!? No, I can’t show fear. If she were responsible, I wouldn’t have woken up with her next to me.)

    Sitting up slowly, Adris smiles tightly while controlling his rushing blood.

    “Indeed, it would only be natural for the one most… curious about me to appear, yet I expected a grander entrance from someone of your character. Sneaking in to join me is beyond my expectations.”

    To answer the tease, placid eyes blink once, before the girl calmly reaches back to his wrists. Allowing the work, he watches with fascination as the silver seal flows into a vial she opens next to it.

    (Why are you removing your safety net?)

    Trying one more time…

    “… If we’re alone, then this is the very point where introductions must be made, before misunderstandings arise with the others.”

    Finishing her work of unbinding him, she stands once more.
    With a perfect flourish, the girl lightly grabs the hem of her dress and curtsies. The mechanically perfect gesture accompanies her bell-like voice, which is neither childish nor fully womanly, but ever gratifying to hear.

    “Neesiette ‘vera Luna’ (CREATED BY LUNA), greetings.”

    Left speechless by her emotionless grace…

    (Our “Lunastra” is a Neesiette, Still.)

    … he ponders her detachment. So full of fire earlier, she appears only perfunctory in private.

    “So, it seems I have the pleasure of being demonstrated perfect etiquette. I trust you remember me?”

    “Indubitably so. ‘Adris fehl Dain, self-proclaimed true false god, self-proclaimed traveler from another world, self-proclaimed catastrophe slayer.’ Remembered without fault, all said.”

    Pulling a knee up for more comfort, he is bothered by the situation.

    “Though you claim me no danger, in spite of reality, to remove bonds even from a helpless man implies trust that you have demonstrated not to possess… for what-?”

    “An action performed without failure, according to conveyed instructions. According to nothing more.” Her cold and unfeeling response dictates that Adris is still considered dangerous by this girl.

    A hand to his chin, he smiles.

    (See, the plan is already bearing fruit, Neesiette. Even prisoners hold exceptional power.)

    “Though it might not be sought by you, you have my support in your advice and actions. Clearly, you look out for all of them. Could you not refuse?”

    Her bright eyes harden at the last question.

    “Advice refused be advice unfollowed… Freedom for one before this tool be requested by all three, somehow. ‘He’s nice, stop being mean’, ever foolish be amphibians. ‘He’s no immediate danger’, assessment made contrary to this tool’s own. ‘Let go, Kol handled’, strangest of all, for in absolute confidence be how one stated it.”

    Producing the slightest of huffing sighs, Neesiette leans closer, her hauntingly perfect face nearer to him than ever.

    “Charmed or imperiled them, be this the nature of one’s actions?”

    Laughing reservedly, he throws back her own question as he adopts a friendlier posture.

    “Given your exceptional talent with Art, shouldn’t you know? If you can’t detect it, then how did I? Am I not… powerless?”

    “Correct. One be observably powerless, yet in action proved otherwise. Adris fehl Dain: contradiction. Be a danger, or a helpless soul lost to madness within a fell Castillo?”

    (Good, you can’t escape it either. This sense of mystery and seductive promise. Even if you seem emotionless, I’ve found your weakspot, too.)

    The plan has worked.

    Ave provided all of their weaknesses and wonderfully returned an ally to him.
    Kol provided commitment to his battle plan, an inescapable bond.

    (Still…? A dangerous wild card. The most foolhardy plan I could commit to is now in its final stages. While unnecessary, since you provide the opportunity, let’s discover more about my opponent?)

    A girl that suddenly defies his mental assessment provokes his own curiosity.

    “Your advice is seemingly the best, Ms. Neesiette, but sage wisdom is ever ignored.” Trying to console her, he receives no feedback from her placid gaze. “Yet I understand your… need, considering the situation you four find yourselves in.”

    The sharp gaze returns at this comment.

    “Words and whispers, be this not the nature of one’s true power? Kol refusing to talk, for what reason comes this situation? Dancing iguanas that blush and strut, explain how the continued loss of mental faculties where further loss should not be possible? How much learned by a lizard’s loose lips does one seek to use? For what purpose and gain?”

    (Kol has already decided how this is going to be resolved. Talking is… pointless. Ave is… Ave. And I’m not going to try to win you over, I know it’s impossible.)

    This Neesiette is far too intelligent and indignant to fall for the straightforward plan he’s committed to.

    (Sorry, I don’t have time to woo you, as much as I want to. You, most of all, I relish the opportunity. We’re all going to lose if you don't. Rather than aid me, please be my spoiler.)

    “Should you not take them to task yourself, for allowing such a situation to develop? As the one with the correct opinion, the safety of the others is for you to lead them to, yes?”

    (Give me more to divide you four with.)

    Instead of riling her up, she becomes far stiller. An icy look is the only thing spared for him.

    “… For what purpose would a tool lead? For the benefits of others, actions by this tool be undertaken only for this. Unneeded be a tool when its advice ends up discarded, no matter the danger.”

    (… Do you not have agency? Aren’t you… What is going on?)

    “You’re not the one truly pressing decisions… correct?” Acting mysterious, he hopes the question that sounds like foreknowledge hides his doubts.

    Neesiette’s eyes grow brighter, her attention and suspicion inflamed.

    “… Be this so readily observable?
    ‘Keep us safe’, an open-ended and earnest request given to this tool, so ill-defined that understanding its meaning becomes impossible. Offering well-timed advice, precise analysis with missing facts, task-managing, decision-making, be these not the most vexing things to request, with them so unsure and ill-quantified? Yet, if it be asked…”
    A softening face lets go of her thoughts on Adris, a resolved look coming to her.

    “Fulfilling this tool’s design… no other path exists but to fulfill, for fulfilling be the purpose for existing. Even should a decision doom this tool, it be not the place of a tool to balk the course the user commits to.”

    Neesiette, the most arrogant girl Adris has potentially ever met, offers to succumb to whatever future her teammates choose.

    (Something is wrong with this girl. She’s obviously not human, but what am I missing about this fatalism and lack of agency? Looking out for the most complicated scenarios she is, but it’s not solely by her interest… Who is the hidden…? AH!)

    Smiling jovially, he pieces together the very last part of this puzzle.

    (… You’re cruel for making this girl your proxy, but can I see why.)

    “… ‘Totally helpless’ be the determination of one called Adris fehl Dain, yet such a determination be regularly cast aside by the very subject. Vexing, be this.” Moving closer and narrowing her eyes, she tilts her head cutely.

    Smirking, Adris searches his new interviewee instead of responding to her complaint. Still thrown off by the immaculate richness of her clothes, the softness of it is confirmed by how it folds up on the floor.

    (But more than that, this is the closest I’ve been to…)

    The platinum-bound book is still with her, ever carried by the girl. With its cover appearing to be some cut and smoothed stone, the title engraved into it is in runes he’s never seen before.

    A book that can make the earth cry out in pain is called…


    “… Brings an end?” Quiet as a mouse, he’s unnerved enough by the brutal simplicity of it to speak.

    Soft hands dart in to grip Adris’ cheeks, turning his face to hers. Full of tension, this once emotionless Neesiette puts all of her inner turmoil into her face and words.

    Repeat.” The collected girl is unnerved enough to make a demand.

    “… Your book’s title is ‘Brings an End’, is it not?”

    This unblinking gaze lingers on him, only her mouth opening without words before closing. Hands move up to his mask. Sensing the danger of direct inspection, he begins to move before she issues another order.

    “Indicate one’s understanding with absolute diligence. Speak now the word: ‘impossible’.” Rapid words issue an order he balks at.

    (Something about my nature is understood by her. This is dangerous, however… I have no choice.)

    Reaching up to lightly touch one of her hands, he smiles before repeating the word, earning true surprise with both actions.

    The word issues forth like song, lingering powerfully.

    Nodding quickly, she pulls away in a rush.

    “Yes, impossible. So impossible be such a thing, that the word ill defines the extent. Impossible, that the Creator’s tongue be both understood and repeated by a mortal. Infinitely impossible, as it has been locked in time, lost long before one’s possible birth.”

    (That clears that up.)

    The hidden dilemma’s resolution forces sweat from him. While everything sounds like Xin’el to Adris…

    (When I speak, it’s in their tongue to them. And the form of the tongue changes depending on person and perception. Lycia noticed that I shouldn’t speak her language. Cethran probably… used more than one to test me… I must determine how this works and watch who I talk to. Another ridiculous obstacle!)

    Feeling he’s dodged an arrow, Neesiette confuses him by calming immensely. The girl lets go of her frigid face and posture, adopting one that seems more caring.

    “… Very well. Be you truly of another world, then consider advice from one sharing in this foreign strangeness: go back; or, to a quiet, hidden place. Anathema be this land called ‘Zennia’ to ones such as… we. Common sense be ever devoured, replaced by impossibility and nonsense never to be understood.”

    In yet another shocking reversal, the once emotionless girl becomes frustratingly kind.

    (Thanks, but… it’s already too late for me.)

    Not only does he not intend to leave, he has nothing to go back to.

    “‘One sharing in foreign strangeness’? Are you claiming to be as well traveled as I?” With a joke, he tries to calm both himself and her, afraid that the conversation is leaving his control.

    With this plain answer, the stunning girl raises a hand and pulls free her glove slowly. Watching with enormous suspense, his mouth drops when the flesh underneath is revealed.

    Where wrist and fingers are, joints are found. Unlike the internal ones of a human, there are grooves in her soft flesh where the pieces glide, just like a doll’s hand.

    Grasping her hand rudely to bring it to his face, he feverishly studies it.
    “Jik’shewa (LIVING SPIRIT DOLL TOOL)!?” Like glass plates his eyes are, all pretense and acting dropping from the boy. Feeling this warm yet inhuman hand, he excites his senses to the fullest to study her. Having full motion, this not-flesh and joints respond like a human’s would.

    A true legend is before him.

    “… Call this, does one, the grace of a false god? ‘Oh being from another world’?” Purely indignant now, her clear voice shreds him.


    Whipping up to look at her, the girl was pulled toward him with his sudden grip. The absolutely perfect symmetry of her proportions and features is now explained to the tool maniac aggressively cradling her hand.

    “Grace? Ah…” Mind rushing to play this off…

    “… How can any man show grace in your presence!? You’re the perfect tool.”

    Sitting before the ultimate aura tool, Adris again loses his script. This living vessel given true life by a false aura soul is the final evolution, the stage before joining tool and man.

    (You don’t understand! Not even the Emperor could possess you, girl! Only one was ever made in all of Xin’s history, and the Emperor obliterated it and its creator when he was refused!)

    “You’re the pinnacle of toolmaking, the masterpiece sought by every aura tool maker and user…!” The legend told to him by Fatso in his training had once consumed him, this eternally distant promise that fired his making of aura tools.
    He stops babbling when the hand he holds fails to tug out of his grasp, yet she continues to try.

    (You have such little strength.)

    “Lunamata (ANIMATED BY LUNA). Not ‘aura tool’ (DEVICE OF MYSTERY). Ingrain within oneself the absolute distinction in order to properly appreciate it.”

    Though her response is plain and carries overwhelming dignity, the expression on her face is overly proud and also shook by his words. The violet windows to her artificial soul hold him entirely in their reflection.

    “I see. Apologies, you are a Lunamata.” Feeling he’s losing something when he lets go of her hand, he struggles to regain his composure.

    “Hm, wouldn’t you be to blame for the intensity of my response? Beautiful and unique enough to move even me, you can’t expect a man to remain passionless.” Turning the situation back on her, he chooses to look out of control by choice.

    “… Be that the truth? Then…” At this uncertain response, she calms. A small girl lit by blue sconce lights looks ever fragile and ephemeral, now verified as the greatest treasure in all of Xin’s history.

    (“Can cast any spell?” No, far too similar. Xin… Zennia… there is a connection. What is it?)

    While he dwells on the deepest thoughts, she puts her gloveless hand to her tome, rubbing the edge.

    “… Possessing the capability of reading any language, perhaps, if one proves capable of understanding the perfect speech of Luna?” Stopping briefly with that sentence, Adris picks up on her implication.

    “Clearly interpreting the words contained within a particular tome… would one surpass all expectation?”

    (Got you! I got you. You’ve given me my 'in'. Mystery conquers all hearts!)

    With the most tempting face he can manage, he raises an upturned hand to demonstrate the possibility.

    “Nothing in this world escapes my understanding, if needed. Will you entrust your… desire to me…?”

    Opening her mouth before closing it once more, time passes in quiet thought before she finally blinks.


    Retrieving it from her satchel, the girl slowly removes the clasp of the, for her, overly large tome.

    “… Prove it, if it be possible?”

    Placing it in his hand, he dramatically holds it before himself.

    With the name staring up at him, the book is strangely alluring. Though Ave fears it terribly, its dangerous aura is not like the Castillo. As unique as the girl next to him, the light, gray stone slightly worn by time holds words Adris now wants to test.
    Putting it to the ground, the need to prove his worth to Neesiette compels him to open the cover…

    A cover that rips itself from his right hand the moment it is opened, pages turning wildly-

    The ground beneath him is hard, old, and has given all it can.
    All that was within has been taken.
    The depths no longer hold fire.
    Those who cared for it have long since deserted it.

    Even the memories themselves, once flowing through the stone, have ossified.

    Though it has been long coming, this ponderous passage of time has culminated in what transpires.

    All cares this land held have vanished with its last groan.

    The ground quakes, the will to exist itself now deprived.
    The ground sinks, drawn into itself, the pressure upon it finally becoming total.
    The ground rises above itself, the pieces drawn in forcing the rest to erupt out.
    The ground grinds itself to nothing, unable to escape from its own body’s death throes.

    The intense pressure on this dead world sets it to tearing apart, the very firmament shaking violently as it tries to quell its own suffering.

    Everything ends with a final-

    Hand to his face, vertigo assaults him. The feeling of needing to throw up only subsides when Adris leans over. A clasping sound accompanies the dragging of the book, a spinning girl in a fantastical blue dress joining with the twirling room.

    (Stupid! I am so fucking stupid! Never open mystical tomes, Adris! Ah, fuck! It hurts!)

    “Interpret the end you do? Absent power and Art, experience it within? Impossible.”

    “… What was that…?” Trying to stand, he falls to his side. As he lays there, a hand comes to his forehead and lingers briefly, before departing to re-enter a glove.

    “Empirical evidence of one’s uniqueness; which, of the options presented…”

    Pale, violet eyes burn with renewed suspicion, except it is joined now by dismay.

    “… be the worst possible outcome.”

    Walking toward the door with ribbons bouncing and leaving Adris to recover alone, the girl who jerks around in his twisted vision spares an ultimatum.

    “All care and safety will be afforded to one who departs willingly with our group; yet, should such a route be cast aside, one shall discover our willingness to force the issue.”

    Nervously toying with her cravat, he sees kindness peek through the previous hostility.

    “… Far too dangerous to these three be this tool, already. No further fortune exists to shelter you, as well; yet, a promise be given: deliverance in good health be offered and assured, so long as a tool endures.”

    Exiting quickly, he closes his eyes after and rides the nausea. The beautiful girl plucked from a dreamlike world finally succumbed to her temptations. Chuckling quietly, he laments that she is his childhood ambition, one lost when life murdered such ambitions one by one.

    (Except… now all the pieces are together. Even this girl is in play.)

    The one girl he thought would never budge not only did, but has the absolute deepest attachment to Adris, now.

    (She’ll never let me go. If she does manage to get me out, she’ll come for me. I can do it. That book is… her one desire. Ahhhh, it’s all coming up right, for once in my fucking life!)

    Taking advantage of his freed hands, he reaches into his pocket, pulling free the last vitality pill left from Xin.

    (All this can do is alleviate physical limitations for a bit. I won’t make it if I can’t get real rest…)

    Time passes as he recovers, entrusting himself to the healing pill.
    Coughing hideously as he nearly vomits, his burning head only barely feels like it will split into two pieces and beat him to death, now.

    (If I can just get over this, then I can go outside and start this show-)

    A knock a moment later returns him to the Castillo. As he lays there while failing to look intentionally lazy, a figure enters while bringing a familiar, cloth-wrapped package.

    (Not many left of those.)

    As they close the door, they move closer, before…

    Motioning for him to listen.

    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)

    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”

    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength – E
    Vitality – E
    Dexterity – D
    Agility – C
    Intelligence – D
    Mentality – C
    Luck – F
    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"

    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”
    "There's little to say, isn't there? Aren't you truly beautiful when you're honest?"

    "Playing up the mystery too much might prove troublesome? A man of only mystery can be angel or devil, yes?"

    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”
    "Losing everything is often an impetus to descend deeper into bad things. In Adris' case, it certainly amped up his energy for harming others."

    "Nothing is off the table for a man with nothing to lose."

    "Not everything works out, but if you have a plan and enough daring, it will at least occur."

    Name: Neesiette vera Luna
    Titles: "Moon"
    Race: Lunamata
    Sex: Female
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Mystic
    Discipline: ???

    [Sparking Rod] - "The danger inherent be apparent, even if not demonstrated."

    Disposition: Impassive / Calculating / Curious
    Alignment: Ordered

    Eyes: Pale Violet
    Hair: Amber
    Skin: Pale White

    Rantil Value –
    Agility - E
    Intelligence - B

    Cethran Value – "First imps, and now short girls? This is certainly becoming a pattern, isn't it? Though you might not fare badly with a girl as beautiful as this, yes? Though she's a little perfect, doesn't she seem oddly demure?"
    "Having her rebut all of your words so desperately, is it her intellect you're falling for? Are you sure that's wise, considering she could dethrone the wisest person you know...?"
    "Having a woman stand up to you... isn't this a strange fetish for you to discover?"

    "A doll? How do you define the limits of your tastes? Or are they 'unknown and unknowable'?"


    "An otherworldly existence, she wears clothing that doesn't fit with the Castillo. With mannerisms quite distinct from all others, even the girls she travels with seem incomparable to her uniqueness. Yet, she definitely seems to be in charge...?"
    "Given to only worrying about what she can demonstrate as true, how does such an uncompromising and uninterested person lead a group of four girls through situations that cannot be easily explained?"
    "The reasoning member of the group, all of her questions are direct and impossible to sneak away from."

    "Finally revealed, her interest in Adris is inextricably tied to the book that he has proved capable of reading. For what reason does one desire to bring an end?"

    "Someone who has desires and can fall to temptation is a person."

    Lunamata - "One created by Luna, designed and made perfectly."

    Luna - "A mysterious being which might not be well known, implied to be from another world."

    Brings an End - "A namesake tome that probably does what it implies, though Neesiette seems incapable of using it."
  7. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Reading List:
    Chapter 26: All For One

    “No reason to remain exists with our task completed. More problematic passage becomes, accompanied by the one before us. To depart quickly and face all challenges with ample time, such a solution presents the best chance for success.”

    (Nope, you’ll never make it. More… candid information just provided assures that. Honestly, what’s just transpired makes me sick about everything that’s about to happen… Oh well, I was committed before. It changes nothing to be twice as committed now… right?)

    Rubbing his sore neck, Adris’ facade of quiet assuredness cannot contain his tired disappointment. With three girls watching him, he’s left to face the fourth sitting on the bed.

    (Odd, that you choose the spot where I was sitting. Are you attempting to assert authority using my mannerisms?)

    Seated in a very plain manner, white-stockinged legs hang loose, the raised front of her dress still an odd affectation to him. Dainty feet only lightly swing, the orders she issues remaining unsupported by her reserved and silent body language.

    (And of the rest…?)

    Steel-clad arms rest easily over her chest, the strangely silent terror lounging at the door; yet, even in silence, she absorbs everything said.
    With gracious bottom given rest, a falsely relaxed, hooded stalker restlessly flips a dirk in the air, her mask a pleasant smile concealing a multitude of dangers.
    The most easily read girl offers a thin smile full of regret to Adris. A once tear-stained face is dried up, but she says nothing.
    Segregated from the other girls and put into a corner, the elf in time out blushes when he leers at her, before looking ashamed.

    (Sidelined, are you?)

    The loose-lipped girl’s intricacies are far better known by the group, meaning her predicted nudges for suggesting to seek Adris’ help likely led to a lengthy interrogation.

    (You did your job.)

    While Neesiette had been mostly cordial before leaving the room, his last words and actions have once more fired up her dislike of his existence.

    “You still haven’t identified how you plan to leave.”

    Cocking her head a bit, the girl’s dry, neutral expression perseveres.
    “By threat or force, same as entry.”
    Though serious in tone, his knowledge makes the words comical.

    (They have no plans to come back or retreat. This will be their final attempt.)

    Their belongings are gathered, with Ave carrying the lion’s share. When his gaze on her lingers once more, Still slides in to block the view with a teasing wave.

    “And this plan is agreed upon by everyone?”
    At these words, there is a reaction from Kol, who adds energy to her presence.
    “What would further delay achieve? Food now becomes…” Stopping for a moment, Neesiette’s gaze softens.
    “That provided by one before us reaches its end. Food of the mansion be a curse of insatiable lust. Weakness shall set in, with three days at most before trouble presents.”

    Their supplies exhausted, Adris’ contribution sets them ahead only a day. Even water will torture them, if forced to seek it in the Castillo.
    “Escape be paramount. This, and nothing more.” With everything falling apart, a clear voice states their resignation.

    Closing his eyes, he pretends to be thinking.

    (With you four at your level of power? With me along bringing the Castillo’s enjoyment? The moment we try to leave without presenting something interesting…?)

    Scoffing, he smiles widely with dark eyes directed at a fellow traveler from outside of Zennia. Such valuables exist in this room, yet only these four girls must be claimed by him.

    “Wrong! Escape is impossible with such a plan. As stated, I will not accompany a doomed initiative.”

    The room’s atmosphere changes instantly.

    Ave raises her hands while shaking, slithering forward with a quivering smile of fake amiability to cover her fear.
    “N-n-now let’s… let’s just ta-!”

    “Silence, lizard.”
    Yelping at this insult, the would-be green-haired savior receives no help.

    Sauntering up, the masked girl with flashing steel throws wide her cloak, the exposed brass buttons of her doublet glinting. A sadistic and bloodthirsty smile is given, a few concise motions finishing with a finger drawn across Adris’ neck.
    {It’s funny to me how you think you have a choice!}
    But intimidation is the one thing that won’t work on Adris.

    (You need me to be willing. The moment I force a confrontation, you may plunder from me, “exit” me from the mansion as a statue, or rape me… but I will not be your slave immediately, for you believe I have Devotion.)

    Only one in true deficit of Devotion may be enslaved. Defeating a weakling will not easily prompt it.

    (A safeguard for… “bullying?” Only certain dangerous areas and monsters produce “the end” on a first loss. This otherworldly girl cannot measure Devotion, as only certain human devouts can. Feel free to tie me up and carry me, but good luck after…)

    “Idle threats belie the true issue.” Adopting an imperious pose in front of the one truly dangerous girl here, he jumps straight into his plan.

    (Destroy your unity.)

    “I always possess choices, given my strength.”

    Brushing past Still and producing shock from the girl, he coolly approaches the steel blue lady staring up at him from the bed. Reaching in, he slowly and gently lifts her chin.
    Receiving narrowing eyes full of consternation and outrage, he knows her pride has been perfectly challenged.
    “The answer to ‘how’ you intend to leave is simple, my dear Neesiette:
    None of you have any idea. When the time comes, you will simply rampage and be destroyed.”
    While Still hovers at his back, his true focus is on his contract. With the statement issued, Kol finally relaxes.

    (If you approve, then I’m going to enlighten them.)

    “Claim now to be an expert prognosticator or diviner? Captured by our group, yet still mock us?” Putting up with his touch, the girl’s ringing voice intensifies. “... One’s concern for one's own safety be understood, but entrust-”

    “Never once have I been captive and my safety is irrelevant. Yours isn’t.” Unwillingly letting go of a fine face, he regrets its expression sours with his resistance. “You can no longer afford not to listen to me…”

    “… Yet more words and schemes, be it? Very well. No longer will it be permissible to play at hospitality, when one misunderstands-”

    “You will all be raped by monsters most cruel.”

    A hissing sound comes out, Ave recoiling at the phrase delivered with a monotonous voice. Neesiette remains mostly impassive, except for her irises.

    (That you think I am "preparring" my scheme shows your inexperience, Neesiette. I've already sprung it.)

    “Misunderstand me not.”
    Shrugging, Adris spells out their doom.
    “All your efforts will be ground to dust. The desires of the Castillo will be set upon you in place of your own. This is the fate you’re choosing by not seeking all possible strength.”

    Leaning in while Still moves closer as a reminder, he lets his confidence assault his opponent right next to her face.
    “You cannot defeat this ‘block’ as is, or you would’ve already. Even possessing Kol, an indomitable and rampaging force; Still, a reliably precise friend in the shadows; Ave, a steadfast companion to support you; and you, a logical and forward-thinking sage…”

    “Because you fail to pursue all avenues of victory, you are not fit to deny me.”

    Pulling back from Neesiette, he remains calm while letting the pronouncements boil in their minds.
    Ave looks terribly ashamed and also frightened, sidling up toward Still and Adris. Even though he can’t see Still, he knows he’s impacted her, too, as her aggressive aura has vanished.

    “… Reject this our group does, especially 'hinted at' power offered by one as untrustworthy as a boy named ‘Adris’. Even supposing one’s assessment correct, one's hidden assertion be plain that all which we lack may be granted only by allying with the one named.”

    The statement, no matter how forceful it’s intended to be, carries great sadness deeply concealed, because Adris knows the girl would likely work with him if she felt she could.

    “Because nobody else here is willing to openly lead… or, rather, because nobody else has the support of all members of the group… No truly objective decisions may ever be made. Therefore, my offer is not hidden, but obvious.”
    Casting shade on the one manipulating three other girls, he feels sympathy for the Neesiette forced into an unwanted role.
    “Kol cannot lead, as she is committed to fighting without burden of higher decisions. Ave lacks nothing in intelligence, but cannot find the heart. Still operates alone and in shadow, while also lacking the words to speak. You…?”
    Neesiette’s pride doesn’t bend at the unfinished question.

    “Who is left, exactly? A group cannot make a decision without someone to execute that decision. What you need is that executor.”
    Though the group possesses difficult personalities, so far everyone gets along. They show capability and teamwork when it matters. If they couldn’t, they would’ve been defeated long ago.

    (It’s not that I need to tempt you to give in to me. In reality, you’re already falling apart. I just need to make you realize the benefits now, so later will be "willing".)

    “Would it be you, then, claiming to be the solution? The point of your argument be ‘who’ being ‘you’?” Neesiette’s bell-like timbre is unhurried, but deeply accusatory.

    (I don’t think we’ll be able to see things eye to eye this early. That will take time.)

    Jumping down from the bed, the very girl flicks out her sparking rod before pointing it at him.
    “Find one’s words supremely vague and intentionally caustic, a tool does. No more do they matter, whether intended to aid or harm. No matter our fate, find no one here one will who-”

    “No, Kol, agree.”

    Quick as a whip, Neesiette’s head turns, with utmost precision, to stare at Kol. Ave and Still do so as well: one with a blank face and open mouth, and the other with a neutral mouth on her mask.

    Walking over swiftly, Neesiette confronts the girl much more imposing than her.

    “Kol, explain.” Tension accompanies the actions of a girl swiftly exiting Neesiette’s predictions.

    (It’s simple, really, what Kol truthfully wants is…)

    “Kol, see human power. Moon, deny power.” Kol puts her hand on Neesiette’s shoulder, light and friendly. “Moon, not make sense. Why not, try claim power, either way?
    Kol know: can't win as now."

    Neesiette’s head rocks back a bit.
    Moving to join them, Still is waving her hand insistently while making gestures, her mouth an undisguised smirk of loathing.

    {No, no, no, your first mistake, Neesiette, was believing that the walking urinal pot isn’t crazy~! Ignore insane opinions.}

    Stopping outside of Kol’s range with her axe, Still shifts while standing, keeping her feet moving as she insults the girl.

    “Kol, not crazy! Kol, think! Puddle, die!” Instantly angered, Kol lifts her axe with one hand, before stopping when a small girl hops onto her arm to hang from it.

    “Be calm, Kol. Competently does one explain herself when calm, for all words and meanings are known, if often difficult to find. Deny with action unkind words asserted, for in this be true strength.”
    Like a patient mother, Neesiette soothes Kol’s outrage through compliments.

    Making quick gestures, Still points at Kol while leaning forward, before making a mocking attempt to stifle a yawn.
    {We’ll be waiting until winter for a decent argument by those terms.}

    As Kol frays again, Neesiette whips around to eye Still.

    “Still! Still, stop! Let Kol talk!” Ave slithers over to hide behind Still, even as she tries to talk to her. Keeping out of sight of Kol and Neesiette, Ave whispers to her cloaked benefactor.
    As the elf tries to placate the elder girl, Still suddenly lifts her arms, shrugging in disgust before calming. Adopting a neutral posture, Still moves her arm slightly, before making gestures.

    {Say your piece, Kol.}

    Adris finally breathes again. Afraid for a moment that his attempt to disturb the group might destroy it, it instead affirms his observations.

    (Things work out, no matter how frayed you guys are. You can’t buy that sort of dynamic. Even if you fight… nobody here really wants the others hurt. Even if you’re feeling outnumbered, you instead turn towards each other, and not away.)

    This frightening amount of underlying trust sickens Adris, even as his stomach churns for another unspoken reason.

    “Okay! Kol, only say short. Moon, strong. Stronger than Kol. All know.” With respect, Kol shows deference to another person for the first time, at least to Adris’ eyes.

    (You only listen to…)

    “Kol, know human strong. So, ‘question’: human stronger, or Moon?”

    Neesiette’s face shows the slightest of doubts.

    “… Such a question exceeds this tool’s knowledge, for power ‘self-proclaimed’ be only innuendo. Admittedly, it would be a lie to claim ‘stronger’ for what be merely ‘unproven’.” Neesiette answers without arrogance or self-importance.

    “Right! Kol, agree! Easy solution!” Pointing at Adris with her hand, Kol uses an energetic, hungry voice.

    “Beat up human, know stronger. After that, everything easy.” Nodding again, Kol growls.
    “Human have power? Easy. Take it. Make him ours, always! Moon right? Can't lose!”

    At the mention of power, Neesiette sounds unsure.
    “Fighting entails unnecessary risks for unrevealed gain. A human such as this one is extraordinarly…”

    No! Fight! Tired, waiting, talking! Everyone, fight everyone! Human, reason!” Roaring loudly, Kol looks to everyone in the room. “Solve now! Not later! Kol, handle!”
    Moving Neeisette gently out of the way, Kol picks up her axe, grabbing something from the ground with her other hand and marching up to Adris.

    “Morning now, things here. Take, wear, glory.” A light voice accompanies the proffered items: a pair of white-furred boots and a small bag with trinkets in it.
    “Kol, know where! Walk with!” Kol’s tail swishes a bit as she finishes with her short speech.

    Neesiette starts to talk, but changes her mind, leaving Ave to shake a bit before jumping in between Kol and Adris.
    “Kol! You can’t just fight him alone! You have no idea what…” Looking at their “captive”, his gaze forces her to shiver. “… you have no idea what he could do! We can’t let you just face that kind of danger alone!”
    In a smaller voice with her hands over her face, Ave speaks to herself. “Even though I want tooooooooo!”

    “No, why would Kol be alone? Kol’s power, doesn’t it include all of you?” Adris is firm as he speaks, adding in the mysteriousness he’s been perfecting over the past day.
    “Kol, shouldn’t your ‘true power’ include your friends by the terms?”

    “AH!” Kol yells, realizing Adris’ hint.

    (Just go ahead and drag them all in, Kol!)

    When Still walks up to stand between Ave and Kol, the iron bully pushes past her to grab hold of a yelping elf. Still pulls on a recalcitrant Kol, the attempt to rescue Ave completely unnoticed.

    “Stop! Stop!” With Still backing off while making fast gestures, Ave turns to her shorter friend. “Kol, what do you…”
    Pulling her until her nose is an inch from Kol’s helmet opening, the now instantly-tearing-up Ave is shaking while waiting for her to speak.

    “Elf. Swear, fight with Kol. Now. Glory for us!” The voice is menacing, but there’s also a hint of affection.

    “Huh!? Fight? Who? Adris!?” Quaking, Ave tries to pull away, but even the elf’s herculean strength is unable to sway the tin can grappling her.

    (This is the difference in… [Talent], correct? Or is it [Aptitude?])

    Of Ave’s explanations, Kol’s enormous strength is preternatural, borne of the Modus she subscribes to. If Kol latches onto you, a Talent or Aptitude prevents any chance of escape unless countered by another preternatural ability.

    (Aptitude is borne of a quality of strength, speed, or intellectual ability… plus repetition and training. Talent is a complete set of abilities based on a plateau of victories? This world’s insane quirks boggle my mind.)

    As Ave flails unsuccessfully, Still moves in to berate Kol, looking as if she wants to murder her.

    {Let go, you retard!}
    “I didn’t do anything~! Stop, Kol!”

    “Elf want, coward forever?”

    Ave stops moving instantly, stupified by the description. Still ceases, too.

    “Elf, fight. Claim power. Make yours. Be useful.” Letting Ave go, the girl only swaying a bit as she rights herself on her tail, Kol puts her hand on Ave’s shoulder.

    “Elf, brave inside. Show brave, outside. Fight, by Kol. Say, ‘swear.’”

    “… What? ‘Swear?’” Quietly watching the struggle, Neesiette now perks up. Her eyes lock onto…

    (Don’t you dare.)

    Adris glares at her, ready to interrupt.

    “Idiot iguana, no further words shall pass one’s lips! Be silent and nothing more!” The amber-haired girl’s words are poorly chosen.

    (This is why you can’t be a leader, Neesiette, even if you are as smart as you act.)

    The boy’s slight sigh accompanies a shaking green form.
    “Wh-what!?” Ave’s countenance changes from surprised, to saddened, and finally to vengeful in the span of a few seconds.
    “Ah, leave me alone you… you tiny, no breasts, self-important, and… and… ARROGANT MIDGET!” Ave screams, shaking her hand in Neesiette’s direction.

    “This tool’s stature referred to twice, be this not a clear redundancy? In addition, would not ‘no breasts’ apply to oneself, as well?” The quiet, emotionless rebuttal that follows Ave’s outburst inflames the forest which was merely smoldering.

    (If not before, then certainly now.)

    “… GYAH! AVE ‘SWEARS’ TO FIGHT BY KOL! Go be sold in a curio store for a single peca (SILVER COIN), you ungrateful doll!!!” Ave screams at the top of her lungs before hissing loudly at the end of her sentence.
    She lunges forward, burying herself into Kol.

    “… Ave… I will never let Kol go on adventure and into danger alone!” Crying while talking, she hugs Kol while being patted on the back by the armored girl.

    “Good, nice. Elf, brave! Best friend; best ‘minion’!”
    Cringing at the last word, Ave looks a little let down while being hugged by her companion.

    Still, looking puzzled, walks over to Neesiette, squatting down in front of her while making furtive motions.
    {They… “swear?”… eh…?}
    Neesiette whispers during the gestures, conveying what Adris imagines is her realization about his tactic.
    With Ave still sobbing a bit while saying “They aren’t… that…” and Kol cheering her up, the two noteworthy minds complete their discussion.
    Still’s dark-blue ensemble is flanked by Neesiette’s ruffled and stately steel-blue, both pointing weapons at Adris.

    “A complete denial. With force, if necessary.”

    Three people immediately respond.

    “Kol, not allow.
    “Go away!”
    “Nothing on this world will permit you to.”

    Adris chokes a bit after speaking, the words coming out without his control.

    (Okay, at least something happened.)

    Kol and Ave stand aggressively between Adris and his threat, dividing the party perfectly. With only Neesiette and Still understanding what has transpired, the confrontation quickly self-resolves with their troubled impotence showing.

    (Even if last time was a bit… unfortunate, having this unknown force arbitrating things makes this easier.)

    “… Planned how far ahead are one's designs?” Neesiette calmly questions him, while Still lets her head roll back while her body sags a bit out of tiredness.
    “You may know only if you claim ownership of, or agree with, those designs.” Adris smiles mysteriously.

    (Planned as far as I can, unfortunately. Which isn't far... as proved by earlier.)

    A hand goes to Neeisette’s shoulder, the doll girl receiving lazy hand gestures.
    {We’ve been had.}

    “So it would seem. Remind a... valued comrade this tool shall, why a gag be explained as prudent.”
    A calm voice casts an accusation, which is quietly dismissed by a shrug.

    “If you will make your own pledges, then shall we see where Kol picked out?”
    Adris accepts their defeat with an immense amount of grace.

    (The ants that don’t work together die off, one by one.)

    The boy’s new boots sink into the rich, blue carpet, a pair of comfortable and very warm shoes that far exceed the quality of his old “acquired” ones.

    As Ave had said, lacing them had provoked a change, the size and grip on his foot altering imperceptibly to become a perfect fit. Tested by Adris, he found that he could even alter the arch support and balance of the boots by consciously requesting it in action, flexing his foot in the right way.

    The acrobat-in-all-but-name feels springy as he moves, his feet ready to leave the floor at any time. It becomes difficult to walk without visibly changing his gait, the energy in each step coming naturally, seeking to ruin his deception.

    I don’t feel any different?” Adris had looked suitably mystified while relaying the information to Ave, and the girl had apologized profusely for giving terrible instructions, despite it not being her fault they didn’t “function.”

    “Here, here! Human!” Kol’s voice rings out.

    Moving into the open room, Adris inspects the strange scene.

    The large, square dance hall with ornate, inlaid marble floors features a line of female and male dancers moving in a circle around the room.
    At least they would be, if they weren’t stone.

    Wearing strange, flowing, short body robes that tie up in places around their figures, they are adorned with heavy laurels on their heads and shoulders. Fifteen pairs make a circle around the hall.
    On the east wall, a large brass-and-gold brazier is set into the wall, unlit and filled with kindling. Gold leaf scrollwork fills the whole wall, spilling out from the alcove like a magnificent sun.

    “The space is sufficient.” Adris nods, continuing as his gaze picks out the details. “Is it not dangerous?”

    “Intend to light the brazier, one does? If not, then safe it will remain.”

    The doll girl walks to the end of the hall, setting herself up near the edge of the door leading out opposite the entrance. Kol inspects the dancers with Ave, the elf sliding up next to one, mimicking the stance with her arms and body while smiling. Still is at the exit ahead, placing a paper charm on the door frame.

    Adris sees another to his right, strange lines and characters on a thin, red piece of parchment. The words upon it are legible, but appear to be complete nonsense.

    (Warning, or barrier? A different form of magic?)

    Unlike the verbose and eloquent forms of magic of the Works, these are randomly distributed, strongly emotional words, formed into non-specific patterns by connecting ideas.

    “Sufficient space to be fair between the two doors. Open ground, absent any obstructions. No traps present, nor ambush awaiting.”
    The distance of roughly sixty feet over the decadent marble imagery matches with he room room’s good light provided by innumerable floating candles high within the vaulted ceiling.

    Coming back to join with Neesiette, Kol stomps to the front of the pack, axe high, with Ave behind her.
    Ave’s whip is finally out, a deceptively long lash that she moves with surprising grace while testing it out. When she flicks the ground, the whip head gouges out a bit of the marble, leading to her smiling smugly with one hand on her hips.
    Still sets up a little to Neesiette’s right, producing a short sword with a swift motion, yet looking languid. It’s a decisively deceptive posture, as Adris well knows.

    Two metallic sounds catch Adris’ ears, his eyes moving to Neesiette, who has rods in both of her frail hands, now.

    (Where does she store them? The book is…?)

    The devilish book is over her back. Both rods are at the ready, while she stands without a defensive stance, her front towards him.

    Adris decides to offer light banter, seeking to test his thoughts about them.

    “Are you certain that you four won’t surrender and save yourselves from impending humiliation? We can skip to the ending where I share this power, anyway?”

    Still makes light gestures, before producing a rather obscene one.
    {You can stick your surrender the same place I might stick my hand in a bit~!}

    “Very sad. Kol take surrender, yes?” Seemingly not understanding the question, Kol sounds disappointed as she prepares to let Adris throw himself on her mercy.

    “No, we’re strong together! Not even you can beat all of us~!” Ave continues to look cheerful, full of unfounded pride.

    “As spoken, disappointment shall be your reward.” Neesiette rounds out the refusal with a soft voice. "Receive shortly one will a fitting punishment for attempting to lead astray our numbers."

    (... Drawing them in with enticements, learning what I can from honeyed words, playing at their deepest wishes and fears... everything was...)

    Purposefully brought to a fight, one designed to absolutely crush them.

    (Thank you for lining up everything for me. In believing that I am weak, your loss will be ever sweeter to deliver.)

    “Should I assume you are all prepared, then?” Adris smirks, loosening himself up, watching for a sign…

    “Prepared, and together.” Neesiette speaks, neutral and measured. “‘Protection’ be what was offered before. Now? Who knows? One's actions... hardly deserve it.”

    Still gives a cute wave to Adris, before pointing to her sword. She arches forward to let her breasts hang low, before putting a foot behind her like a sprinter.

    (No need to interpret that.)

    Ave swishes her whip a few more times, before bringing her free hand to her breasts, breathing in deeply, and then… smiling gleefully at Adris while winking.

    “Good luck!” Ave calls out with her sweet voice, no malice at all to be found.

    (No hard feelings.)

    “No luck, only proof.” Kol slams her axe against the floor, before bringing it back with one hand.

    “Powerful human, show Kol…”

    Inching forward, a challenge is thrown out.

    “Power, ‘false god’!”

    “Very well, let us set in motion this unfated future. Worry not…”

    Swinging his cross to his side, he draws the purple-and-glyph-covered tool wide across his front to let it be held before him.
    Feeling completely alive for the first time since his death, his mind and heart are finally one again with his prizes so close.

    “I shall be the greatest power you will ever know. Even this mighty mansion shall quake with what I intend to make occur."

    The mansion's presence, ever distant yet near, burns with excitement at this declaration. Its evil fills the room, adding to his presence as the girls shrink back.
    The cloying smell of the mysterious and arcane suffuses the air, as the candlelights brighten.

    "All your… deepest desires shall be fulfilled.”

    (As you fulfill all of mine.)



    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)


    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned


    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”

    Attributes by Grade:

    Strength – E

    Vitality – E

    Dexterity – D

    Agility – C

    Intelligence – D

    Mentality – C

    Luck – F

    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"



    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”

    "There's little to say, isn't there? Aren't you truly beautiful when you're honest?"

    "Playing up the mystery too much might prove troublesome? A man of only mystery can be angel or devil, yes?"


    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”

    "Losing everything is often an impetus to descend deeper into bad things. In Adris' case, it certainly amped up his energy for harming others."

    "Nothing is off the table for a man with nothing to lose."


    "In the end, wanting a fight is the same as saying that you're the bad guy. By this point, you might be..."

    Name: “Kol”
    Titles: Idiot
    Race: ???
    Sex: Female?
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Frontliner
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Straightforward / Confrontational / Respectful
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Pink
    Hair: White
    Skin: Tanned


    Rantil Value –

    Attributes by Grade:

    Strength - C

    Dexterity - E

    Agility - F



    Cethran Value – “Are you attracted to rampaging metal? Though in your case, you appreciate the voice, don’t you? Do you long to see more? If she reminds you of a certain someone, then...?”

    "Is forthrightness an attractive quality? What is the difference between truth-seeking as a subject and living a lifestyle of it?"

    "Perhaps an uncomplicated female would be useful for a man that seems so interested in complicating life himself? But why are you fooled into believing she's simple?"

    "If she feels excitement looking at you, then perhaps she isn't as pretty as you're thinking she is?"


    "Brash and forthright, a warrior wielding an axe with two hands forsakes protection to deliver only harm. Contrary to this impression, she also seems interested in a straight up fight. If her words are any indication, she offers little thought to her actions."

    "In addition to being honest, she is also obsessive about certain things, least of which is deciding who is stronger than others."

    "Not worrying about details, Kol prefers to let others deal with them for her, so that she can concentrate on what she cares about."

    "While somewhat behind in intellect, she is far from witless."


    "Even if she's responsible for this, she's the only one willing to do something about it, so you can't really feel like it's her fault."

    Name: Still
    Titles: Puddle
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young Lady

    Occupation: Delver, Trickster/Outfighter
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Playful / Sadistic / Skulking
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: ???
    Hair: ???
    Skin: ???


    Rantil Value –

    Attributes by Grade:

    Agility - C



    Cethran Value – "Do you really think it's not obvious? What she possesses is what you've missed all your life, yes? Breasts and curves... are these not a new fruit for you to taste?"

    "While you don't get to see much of her, it may be that her lifestyle is the most appealing thing, perhaps? If she's always surprising you, doesn't that create an appeal of danger?"

    "Possessing feminine pursuits such as sewing and toxicology, isn't she perfect for you?"

    "Do you find yourself losing focus in her presence? You might be weaker to seduction than you think? Or is it something else...?"


    "A mute girl who says much with gestures, she also has more going on than she seems to. Though not outwardly aggressive, there's an atmosphere of danger about her. Opposite of Kol, hers is subtle... Yet, she also can protect others. Given to acrobatics, it matches with her dark, but flamboyant, colors."

    "Self composed as always, it won't be easy for Adris to get into her head."

    "Not interfering unless she has to, Still appears to be mild-mannered, but such a misunderstanding might be dangerous."

    "Showing something of her true nature, the girl that says little can surprisingly say a lot when she needs to."


    "Got one pulled over on her, she looks ready for revenge."

    Name: Neesiette vera Luna
    Titles: "Moon"
    Race: Lunamata
    Sex: Female
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Mystic
    Discipline: ???


    [Sparking Rod] - "The danger inherent be apparent, even if not demonstrated."

    Disposition: Impassive / Calculating / Curious
    Alignment: Ordered

    Eyes: Pale Violet
    Hair: Amber
    Skin: Pale White


    Rantil Value –

    Agility - E

    Intelligence - B



    Cethran Value – "First imps, and now short girls? This is certainly becoming a pattern, isn't it? Though you might not fare badly with a girl as beautiful as this, yes? Though she's a little perfect, doesn't she seem oddly demure?"

    "Having her rebut all of your words so desperately, is it her intellect you're falling for? Are you sure that's wise, considering she could dethrone the wisest person you know...?"

    "Having a woman stand up to you... isn't this a strange fetish for you to discover?"

    "A doll? How do you define the limits of your tastes? Or are they 'unknown and unknowable'?"


    "An otherworldly existence, she wears clothing that doesn't fit with the Castillo. With mannerisms quite distinct from all others, even the girls she travels with seem incomparable to her uniqueness. Yet, she definitely seems to be in charge...?"

    "Given to only worrying about what she can demonstrate as true, how does such an uncompromising and uninterested person lead a group of four girls through situations that cannot be easily explained?"

    "The reasoning member of the group, all of her questions are direct and impossible to sneak away from."

    "Finally revealed, her interest in Adris is inextricably tied to the book that he has proved capable of reading. For what reason does one desire to bring an end?"


    "From kind to heartless, it's easy to step on a lady's goodwill."

    Name: Avenalliah Aurmaris
    Titles: Lustful Lizard, Elf
    Race: Elf
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young

    Occupation: Delver, Scared Girl
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Joyful / Impressionable / Cowardly
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Crystal Green
    Hair: Moss Green
    Skin: White


    Rantil Value –

    Intelligence - C

    Mentality - F



    Cethran Value – "While not possessing your newly favorite curves, isn't a girl with a naive charm also fine? Because she covers so little, you are also left without having to imagine what you could possess, yes?"

    "If you're looking for a girl to protect and curl up with, where else could you find a girl as clingy as this? Does being innocent entice men? Isn't that a stupid question, Mr. Star?"

    "Not being afraid to flaunt her beauty if she doesn't notice that she is, yet cowering at exposure... isn't this a gap?"

    "Another girl that won't shut up, is it? Shouldn't that dissuade you? Or is it okay if it's her bubbly voice?"


    "As cheerful as she is skittish, Avenalliah fits an unknown position within the four delvers' group. Though she carries a large sack, that would hardly count as a position... right?"

    "Prone to fits of panic, there's a lot she needs to do to prove her worth..."

    "While a master of avoiding confrontation, she finally finds a backbone after being kicked around enough."

    "The one thing in the world she loves the most is her own people, which makes her a master of everything related to them."


    "Even if you're trying to be a carefree person, isn't it a little much to cheer for your enemy? Or is he your enemy...?"

    Aptitude - "A power born by fulfilling the required attribute and then unlocking the skill associated with it."

    Talent - "That which is obtained from a Modus as the essential component of a style of fighting or acting."
  8. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Reading List:
    Chapter 27: Proof of a False God

    Calmly analyzing the scene, all of his predictions line up.

    With Kol as vanguard, Ave as buffer, and Still ready to interdict or outflank him, Neesiette is prepared to bombard him from a great distance.
    In order to defeat Neesiette, the real target, he must defeat all between.

    This problem has an easy solution, though, specific predictions ringing out for the first time since the Emperor’s tomb. The madness of the mansion fades, all of the conflict and helplessness vanishing.

    Adris enters a proper state of Clear Mind.
    There will be no errors.

    (Kol charges without care for any plan, seeking single combat.)

    A rampaging bull, red-and-black-colored death, trundles forth with a deadly axe high.
    Blood and steel!” A now familiar war cry fills the room.

    Nobody comments on her tactic, because nobody anticipated her doing anything else.
    No one can stop Kol from tearing Adris apart.

    Lifting his arm prompts Neesiette to raise her silver rod, eyes shining. As spoken of by Ave, she is ever ready to unmake magic.

    (More than just imagination. What was it like? The memories were vivid, once… I hope this is something you can’t make vanish.)

    Recalling his march through the woods, when the cadre had approached them, great sheets of fear billowed out from the darkness and growth, consuming everyone…

    [Obscuring Sonjil!]

    Bringing his arm sweeping forward in an arc instead of straight down, that memory comes to life. A wall of gray scythes from his arm towards his prey, consuming the rushing red juggernaut.

    (Cross goes in front, middle of body.)

    Holding it forth as if to cover himself, he races to meet Kol as a loud crack is heard from beyond the writhing gray tide.
    A brilliant, scintillating and waving beam of turquoise blue blinds Adris for a moment as it strikes the cross, a weight on his arm briefly before it reflects with a droning sound accompanying its return to roughly where it originated.

    (But I was off.)

    “Kyaaaa!” A scream, followed by a heavy plop, echoes, before another cracking sound resounds from the end of the room.

    (She’ll attack me with excellent prescience… to her… LEFT.)

    Heavy, clanking footsteps come with the sound of whistling air. Ducking a bit to the right, he instead throws himself to the left at the last moment.


    The mad girl’s chop slams into the ground where he was about to roll, even as her eyes follow his roll. Faking her at the last moment, he rises behind and shoots towards her.

    (One hit, return shot?)

    An impossible rotating swing meets his lunge, raw strength carrying the axe blade towards his midsection as she pulls in. Throwing his body to the ground and ducking it, she overshoots wildly as Adris thrusts the cross at her head.

    Taking her in the bevor and striking her chin, a peel of thunder and shattering glass proves the victor of this dance.


    The girl keeps her posture, her body only momentarily quivering.
    “SPLIT!” The girl’s deafening scream accompanies a quick lift and chop.

    (One hit, another trick card?)

    Adris jukes only slightly, emulating the imp from yesterday. The swing without any technique misses him by centimeters, though the pressure of the swing…

    (That’s no joke!)

    Blots of blood appear on his torn sleeve, the periphery of the attack delivering absurd damage.

    “Retarded reptile. A useful wind for once would be too much, yes?”

    (Ave clears the fog. But, first…)

    The destructive force jars him, but he sidesteps quickly like a fencer toward Kol. In close, his body twists like wound rubber to slam the cross into her temple.
    The flanked girl staggers with this blow, her body vibrating as Adris dances away. Narrowly avoiding a surprise grasping claw that shoots out in retaliation, he prepares for her final blow.

    Called by an unseen force, wind rushes in, pulling along the fluffy white fog towards the monster twice struck. Kol’s body is enveloped in a haze as she becomes the sole spectacle of this room.

    (Last hit! Trick card!)

    Kol’s body contorts inhumanly, an enormous wind up of the axe beginning. Her legs begin to dance, carrying her in spinning circles.

    “[Great Round Eater.]”

    (To the sky!)

    Bending, Adris snaps off the ground and launches towards the ceiling, his white-furred boots finally used. The floor below his feet is carved clean by a shining, spinning axe that completes four revolutions in the span of only seconds. A tornado of metallic death sucks on his escaping form.
    Landing on the ceiling after inverting his body in mid air, he springboards off to aim at the unseen figure he can only feel with his aura senses.

    (Good game, Kol.)

    Nearing the ground, he readies his final trick…

    An axe exits the fog with great speed, embedding into the wall next to the golden brazier.
    Through the fog, a powerful clawed hand reaches straight for him, the girl jumping up to mimic him. Powerful legs accomplish for her what only a magical item can for Adris.
    Air, like a vacuum, is drawn towards her hand, the boy's body gravitating, too. Grasping onto an approaching shadow in the fog, she yanks with all her might.

    Pink eyes shining with unbreakable focus coincide with a cackling laugh…

    … until she sees what she’s stolen.


    A wooden chair leg wrapped in part of a blood-stained cloak is what’s in her hand as Adris lets go of it. Using an unnatural technique to try to fling him murderously to the earth in mid-air, she instead revolves to put her back to the falling boy.

    (Excellent smell and hearing, but you can’t see, can you? An arm and a piece of wood aren’t so dissimilar in blinding fog!)

    “… ‘Annoying’!”

    Stuck as she is in the turn, the wrapped cross drives toward the back of her head unopposed.

    “[Secret Skill of the Crossbearer: Brainfry.]”

    Throwing in his falling momentum, a lightning strike booms out.

    Hitting the ground at almost the same time she does, his boots absorb the landing completely, while her heavy armor adds to her flopping impact. Throwing up pieces of stone, Adris pales when he studies the outcome.

    (Absolutely impossible. What sort of monster are you?)

    Immediately after impact, the shaking girl tries to right herself while breathing unsteadily; but, a knee is all she can manage before the quivering becomes a full blown seizure.
    Stiff now, she falls face first to the ground.

    “Ah! Kol! Where are youuu!” An isolated voice calls out after the impact, before he hears chanting.

    (There you are.)

    “[Playful spirits, rise and dance! A joyful song, be light and prance! A wind for me, a slight request! That plays like you, with equal zest!]”
    Cheery lyrics come from a tongue dyed with growing fear. Accompanying the singing tongue, his perception feels…

    An imprisoning feeling weighing on him.
    Rather than the wildness of wind, a great stone tomb is constructed all around as the ground swells with power.
    A horrible closeness of the deepest depths of the earth floods forth, feeling terribly pure and full of furious sanctity.

    (What is this presence!? This feels more like… the Emperor’s dignity!?)

    In response to this feeling…

    … the air goes completely insane.

    Fog is torn apart, with the once draft-less room swirling immediately into a wild storm that lashes at itself and all present. A decapitated stone head rolls by the boy, before a distorted blade of air gouges out the floor. The clearing fog is joined by dust from all surfaces of the room, changing into a blinding mass.

    Yet revealed during this time is a cute girl with a twitching emerald tail, watching the wind move with trepidation as her ponytail blows around. When she notices Adris, she looks then at the inert Kol.

    “Ah… AH!”
    Prompted by impending doom, the green whip in her hand finally strikes.

    Adris’ feet leave the earth, his boots throwing him to the side in mid run with a springing sound, leaving him closely resembling a hopping rabbit. This rabbit only barely avoids his head being cut off by the bladed tip of the mad snake.
    Even though her technique is now inexpert with fear, the dust and fog is cleanly sliced as she wildly tries to sting him.

    With the boy quickly in range to strike, her attacks stop as she uselessly lifts her arms to block her white face, mouthing her last plea.

    “N-noo… please!”

    Adris corners the elf girl, so shaken she is that she can’t even smash him with her inhuman strength.

    (You lose.)

    As she closes her eyes while her teeth chatter, her face frozen in regret…

    Adris slides into her, looping his arm around her outstretched one. Contorting with her, he twirls her into an embrace. Putting his cross arm under her body to support her, he sweeps her off her tail.

    (If attacking you brings misfortune, then I will give you what you want.)

    Her mouth is open in shock as Adris stares, eyes smouldering behind his gleaming, silver mask.

    “Even now, I find I could never bring harm to a girl as wondrously beautiful and fey as you are.” Speaking with a regretful tone, his face nears hers as he uses terminology gleaned from his discussions with her about elves.
    Leaving her wordlessly stammering, her slightly angular cheeks unconsciously flush as he peers into her heart. Changing his expression to be arrogant and above challenge, he delivers his ultimatum.

    “As such, you must… submit, and give yourself to me.”

    Voice deep and passionate, he punctuates her inability to refuse by pulling her into a kiss.
    Tensing at first, her unknowable rationality for forgiving Adris’ actions quickly leads her rigid body to relax. When he finishes a simple kiss by pushing his tongue into her mouth, hers readily joins with it.
    A longer tongue plays with his if only briefly, before the affection ends when he pulls away.

    Mouth left sloppily hanging open, she can only give a couple of words in response to his demand.
    “……………………… yeah, okay.”

    The quaking, silent voice like spilled honey accompanies dream-filled, teary crystal-green eyes, before said eyes roll up into her head as she faints.


    No longer mostly holding herself up, Adris crashes to the ground with the girl. Barely wrenching his arms free of the heavy elf as they fall, a crackling, vibrating turquoise beam flies through the space where they once inhabited.

    “Again, opportunities lost due to insipid interferences.” A familiar arrogant tone accompanies the near-perfect shot, leaving Adris shivering as he lays on top of Ave’s small breasts.

    (She was willing to hit both of us!)

    Composing himself, he jumps up to start toward the remaining foes.

    Whistling sounds are heard.

    Sweeping his cross as he flings himself sideways with his boots, a number of dirks nearly shishkabob him. Deflecting the one left in his escape route, he follows their trajectory back to the dust settling at Neesiette’s right side.
    A steepled hat and cowl emerge from the falling cloud, short sword pointing at him as she creeps forward while crouched. Both ready to finish him off.

    (Looks impressive, but I win.)

    With him taking up a grandiose pose hinting at hidden power, the midget hesitates to attack him, staring at the cross he holds.

    “Yes, you understand that you cannot affect me, correct?” Boasting with full confidence of winning over her, she merely tilts her head as she lowers the rod.

    “One who stands as our enemy be ‘correct’ in such a regard.” Obediently giving up, she turns to address Still.

    “Still, as follows: less agile; few weapons, of much shorter reach; no ranged weapons visible; vexing boots near the end of usefulness; cross be dangerous, but likely only when touched; still no Art. Such an opponent be inherently easy for a duelist of one's caliber to defeat.”

    Making an “ok” gesture, a mask filled with sadistic joy agrees.
    {Seems fine, let’s wrap this up together, Neesiette~!}

    The girl catches her sword after a single fixed flip before easily continuing forward. Neesiette trots mechanically alongside her, rod once again raised to take advantage of a distraction.

    (Shut up! Stop giving advice this scarily accurate without sounding like you care! Well, I still have my trick card in case this little scenario goes wrong…)

    He passively waits while rubbing his jerkin, pretending to be unconcerned, but also happy Neesiette will never again be his foe.
    As they close the distance, Neesiette is left forward of Still as the cloaked girl’s stride shifts unnoticed to everyone else but an observant boy.

    “Close enough. Provide assistance, this tool shall. Wearing one down with-”

    The doll girl is suddenly cut off, a clattering sound coinciding with her words stopping.
    Surprised, her mouth is stuck in mid movement as a short sword lies on the floor.

    Blinking once, she shuts her mouth before calming.

    Taking Neesiette’s rod from her gently, Still puts the once crackling weapon into her belt before bringing her hand to pet the small girl. Held in a one-armed embrace, Neesiette’s amber hair is stroked lovingly as the supreme intellect glares at Adris.
    A proud eyebrow lifts, a silent accusation leveled at him.

    To his credit, Adris refrains from smiling, choosing to shrug instead.

    “… Be this one’s true plot? Then, congratulations be in order, evil plotter.”

    Words of acceptance come from her, though there’s no real humility or grace to them. They are, as the girl normally is, devoid of strong emotion, even though she clearly insults him.
    Walking towards him while holding onto now passive luggage, Still makes a few gestures while brushing Neesiette’s dress off, before giving a thumbs up.

    {Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? I commend you for your acting talent~!}

    (No, the dedication and skill with which you devoted yourself to your role is… frankly terrifying.)

    Had he been a step too late, Adris would’ve died from blood loss after being turned into a pincushion. Refraining from insulting or complaining to his new partner, he instead surveys the cooked gooses on the floor.
    Shaking his head…

    It suddenly hurts, a migraine splitting it in two.

    A wondrous mirth taints the room, as if the walls themselves laugh with appropriate, measured abandon.
    It has a tittering, melodic quality, fitting for a room which houses an unmoving waltz.

    Finally, it vanishes, leaving the air lighter.

    With only Adris’ secret dancing partner remaining upright, they seek to conclude their business.
    Still moves her hand to make a couple of gestures.
    {I agree to a draw.}

    Nodding, he concurs.
    “This one agrees to a draw.”

    Unlike with the Castillo’s rules, this private feud attracted no whispers or thrill of battle. Free of a Modus, this personal agreement watched over only by darkness, death, and desire ends. Finally victorious, he feels confident saying that…

    “Shall we move on to the despoiling of one’s gains, with one’s dubious victory finalized? The barbaric intentions of a lying boy be uninteresting to consider. Merely force upon us one’s terms, so we may dispense with further dissembling.”

    A small gloved hand pats Still’s thigh, prompting the masked girl let her go.
    Setting her down, Still looks unconcerned as the girl ignores her. Still points to the two defeated members still lying on the marble floor, peppy gestures rolling out.

    {How confident do you feel after the fight? Even if you handled them alone, Neesiette and I, aren’t we a little…?}

    Handing back Neesiette’s rod, Still seems quite smug. When Neesiette receives her property, she looks taken aback briefly, looking to Adris for confirmation.
    Continuing to survey the scene, Adris moves his eyes back to her mask, finding the look too much like Cethran's.

    (I could’ve, though it wouldn’t have been nearly as pleasant an outcome, I imagine.)

    “I am quite sure, Still. As impressed as I am, you still don’t understand my limits.”
    Fakely yawning at this, her reply is adeptly bored.

    Looking down, Adris searches Neesiette’s face for clues to her own thoughts.
    “... No necessity exists in sharing a… valued comrade’s involvement in such a ploy. No doubt a fraud named Adris utilized nefarious leverage to goad such a conclusion into effect. A shameful secret shall not pass the lips of a tool, for only discord no doubt favorable to a devilish boy would be the result of such words.”
    Though her tone doesn’t change, she lays all blame upon him, even as she looks ever more curious.

    (If you have questions, then find the time later.)

    Now that they belong, or rather, will belong to him, he has much fewer secrets to keep from them. The current environment is simply not conducive to sharing them.

    (Although I will keep at least a couple.)

    Walking over to Ave while Neesiette moves over to Kol, he crouches beside her while Still keeps a big distance from the passed out elf.
    Gently rubbing her cheeks to wake her, her eyelids twitch before opening. Confused briefly, the sight of a silver mask and male face causes her to flush, while her hands move to check the state of her clothing.
    After confirming nothing’s happened, a finger comes to her rich lips, before her eyes dart past Adris to catch sight of Still waving at her.

    Shivering, Ave looks horribly confused, but then a serious expression comes to her. Bringing her hands to her breasts, she looks demure while her voice cracks while stuttering.

    “… Um… g-g-g-gentle…! No… um, rather... Use… me instead of…!” Clutching Adris’ jerkin, he pales as something overtakes her.

    “… Don’t hurt any of them, please, they’re my only friends…! I’ll… s-s-s-s-serve youuuuuu…!? ... instead, so please be nice...!”

    With Adris left unsure if she’s frightened of potentially being assaulted, exhilarated, or some manic combination of the two, her red face finally turns away from him as she begins to pull the sashes over her breasts open and to slowly lift up her heavy skirt.
    The thin bodysuit hides nothing, leaving an undulating tail joining with the juicy imagery to create an innocent sexuality that clobbers him upside the head. Nearly exposing her most vulnerable part, Adris’ hand stops her before she can commit to being violated.
    She yelps when his hand grabs hers, but she only freezes while short breaths are heard.

    (You should be glad it’s me. I doubt there’s any other true man that would refrain from forcing himself on you after witnessing this.)

    “… Nobody is violating anyone. … What I did earlier wasn’t because of… well, wanting to ‘ravish’ you, okay?”

    Catching his own breath while swearing it’s the fault of the Castillo’s poison, the shocked girl whips back to discover him trying his best to smile dashingly.

    “… Huh? You’re not going to throw yourself on me!? … Oh…! Good! … um… good…? … Ah… did I… misunderstand…!?”
    With hands moving to cover her mouth, Ave suddenly looks both relieved and frustrated, before embarrassment causes her to turn over to hide from him.
    “… um… I'm not... disappointing, right? ... is it because I'm a bad... prize...?”

    Speechless at first, his mind races at the girl’s whispered, distraught question. The answer leaves his lips before he has time to consider its ramifications.

    “… In the future, it's not... unlikely I'd think of you in such a manner...”

    (Fucking, stop talking! This is surprisingly awkward, for a world full of wanton sex... Why is it always hard with you?)

    Pulling himself away as she mysteriously squirms at the admission, he keeps his face as neutral as possible, something that becomes tormentingly difficult as Still’s mask of quiet disgust hovers beside him.
    The older girl with whom he’s shared something quite personal appears disappointed with his admitted taste for elf flesh.

    (What do you expect me to say!? No!? I'm playing a long game!)

    Rubbing his hand through his hair, his thoughts go then to his hidden trick card, the elf before him an intricate part of a plan now unnecessary.

    (This girl really is bad news. But if your mind is this easily frayed, I suppose you would’ve been a good “tool.”)

    “So, elves fought against…. dark creatures of the Evils?”

    While drinking tea and endlessly discussing elves, the subject of nightmarish creatures similar to imps arose.

    “Hm? Yes! Elves have long been the enemies of the vile creatures from the Reflected-Yet-Shaded World! You’ll find no better source of information than us! Um, except maybe… but they’re not…” While bright at first, she suddenly cringes.
    “Discussing such topics is… actively discouraged, you know, so let’s talk about…”

    (No, tell me more.)

    “Oh, such a dire secret that a foremost authority would balk at the topic?” Teasing her in a coaxing voice, he feels a hidden gold lode near.
    “I had an encounter with a… vexing creature. Its abilities left me wondering.”
    Adris nods his head, leaving her confused before gasping. Pouring him more tea, she hurriedly lets this self-proclaimed false god sip.
    Treating him as an honored dignitary…

    (Or husband…)

    Her skittishness continues, the dark atmosphere of the topic contributing to the manipulating menace rising in his voice.

    “The creature used a particular incantation. A rather dark-sounding demand. While performing some strange…”

    (What did the midget call this “magic?”)

    “… Art, a dark wind of some kind collected, and brought out a form. This form was one of terrible presence and stature, its disposition malevolent.”
    Studying her, her tics give away her fearful recognition.

    “Though I handily defeated the creature…” As he says this, Ave relaxes quite a bit, her breathing returning to normal as she smiles, her eyes shining a little at his enthralling story.
    “… I could not hear the entirety of the incantation. For the sake of avoiding such a danger in the future, could you relate the method of conjuring to me, so that I might recognize and defend against it?”

    “Um… that’s… a bit…” Paling at the question, she attempts to reject it politely.

    (You know something or you’d simply claim ignorance.)

    “Ah, no, perhaps I just put too much faith in the knowledge you might possess.” Apologizing for her, he puts his hand to his chin. “If you don’t know, it’s fine. As I recall, isn’t…”

    Looking bored with the elf now, Adris starts to move to rise.

    “The other girl, isn’t she quite versed in magic? I suppose I can request her knowledge and owe her a favor, instead…”

    Freezing briefly, Ave then becomes animated, putting her hand on his chest to keep him down.

    “No~! No, sylvan lore is far more thorough than that midget’s self-proclaimed genius!” Scrunching her face at this perceived insult, she then relaxes, getting closer and looking eager to please as she starts whispering.
    “It’s… it’s not that I don’t know, but rather…”

    Paying her attention now, Adris smiles, letting the girl bask in his warmth.

    “… Um, it’s just… don’t tell anybody else, okay? There’s people that are really against anyone talking about anything like this?”

    With a brief nod, she seems relieved.
    “Among the slayers, there’s a girl whose reputation is… well, really bad! She’s the definition of what the [Granescians] mean when they say ‘smite evil where you find it’! But… don’t tell her that…”
    Holding onto Adris’ arm, she then gasps and lets it go, as if her grip is poisonous.
    “Unlike calling spirits, like I do~, or even forming things from proper magic like the Castillo or magi can, I’ve seen her instead… pull something from a book, a page…”

    (YES. Though, who are these Granescians?)

    “A page? How quaint.” Smiling dismissively, Adris toys with her to disguise his interest.

    “No! It’s not quaint! She… she said some stuff, and the page… well, it exploded into a burst of darkness, with loud, unseen, ringing bells all around. Then!”
    Shaking, she continues her story while looking haunted.
    “Then something… it just… ripped through? I don’t know!? There was no magic, no feeling of spiritual presence! Much like… like the monsters that aren’t real, but still walk…”
    She silently folds in on herself.

    “If it’s that frightening, then don’t tell me what it looked like or did. It suffices to know how she called it.”
    Adris feels his excitement boiling over. “What were the words, Avenalliah?”

    He realizes suddenly that he’s leaned in, looking into the girl’s eyes as she stares at him, a little surprised at the closeness.

    “Huh!? Oh, words? I… couldn’t understand them?” Her eyes move to escape him.

    “Repeat them, please.” Adris’ commanding and omnipotent voice causes Ave to stroke her hair idly, unnerved and twitchy movements.

    Opening her lips, she finally tastes the air with her tongue before talking.

    “O-okay… I’m really good at remembering things, at least!” Psyching herself up, Ave plays off things like it’s all a big joke, even as her strained smile slowly turns into a frown.

    “It, sounded like…”

    (“From the deepest depths of desire, through curtain unseen, darkness, to me, take incarnation and root in mind, for your name is…” And, if I wanted it to “possess” me, then I assume “become one and join with me, for your name is…”?)

    Releasing his touch on the hidden folio, applying to this “magic” the same intellectual pursuit he once gave to the secrets of aura leaves him enraptured by the mystery. As long as she repeated the words, the words themselves carried their meanings.
    The words of another person come to him, too, the purple of her clothing very regal in contrast to her purported station.

    Isn’t what is called darkness quite dangerous, yet also insidiously powerful? To call it to you, to be possessed by it, is what it grants worth the cost?

    The fake priestess Cethran had indicated, indirectly, that darkness could “join” with the one who called upon it.

    (Even if it means summoning Rantil, a weapon is a weapon. An imp, capable of manipulating the mind. Ave, susceptible to manipulation? I wouldn’t have had to beat her, Still. She would’ve helped beat you.)

    Adris would’ve risked a lot, but it would’ve been a plan involving a creature he has ownership of and whose powers he has been taught.
    An important clue also comes: “curtain unseen.”

    (At the time I was talking with Cethran, I had no idea what “darkness” was, nor what it means to know what it is…)

    Ave’s incantation, in particular the command that the darkness “root” in the mind of the person, explains it.

    (That is fundamentally no different from aura.)

    Not merely the Emperor’s aura, but aura in general. Experiences or pondered thoughts that, when a person with a Clear Mind reaches out with their externalized senses to touch and explore them, permanently stay within the mind of the user to become a technique.
    Aura, a power which grows with one’s expanding spirituality and understanding of the world, appears to be identical to the darkness of Zennia’s fascination with the mysteriousness of unseen truths and to-be-revealed horrors, merely portrayed in a different way.

    (This is becoming deeply concerning. Being similar would be fine, but too many parts are mirroring one another… I feel something dangerous about this that I can't explain.)

    But that thought and feeling quickly vanishes.

    The sound of metal moving across stone brings his eyes to the girl under him.
    Bright pink eyes stare beneath a dented sallet, studying him as she rises to her knee without aid.
    When Neesiette checks her, Kol merely nods before shooing her.

    (You are up in less than three minutes? Please, never be my enemy again.)

    The cross that has laid out numerous other creatures for likely longer durations, and had struck Kol three times, fails to keep the girl down for long.

    (How will you deal with… true loss, again?)

    But there's no rage or indignation, merely a calm and collected gravitas to her.

    “… Strong human, why want Kol?”
    The simple question goes straight to the heart of Adris’ desires. If asked why he wants the chaotic and boyish would-be knight...

    (… I want all of you because… I have no power of my own. You will be that power.)

    “What you are is what I need.”

    An enigmatic tone accompanies an answer that hides his true intentions; yet, Kol appears unperturbed by the lack of explanation.

    “… Kol, understand. Okay, strong human: give Kol power, what for?”

    A voice he’s never heard her use, one of genuine interest and humor, goes along with her claw slapping her raised leg; yet, subtle dignity also wells up in her, as if what she will be allowed to become will dictate her response to his goals.

    (… I… I need you for…)

    Even as an impetus to take her to the investiture overwhelms him, he can’t place why.
    As the girl becomes unsure at his silence, he raises his hand weakly towards her.

    (… No, I need you for the same reason I’ve always needed power… I’m tired of being pushed around! This world in this respect is the same as Xin! Full of people who have too much power and too little justification for having it!)

    “… Aren’t you a bit tired of fools presuming to try to rule you, Kol?”


    At the question, she gains energy. Grinding as she readjusts her posture…

    “… Okay, what ‘fools’? … Kakaka… who, Kol gonna crush!?”

    Catching on to something, Adris smiles as he feels a kinship brewing with her. Unlike the others, Kol’s motivations are easy…
    They’re much like his, in the end.

    "Since you seem to possess keen insight, Kol, I feel I can share my truest objective."

    Lifting the cross level to her face, he again adopts Cethran's self-importance. What's left of his cloak flaps with a gust that blows through, one that should be absent.

    "There's only one objective for any true revolutionary, bravest Kol:

    To destroy the Alchemaster, and make an example of her for any who would seek to bind us."

    (I despise all of you monsters... those who think they can play around with others without taking any risks. If you want to play... then come down here and dance with us.)


    Laughing wildly, the girl slaps her mail covered thigh, leaving Neesiette standing beside her looking aghast at the lone boy who promises to take down a godlike being.

    "AH! GOOD! Kol, like. Fine, understand. Mhmm."

    The girl adjusts her armor and jacket, dusting them with her hands, inspecting the ring sleeves and her leggings. Her slightly askew helmet is moved back into position.
    Slowly adjusting her kneeling stance to be far more courteous, she places one arm before her breasts and the other behind her back. She then bows her body a bit, her head drooping low.

    “Kol, swear, follow [Boss]: fight for, win for! ‘Protect’! Never lose!”

    Her vow complete, the girl lifts her head back up, thrusting her right hand into the air before yelling proudly.


    In the end, Adris acquires another title.

    "Boss, want beat greatest evil? Fine. Kol agree!" Chuckling, she pumps her fist.
    "All of us... aim at top! Maybe Boss... better evil? Things, still 'weird', but ok! Kol, get what want, anyway! Kakakaka! Kol, always win!"

    Getting up, Kol runs off to collect her axe, letting loose her strange laugh the whole time.
    Stunned, Adris can only watch, as a much more relaxed doll treads closer.

    "... Be you truly insane, then? Perhaps some measure of truth lies in one's deranged words..."

    (... Recently, I'm no longer certain if I'm not crazy.)

    Adris is left standing in the center of a circle of horribly abused stone dancers, feeling in passing like he should ask the prickly lady before him to take his mind off of his worries by going for a twirl.


    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)

    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength – E
    Vitality – E
    Dexterity – D
    Agility – C
    Intelligence – D
    Mentality – C
    Luck – F
    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"

    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”
    "There's little to say, isn't there? Aren't you truly beautiful when you're honest?"

    "Playing up the mystery too much might prove troublesome? A man of only mystery can be angel or devil, yes?"

    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”
    "Losing everything is often an impetus to descend deeper into bad things. In Adris' case, it certainly amped up his energy for harming others."

    "Nothing is off the table for a man with nothing to lose."

    "In the end, wanting a fight is the same as saying that you're the bad guy. By this point, you might be..."

    Name: “Kol”
    Titles: Idiot
    Race: ???
    Sex: Female?
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Frontliner
    Discipline: ???


    Disposition: Straightforward / Confrontational / Respectful
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Pink
    Hair: White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:

    Strength - C
    Dexterity - E
    Agility - F

    Cethran Value – “Are you attracted to rampaging metal? Though in your case, you appreciate the voice, don’t you? Do you long to see more? If she reminds you of a certain someone, then...?”
    "Is forthrightness an attractive quality? What is the difference between truth-seeking as a subject and living a lifestyle of it?"
    "Perhaps an uncomplicated female would be useful for a man that seems so interested in complicating life himself? But why are you fooled into believing she's simple?"

    "If she feels excitement looking at you, then perhaps she isn't as pretty as you're thinking she is?"

    "Brash and forthright, a warrior wielding an axe with two hands forsakes protection to deliver only harm. Contrary to this impression, she also seems interested in a straight up fight. If her words are any indication, she offers little thought to her actions."
    "In addition to being honest, she is also obsessive about certain things, least of which is deciding who is stronger than others."
    "Not worrying about details, Kol prefers to let others deal with them for her, so that she can concentrate on what she cares about."

    "While somewhat behind in intellect, she is far from witless."

    "Even if she's responsible for this, she's the only one willing to do something about it, so you can't really feel like it's her fault."

    Name: Still
    Titles: Puddle
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young Lady

    Occupation: Delver, Trickster/Outfighter
    Discipline: ???


    Disposition: Playful / Sadistic / Skulking
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: ???
    Hair: ???
    Skin: ???

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:

    Agility - C

    Cethran Value – "Do you really think it's not obvious? What she possesses is what you've missed all your life, yes? Breasts and curves... are these not a new fruit for you to taste?"
    "While you don't get to see much of her, it may be that her lifestyle is the most appealing thing, perhaps? If she's always surprising you, doesn't that create an appeal of danger?"
    "Possessing feminine pursuits such as sewing and toxicology, isn't she perfect for you?"

    "Do you find yourself losing focus in her presence? You might be weaker to seduction than you think? Or is it something else...?"

    "A mute girl who says much with gestures, she also has more going on than she seems to. Though not outwardly aggressive, there's an atmosphere of danger about her. Opposite of Kol, hers is subtle... Yet, she also can protect others. Given to acrobatics, it matches with her dark, but flamboyant, colors."
    "Self composed as always, it won't be easy for Adris to get into her head."
    "Not interfering unless she has to, Still appears to be mild-mannered, but such a misunderstanding might be dangerous."

    "Showing something of her true nature, the girl that says little can surprisingly say a lot when she needs to."

    "Got one pulled over on her, she looks ready for revenge."

    Name: Neesiette vera Luna
    Titles: "Moon"
    Race: Lunamata
    Sex: Female
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Mystic
    Discipline: ???

    [Sparking Rod] - "The danger inherent be apparent, even if not demonstrated."

    Disposition: Impassive / Calculating / Curious
    Alignment: Ordered

    Eyes: Pale Violet
    Hair: Amber
    Skin: Pale White

    Rantil Value –

    Agility - E
    Intelligence - B

    Cethran Value – "First imps, and now short girls? This is certainly becoming a pattern, isn't it? Though you might not fare badly with a girl as beautiful as this, yes? Though she's a little perfect, doesn't she seem oddly demure?"
    "Having her rebut all of your words so desperately, is it her intellect you're falling for? Are you sure that's wise, considering she could dethrone the wisest person you know...?"
    "Having a woman stand up to you... isn't this a strange fetish for you to discover?"

    "A doll? How do you define the limits of your tastes? Or are they 'unknown and unknowable'?"

    "An otherworldly existence, she wears clothing that doesn't fit with the Castillo. With mannerisms quite distinct from all others, even the girls she travels with seem incomparable to her uniqueness. Yet, she definitely seems to be in charge...?"
    "Given to only worrying about what she can demonstrate as true, how does such an uncompromising and uninterested person lead a group of four girls through situations that cannot be easily explained?"
    "The reasoning member of the group, all of her questions are direct and impossible to sneak away from."

    "Finally revealed, her interest in Adris is inextricably tied to the book that he has proved capable of reading. For what reason does one desire to bring an end?"

    "From kind to heartless, it's easy to step on a lady's goodwill."

    Name: Avenalliah Aurmaris
    Titles: Lustful Lizard, Elf
    Race: Elf
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young

    Occupation: Delver, Scared Girl
    Discipline: ???



    Disposition: Joyful / Impressionable / Cowardly
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Crystal Green
    Hair: Moss Green
    Skin: White

    Rantil Value –

    Intelligence - C
    Mentality - F

    Cethran Value – "While not possessing your newly favorite curves, isn't a girl with a naive charm also fine? Because she covers so little, you are also left without having to imagine what you could possess, yes?"
    "If you're looking for a girl to protect and curl up with, where else could you find a girl as clingy as this? Does being innocent entice men? Isn't that a stupid question, Mr. Star?"
    "Not being afraid to flaunt her beauty if she doesn't notice that she is, yet cowering at exposure... isn't this a gap?"

    "Another girl that won't shut up, is it? Shouldn't that dissuade you? Or is it okay if it's her bubbly voice?"

    "As cheerful as she is skittish, Avenalliah fits an unknown position within the four delvers' group. Though she carries a large sack, that would hardly count as a position... right?"
    "Prone to fits of panic, there's a lot she needs to do to prove her worth..."
    "While a master of avoiding confrontation, she finally finds a backbone after being kicked around enough."

    "The one thing in the world she loves the most is her own people, which makes her a master of everything related to them."


    "Even if you're trying to be a carefree person, isn't it a little much to cheer for your enemy? Or is he your enemy...?"
  9. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Reading List:
    Chapter 28: Tight Negotiations ☆

    “Elf, fought! Good job! Now: up. Get power.”

    Hoisted off the ground, a squeezed snake elf is pulled along as she protests. Briefly trying to flee, she then meekly squirms while quietly crying. The vibrantly energetic Kol tramps back, dropping Ave and standing in an inspection line.
    A betrayed mystic passively waits with them to hear new lies as she clears dust that Still missed.

    Of the cloaked girl…

    (Do you think I’ll pull something on you, too?)

    After recovering her blade, Still has been impishly rocking on the heels of her feet while spectating at a slight distance.

    (If you want to see my true nature, then here-)

    “PUDDLE! GET OVER HERE! Ah, ‘nevermind’, new idea.” Yelling at her, Kol then brings a finger to her helmet, tapping it after turning to Adris.
    “Boss, power for sneaky Puddle, give Kol, instead! Kakaka! Throw away, ‘backstabber’ - HM!? ‘Annoying’!”

    Ducking at first by instinct to avoid a flung distracting ampule, the boisterous knight lifts her foot quickly after a popping sound comes from it. Scraping off a thick green substance that sizzles in the open air, Kol growls before turning and trying to throw it at Still.
    When the noxious substance clings to and discolors her flailing hand, she stalks forward until Neesiette grabs her.

    “Kol, be still.” Wiping off the substance with a fine cloth she pulls from her dress, it begins smoking as she tosses it away.

    “Ah, ‘thank you’, Moon! Now, crush-!”

    “Hold your useless bickering!” Three faces return to a boy with a raised, upturned hand. “Going to such great lengths to demonstrate power oft disbelieved, I find that I might have made a mistake with who to share...?”

    “AH! Kol, still want!”
    Jumping back in line, Kol’s obedience matches her avarice.

    “EH!? Yes, sorry!? Ave is ready!”
    Though she’s contributed nothing to the problem, Ave apologizes.

    Neesiette gives a plaintive stare at Still, before receiving a shrug. Turning back, the doll girl remains sour.

    (I’m not making a mistake, right…? No, it’s fine.)

    Anxious at first, Adris self-corrects.

    (That’s just how they are. I can’t fix that immediately. You don’t need to bully my “partner”, I’m about to for you.)

    Taking advantage of their attention, he clears his throat.
    “As misunderstandings might persist, let us begin with the following: though the winner of the combat, I have no intention of owning, or dictating orders to, any of you-”

    “No, Boss win!? Boss, Kol boss. Our Boss. Especially Puddle, Boss! Boss say ‘destroy’, we say ‘how much?’”
    Easily talking over him, a rich and deceptively womanly voice announces his appointment to supreme ruler of the group while also ignoring such inherent authority.

    “Kol, one must be silent when addressed in such a setting.”
    “AH!? But, Kol right!”

    (… Please shut up. I’m not going to lead you… weirdos, at least not openly.)

    Refraining from sighing, he dives back into his speech.

    “While Kol is technically correct, in practice I demand only one thing:

    Agree to hear me out regarding the power I offer. Disregard all further orders according to your will, for what I desire is merely respect due and a path to curtail the future I’ve foreseen.
    All four of you bear promise you cannot conceive of, yet you are rewarded with a being such as I to unveil your true potency.”

    Swallowing as eyes widen at the order, he reiterates his promise to Kol.

    “As was stated, my true enemy is the Alchemaster. My objective is… to create the opportunity to save this world from the threat she represents… a threat I challenge you to avert, if you wish for Zennia to survive!”

    (Become my eternal weapons, ones ever thrust at a convenient target!)

    “This Castillo shall be our playground, not theirs. I shall deliver this outcome to you, as one among equals!”

    Unlike with its formation…

    Something stirs with these contracted words promising equality. As a wind howls through the room, Adris shields his eyes from the dust blowing by.
    Out of the corner of his eyes…

    … he sees dancers, twirling.

    Moving his head with absolute quickness, his eyes lock onto unmoving statues. The girls follow his gaze, reminding him to watch his expression.

    (This is getting… out of hand…)

    While Kol cheers with her tail still wagging and fist pumping, Ave’s face is surprised with his declaration refusing slavery, her mouth in an “o” shape briefly before she smiles brightly and claps twice. Neesiette’s intense inspection of him grows ever more oppressive, though she loses her defensiveness completely.

    Finally joining the others in the line, Still’s amicable expression can’t hide her conflict.
    {Right, we’re all in this together~! How else could it be~?}

    Though the intent means one thing, Adris can see the insecurity in her gestures, no matter how she tries to hide it.
    With hidden gestures only Adris can see, she announces her oath’s conclusion.

    {As agreed, we shall be… equal. What… are you doing?}

    She shakes her hand, disbelief filling her “voice.”

    (I’ve finally shocked even you, have I? What do you think begins, now?)

    {A moment of your time?}

    With the food package thrown to the table without a care…

    (… Question or… ah. Not a question.)

    Looking past her, a red piece of parchment has been attached to the wall near the door. Strange words upon it are legible, its purpose obscure but hazardous.

    (Conflict, negotiation, or ultimatum… which is it? Am I valuable… or a loose end?)

    With his body primed to attack, Rantil’s folio and an incantation on his lips are ready.
    Seating herself on the desk, she calmly rubs along the top's edge.

    “There’s always time for pleasant conversation with someone who… understands my thoughts.” Smiling, Adris drops his persona a bit, letting something more comfortable peek through.

    (You only get a bit of my charm. I’m always a “false god”, now, unfortunately.)

    Sitting in a delectably feminine way, her hands coquettishly fold together, until she starts signing casually.

    {When we found you at the overlook, Neesiette was pretty shaken~. Of all the interesting things in the Castillo, she chose you to obsess over. In fact…}
    Putting a finger to her mask’s lips, she hints at a secret.
    {Everyone seems interested in you~. I can see why, some of the things you told Ave were fascinating.}

    (Interrogated her pretty efficiently, did you?)

    {… But you know, if you can’t see the stars beyond the clouds on Xin, where do you see them?}
    Mind racing, the question throws him for a loop.

    (“Beyond the clouds?” Stars are found in the Sea of Stars, deep underwater… Lost Drops of Creation, forever unreachable… There’s nothing beyond the clouds. This is a distraction.)

    Even if he calls it that, the question unnerves him, as if she’s hinting at an answer to a puzzle he’s noticed but can’t describe.
    “Stars are stars. What’s more relevant is what one smart girl thinks of me.”

    Tilting her head, she scoffs at his compliment.
    {You’re very observant, at least. What you’ve said… hasn’t been wrong.}

    Inviting Adris with a curling finger, he understands the play.
    Rising with energy, he flexes his machismo as he coolly struts to the chair behind the desk, falling into it.
    When his hand goes to the table, she reaches over tentatively to lay a finger on it, drawing back softly to rub between his fingers.

    (… Seduction?)

    As the attractive girl hints at an ages-old method, she suddenly pulls back into a business-like touch of her chin.
    {Rather than just discussing with everyone the problems, have you thought of how to fix them…?}

    “Yes, I have some ideas.” Leaning back dramatically…

    “But I could never get the chance to talk to the person in charge of this group willingly and privately... until now.”
    When she stops moving, he laughs.

    “What does the ‘mastermind’ of these three intrepid delvers wish to discuss? Business or… pleasure?”

    With the gauntlet thrown down, the woman before him becomes…

    Absurdly brazen.

    Nimbly rolling onto the desk, she curls like a cat while looking at him coyly, a manic smile accompanying fluid motions that end with a finger to her mouth.

    {Ahahaha, ‘mastermind’ is a bit too… grandiose~. I’m just… making sure everyone sees the end of the day and everything works out~!}
    More hidden gestures clarify.

    {And by “working out”, I mean I get what I want~.}

    (Perfect, I understand that desire. And so long as I grasp that you’re in charge, you’re willing to skip to open negotiations.)

    As with the southern barbarians, all “democracies” as relayed by the scholars are actually about control disguised as equality.
    “You’re doing quite well for yourself, having Neesiette serve as a lightning rod. There’s great talent in your group-”

    Suddenly frustrated, Still launches into a flurry of gestures.

    {No need to hide it, you’ve easily noticed by now. Between the metal head lashing out in suicidal ways, Ave constantly harassing me when she’s not being… sadly useless, and Neesiette forgiving the retard’s excesses… no, even that girl will have nearly unstoppable flights of fancy…}
    Losing her facade briefly, Still then calms. Quickly rising to cross her legs on the desk and hang off it facing him, she laments their situation.
    {Even if I avoid every creature in this hellhole on the way up, they are too dysfunctional to… do what needs to be done as is.}

    A sidelong glance is given to him as she silently huffs. Creeping out enticingly, a hand once again joins his, the pleasant feeling of her mesh on his skin as she rubs his wrist.

    {But then out of the blue… a “shining star” appeared before me, offering hope~. A dashing figure in brilliant silver~.}

    (… You really want me this badly? Though I can see how I might appeal, you’re awfully forward and willing to admit to some pretty terrible things about your situation.)

    {So, it’s wonderful to think that I have the opportunity to... court such a useful gentleman~! Hey, would you consider-}

    “What prompts this… rapid interest?”

    Interrupting her, she is stiff until she points at the door.
    {Rapid? Well. That would be because Neesiette is about to expire your input into things. No more sneaking around~! Even if you get kidnapped by Ave to be wooed when we look the other way, she’s resolved to hogtie and drag you screaming… AH, no there was a gag~!}
    Covering a silent laugh at the last part, Adris realizes the danger.

    (You want me, she doesn’t. This is your only chance. How sad, Neesiette seems so very interested.)

    “Since you make the best decisions, you feel differently?”
    Letting her head bob back and forth, her gestures hint at that.
    {Unlike her, I am… aware of certain things. There’s a very deep “flavor” to you, one she will never understand. I’ve marked over the last six months what she can and cannot feel out, whether she admits it or not.}

    (Six months!? All of you have been together that long and you haven’t…?)

    Ave had mentioned passage of time briefly, but that length exceeds his expectations. Tensing her hand, Still continues.

    {Oh? Yes. Is it so surprising?}

    Adris feels his heart stop.

    (My countenance should be flawless, so how…?)

    {In six months, they’ve barely mastered navigating the [Roaming Gardens] outside. All attempts at pushing through the Forbidding Quarters have failed. Now, as you can guess, escape has become somewhat of a pickle~.}

    As he sickens at the admission, Still surprises him further by slinking off the table, her hands coming to his neck and waist before he can react. Rubbing cutely, the affection subconsciously excites him, even as the opportunities to harm him grow.

    (They’re desperate and also doomed! Ah, you shouldn’t touch me there! Nor at all…)

    Finding Adris’ weak point at his ear, the woman that reads him like an open book continues.
    {Axebrain wants to fight you, feeling confident you will oblige. Why? That interests me~. Neesiette is obsessed with you, no matter how she tries to hide it, because of that… special tongue of yours. She’ll deny herself for our good, of course. Ave is…}

    Stopping suddenly, her body sighs.

    {If you winked at Ave, she might strip right then and there, presenting herself for you as a prize. That girl is more smitten than any I’ve ever seen. How does it feel to deceive an innocent girl's heart and be offered the rarest "affection" to devour at your leisure?}

    (… Too much information, and the wrong question when you’re threatening to do the same!)

    Sliding into his lap as his mouth waters, the girl’s legs playfully hang off the side. The taller figure comfortably crushes her legs against his engorging dick.
    While the mesh is cold, it’s terribly soft when her free, non-gesturing hand rubs his cheek.

    {But you know, I think you can do better…}

    "… Oh?"

    {Since you seem competent, why not rebalance things instead of just being dragged along? Those who can run the show… should~! If you were to consider a brilliant future…}
    His breathing slows, the growing sexual tension drops in an instant, a teasing smile showing she notices his dissatisfaction.

    {You can replace a poor child who doesn’t understand people… and hear whispers on the wind, followed by rewards for attending to them~?}
    A viciously seductive woman offers an easy life as her proxy, a hint of payment coming as her finger rubs over his lips.

    “You think too little of my power.”

    Flat and scathing, his response to the innuendo results in an abrupt cessation of affection.
    Slowly gesturing, she tries to be diplomatic.

    {No, no, no… it’s because I value you that-}

    “Value? Perhaps. But believe? I doubt it.”

    Waving her hand, she pats his thigh.
    {It doesn’t matter, right~? “False god”, “another world”, whatever~! As long as you’re not one of the Golden Bitch’s followers, the cloth over that cross might not let it sing… but the mask does. It says we’re… enough alike to work out~.}

    The mask that Neesiette offered no criticism of is picked out by her, a revelation of her dangerous insight into Adris’ true nature.

    “You’ve been guiding things the whole time.”
    Every advance Adris has been given was because of…

    {Of course~! I’m not dumb, you knowwww~? I can appreciate the kind of… man you are.}
    Letting her breasts rub against his chest, she gently holds him to her.

    (Dangerous! This Castillo…!)

    Being in the presence of seduction is the same as falling to it in a demonic mansion.

    {As long as the “flavor” is similar and we don’t… contradict each other, then…? If you promise you’ll fix this for me… why not…?}
    Thinking briefly, or pretending to, she snaps her fingers.
    {The perfect reward is just outside~! One meathead! You know… under the armor… she’s not… hideous…}
    As if complimenting Kol hurts her soul, Still shudders.

    {Right, right~! You can have a nice pet! Teach her to say “woof” again! Don’t care for her: just water her and direct her at the nearest thing to smash! Then you can… push her down in the halls if you want to, pull down her leggings and inject a bit of heat of your own into her fire… As long as she does her part, some puppies won’t slow her down! Maybe getting knocked up will even fix her brain~!}
    With a highly suggestive description, Adris feels overwhelmed.

    (That’s some animosity… You’d readily betray her even if I wasn’t here…)

    {As long as you leave Neesiette alone and don’t hurt Ave, no problems! A personal pet and an angel in darkest blue to take care of you~. Your... need is power, right? Maybe control? An artifact in the Castillo? As long as you listen to me…}

    Poking his nose, her tight smile is aggressive.

    {… You’ll be amply rewarded.}

    “I see. And what if what I desire is Ave?”

    With her freezing at the question, Adris quickly amends it.
    “Not to own, mind you, but if you suggest Kol… Should Ave seek me out on her own, she is… quite attractive. Terribly alluring…”

    (What will you give up in these negotiations? This is overly generous. What am I worth?)

    Completely unmoving for a moment, Still makes a few gestures flippantly.

    {Ehhh, you want her? Really~? Ahaha, didn’t you see how she shakes? Didn’t she tell you? Weird~!}


    His face left blank, she slaps his thigh before continuing.
    {Oh, she didn’t say anything about the imps? Ahhhh, I figured she would come crawling to you for comfort when I sent her in~. It was so messy, you know. Thought that was why she was fixating on a “nice guy.”}

    Sweat is on Adris’ brow, a strange feeling gripping his heart as a hand moves down to his pants. Beginning to unloop his belt before he can stop her, she shuffles her weight so she can free a half-erected length.

    {Ah, yeah, we were almost to the central hall, so close! Then Ave lost her guard when Kol ran out to swing alone in a group of imps~. Oh, they were on Ave pretty quickly~. Pushing, pulling, lifting, touching, so many young, virile males crowding her~! They’re not huge, mind you, but when you have that many boys, forceful and thinking only of you, I guess Ave probably couldn’t help but enjoy it~!}

    Lewdly pumping on his engorging shaft, the outrageous girl sitting on his thighs stares into his face as his thoughts grow odd.

    {Grinding and slamming on top of her, Neesiette screaming for Kol to help, me fighting four girls who wanted to rub-rub while watching it. It’s a chilling, but erotic, sight to see a boy shudder on your friend one last time while looking so jubilant about it! Licking and kissing before pulling off of her, so that another boy can climb on and seek his own release inside her~!}

    Unable to stop her, the dexterous hand rubs the moistening tip as she relates a horrible tale. Though he should resist, the awful story also increases the horniness bleaching his mind.

    (There’s… no way.)

    {Ave, crying the whole time, even as she was blushing and moaning~! I’d wager that she’s been blessed with a little, growing bundle of joy. If you like that sort of thing, I’m sure she’d be happy to let you pretend to be the “daddy” and pump some more inside-}

    Still is lifted into the air by a sudden burst of strength.
    A terrible heartbeat is sounding, with Adris unable to hear over it. He’s gripping Still’s neck with a strength he didn’t know he possessed.

    His cross moves.

    Still easily breaks free, balancing herself on him as undisguised anger wells up in her shrouded body. Her mask an expression of outrage, she firmly seizes his left hand.
    Left struggling and reaching in to strangle her…

    An open palm rapidly flashes in front of him.

    {Stop, stop, stop! Wait! Time out!}

    When his mind starts functioning off of more than instinct again, he realizes she’s already calming down quickly.

    {She was never assaulted. They got frisky, touched a little too much, exposed themselves, and we ran. Although Ave did cry, she was safe.}

    Anger subsiding, his clearheadedness picks at the immense anger which had no justifiable source.
    “What do you hope to… gain from goading me like this?”
    But then, he recalls her previous use of Ave in conversation, realizing that he’s once again been stupidly played.

    Still bows her head once, moving fluidly to share the reason.
    {I’m not gonna “apologize”, but Ave’s… constitution makes people react one of three ways to her: they want to help her; they show respect and distance; or, they… want to brutally harm her.}

    Anger directed inwardly grips Adris, an external care again ruining his self control.

    {I guess your experience is a little novel~! It’s somehow nice to see someone get mad for her sake twice in a row, and I guess you have some redeeming qualities for caring about that odd girl.}

    (Throwing fresh meat at an animal to see their response… When you know the outcomes, it’s an effective tactic.)

    With a frustrated look creeping out on his face, she misinterprets the reason.
    {Don’t worry, it’s not like I can’t protect her. If she’s in trouble… I can’t help but know. Severe misfortune comes to those who try to hurt her, with me merely being the... finisher.}

    Adris flinches, the girl’s reserved smile accompanying her crotch sliding now against his rock hard dick.

    (She’s not wearing anything else but the mesh!?)

    {Messing with me gets teasing back… Also, if you were gonna hit me with the cross, then it is dangerous~! Good to know~!}

    Screaming at himself, what began with Lycia is a repeating pattern, a fixation that can undermine him completely. Even if Serras seems like less of a gaping wound, this feeling towards witnessing a scenario like betrayal is viciously self-destructive.


    A hand moves over his cock head like she’s sculpting it. Mysteriously, the mesh is wet now and frictionless. The unknown liquid sends a tingling as she hits every spot that teases his pleasure.

    (This evil witch!)

    {It’s a bit… strange and refreshing, now that you make me admit it. Seeing you have real emotion on your face, I guess you are “alive.” If you weren’t able to feel genuine feelings…? But, since you are…}

    She assaults him with her breasts again. Even though the doublet is thick, the yielding mass of her boobs fires him up like nothing else. The one thing Serras always lacked is…

    (And you start stroking like that the moment you distract me!?)

    Left breathing roughly, her handjob picks up speed. Scooting up, she begins rubbing his dick against her cleft as she leans back, running fingers along the top side as she does so.
    Her annoying silent gestures come with her overly cheerful, fake persona.

    {Is what I offer such a bad deal…~? Maybe you need… more~?}

    (It’s not awful, no! But… AH, it’s not what I want! I need the… offensive!)

    Grabbing her suddenly and squeezing her body against his, he has his head under her hat and whispering into her ear.

    “I’m a man who could never be content pretending to be doing what a woman deserves credit for. I want her to be… beside me, so she can see what I can really do.”
    Flinching, Still pushes out of the hug. Her mask is neutral, a sure sign that she’s shocked.

    Smiling seductively, Adris gives her back what she’s given him, reaching in to wrap around her waist.
    “Rather than getting rewarded, I think… being partners with such a woman would be the beginning of an ample reward.”

    Head jerking back, Still is still speechless… until her hand grips hard around his cock again, delivering a clear message.


    Leaning in while pumping him again, the mastermind that’s been hiding in plain sight hugs him for the first time without it appearing planned.
    Stroking his cheek after pulling away, swift gestures agree.

    {… Okay, big boy~! … “Partners” is not… a bad thing, if you plan to be useful enough~!}
    With the slick sound of his serviced dick accompanying her proposals, he admires the pleasure that comes with a successful negotiation.
    {You shape up Kol and Ave, I’ll handle Neesiette. She needs a… special touch, one you don’t seem to have~. Time will fix her, anyway. We work together: you have your goals, I have mine. You don’t need to know-}

    “Know what? That you want to kill the Alchemaster?”

    Again, she freezes, before her hand grips his member even more tightly, making him hiss.

    (Stop doing that! Or don’t… actually.)

    Realizing that pleasure comes after the abuse, a dangerous thought in the back of his head is gaining traction with the Council of Adris. Pumping ever more diligently, Still both rewards and punishes his observations.

    {… You’re not bad. Okay, that’s fine~. So, knowing I want that monster, will you… cut and run?}

    Gripping her copious butt, she grows deeply frustrated for a moment before calming. Before she can complain…

    “On the contrary, I’d love to help.”

    She slaps him on the shoulder before signing madly.
    {Why can you say something like that and seem to mean it!? Look, you have no idea what sort of things she’s done. I find it hard to believe you’d be willing to-}

    “Ah, then don’t believe me. We can discuss that later.”
    Interrupting her, the girl returns to her sly ways as she services him.

    (I’m actually… feeling profoundly appreciative of your hands. I doubt I could do as well as you. You move like you’ve owned my cock your whole life…)

    “Partners, is it? Leaving off Kol, Ave, and Neesiette, what if what I desire can’t be easily conveyed with words…?”
    Digging into her fat bottom under her skirt, he reaches in to kiss her neck. Though he can only kiss the mesh, the young woman is shocked once more.

    {That’s… an odd desire you possess. … It’s not… impossible, as long as you’re not lying~? But… let’s keep things to a more… acquaintance level first~.}

    Forced to pull back on displays of affection, the thought of this being what acquaintances do is still strange.
    “Do the people of this world regularly consort with ‘acquaintances’?”

    (Even I wouldn’t live this sort of sordid life… Well… no… if I hadn’t recovered from Serras as quickly as I have, I might…)

    {Isn’t that hilarious~!?}

    Rocking on his body, the part-time jester shows the most humor he’s seen yet.
    {If you consider casual sex to be too much, you need to re-evaluate your thoughts about females… on this world. No, sex in general! With rape around the corner… only boring people sweat a willing touch~.}

    (Still, to do this for favor with me… I must be more valuable than I can see, since you seem in control of your lust.)

    A finger plays with the hole at the front of his cock, an annoying but pleasureful movement.
    {While Ave is a deeply impressionable girl, if she thought you were interested she’d sleep nude beside you on the first night, completely sleepless as she waited for you to be inside her~. Even that… mutt would be spreading her cheeks for the first tasteless man that fit her… bizarre requirements.}

    For some reason, the thought that they’d be so promiscuous bothers Adris.

    “And you?”

    With a somewhat scornful tone alerting her, Still grows ever more coy.
    Shifting on his body, her wet crotch grinds against his balls and cock. Full thighs and legs fear nothing about the chair’s arms, hanging out and tempting Adris to massage them.

    {Meeee? Well… this young lady is a bit… no, actually, quite discerning~.}

    Rapidly pumping his dick, she punctuates her almost tacit admission that Adris appeals by seeking to fry his brain.

    (With zero friction from her strange medicine, fast is only better! Yeah, no, please don’t work me up until I can taste…!)

    Hand just next to his face, her weird gestures spell out her thoughts.
    {Rather than worrying what I want… what does a… supreme being want? Do you want… to be owner of a quivering girl with delusions of prince-worship? Please tell me you don’t want a mongrel’s dirty hole if you had a choice…? … It’s not a smaller girl, I know…}

    Smashing her thumb powerfully on his glans, Neesiette is declared off limits.

    {If not those then… who~?}

    Lifting her hips with her hand planted for balance, a slick pussy separated by a thin fabric crests his head, rubbing him along the opening. Handjob ended, this is the only pleasure afforded him.

    (Right now, the only hole I want is yours! But… I can’t admit that!)

    Asserting authority over him, Still is treading on ground he almost ceded to Lycia. Left gasping for release, Adris fights back by gripping on her butt.

    (The one girl I can't show weakness to is you! You'll eat me alive!)

    Stopping with interest, she receives an impressive display of bravado.

    “Huh, if you have discerning tastes, then recognize mine: what I want is what I will claim. If I desire it, it will be mine.”
    Leaning closer, he voices her options.

    “You’ll need to answer with action what you refuse to admit with a silent tongue. Can you guess what I want?”

    No longer moving, he waits for her to ask him.

    “If you want it, too, then seek it.”

    A muffled slap coincides with pain on his cheek.

    (You… bitchy woman!)

    Indignant and suddenly reminded of the ability she has to harm him, he’s thrown off balance as she finally replies to his ultimatum…

    Fabric is felt, before it deforms and he enters into a place of pure pleasure.


    With both arms on his shoulders, she lets him linger only two inches or more inside of her, beginning to gyrate smoothly to let the passage massage his head.
    A smile of fake beneficence is on her mask as she sexually teases him.

    (… You have a lot of tricks! Damn it, let me all the way AH! In! Gahh, it’s not fair!)

    The older girl gives up something spectacular, but only half way. To make it more injurious, he’s disallowed to feel flesh, forced to enjoy it through her super-stretchy body covering.

    (Why won’t it tear!?)

    Being denied causes Adris to go wild with hatred of clothing. The most delectable meal offered so far by this Castillo is only half enjoyable as juices slowly drip down his cock.
    Almost ready to release, the boy laments that again he’ll be denied.

    (God damn it, it’s not right! Firing me up with your hand, just to rush it like this! A man shouldn’t OOOOHHH!)

    Lifting off his cock, Still buries his face between her breasts. Though the doublet material is unpleasant on his skin, he breathes hard at the gentle crushing of his cheeks.

    (Ah, not as bountiful as Lady Yehrlis… but… wonderfully soft! Ah! No, don’t cum from just this AH!!!)

    When his abandoned cock starts twitching, her breasts leave his face.

    Falling down on top of him…

    … his dick is driven up all the way into her, before he cums as hard as he possibly can into her sudden depths.
    Still rubs his head and ear, causing him to jerk towards the pleasant touch, his seminal passage pushing wads of white into her.
    But, he’s not the only one shuddering.

    As he shakes, she too is jerking slightly.

    (… AH, good, you… lose, too!)

    Pulling her into an embrace, the surprised girl is lifted and brought down repeatedly as one last drive results in a final spurt issued toward her womb, making his climax worth the trouble.
    Opposed to the sudden embrace, she recovers and quickly lifts off his still jerking penis. Moaning softly, Adris cringes as she sits in front of him again, her soaked slit against his satisfied dick.

    A minute or two passes as they calm, before Still starts erratically gesturing.

    {You’re… real hugger…~! Who knew cute, cute… a false god be would~.}

    (… Shut up! You’re the one that can’t talk!)

    Swiftly recovering his dignity, the girl's hard sell devolves into teasing.

    “… Cute? Wouldn’t that be a girl who loses control the moment she gets a taste of a real man’s length and seed?”
    Indignant, she curiously lingers with her gestures, spending extra time on them.
    {“Real man”, is it? Moaning as you were when I deigned to share some warmth with you…}

    (You’re actually quite cold!)

    “A woman brags about warmth, but seems unable to look at her ‘partner’ squarely.”

    With Still’s head drooping as she gestures, she looks drunk. Whipping up at the phrase, she leers hidden daggers.
    Menacingly, her finger comes to his lip, wiping his chin before pulling away.
    {Says the boy… drooling at his own cute dick’s surrender…~}

    “… A woman who can’t admit anything isn’t cute.”
    {Neither is a boy pretending to be a lady killer~!}

    “I’ve brought a woman to the finish line plenty of times as she rode my cock, with it always ending just like you.”

    (Just… primarily, it was the same woman.)

    {I fuckin’ told you I didn’t cum! If you’re so fuckin’ observant, then learn the difference between fakin’ for sympathy and-}
    Slapping his shoulder, brutal gestures roll out before she suddenly ceases in mid “sentence”.

    Silence rules the boring room, the heated sparks that still linger between the two of them fizzling out.

    (So, it takes teasing you to get some completely honest lies out. And there’s no way that was fake! … Also, there’s no semen on my pants? Shouldn’t it have spilled out…?)

    “… Well, my apologies. Though admittedly unnecessary, I merely wanted to ensure you were properly satisfied by the finest experience.”
    Though his expression is far from apologetic, an arrogant olive branch is hurled out.

    {… Ain’t… Yeah, it’s fine. Don’t worry, it was… plenty enjoyable for me~. Even if… a little short~!}
    Getting in the last stab while leaving his lap, Still sits back on the table.

    (Evil… woman…! No, this isn’t bad…)

    Even if she’s terrible…
    She’s a genuine experience, causing him to laugh inside as he untenses with his sageness increasing.

    {… Well, if you’re as contented as I know you are, then let's... refocus. A method of binding people to their word exists, one that pertains to the readiness of that meatshield in agreeing to-}

    “Oh, why should I ensnare Kol in another oath? Is one not sufficient?”

    The air is cold as she remains motionless.

    (Hah, this is where… you lose, cheat. Trying to fool me with sexual favors doesn’t get you far. It's interesting we had the same plan.)

    Moving fluidly and with zero visible aggression, the highly focused girl begins with questions.
    {Strange knowledge to have~? Aren’t you from another world~? How does someone from another world know about this~?}

    Shifting his weight, Adris pleasantly smiles while sharing the truth.
    “The process was learned from the upper levels. As for who… Ave mentioned an elvish god named…?”

    Shaking her head quickly, Still moves frantically.
    {Please tell me you didn’t swear to that idiot Pellaeon? No… no, the important question is… when did you do it…?}

    (Can’t detect a heart beat that doesn’t change, can you?)

    Using aura training, Adris prevents this one tell, hopefully blinding her to the secret.

    (… But… what do you mean “when”?)

    “When talking with her, obviously.”

    Jolting back, Still tries to hide her fright.
    {Huh, she didn’t say anything.}

    (What are you hiding…?)

    A situation like mutual ignorance becomes the theme of this study, Still suddenly very uncomfortable with Adris as he also feels stalked.
    Breaking the ice…

    “I said that you would try to stop her.”

    Obviously disappointed at first, she then reveals a slight smile with a moving hand.
    {What was the pledge?}

    “I’d be happy to share that…”

    Taking time, parts one through four are explained.

    {Surprisingly well thought out.}

    A dismissive comment that annoys him is quickly followed up.
    {No, I guess for my “partner” it’s expected~! Alright… let’s divvy up these useless girls and keep them under wraps… We can use them until we find… something better~! How about-}

    With the gestures she conveys so fluidly, Adris feels… a hint of deep sadness. When speaking of teammates she's obviously taken great care of, she seems to put up a thin front.

    "I’m having second thoughts.”

    The girl freezes her hands in mid movement at his bored voice.

    "Isn't what you're offering quite low?"

    {… What is so wrong with this arrangement? Do you not want to own them? ... What's wrong with them?}
    Growing accusative, her questions challenge him with flourish.
    {You think you’ll get a better deal from them, why not try~? If anything, I’m being plenty generous~… You lookin’ down on the... gifts I’m offerin’? My ambitions too low for you? You want more?}
    Twitching slightly, her last gestures are cruel.

    {I just showed you… a sign of what…}
    The smile on her face is cold, clinical.

    “There's nothing wrong with us. You’re just supposed to see potential better. Seeking a relationship where you sell them out, aren’t you thinking quite lowly about them?”
    Getting up from the chair, Still twists away skittishly at this.

    “Isn’t the one looking down on them you, and not me? Instead of just using them, why not help them become someone as efficient as you?”

    Still waves her hand lazily, immediately rejecting him.
    {There’s no way they’ll ever be my match, even later on. Besides, Neesiette might be fine with me… but that trash pile’s opinion is what I can expect from anyone else. Even Ave just… misunderstands who... and what I am.}
    There’s insecurity to her movements, pauses between gestures. Agitated, she grabs his jerkin with a denigrating, twisted smile.

    {… Who the fuck are you to talk, bastard!? Listen to you! Slidin’ up to Ave and wormin’ your way in like a fuckin’ parasite. I had to listen to her brag about your “handsome voice and wonderful attention” for an hour!
    You’re schemin’ with me to save your skin and you care about my relationship with ‘em? I mean… we could go out cryin’ fake tears about our honest intentions to enslave ‘em for their own good; but, while Ave might be right as rain about it, I think at least Kol would…}

    A rude chop to his forehead spells out the result, a warped smile showing her thoughts on forgiveness.

    (That’s the sort of path you walk on when you are like we are…)

    {Stop actin’ like you care about ‘em. Just ‘cause you’re not total scum doesn’t mean you’re worth believin’ in…

    no, you lying seems normal…~ You can't be anything positive for them.}

    “Talking” at first honestly, she gives up and returns to the way she usually speaks.

    “You misunderstand. You simply use the lie to begin a true relationship.”
    More vexed at his softly spoken words, she releases him. Anxious about her impending betrayal but desperate to hide it, her refusal to feel proud is her most attractive feature.

    “Still, one tactical lie solves the problem as long as we’re not… scared of the repercussions and aim for the good.” When the girl winces, Adris pushes on.
    “Instead of enforcing ‘ownership,’ why not enforce ‘equality?’ Why not simply make the outcome… ‘being a group that works together’?”

    Forcing her to see what she wants deep inside, her temptation is almost complete. While a born liar, she is, like him, someone that seeks…

    (… I want you to succeed where I didn’t. You're a better person than I am.)

    The life she’s about to choose for herself hurts.
    “You can have them, and your goals…” Adris starts to close on her...

    Hands move quickly, her mouth furious.
    {Your contract is to own them. You think I’m buying your shit?}

    “It is as such, which is the illusion. Kol believes that ownership is required, so the terms are-”

    {I don’t believe you. I know the kind of person you are. There’s no way you want “equality.” You want to…}
    Her last gesture trails off.

    {So long as you need me, you don’t have a say in what you get, anyway~! There’s no room for more bargaining, little “offworlder” who is about to be sold~! You’re selling yourself far too highly~!}
    Finally breaking down the negotiations, she forces the end in the “voice” that lies and hides to win.

    {Agree or lose. Okay~?}

    “I don’t need to ‘collude’ with you, Still, in order to win. I could overpower you at any time.”

    A short sword appears from nowhere, as if it comes from her hand itself.
    The cross is against it, blocking it from slashing his throat. The boy is relaxed, feeling the movement of the blade and sticking with it.

    A hand moves briskly with self-assurance.
    {Ehhhhhh? So sure, are you? Oh, how sweet~. Well, well. It’s an interesting idea, “equality,” but I dooooon’t believe you~. I know what dwells inside of you, the skin you wear over it~! I’ve felt those same things! Made the same choices. While Neesiette might be helpful, Ave might be kind, and that retard is… unfortunately for you, my personality is a little…}

    A second short sword appears in her other hand.

    With his cross blocking one sword, the other is ready to pierce through him. His free hand is on Cethran’s purple cloth, ready to pull it loose.

    “Stab me and you will find that the revealed form of this cross is something quite terrible to behold. Though I said it is sealed, it is only thinly hidden from this world. Once awakened, if I cannot choose the nature of its outflow, it will simply devour everyone.”

    (This is just theater. If you wanted to kill me, the whispers would tell me. But if it isn’t theater… enjoy what comes out of this cross. I absolve myself of responsibility. Doom yourself!)

    This obsession to have them has no safe outlet now. Adris’ gaze must be interesting to behold, because Still perks up.

    “Then, let’s do this: I will agree to your oath as dictated, with the stipulation that if I release Kol and Ave, you must also release Neesiette. When I win, we must all be equal partners. We guide them from the shadows, together.”

    When the sword moves an inch forward, Adris amends his previous statement.

    “I forgot one thing. I will make you this promise if you take this path: of all the desires listed from the others, I will prioritize yours whenever we have the power and opportunity to do so. Even if as ‘partners’ you would deny me responsibility to help avenge yourself, I will promise to do so under this oath.”

    Her hat wobbling, he smiles genuinely.

    “Let’s take them to glory, together.”


    Adris smiles, a dark and cynical one, before speaking with a comical tone.

    “Because of all the things I hate here, I hate this Alchemaster the most. Everything I hear about her: her opulence; her actions; her cruelty; her ambitions; this damnable mansion. It all makes me want to… destroy her.”

    Still shakes her head, shrugging with deep amusement. She stabs the other sword into the desk, making gestures with great comedic sweeps.

    {Fine, whatever. As absolutely unlikely as it is, sure. I know you, you glib bastard. Trying to weasel out of the deal I know will work~! If you really want to do it, then do it after proving you have an ounce of power…~ I'm not even convinced you have any~!}

    Putting her hand before her, Still moves it precisely.

    {This one, Still, before Zaarin, Gravemonger and lord of the dead, agrees to the following contract that amends one previously made: I shall be party to this original plan; he shall never impede my independence or mission; we make decisions together, and alone about our own interests… Adris fehl Dain will never seek to bind me by his authority! …}

    What follows is an incredibly precise contract that guarantees both their interests.
    Left impressed and mistrusted by her perfect word choices, Adris doesn’t voice complaints.

    {… Adris will thereafter help me to influence them and guide them on the path of destroying the Alchemaster, honored by me releasing them if he does. Adris will help me fulfill my truest desires, as I honor his own pursuits.}

    (Competent. I think you’re going to find the terms agreeable in the future.)

    With a smile on her face and a short sword in her hand, Still challenges him.


    Adris raises his hand, a finger up.

    “One amendment.”

    She leans in, a daring sort of movement.

    {What is it?}

    “Being partners doesn’t sound bad. Can we keep that bit?”

    (Thinking I'll double cross you... is keeping my word a reverse double cross?)
  10. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Chapter 29: Discussion On Form

    Watching the girls lorded over by gilded suits of ponderous armor, Adris feels contentment being allowed to rest. Lounging under the overhang of this odd, multi-tiered nexus of corridors is his reward, his plan concluded now that others do his work for him.

    (I don’t want the spotlight all the time, Still. You dance in it, as I prefer the shadows and acting as someone else's "guide".)

    Peering down two routes, Neesiette searches out the difference as Kol enthusiastically guards her. The shyest girl inspects the suits of armor with a careful touch, though the green eyes reflected in the mirror-polished shield are drooling over Adris.

    (Phase one of… a plan that really has no end is complete?)

    Though inexpert and rushed, his charlatanry has earned him a spot on their team. Hands folded together, he knows he should be ecstatic inside, but the tiresomeness of their idiosyncrasies contrasts with the upbeat, hopeful vibe the party now has.

    (The worst part is their enthusiasm. Kol immediately tried to…)

    Stick in cloak, good trick. Kol, hate tricks, but say ‘smart’. Now: show true power! Want see!
    Enamored with his victory, her first actions were to seek private demonstration of his “might” while clinging to his tunic.
    Indeed, of great interest be a victorious boy’s ‘true power’. Invite such a demonstration, a tool does.”

    (Annoying, but it proved one absolutely important boon.)

    When Kol had clung to him, he was able to force her to release him by ripping himself away.

    (As a “part of your group”, your insane abilities no longer automatically target me!)

    Walking from his spot, he waves at the other person with folded arms in the intersection. Not meeting his gaze and leaning against a wall after scouting, her head is down as he joins her. Quietly whispering beside her, he speaks at a volume he hopes Kol cannot hear.

    “All in all, a perfect outcome, right? I told you the chair leg would work.” Though not bragging outright, his adaptability justifies mentioning. “Now that things are on track for uplifting everyone, maybe we can discuss some more of the mansion’s-?”

    Cocking her head, a tight, painted mouth on white causes him to shut up. With lazy gestures…

    {Oooh, “on track”, huh? Cute little plan, that we need to go to the chapel for this fabulous gift to work. Buys you a couple of hours. Neesiette doesn’t believe you, though, so you’ll need a new lie pretty fast once we get there~.}

    Though it sounds like only sarcasm, her staunchly open support of him is thorny in private.

    Sharing secrets, a victory, and the first intentional sexual encounter he’s had, no matter how brief, Adris thought that something real was blossoming. Always unopposed to him, after defying her expectations of his apparent level of scumbaggery she’s become dour.

    The one girl he was growing friendly with on more than a surface level is going cold.

    (I’d thought you’d be happy that I’m not trash? … No matter how seductive you can be, pouting after “winning” reminds me that you’re just a smooth-talking young lady.)

    Even as he thinks that, he recalls her swearing to an entity which governs death.

    (... We need to discuss that.)

    {… Oh, did I get it wrong?}
    Seeing through his facade to his hidden discontent, Still puts a hand to her mask.
    {Fighting Kol and Ave heated you up, that it?}

    (Not really, though Ave’s reaction didn’t help; but, if you want to do something for me…)

    Worshipping her fleshy figure with lecherous eyes, memories of their encounter mix with the poisonous air to reignite him. With Ave finally looking away, he hides a hand behind Still’s butt.
    “No, I find that someone else does that for me.” Starting to pull himself closer to the quietly amorous girl, a smile comes to her mask before she reaches down to return the favor.

    A fierce finger flick strikes him precisely on the tip of his dick with as much power as can be put into it.
    Hissing in pure pain, his hand retracts while she smiles innocently at him.

    Using the same hand to rudely point down another hallway, she squirms while mimicking a familiar form.

    {A bunch of imps down that way, if you’re looking for lovers on your level~. Found them just for you~.}

    (… What?)

    Preventing himself from getting angry, he wonders if he’s mistakenly insulted her, but then she leans closer and puts him in her shadow.

    {… You weren’t supposed to be like this. You get nothing special from this deal, which… isn’t natural for someone as smart as you. So if it seems weird, it’s probably because you’re trying to get one over on me~. Even if we’re called "partners", Neesiette and I run things. The moment you stray…}

    Blinking in shock, Adris suffers through the usually composed girl listing the innumerable, vicious ways she can foil him, playful fingers counting each set.

    {… and hang you from the ceiling, so the flying slut maids can take turns with you. Only after you’re bone dry will you be allowed to touch the ground, again~.}
    Driving her finger into his chest as he remains passive…
    {Managing to "wow" them, I will absolutely revoke this contract if I’m not one-thousand-percent satisfied. The moment you try to hoodwink me, I will end you~. That... mask and what you "must" be... you can't hide from that need! We're... the same with that... You will-!}

    “A likely way forward presents itself. Still?” Neesiette finishes dowsing, calling for the other half of their secret weapon.

    (Even now, you don’t think I’d want you guys for the sake of having you? That contractual caveat about satisfaction is also annoyingly firm!)

    Caught in mid-conversation, Still switches to friendly mannerisms. Waving at Neesiette, she readies to move off, until Adris pats her butt surreptitiously.
    Pausing in stride, she turns back, a slasher smile challenging him.

    “… Why so angry with me? A total victory isn’t enough? I thought you’d be pleased with the caliber of man you have to comfort you?”

    Teasing her more aggressively now, she lurches forward at the question, trying to preserve her composure as she lifts her hand.
    {… I can understand what you might be expecting, but you’re seeing something in our relationship that you haven’t earned, yet~.}

    (“Earned”? I’ve given up a lot for…! No, it’s fine. This is the kind of girl you are and I don’t dislike it.)

    Leaning next to her face, he grins boyishly while laying it on thick.
    “Ahh, sorry, is it rude not to refer to you correctly while discussing business? ‘Partner’?”
    Head stooping, she shakes at the appellation.

    (You can dish it out, but you can’t take it? How “cute”. Oh, or is this about…?)

    “Is that thing with Ave the problem, then? Not wanting to ‘hurt’ her, I can hardly call her unappealing, right? Oh, rather than it being about me hurting her…”
    Rubbing his chin while acting suave, his tone then becomes intentionally surprised.

    “Were you perhaps jea-?”

    A blurring fist drives squarely into his kidney, before she whips away and skips off to cheerfully converse with Neesiette.

    (… I guess I pushed a little too far, but… hngh, you need to understand that we might be partners, but it’s only due to mutual desperation. In the end, I’m a man with decades of experience in manipulating others, while you’re just a novice girl. Realize the difference.)

    Hand covering the impact spot while he bends his knees, Ave slithers over with a quizzical look, before brightly engaging in conversation.

    “Hey, hey, Adris! I can… get Kol and definitely Neesiette, but how did you beat Still?”

    Having “prevailed” over her idol, the elf’s new focus is on a rising hero.

    (Huff… technically I didn’t. I just signed a contract that… lets her practice “tough love”, apparently. The most powerful, dangerous technique in the world is luring people into a trap that doesn’t exist, leaving them convinced that you’re bluffing right up until the end…)

    “By what mechanism would they recover? Such items do not renew when worn by powerless boys.” Explaining to him as if he’s a child why his fur boots seem weaker now, Neesiette is his bosom company as they approach their destination.
    “A false god’s no doubt immense knowledge encompasses not the simplest topic of Elucidation of Basic Arts, be this the situation?”

    (No, in fact it doesn’t. The recovery of magical items was conveniently left out by Cethran.)

    “From my perspective, power is either possessed or not. Not being lost, it merely returns naturally when expended.”
    Though a weapon may break, aura and especially techniques are eternal unless one’s Inner Expanse is ruined.

    “Then, in simplest terms for a strangely simple boy: any Art, or object writ by Art, degrades as used, according to the natural inclination of the world. Art willed by mind warps pathways of interpretation, eventually bringing mania, madness, and malice. Upon object, it brings its self-ruin. Only with time and presence of power may one reform both, mending with active intent before their destruction be total.”

    “Kol, not follow.” A dull voice, one bored beyond reason, tries to join in.

    “A relatable metaphor be: ‘an axe may wear and, unmaintained, break; yet, when sharpened and mended regularly, long may endure’.”

    “Ah, ‘thank you’.” Nodding sagely, Kol immediately wanders off to escape.

    (Like with that rabbit sage, magic drives your mind to bizarre places? Lycia’s tools emitted enormous heat or required ammunition. Yet, my fog tool takes in nothing…)

    However, the device has changed: no longer brass, the metal is off-white with an odd texture. Visibly smoothed, but feeling fuzzy when touched, the overall shape has shrunk and closely resembles something perhaps designed by the madmen of the Wondrous Works.

    (… I’ll deal with this later, as horrifying as it is to witness and not understand; but, magic as explained…?)

    “You never become incapable of casting magic?”

    “‘Incapable’ be a purely imprecise state, for Art interpreted beyond one’s capacity to do so shall mutate avenues traversed, destroying one’s rationality and potentially corrupting one’s body.
    ‘A stream that overflows the banks shall muddy and wash away ground it splashes upon…’ That which lets Art flow through it ceases to use it when it ceases to be, correct?”

    (Scary, that’s fucking scary. Aura can’t kill a person, unless you fail an ascension or do something stupid.)

    His logical mind rebels at an eternal font of power that exists as long as sanity is sacrificed. Aura may make monsters, but not with this potent regularity.

    “Misunderstand not: Art, first and foremost, reflects correct methods of interpreting how the world might change. What one has demonstrated…”
    Face pinching at this thought, her eyes reflect a boy whose actions thoroughly displease her.
    “… Utterly ridiculous one’s ‘power’ be, more like the taint of fools who exclaim ‘it’s magic!’, when in truth they merely interpret imprecise nonsense and force the world to enact it, harming themselves and it… True Art when interpreted accurately breaks not from its course.”

    Smiling at the idea that “nonsense” and “uncertainty” sound similar in practice, he calls ahead to Kol.

    “What of you, Kol? How would you define your power? Ave, channeling spirits you do, yet you never struggle? And… Still?”

    Continuing to walk, Still merely turns to look over her shoulder.
    “Though I’ve not seen your magic, possess it you no doubt-”

    Suddenly giving him full attention as she hops back toward him...
    {What magic would that be~?}

    (You swore on your magic! Or, wait…)

    Producing a green stone set into a brass ring from nowhere, she holds it up for Adris and Neesiette to inspect.

    “… A body illuminating ring.”

    Promptly identifying the item while sounding like the first time she has done so, Neesiette is uncertain of the presentation’s point.

    (… you.)

    When Still tilts her head a bit, a deep, bluish-green light swirls around her, the stone on the ring glowing. The girl palms the deactivating ring before bowing gracefully, a winning smile on her mask as she rises.
    She “says” a few words, before she produces a gold coin in her hand, letting it roll between her fingers.

    {If not magic, then hoooooow?}

    Cursing himself, anger flares before he quickly pours sand over it. Increasing his pace down the lavish hallway formed entirely of almost-naked, stone humanoids laying artistically beside each other and accentuated by real cloth, he tries to close on her as she effortlessly stays out of reach.

    Refocusing on the next person to save face, Adris invites with a forced smile the captivated Ave to answer.

    “… AH!? Oh, magic? Oh, no, spirit calling doesn’t use one’s internal will! Much more efficient, it borrows from nature!” Smiling proudly, she takes up a self-confident pose as she continues slithering. Arms artfully raised and eyes closed, she praises the world.
    “Nature itself is my best friend~! The stronger it is in an area, the more powerful the help~! … Once sufficient help is given, though, the spirits become bored and lose attention for some time…”
    Opening one eye a bit, she peeks to see if he is impressed with her answer, all while subconsciously moving to be nearer to him.

    (I… might have made a mistake.)

    In addition to annoying Still, Adris’ attempt to overcome Ave’s “misfortune” through seduction sidestepped the problem while creating a far worse one. As if committing to a terribly dark path, Neesiette’s dire warning becomes true with the snake elf doing all in her power to appeal to him.
    Stupidly putting on displays of femininity that aren’t subtle at all, he’s felt the need to avoid being alone with her.

    Frowning at Ave, the tiny master of magic pats his hand to get his attention.
    “Incidentally, divine power’s degradation be borne by the… ‘god’ that provides it. From the sanctity of worship directed at them or their domain, the truly ‘devout’ calls upon nigh limitless power to travel across the bridge that be as wide as their faith and bond.
    Proof of this bridge lies with the person, a physical covenant to bare and proof of a god’s jealous favoritism for-”

    Screaming with a crying voice, Ave “dashes” ahead to join Still while hiding her arms in front of her. Pulling up to the cloaked girl, Still immediately dodges from an unseen threat.

    (… I don’t understand.)

    Shaking her head, Neesiette concludes her lecture.

    “In truth, Art be but one, and only one, thing: a single explanatory theory and method by which to interpret the function of the world in a manner fit to perfectly alter it. Corrupted needlessly by the passage of time and the foolish idiocy of lesser… lifeforms, the unwise are left to overlook the original perfect form while stumbling in the dark to feast upon scraps.”
    Bowing lightly to him, dismissive words both praise and ridicule.

    “Though one’s pursuits of wisdom be worthwhile, a non-existent education and sorely lacking fundamentals forever doom a boy possessing sadly limited prospects.”

    (Just how smug can one girl be!?)

    Head grinding, Adris turns to Kol, who immediately perks up upon being focused on.
    “Your prodigious blows and dangerous spin… can you describe the source of your power for them?”

    (Though Cethran mentioned that warriors have uncanny abilities, they, in practice, seem not unlike aura techniques of the body.)

    Tilting her head confusedly, Kol taps on her axe held before her while clanking.

    “Kol say, body feeling? Very energetic before, not energetic after?” Looking down at her axe, she finds new inspiration.
    “Focus on weapon, become fun battle? More swing, better feel? Feel good, then…” She uses one of her fingers to make a twirling motion. “Easier spin, feel stronger. Tired, less.”

    Sighing, she puts her hand to her sallet.
    “Kol, not know. Feeling. ‘Sorry.’” Apologizing to Adris, Kol’s eyes inquire as to whether he needs more information.

    “Your explanation was helpful. I believe I understand.” His deep voice congratulates her instead of berating her.

    (I don’t understand a fucking thing. If I take the words literally, then “I’m more tired if I swing before trying to hurt people, but I’m tired either way” is the summary?)

    Using his other battles as a guide, he realizes it might not be far off.

    (Both Lycia and the cat servant didn’t start using powerful techniques until deeper into their combat. Even Lycia required exposed Vigor for one.)

    With all four people roughly within earshot, Adris decides to improve the party’s understanding of its own problems.
    “Each one of you has something special that serves as a cornerstone of the group’s survival. Rather than expecting you to change your basic style of functioning and way of living, it would be better to ask this: ‘how does a group survive and thrive’?”

    “By smashing, not group.”
    Kol’s completely truthful, but also incredibly stupid, answer causes him physical pain. Seeming very pleased with herself, her tail waves as she waits to be praised.

    “… Incredibly naive.”
    “AH!? ‘Naive’? Kol, not…!”
    “Be silent, Kol.”
    “Moon, too!?”

    Aiding him unprompted for the first time, Neesiette offers her own answer in her gratifying voice.
    “‘Combining disparate styles, talents, inclinations, and natures into a cooperative manner allows for the many to elevate themselves into a greater whole’, though terribly imprecise, be this not an answer suitable for your thoughts?”

    (… Sure. You win.)

    Still condescending, the doll girl is at least no longer overtly cruel.
    “Yes, a perfect response, as expected of a girl who spends so much time… thinking.”
    Taking back control of the discussion, Adris raises a clenched fist to join with his outline of their situation.

    “Without sacrificing what is the essence of each member, power and especially… joint training must combine with a willingness to work together for common goals, for this is sorely lacking with you four.”

    “‘Common goal’? Beating everyone?”
    Kol sounds hopeful.

    (NO! Getting ahead of everyone else, by any means necessary! Not just fighting! The most important part of this show is going to be linking the cross’ power to some concept they understand, though.)

    A key part of the upcoming investiture is missing, leaving Adris grasping for a replacement for an obviously lacking Xin ritual.

    To understand magic, the form of alchemy which predates so many other currently practiced mystical arts might serve as a more universal foundation?
    Snippets of his lessons with Cethran creep out, as always.

    “Neesiette, what would be your explanation of alchemy?”

    “Alchemy? The distribution of the world into ‘elements’? How vexing.”
    Blinking once, Neesiette’s explanation sounds agonized at first.

    “Would not ‘element’ be a fundamental misunderstanding of the true meaning of Art? Then, shall we speak in terms of the tainted ‘magic’ which beguiles the thoughts of this world’s people?
    Elements there be: four which cycle through, one giving up to another and feeding the next.

    [‘Wind fuels the fire,’]
    [‘fire heats the earth,’]
    [‘earth moves the water,’]
    [‘water births the wind,’]

    a pattern represented, conforming to the heretical knowledge of Alchemy first observing these patterns.”

    (So the Alchemaster is a progenitoress of sorts?)

    “Denoted, too, be the ‘victor’ and ‘loser’ for each struggle, in general. What defers to, will be the subject of. Though, even by tainted standards such as Zennia’s magic, there be more complex elements.
    Wind and fire become [‘rage’]; water and wind become [‘mute’]; earth and water become [‘soul’]; and fire and earth become [‘form’]. Form be the element associated with the Alchemaster and, supposedly, she be the pinnacle of it.”
    Ceasing briefly, Neesiette studies Adris, seemingly seeking to assure herself that he’s understanding.

    “All magic of Zennia flows from these elements?” Having seen magic which doesn’t fit into any of this, he hopes to understand the dissimilarities.

    “‘Magic’ claims shapes infinitely varied and absurd, all enslaved by the imperfect nature of their derivation; yet, to say that the elements are thematic guides for all ‘magic’ be an accurate assessment. The word ‘thematic’ be duly stressed, though.”
    Stopping again, she looks inquisitive.

    “Lacking basics, perhaps one searches for personal training from a much more learned source? Would one be underhandedly seeking grossly undeserved tutelage without deigning to ask…?”

    (Are you fucking offering or just gloating!?)

    {As I’ve said, you should teach, not delve.}
    A cloaked girl pops up in the conversation unnoticed, with Still waiting to walk beside Neesiette and patting her head.
    Adris remains ignored.

    Mildly agitated at being treated like a kid, but then quickly calming, Neesiette huffs.
    “Though desiring to be useful, a tool’s self-respect forfends such a base thing. While a tool may guide ‘magic’ to a superior and more complete form, refuse this tool does to instill such a capricious, corruptive concept as ‘magic’ itself into a pure mind.”

    Offering a cool and thankful smile, his mind races to make the appropriate thematic changes to the ritual he has in mind.

    (It’s a little last minute, but I love the idea! “Two hands and two breaths”… morphing it into some crazy balance of nature matches with the four cups and the number of girls. This could actually appear relatively-)

    “Overlook may one… an interruption, Adris. As yet, still no power be felt. Clarify, if possible, the nature of what one can offer?” Neesiette attacks this point again, even though she’s technically been beaten by him.
    Making signs and speaking up, both Still and Kol interrupt each other while responding.

    {No, his power is real-}
    “AH, Moon, cross has-!”

    Stopping, the two look tense.

    “Kol, you first, then Still.” Jumping in seamlessly, Adris cuts through the roadblock. Still stares at him for a second before relenting.

    “Ah, good!” Leering at Still, Kol then begins. “Kol, cross hit. Um… feel power. Very strong. Kol, see…”

    (… See? You see something when I hit you with this!?)

    Sweating a bit, he pays close attention as she finally comes to the word she’s looking for.
    “Big ‘gathering.’ Loud voices, all speak. All scream, name. Too much. All hits, same. Same place, same voices, same people. Build up. Forget who, who ‘Kol.’ Kol, ‘vanish’, sleep.” Nodding three times, Kol seems happy.
    “Knock out Kol, Boss strong!”

    (What was the name being called. Isn’t that creepy!?)

    Adris desperately wants to ask, but a “false god” who is also master of the weapon she was smashed by won’t be allowed to. Dwelling on the demonstrated inadequacies of his position, he grows a bit unsure…

    (It will be fine.)

    All of his insecurities fade away.
    Only his need to complete the ceremony remains.

    With Kol finished, Still “speaks” directly to Neesiette, her gestures explicit.

    {The power he has will not be known by you, Neesiette. Think not of this as anything you lack, it’s simply a difference in perspective. I will vouch for him.}

    Scowling a bit at this, Neesiette quickly returns to being impassive, her gaze on Adris less annoyed now.
    “Very well. Reflecting this tool’s Rod of Force and demonstrating fell, seemingly non-magical fog, a hidden facet be accepted as evident even if unexplainable.”
    The ease with which Neesiette accepts her fate is a great feeling, with Adris now freed from being implied to be crippled.

    Leaning in toward her, his smile a bit dark and mysterious, a palm is turned up, as if holding an invisible object.

    “Will you accept what I offer if you admit the potential?”

    Pumping her hand, Kol immediately answers for everyone.
    “Any power, good! Boss strong. If Kol stronger, beat Boss, work out!” Her attention toward his status instantly turns into a bloody fate for him if something positive does occur.

    (What. No, that-)

    “Ave! … I, really want to see what sort of wind I can call upon with more strength!” Cheery now, Ave’s eyes lock hungrily on the cross, a bit of drool on an exposed fang.

    (No, the wind you called was already insane enough!)

    Snippy gestures are given, before Still shrugs.
    {We’ll see, I guess. I know the results will be vigorously and fairly evaluated~!}

    Neesiette’s words are final, too.
    “Boons as vague as proposed by one beg the question: does one recall the contract made with Kol and…” Narrowing her eyes, Neesiette stares through Adris’ soul.
    “… amended with parties to provide sufficient guarantees? Should this power become self-destructive… be one aware of the outcome?”

    (… that is something to consider. It shouldn’t be suicidal, what I have planned. But, if…)

    A doubt creeps to his mind about needing a contingency for this, before it…

    … IS


    ——— SNUFFED.

    “No, everything will be fine, Neesiette. I guarantee, what is coming will far surpass anything you expect.”
    Adris smiles benevolently as he speaks, quite sure of his mad designs. His grip tightens on the cross in anticipation, though a slight shaking to his body seems out of place.

    Lit ominously and in changing shadow by the passing blue lights, a smiling boy feels at ease. After all, all of the details are lining up perfectly, even if the mansion watches his every move with growing joy.

    (Everything I desire, and, by extension, everything you all desire… I will demand of this “unknowable darkness” myself; because, while Cethran may revere and possibly fear it… I think it’s simply quite convenient”.)

    “A main passage?” An incredulous question comes with Neesiette’s revelation.

    With hard eyes, she is silent for a moment. Though fairer to him now, the short girl still feels little for his worth.
    “… Indeed. Of the changing passages throughout the mansion, some certain ones shall ever endure. Non-random in nature, the effectiveness of traversing them renders them equally seductive.”

    (If they exist, then why wouldn’t slayers simply use them instead of wandering randomly?)

    Neesiette’s face darkens while judging him.
    “For such allusions to intelligence and astuteness, an obvious answer be missed for the question one no doubt dwells upon so intently. Consider the nature of the Castillo’s games. For what purpose would an area be left unchanging as such?”

    (Because it wants you there, and if it wants you there, there is an enormous danger.)

    “What creature guards it?” Adris curves his lips, even as he feels like clipping Neesiette upside the head.

    “Though one arrives at the correct answer, should the unhurried way one realizes his answer not be considered concerning? Understanding all relevancies before asking a question, attempt this one should.” Neesiette’s short footsteps cause Adris to struggle to walk beside her.
    While brief and standoffish before, the Neesiette of now is no longer distant, but rather…

    (Please stop using every conversation to grade me. I will die. No, I’ll bury you in a wall!)

    Still motions from far ahead.
    {Nothing so far, we ready?}

    As Neesiette calls it, this familiar, fateful spot called the [Corner of Meetings and Sorrows] is quite concerning. The stronger one’s karma with another, the more likely you shall run into them.
    The beginning of Adris’ encounter with the four was here.

    (Though at least the thing responsible is gone and its damage repaired.)

    “Kol, ready.” A swift nod and a raised axe shows how much she’s looking forward to this.

    “Um, we’re going to run, right!?” Ave is sweating at the thought of going through here.

    “If the form of an arriving visitor may be foul, fair, or something inbetween, then readiness be the only defense.”

    Adris’ nervousness as he walks down the familiar, draped halls with plush carpeting is peaked. As they approach the corner, he tries to focus his mind on something other than impending doom.

    “Incidentally, what creature do we need to be concerned with in this set passage? And how does one reach it?”

    Neesiette keeps walking with her eyes straight, rod out, but she manages to give him a succinct answer.

    “Our way be the passage right at the ahead junction, just past the entrance to the Forbidding Quarters from here. [White Tail Run], a course of death. Multi-tiered, the winding passage be dedicated to, and favors, a more cherished creature of the Alchemaster.”

    Rounding the corner now, the air grows heavy as they pass below the great white wings affixed with golden rivets. They appear to almost flutter, even as they’re lodged in the wall.

    “Quite familiar a guardian, as well. Such a creature ‘dealt with’ personally by our aspiring ‘executor’. With its destruction, time sufficient exists before reconstituting, the smaller creatures more easily avoided than it.”

    Adris recoils at the statement, only one creature coming to mind.

    “I see, then I suppose that’s perfect… wait, ‘reconstitu-’?”

    Adris’ sentence is cut off by a sudden feeling of vertigo.


    Wobbling, he uses the wall for support. Ave screams as she falls to the ground, with Still tumbling with Ave before rolling up to her knees.
    Only Neesiette and Kol remain unshaken.

    “W-w-w-what is this? Nothing like this happened any… huh?” Ave’s questions are cut off, too, as she hears something grind overhead, the sound of stone wrenching loose.

    Looking up, he sees stone parting and gold appearing, cradling brown fur, mad pink eyes showing through the fingers.

    Screaming ravings call from all around the boy, the wind rushing into the room to join with the creature’s anger.

    A terrible hunt is at hand.

    The boy is already moving during this event. As he runs under the descending hand, a great cry erupts from the struggling figure cradled by it.


    A furred abomination rips itself free from the gripping gold, diving to the floor head first to gore Adris. Its furred ear nearly swats him as it flops down when he leaps forward.
    The floor explodes with the antlers’ impacts, ripped carpet being pulled up along with stone chips as it withdraws.

    Adris’ arms pump and his legs fly as he runs, the boy using his white-furred magic boots to somehow stay ahead of the creature charging after him.

    “AH! Rabbit! YES, WIN TWICE! Uh… come back!” Kol yells a happy challenge that’s immediately ignored.

    “KILL IT!”

    His only request before concentrating on breathing sets off the girls to attack his pursuer.
    Four smaller figures scamper after a gigantic, rampaging one, a tittering laughter accompanying the madcap chase.


    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)

    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    [Obscuring Sonjil] - "Man, this thing has gotten pretty strong on Zennia. At first only creating an area of fog, it can now cover a direction? Is something wrong...?"

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength – E
    Vitality – E
    Dexterity – D
    Agility – C
    Intelligence – D
    Mentality – C
    Luck – F
    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"

    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”
    "There's little to say, isn't there? Aren't you truly beautiful when you're honest?"
    "Playing up the mystery too much might prove troublesome? A man of only mystery can be angel or devil, yes?"

    "Success breeds confidence, but is confidence always handsome? It might depend on how you assert it, a lesson you might be lacking expertise in?"

    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”
    "Losing everything is often an impetus to descend deeper into bad things. In Adris' case, it certainly amped up his energy for harming others."
    "Nothing is off the table for a man with nothing to lose."

    "Winning finally, Adris feels like he should be king of the world, but his tower is crumbling already as four girls keep destroying its foundation."

    "Getting what you want doesn't mean you'll enjoy it."

    Name: “Kol”
    Titles: Idiot
    Race: ???
    Sex: Female?
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Frontliner
    Discipline: ???

    [Great Round Eater] - "Find enemy, get between all, swing!"

    [Energized Edge] - "Kol, not need worry: every swing, good swing."

    Disposition: Straightforward / Confrontational / Respectful
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Pink
    Hair: White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength - C
    Vitality - C
    Dexterity - E
    Agility - F
    Intelligence - F
    Mentality - C

    Cethran Value – “Are you attracted to rampaging metal? Though in your case, you appreciate the voice, don’t you? Do you long to see more? If she reminds you of a certain someone, then...?”
    "Is forthrightness an attractive quality? What is the difference between truth-seeking as a subject and living a lifestyle of it?"
    "Perhaps an uncomplicated female would be useful for a man that seems so interested in complicating life himself? But why are you fooled into believing she's simple?"
    "If she feels excitement looking at you, then perhaps she isn't as pretty as you're thinking she is?"

    "Vetted by the erotic thief, I would assume that you are already slavering to see her face, yes?"

    "Brash and forthright, a warrior wielding an axe with two hands forsakes protection to deliver only harm. Contrary to this impression, she also seems interested in a straight up fight. If her words are any indication, she offers little thought to her actions."
    "In addition to being honest, she is also obsessive about certain things, least of which is deciding who is stronger than others."
    "Not worrying about details, Kol prefers to let others deal with them for her, so that she can concentrate on what she cares about."
    "While somewhat behind in intellect, she is far from witless."

    "Having officially lost, she considers it only a win. With Adris as her Boss, she already seeks to direct him at his next 'goal', which is hers."

    "It's easy to forget that Kol is a big ball of rage, but let's keep that in mind, always. Even if she's nice sometimes, her end goal is not."

    Name: Still
    Titles: Puddle
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young Lady

    Occupation: Delver, Trickster/Outfighter
    Discipline: ???

    [Perfect Throw] - {I'm going to turn you into a pegboard~.}

    Disposition: Playful / Sadistic / Skulking
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: ???
    Hair: ???
    Skin: ???

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:
    Dexterity - C
    Agility - C
    Intelligence - C

    Cethran Value – "Do you really think it's not obvious? What she possesses is what you've missed all your life, yes? Breasts and curves... are these not a new fruit for you to taste?"
    "While you don't get to see much of her, it may be that her lifestyle is the most appealing thing, perhaps? If she's always surprising you, doesn't that create an appeal of danger?"
    "Possessing feminine pursuits such as sewing and toxicology, isn't she perfect for you?"
    "Do you find yourself losing focus in her presence? You might be weaker to seduction than you think? Or is it something else...?"

    "Given yourself to her already? Even if you say that you're not weak to sexual favors, the fact that you went back for more already means it's already too late, right?"

    "A mute girl who says much with gestures, she also has more going on than she seems to. Though not outwardly aggressive, there's an atmosphere of danger about her. Opposite of Kol, hers is subtle... Yet, she also can protect others. Given to acrobatics, it matches with her dark, but flamboyant, colors."
    "Self composed as always, it won't be easy for Adris to get into her head."
    "Not interfering unless she has to, Still appears to be mild-mannered, but such a misunderstanding might be dangerous."
    "Showing something of her true nature, the girl that says little can surprisingly say a lot when she needs to."

    "Confidently sexual, yet also refusing to let Adris be the aggressor, their relationship seems to move from one extreme to the other as they get past their first agreement and discover more truthful things about each other."

    "Rather than being pulled over, she pulled over. But in the end, she also fell for her own beliefs about Adris' true intentions. How does she think she knows so much about him, anyway. If you know, post in the comments!"

    Name: Neesiette vera Luna
    Titles: "Moon"
    Race: Lunamata
    Sex: Female
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Mystic
    Discipline: ???

    [Rod of Force] - "A rod capable of exciting and shooting a ray of pure force. Being struck produces immense kinetic transference. Be this not obvious?"

    ["Brings An End"] - "Would the title not signify its use?"

    Disposition: Impassive / Calculating / Curious
    Alignment: Ordered

    Eyes: Pale Violet
    Hair: Amber
    Skin: Pale White

    Rantil Value –
    Strength - F
    Agility - E
    Intelligence - B
    Mentality - C

    Cethran Value – "First imps, and now short girls? This is certainly becoming a pattern, isn't it? Though you might not fare badly with a girl as beautiful as this, yes? Though she's a little perfect, doesn't she seem oddly demure?"
    "Having her rebut all of your words so desperately, is it her intellect you're falling for? Are you sure that's wise, considering she could dethrone the wisest person you know...?"
    "Having a woman stand up to you... isn't this a strange fetish for you to discover?"
    "A doll? How do you define the limits of your tastes? Or are they 'unknown and unknowable'?"

    "Do you get off on a lady devoting so much of her time to thinking about you?"

    "An otherworldly existence, she wears clothing that doesn't fit with the Castillo. With mannerisms quite distinct from all others, even the girls she travels with seem incomparable to her uniqueness. Yet, she definitely seems to be in charge...?"
    "Given to only worrying about what she can demonstrate as true, how does such an uncompromising and uninterested person lead a group of four girls through situations that cannot be easily explained?"
    "The reasoning member of the group, all of her questions are direct and impossible to sneak away from."
    "Finally revealed, her interest in Adris is inextricably tied to the book that he has proved capable of reading. For what reason does one desire to bring an end?"

    "The true Neesiette, one no longer afraid to speak around someone for fear that she will be forced to fight them later, is actually a very nosy and hovering girl."

    "Now that you're no longer hated, you get to be a lab rat, a disciple, and a permanent target of criticism."

    Name: Avenalliah Aurmaris
    Titles: Lustful Lizard, Elf
    Race: Elf
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young

    Occupation: Delver, Scared Girl
    Discipline: ???

    [Sylvan Calling] - "Hey, hey, come out and play! Spirits rise, prance and bay! If nature is here, it's my friend! Um, why am I flying!?"

    Disposition: Joyful / Impressionable / Cowardly
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Crystal Green
    Hair: Moss Green
    Skin: White

    Rantil Value –
    Strength - C
    Dexterity - C
    Intelligence - C
    Mentality - F

    Cethran Value – "While not possessing your newly favorite curves, isn't a girl with a naive charm also fine? Because she covers so little, you are also left without having to imagine what you could possess, yes?"
    "If you're looking for a girl to protect and curl up with, where else could you find a girl as clingy as this? Does being innocent entice men? Isn't that a stupid question, Mr. Star?"
    "Not being afraid to flaunt her beauty if she doesn't notice that she is, yet cowering at exposure... isn't this a gap?"
    "Another girl that won't shut up, is it? Shouldn't that dissuade you? Or is it okay if it's her bubbly voice?"

    "Isn't it a bit irresponsible to run away from the events you've set in motion, Adris? If a girl falls for you, shouldn't you welcome it? Or do you begin to broaden your understanding of a female world you never knew, even back on Xin?"

    "As cheerful as she is skittish, Avenalliah fits an unknown position within the four delvers' group. Though she carries a large sack, that would hardly count as a position... right?"
    "Prone to fits of panic, there's a lot she needs to do to prove her worth..."
    "While a master of avoiding confrontation, she finally finds a backbone after being kicked around enough."
    "The one thing in the world she loves the most is her own people, which makes her a master of everything related to them."

    "Having been both wooed, defeated, freed, and ignored, it's impossible to tell how she'll react to anything said by the boy she's set her eyes on."

    "In the end, a girl who has fallen for someone is both incurable and impractical. Please wake up, Ave!"
  11. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Chapter 30: White Tail Run

    With Adris’ heart near bursting, an approaching, salivating shadow merges with the wall as he hops aside at the last moment.

    Nigh-indestructible horns smash into a framed picture of a furred rabbit resting in a burning glade, with the boy pelted by stone pieces from the wall that explodes behind it. Before the beast can thrash, a nimble hand to the monster’s chain-connected armor pieces lets him scamper onto it.


    Rearing back to shake him off, the lagomorph driven beyond the limits of sanity twists as it does so. Instead of shaking free its prize…

    (No balance to hit it!)

    A climbing boot goes to its head, before a springing noise rebounds off its skull.

    (FLY! FLY!!!!)

    Using a bit of the little remaining power, snapping teeth miss his feet, hot breath adding to the effect as Adris bunny hops to the landing at the top of the wall.

    On the upper level, he takes in this enormous gallery. Like the just destroyed painting, hundreds of similar paintings rest on enormous viewing walls which teem with carvings of rabbits along their lengths. The painted scenes depict the critters tearing apart men, raping screaming women, and marching through conquered cities.
    Old straw fills levels reached by ramped platforms and spaced jumping perches, with every pillar looking as if it has been gnawed on.

    Rushing forward, Adris tilts with the quaking ground. The monster is scratching on the wall as it eyes him while pulling itself up, forcing him to turn left and race across an ornate wooden bridge to escape.

    (Ah, please just die. Again.)

    But all that happens is a growing shadow looms overhead.

    Slamming him to the bridge, the creaking structure buckles as he rolls over to see his tormentor perching on the cracking railings. As it leans in to chomp him…

    … it’s brown fur is lit up by a growing turquoise light, before a coruscating and waving beam of energy strikes its flank. Building for a moment as the burst pulls in, it then expands in a flash of air and force, flinging the crying maneater to the gallery below.

    “Stop! Fight! Rabbittttttt!” A girl’s rich voice screams out from the hall Adris ran through. A rust-red, squat bruiser chases after them, a pale doll clinging to her while pointing a crackling rod upward.
    A terribly distressed elf and an angel in dark blue also take in the situation.

    “Chase up, Kol. Seek out Adris.”
    “AH!? Rabbit, below!”

    Huffing in dissatisfaction, Kol runs to the wall, hurling her axe to the top of it with an underhand swing. An effortless climb accompanies its trajectory, powerful claws digging in and carrying Neesiette along as the doll girl holds on by the face gap in Kol’s helmet.
    Noting their immediate rescue attempt, he tries to wait for them.

    (At least I’m not alone!)

    Running to the edge of the bridge to look down, the gallery below features large statues of solid gold shaped like the rasselbock. Scenes of it chasing the unfortunate, hovering over the horrified prone while thrusting downward, or being fed by a girl in a simple, white dress while cuddling prompt him to fear his fate.

    Thousands of smaller golden rabbit statues seem to stare back, all of their eyes locked on his. But, the most important set, a pair of pink ones, accompany an opening mouth with sharp teeth filling it.
    Unharmed and fur raised, it breathes in deeply…

    (Oh, right. I’d forgotten.)

    Throwing himself at the end of the bridge, black smoke rockets through the holes in its slats. Reeking and melting as the cloud billows away, even the stone starts to burn with the noxious smell that almost murders him.

    “Adris! Please be safe! Ah, Still!” Ave tries to get Still’s attention as she slithers into the gallery, but the cloaked girl is already scaling the sheer walls with only her hands and feet, moving like a spider to jump from perch to perch.
    Left alone, Ave frets, looking at the wall with dismay. Unable to climb it, she moves into the lower gallery on her own, trying to reach the area beneath Adris as the horrible beast moves off.

    (Ah, this just isn’t fair. The gallery ends at the entrance hall. I have to…)

    Running now, Adris hears a crash behind him. Turning his head, he sees the rasselbock staring at him, before it screams and starts hopping angrily.

    “Boss! Make rabbit fight Kol!” The distant, zealous voice belonging to Adris’ faithful front liner demands satisfaction, but Adris can provide her none.

    “Follow me! You can’t… beat it here! I’ll demonstrate… my power… ahead…!” Lying as he runs, Adris refrains from crying, the fear growing as his foe stays just behind him. Kol and Neesiette keep pace a little behind on the opposite side of the room, while Still flips up to chase after Adris on his own side.

    "Adris! Come down here! Jump with the boots!"
    A slithering girl trails quickly below, her look one of a regent's daughter longing for her chosen one's safety.

    (I can't! They're almost gone!)

    Though he's unsure how, he instinctively knows the boots won't survive much more abuse by him. The only truly valuable thing he's been gifted in the Castillo by his own efforts, the tool-mad boy wants to cry at the thought of them being lost to him.

    (I already miss my wife/spear! Why even live if all I have is - SHIT!)

    Leaping from a nearby railing, he barely avoids being squashed by the mountain chasing him.

    Rising up on her tail, she keeps begging him with a teary face as she raises her hands towards him.
    “Ah, I can... catch you with my wind! Right! I can... definitely do it!”

    (I've seen what you can do!)

    Hanging from a perch, he chooses to scramble up the wall instead, assured that he will “safely” reach the ground in a dozen pieces if he trusts her.

    “Believe in the spirits, Adris! Ave... I can definitely-!”


    A noise to her right brings a shivering look, the elf ducking her head low to appear non-threatening. Unnoticed to the elf, the walls around her are honeycombed by large burrow entrances, fronted by statues of dancing rabbits.
    From one, such a creature creeps into the light.

    The size of a large dog, its mangy and ill-kept fur matches with its jagged teeth. Only the large, lace ribbon of blue-and-gold coloring tied around its neck is a cute affectation, yet it does nothing to reduce Ave’s terror.

    “… Ave… Ave doesn’t taste good.”

    Noticing its look of hunger, Ave’ teeth then chatter as she now notices she stands between rabbit-themed pillories, the platforms prepared for something other than humans to mount the person locked within. Old stains and smells that should’ve alerted her if she was paying attention implicitly reveal to her the real danger.

    Inching forward, the rabbit’s dick exposes itself as it grows…

    … and it is joined by dozens more that peek out from burrows, before racing toward her.

    A white tide of rapist vermin closes on the girl, screaming in unison just like the rasselbock.

    “Oh, right, the lower gallery is a deathtrap, just like Still said~!”
    Whispering with dead eyes, innumerable horny critters corner the elf…


    A screaming girl rushes ahead at full speed, weaving while slithering, as white rabbits try to pounce on her. Crying and shaking, her arm flies out at one nearing.

    The fist impacts the rabbit’s face, its body folding like an accordion before it flips end-over-end to impact the wall it emerged from. Ave’s tail lashes out, too, striking two more to the response of cracking sounds, both flying away dripping golden Vigor from their mangled faces.
    Other rushing rabbits sprout dirks from their necks, the weapons flying unerringly from the platform above to lodge in their flesh, causing them enough pain to halt their pursuits.


    Crossing another bridge as the rasselbock struggles to follow on a more narrow ledge after jumping down, Adris’ heart is cold while taking in the sight of Ave’s predicament. With a small elf below punching and slamming chasing rabbits, only Still is left to try to defend her.

    (… I… have to… escape. I don’t have time for…)

    Contrary to Adris’ logical mental processes, atypical thoughts immediately break through, feelings that should be irrelevant to the success of his ambitions savaging him.

    He thinks of her danger, the dog-sized rabbits’ hard, swinging cocks an obvious answer to her fate if she is caught.
    Horror fills his mind, the thought of what’s his being attacked.

    (… She… doesn’t deserve this…)

    A cowardly girl tries to be brave, a mansion’s depredations now less speculation and more stark reality as she cries out for help.

    Dark, morbid desires fill him at the thought of a girl being violently toyed with and used, black hair creeping through with these.

    Decades-practiced self-preservation wars with attraction, repulsion, and an urge to save her…

    The rampaging feelings prevent Adris from carrying out his plan.

    (… Fuck all of that! I don’t want…!)

    His head cracking wide open, he finally…

    “Kol! Help Still save Av-!” Ordering at the top of his lungs, completely defying his promise only to “advise”, he is interrupted by the sweet scream of a rapid incantation.


    As the yelling girl is piled up on by rabbits trying to cling to her while lustfully jockeying for position, nothing happens for two seconds…

    Until the ground quakes, and then the air suddenly warps around the pile, the rabbits levitating off of her while blinking confusedly. Ave shakes as she floats, her loose clothing whipping a bit, opening her eyes wide in surprise before…

    … the room explodes.


    A spinning, serpentine body is launched at huge velocity down the corridor, a sonic boom of air cracking from where she lifts off. Rabbits fly in every direction at the same speed, impacting structures and statues, one being impaled on a golden rasselbock’s antlers.

    Shaken by the concussion, Adris follows a green comet flash in the air to see it crash into the wall ahead. Coughing as she lays on the ground, Still hurriedly checks on her as Kol and Neesiette converge.

    (… What the hell have I done.)

    Briefly pondering his choices, a growling noise behind Adris causes him to quickly turn, before jumping out of the way of chomping jaws that grow turquoise-blue in color before everything explodes in front of the monster’s face.

    Using the shock of the energy impact to carry him, he somersaults by instinct as he sails towards a ramp ahead…

    The giant, armored form leaking pink ooze slams its enormous zweihander down.

    Rolling under its strike, the force of the impact lifts him from the ground as a titanic vermin cusses. Barely missing the giant’s legs, the panting and bleeding boy instinctively tumbles along the carpet, slowing to rise when he can.


    Bleeding gold from the great slash on its body, the rasselbock horror flings pieces of metal everywhere as it responds to the giant’s assault by lunging straight into its chest. Goring the monstrosity, pink ooze gushes out everywhere from the holes it leaves when the rabbit retracts from the off-balanced guardian.

    Frothing as it dances, Adris realizes the beast hunting him no longer cares if it lives or dies again.

    (It’s going to… suicide… with me regardless…!)

    Scrambling into a brighter room ahead, the thought of not being sodomized to death motivates him to use up every ounce of stamina he possesses. The concourse ahead is…

    (… I’m here! And… the rabbit has… a shadow…!)

    Climbing the spiraling stairway, he’s nearly thrown off of it when a metal-encrusted creature lifts the pipe stairs from the floor with its impact. He leaps to the edge of the next floor before the stairs part from it. Hiding behind the low wall as he hangs on, he looks to the reflective wall above, a floating crystalline eye gently rotating in view.
    One which turns shadows into deadly specters.

    Seeing his chance, he throws himself up before rising and sliding under a long table.
    Quelling his rampaging heart with all of his might, he tries to hide. The red light from outside paints the whole area in blood, leaving him afraid that his will soon join it.

    (… but from… which end…?)

    Air is displaced into Adris’ face as the floor shakes.

    Rising onto four limbs, brown fur knocks aside furniture as the creature nears his hiding place.


    As he laments its approach, the rasselbock calls out to him.


    Ignoring it, his thoughts stay on the count as he moves on hands and knees towards the opposite end of the long table.

    Feeling the weight leave the floor, Adris scrambles.
    Splinters erupt from the smashed table when the rabbit’s enormous mass lands, leaving Adris cradling himself while waiting for his buckling hiding spot to collapse fully.


    Trying to find words to challenge or deceive it, his throat is blocked. Long past charlatanry, Adris wonders what will happen first: will his plan work, or will he suffer for all the crimes of humanity inflicted on rabbitkind.


    NO HELP.



    Adris huddles while shaking, so winded and terrified that he can’t move.


    A great shadow framed by red begins to quiver, the terror painted on the floor stretching out…


    With the shadow lunging at its former master, Adris’ attacker spills off the table. Two figures, one brown and metal gray, and the other darkest night, skid through smashing tables and chairs as they roll and snap at each other.
    A hissing and cursing rabbit leaking gold is challenged by the one foe that can truly beat it.

    (Twenty seconds?)

    Adris counts while forcing air into his lungs, trying to banish the weight on his muscles as he makes his way back to the spiraling staircase landing.

    When the rasselbock, its pink eyes full of rage, tries to pull in a breath to melt Adris’ life away, its opponent answers it by engulfing the rasselbock first.

    “Adris!? Where are you!?” A strained cry, full of apprehension and concern in equal parts, sounds like it has lost its reason for living if he doesn’t respond.

    “Not fight giant. Not win.” Kol’s voice comes after, clearly disappointed about the wounded, gel-filled guardian of the floor below. “But rabbit, rabbit good, Moon! Smell, up there!”
    “Kol, be quiet. Detain pursuers. Adris, sound out.”

    “Don’t come up here! Stay down there! My power cannot…be safely witnessed or controlled right now!” Bullshitting immediately as he crawls for the edge…

    (The last thing I need is four unbound idiot shadows trying to murder me! Fifteen seconds!)

    Rising from the dark cloud dissipating around it, an impossibly pissed lifeform dripping pieces of its barbaric body armor stomps on dropped chains. A sheen of gold also sloughs from it, for its skin and hair is savaged.
    Before it can leap, its doppelganger interposes once more.

    At the edge now, Adris peers below to see a curved wall of crackling, shimmering light blocking the path he traversed. A giant’s sword repeatedly slams against it, while crazed, white marauders try to squeeze through unshielded spaces without touching the barrier.

    The ones that do get past without being violently rejected by the energy field are met by a short, yet stalwart, knight. Pouncing at her, her attackers impact like they’ve hit a brick wall, falling down before she either slams an axe into their backs, or grabs them by the scruffs of their necks and mutilates them with big, lifted windups slamming into the floor.
    Thrashing and splaying rabbits before her, approaching critters in too great of numbers meet huge, wild two-handed swings that cut through their faces if they don’t yield.

    “More! Fear! Lose!” The cackling girl stacks a pile of twitching and bullied rabbits, dancing madly as the giant tries to close.

    Rabbits that try to mob her in massive numbers mysteriously twitch in place as if held, while those that seek to circumvent her hit an invisible point of refusal before turning unwillingly to attack her.

    (That's no aura technique I've ever seen! That's just fucking bizarre!?)

    Yet his aura senses detect something about the space surrounding her, as if the metal-clad girl's warrior spirit has expanded to become an impassable wall. With furred mongrels biting her as she weaves, she’s forced to accept a vicious mauling without faltering in order to protect the group.

    Rabbits that do get past Kol’s unexplainable battle presence receive one of two ends.


    Sprouting a dirk from its gold-bleeding eye as a wave of dark-blue, vaporous energy erupting from the wound quickly swirls over its body, a dog-sized rabbit arches its back tortuously while flopping. The one behind it meets the same fate, with a dirk snorting from its nose before it rolls along the ground.

    (Fuck you, you can use magic!)

    Blades fly completely straight from Still, no tumbling to them as she moves her arm like a free-flowing whip. When closed on, she tumbles away from danger while slashing with her short sword in the same escape, cutting down her assailants in one perfectly timed, reaping stroke as the strange magic she nimbly weaves converges with the moment of wounding.


    No longer capable of words, a hopping, flailing, and crying green coil with a cute ponytail lashes a similarly colored whip at her attempted rapists, randomly striking legs and bodies as she punches faces and ensnares rabbits with a grabbing tail. Anything she traps is flung far away to impact a wall, before her spectacle continues anew.
    So random her actions are that Adris cannot imagine how she can hit anything, but every movement she makes seems to majestically counteract the tempo of her attackers, even if she's not cognizant of them.

    A shattering sound comes from Neesiette's barrier when the zweihander stabs through it, the plate armor giant covered in pink ooze lumbering forward after.

    “Truly pointless. Let us desist with this distraction.”
    A calm voice comes from a priceless fairy lifting her sparking rod aloft, as multiple, slavering dog rabbits leap for her.

    In a flash, an expanding, pulsing barrier coalesces from thin air before rocketing outward, sending them spinning off the bursting wall.
    Picked up by the growing wave, all of the rabbits are careened into surfaces, while spots purposefully clear of turquoise barely part for Ave, Still, and Kol.


    Pulling his head back before the wave strikes the landing, a great crashing boom comes with the shaking impact. Rolled around, he confronts the rasselbock chomping on its pursuer, before spinning and flinging the shadow.
    Eying Adris as the floating eye also turns to gaze…

    Adris chooses between allies with fast-moving eyes.

    Locking onto Still, she turns upward to notice him, tilting her head in response.

    (Let us wish for mercy.)

    His heart beating inside of his head, he closes his eyes as he flings himself from the edge. Not wanting to see the moment of his death-

    Grabbed in mid-air, he crashes into his savior as they both change angle. Impacting something solid, he rolls with another body wrapped around him.
    His brain jarred a bit, he opens his eyes to stare down at a mask, his soft cushion speechlessly neutral in expression to the red face above her.

    A trembling hand moves swiftly.

    {… You ain’t… actually just a human… right?}


    “A human herald of an existence that exceeds all possible qualification and limits-”


    Still rolls Adris over, before jumping up with surprising adeptness and pulling him along with her. The cloaked girl rushes him towards the archway, while he takes in the tactical situation.
    Even with Kol as a distraction, only Neesiette's previous technique can halt another tidal wave of angry rabbits, yet the source of her magic is...

    Starting to sputter, as the dispassionate girl grimaces at the fading light from the emerald embedded in her magical rod.
    The gem shows growing fractures, proving that her magical item is quickly being reduced to the state of Adris' boots.

    (We have to get out!)

    “Leave me! Grab Neesiette and protect Ave! Only Kol can escape on her own, now!” Left still panting and not recovered in the slightest, he brushes her off and throws back the blood-stained cloak bunched up with him.

    “Ah, rabbit up there?” Kol cleaves through vermin, before repeatedly and energetically pointing to where Adris had jumped from. The boy can see an approaching giant behind Kol, leaking pink goo in moving arcs as it pulls its great sword up overhead to plant her inside the floor.

    On the landing she points to?

    The wounded rasselbock leans over the edge, crying out in dismay while trying to jump down to flatten Adris, before a pitch-black clone of it appears to bite into its neck, wrenching it back from the crumbling overhang.

    Adris screams without much dignity, fleeing into the red-painted entrance hallway through the great archway as he calls.
    “You've been fighting long enough to 'feel good', right!? HIT THEM WITH SOMETHING BIG AND RUN!”

    “Ah, leave, again!?” Kol screams in shock, before grinding her teeth and lifting her foot.

    “Uhhhh… fine. URYAAAAAAH!”

    Great pressure comes from Kol’s body as she screams, before she slams her foot into the ground, cracking the floor and causing a close explosion of air to burst out. The rabbits nearby are knocked up as the giant is temporarily halted in its swing, the girl retreating from the fray with immense unwillingness to depart.

    No longer caring if they’re following him, Adris hurries as fast as his remaining energy allows him, struggling down the long hall between the maid statues. As they pile through, Neesiette, being carried by Still, produces a smaller, thinner rush of turquoise energy from her rod, establishing another barrier in the archway they crossed under.
    Rabbits assemble before it while trying to leap over, frothing and crying out as the temporary screen fades in and out of existence.

    Witnessing again the portrait of the smirking Alchemaster hanging above the stairs, Adris’ anger resurfaces.
    As he carries himself to the small chapel door, now assisted by a worried Ave despite his assurances he’s fine, Adris creates a little spot in his mind for this woman’s image to reside, assuring himself that he’ll properly put to prose his hate of her.

    (I’m going to… skin every last rabbit… I find… then… cart them straight to your throne and recite every last one of their names, you bitch!)


    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)

    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    [Obscuring Sonjil] - "Man, this thing has gotten pretty strong on Zennia. At first only creating an area of fog, it can now cover a direction? Is something wrong...?"

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength – E
    Vitality – E
    Dexterity – D
    Agility – C
    Intelligence – D
    Mentality – C
    Luck – F
    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"

    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”
    "There's little to say, isn't there? Aren't you truly beautiful when you're honest?"
    "Playing up the mystery too much might prove troublesome? A man of only mystery can be angel or devil, yes?"

    "Success breeds confidence, but is confidence always handsome? It might depend on how you assert it, a lesson you might be lacking expertise in?"

    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”
    "Losing everything is often an impetus to descend deeper into bad things. In Adris' case, it certainly amped up his energy for harming others."
    "Nothing is off the table for a man with nothing to lose."

    "Winning finally, Adris feels like he should be king of the world, but his tower is crumbling already as four girls keep destroying its foundation."

    "Getting what you want doesn't mean you'll enjoy it."

    Name: “Kol”
    Titles: Idiot
    Race: ???
    Sex: Female?
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Frontliner
    Discipline: ???

    [Great Round Eater] - "Find enemy, get between all, swing!"

    [Energized Edge] - "Kol, not need worry: every swing, good swing."

    Disposition: Straightforward / Confrontational / Respectful
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Pink
    Hair: White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength - C
    Vitality - C
    Dexterity - E
    Agility - F
    Intelligence - F
    Mentality - C

    Cethran Value – “Are you attracted to rampaging metal? Though in your case, you appreciate the voice, don’t you? Do you long to see more? If she reminds you of a certain someone, then...?”
    "Is forthrightness an attractive quality? What is the difference between truth-seeking as a subject and living a lifestyle of it?"
    "Perhaps an uncomplicated female would be useful for a man that seems so interested in complicating life himself? But why are you fooled into believing she's simple?"
    "If she feels excitement looking at you, then perhaps she isn't as pretty as you're thinking she is?"

    "Vetted by the erotic thief, I would assume that you are already slavering to see her face, yes?"

    "Brash and forthright, a warrior wielding an axe with two hands forsakes protection to deliver only harm. Contrary to this impression, she also seems interested in a straight up fight. If her words are any indication, she offers little thought to her actions."
    "In addition to being honest, she is also obsessive about certain things, least of which is deciding who is stronger than others."
    "Not worrying about details, Kol prefers to let others deal with them for her, so that she can concentrate on what she cares about."
    "While somewhat behind in intellect, she is far from witless."

    "Having officially lost, she considers it only a win. With Adris as her Boss, she already seeks to direct him at his next 'goal', which is hers."

    "It's easy to forget that Kol is a big ball of rage, but let's keep that in mind, always. Even if she's nice sometimes, her end goal is not."

    Name: Still
    Titles: Puddle
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young Lady

    Occupation: Delver, Trickster/Outfighter
    Discipline: ???

    [Perfect Throw] - {I'm going to turn you into a pegboard~.}

    Disposition: Playful / Sadistic / Skulking
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: ???
    Hair: ???
    Skin: ???

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:
    Dexterity - C
    Agility - C
    Intelligence - C

    Cethran Value – "Do you really think it's not obvious? What she possesses is what you've missed all your life, yes? Breasts and curves... are these not a new fruit for you to taste?"
    "While you don't get to see much of her, it may be that her lifestyle is the most appealing thing, perhaps? If she's always surprising you, doesn't that create an appeal of danger?"
    "Possessing feminine pursuits such as sewing and toxicology, isn't she perfect for you?"
    "Do you find yourself losing focus in her presence? You might be weaker to seduction than you think? Or is it something else...?"

    "Given yourself to her already? Even if you say that you're not weak to sexual favors, the fact that you went back for more already means it's already too late, right?"

    "A mute girl who says much with gestures, she also has more going on than she seems to. Though not outwardly aggressive, there's an atmosphere of danger about her. Opposite of Kol, hers is subtle... Yet, she also can protect others. Given to acrobatics, it matches with her dark, but flamboyant, colors."
    "Self composed as always, it won't be easy for Adris to get into her head."
    "Not interfering unless she has to, Still appears to be mild-mannered, but such a misunderstanding might be dangerous."
    "Showing something of her true nature, the girl that says little can surprisingly say a lot when she needs to."

    "Confidently sexual, yet also refusing to let Adris be the aggressor, their relationship seems to move from one extreme to the other as they get past their first agreement and discover more truthful things about each other."

    "Rather than being pulled over, she pulled over. But in the end, she also fell for her own beliefs about Adris' true intentions. How does she think she knows so much about him, anyway. If you know, post in the comments!"

    Name: Neesiette vera Luna
    Titles: "Moon"
    Race: Lunamata
    Sex: Female
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Mystic
    Discipline: ???

    [Rod of Force] - "A rod capable of exciting and shooting a ray of pure force. Being struck produces immense kinetic transference. Be this not obvious?"

    ["Brings An End"] - "Would the title not signify its use?"

    Disposition: Impassive / Calculating / Curious
    Alignment: Ordered

    Eyes: Pale Violet
    Hair: Amber
    Skin: Pale White

    Rantil Value –
    Strength - F
    Agility - E
    Intelligence - B
    Mentality - C

    Cethran Value – "First imps, and now short girls? This is certainly becoming a pattern, isn't it? Though you might not fare badly with a girl as beautiful as this, yes? Though she's a little perfect, doesn't she seem oddly demure?"
    "Having her rebut all of your words so desperately, is it her intellect you're falling for? Are you sure that's wise, considering she could dethrone the wisest person you know...?"
    "Having a woman stand up to you... isn't this a strange fetish for you to discover?"
    "A doll? How do you define the limits of your tastes? Or are they 'unknown and unknowable'?"

    "Do you get off on a lady devoting so much of her time to thinking about you?"

    "An otherworldly existence, she wears clothing that doesn't fit with the Castillo. With mannerisms quite distinct from all others, even the girls she travels with seem incomparable to her uniqueness. Yet, she definitely seems to be in charge...?"
    "Given to only worrying about what she can demonstrate as true, how does such an uncompromising and uninterested person lead a group of four girls through situations that cannot be easily explained?"
    "The reasoning member of the group, all of her questions are direct and impossible to sneak away from."
    "Finally revealed, her interest in Adris is inextricably tied to the book that he has proved capable of reading. For what reason does one desire to bring an end?"

    "The true Neesiette, one no longer afraid to speak around someone for fear that she will be forced to fight them later, is actually a very nosy and hovering girl."

    "Now that you're no longer hated, you get to be a lab rat, a disciple, and a permanent target of criticism."

    Name: Avenalliah Aurmaris
    Titles: Lustful Lizard, Elf
    Race: Elf
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young

    Occupation: Delver, Scared Girl
    Discipline: ???

    [Sylvan Calling] - "Hey, hey, come out and play! Spirits rise, prance and bay! If nature is here, it's my friend! Um, why am I flying!?"

    Disposition: Joyful / Impressionable / Cowardly
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Crystal Green
    Hair: Moss Green
    Skin: White

    Rantil Value –
    Strength - C
    Dexterity - C
    Intelligence - C
    Mentality - F

    Cethran Value – "While not possessing your newly favorite curves, isn't a girl with a naive charm also fine? Because she covers so little, you are also left without having to imagine what you could possess, yes?"
    "If you're looking for a girl to protect and curl up with, where else could you find a girl as clingy as this? Does being innocent entice men? Isn't that a stupid question, Mr. Star?"
    "Not being afraid to flaunt her beauty if she doesn't notice that she is, yet cowering at exposure... isn't this a gap?"
    "Another girl that won't shut up, is it? Shouldn't that dissuade you? Or is it okay if it's her bubbly voice?"

    "Isn't it a bit irresponsible to run away from the events you've set in motion, Adris? If a girl falls for you, shouldn't you welcome it? Or do you begin to broaden your understanding of a female world you never knew, even back on Xin?"

    "As cheerful as she is skittish, Avenalliah fits an unknown position within the four delvers' group. Though she carries a large sack, that would hardly count as a position... right?"
    "Prone to fits of panic, there's a lot she needs to do to prove her worth..."
    "While a master of avoiding confrontation, she finally finds a backbone after being kicked around enough."
    "The one thing in the world she loves the most is her own people, which makes her a master of everything related to them."

    "Having been both wooed, defeated, freed, and ignored, it's impossible to tell how she'll react to anything said by the boy she's set her eyes on."

    "In the end, a girl who has fallen for someone is both incurable and impractical. Please wake up, Ave!"
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2021
  12. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Chapter 31: Creeping Doom

    “Are you not the strangest of visitors?”

    The Cethran appearing before him is a complete impostor, for her jovial voice full of goodwill and open arms brightly receiving them are a mockery of her true personality.
    As she makes a point to ignore Adris, he throws himself tiredly onto a pew while Neesiette advances to greet the priestess.

    (I’m not sure what your plan is, but let’s get some details by observing before…)

    A completely unanticipated hand tapping his shoulder causes him to nearly jump. Turning to the source, a young lady pulls a small, sealed container from her belt, before tossing it to his waiting hand. Gestures subtly voice her hidden concerns.

    {… You might want to freshen up~. You’re a little contrary to their hopes right now, which doesn’t help… me~.}

    The almost motionless boy is currently too tired to reinforce his persona's supremacy, thankful to receive any aid. Still shuddering from blows, the door to the chapel continues to withstand the rasselbock’s assault, a reminder of his near death experiences.
    Only Still’s aid kept Adris from being a spot on the floor.

    “… Is she okay?” Referring to the most abused member of the party, he winces while clumsily applying the orange liquid from Still’s medicine container.

    Receiving only a headshake and a deep shrug, Still waves him off lazily before creeping over to join Ave, who is supine on another pew with her arms crossed over her breasts. Completely crashing as a person after assuring Adris' safety, the elf girl’s suffering at the hands of the rabbits is likely a lasting wound.

    Sighing, he turns to his right to take in his “guests”.
    One is a stone statue of a man wearing a clown outfit that’s covered by spiked mail, his half-mask and dark smile showing his thirst for violence instead of humor.
    Sitting next to this gentleman is another mail-covered terror who is intently glaring at him while hunched over.

    Trying to start a conversation…
    “Are you not concerned about Ave?”

    “Elf? Not ‘rare’. Short time, be fine. Scared of rabbits, after.”

    A plain response with an edge of anger downplays an event that must be all too common.
    “Elf, strong. Weak, too. ‘Adventure’, want. Find, bad for her. Good girl, though. Smell, taste good~.”
    Brightening momentarily at the odd observation, she then returns to being annoyed.

    Finishing tending to his own wounds, Adris notices she’s done nothing for herself. Getting up with a creaking body and moving around to sit next to her while she stares, he takes the cloth from the container and reaches to dab the spots on her ruined armor where bright, red fluids show through holes.

    “Ah? No! Not bad, leave… hey! Kol, say…!”
    Protesting and ducking away at first while he applies medicine, the orange-soiled cloth grows ever redder despite her dislike. Though shedding this “blood” in many places, Kol’s energy remains peaked while her health suffers not a bit.

    (The Vigor of Zennia… is it something like pure vital essence?)

    He cannot comprehend how the numerous direct impacts from the wolf-sized rabbits’ sharp incisors left her armor wearable, much less how Kol is so relatively uninjured.

    (I can’t have you falling, though. You’re an essential part of us not being wiped out.)

    The girl’s constant “tsk”ing makes it sound as if Adris is attacking her.

    “What magic does Still use when she produces weapons in her hands?” Speaking as if he’s uninterested, he tries to make “small talk” to expose his partner’s secrets.
    “Puddle? Magic? Magic not do blades, blades just… there. Ah, ask Moon, explain. Puddle… Puddle?”

    (Yes, thank you Kol.)

    Abandoning the discussion, he finds it unlikely she can properly explain her knowledge given her confusion.

    (The girl is apt in some cases and useless in others. Even if you stupidly refused to leave, you did your job, so I will praise that. The refusal needs to be addressed, however.)

    “Kol, why were you reticent about leaving? Did you not see the situation clearly?”

    “Hah!? Boss have rabbit, black rabbit, fight! Good plan! Wear down, Kol end. Small rabbits, beat. Giant, run. All fine! Big gain, lost.”
    She lays her logic out in an abrupt way, completely overlooking what could’ve gone wrong.
    “Boss, like Moon?! Pass up win! Glory, power! ‘Treasure’!!! All lost.”

    Openly showing disrespect, she barks her disappointment with him loudly.
    “Boss, say powerful! Show powerful! But, act like coward!”

    (… I’m what!?)

    “… Oh? A coward, am I?”

    Stopping his light touches on her wounds, he instead grips her firmly by her helmet and pulls her head to face his.
    Not flinching, Kol instead growls in indignation while her gaze burns.

    “You feel you can show disrespect to the one who defeated you? … Do you require a second thrashing?”

    Amping up, she seems ready to oblige as her hand creeps towards him.

    (I need you to remember who is strongest, but not by clobbering you again...)

    “… How strange, I’d considered you to be smart, Kol. No, you are smarter than your words suggest, meaning you misunderstand my actions.”
    With a passive-aggressive compliment given after letting her go, the girl seems to calm as she crosses her arms.
    “Huh, no one ever say… Kol, smart? Boss… first? Kol… try to do, smart thing, yes.”

    (All she can intuit is “whether or not it is possible,” not “whether or not it will go wrong”, leading to her believing it’s smart to always “win big” when you can.)

    “As you named me your Boss, instead of acting out…” Patting her on the shoulder, he loses the edge in his voice.
    “Why not try to understand my tactics, since I know you can?”

    (Though a fearless fighter, Kol demonstrates a lack of an essential survival skill: weighing complex odds. No wonder Still and she can’t get along. For Kol, it’s “black and white”, while Still does nothing without assurances, spending more time plotting than committing.)

    “… Fine, Boss… Kol’s Boss. Kol, listen.”

    With her husky voice a little probing beneath the disgust, she chooses wisdom instead of violence.

    “Just because you can have more, doesn’t mean you necessarily should.” With a low voice, he speaks for only her to hear.

    “No! Not make sense-!” The girl begins to contradict him, until he grips onto her wounded hand with the ointment-soaked cloth.
    “Kol! Listen.” Speaking louder, he leans in close to her face. “As the one who beat you, don’t you want to know how I did it?”
    “Boss, stronger! Faster, furious, smarter, and-” Listing off her observed reasons, she compliments him in error.

    Holding up a finger as he lets her hand go, she focuses on it.
    “There’s only one reason. I beat you because I had already won before fighting.”

    “Huh? Beat before…?” The girl sounds lost, her rich voice subdued by the statement.

    “I didn’t even need to fight you four. As I said, it was unnecessary and only delaying the inevitable. I had won before I said ‘begin.’” Smiling sagely, his confidence carries his next statement. “I knew what I was risking, what I wanted to gain, and how to balance both. That is victory.”

    (Although things almost went wrong several times.)

    Clapping her on the helmet, Adris gets up, looking down at her as she struggles to understand.
    “We could’ve beaten the rasselbock, true…”

    (We absolutely couldn’t have, I would’ve died. It would’ve chosen suicide, with me along with it.)

    Denying himself in his mind, he continues.
    “But, what was the original goal? Don’t you want my power? What happens if grabbing for more loses you what you already have?”
    Shifting her armor noisily as she settles down, Kol’s tension is replaced by doubts.

    “You could have the rasselbock, but what if the cost is the others?” In absolute pain as he gets up, Adris tries to sound cool as he begins to stagger off.
    “By wasting my power to subdue it, would enough remain to sate you?”
    Her fast-narrowing eyes show an avarice which denies this outcome's permissibility.

    “Right, being greedy isn’t good. Incautious desires will lose us everything. Kol: you’re here to win.”
    Her hand rubs the haft of her axe as she looks away.

    “When you have the choice to have more and risk everything, or win by taking what you have, always choose the latter, so long as nothing is forcing you to do otherwise.”

    (I’m not actually a god, stop asking for miracles. Even though this isn’t a sure-fire rule, as long as it keeps you passive for…)

    Moving off as he laments his powerlessness…

    “… Got it. Kol, understand.”

    Adris feels a chill run up his spine.
    Turning around, he looks at the girl, both of her hands on her axe handle end as she stares out into the chapel.

    (What… did you understand?)

    As he tries to ask, someone calls for him.
    “Attention one must provide, now.” Neesiette walks up, having finished her introductions of the group to Cethran.

    (No, something seems a bit off and I would like to-)

    Grabbing onto his hand to pull, the small girl is unable to force him, yet he relents. Her dress swishes along the floor as she brings him to the great door, which is still shaking as the rasselbock slams against it.

    Looking hurried, her tics are easier to pick out as Adris interacts further. Her passive gaze always betrays subtle emotions when conversing.

    “The… priestess refused us??” Without knowing Cethran’s story, only ignorance is allowed.
    “On the contrary, agreed immediately, instead. A slayer, like us, one known as ‘The Ghost of the Chapel,’ for here she claims her own. A celebrity within Petripolis, though she never visits.” Neesiette seems unconcerned about the woman’s presence. “The solitude of an untraveled area, for no passage beyond be possible… though, one before this tool once claimed differently?”

    (So you are a slayer and also well-known in Petripolis? All information you refused to elaborate on.)

    “Did you tell her about our intentions?”

    “Would not intentions need to be known to be conveyed?” As her passive voice digs at him, the real heart of the matter is reached.
    With Still caring for Ave and Kol deep in thought, Neesiette has taken the opportunity of her own volition to isolate him.

    (All that is missing is Cethran playing her organ to make this more dramatic.)

    Smiling down at the girl as the thought amuses him, the people carved into the edifices above pay close attention to the secret conversation below, the star-carved columns flanking the doorway creating a private stage for two otherworldly beings that feels more formal than it needs to be.

    “Remain still, one does, a contradiction.” Though her tone is dramatic, the words are soft.
    “Allusions of power often spoken, and yet…” Rudely poking his injured arm, he winces as she brings back smudged, dried blood.

    “The continued survival of one before this tool flits between impossible and inconceivable, for a boy named Adris possesses no Vigor.”

    (Yes, that is a terrible fate for me. “One hit, one kill” Adris, please refer to me as such.)

    As he loses energy at the silent admission, she instead gains it.
    “Fleeing and plotting one does foremost, when in contest with powerful opponents? For ‘supreme power’ offered, one seems often at a loss…”

    At first calling him weak, she then huffs.

    “… And, yet… One proves the impossible by communicating with both Kol and Still with absolute ease, a feat most difficult considering their disabilities. Even the iguana behaves mostly correctly in one’s presence. Adding to all of this, a second time one has prevailed over an enemy which once thwarted our group, proving that one must be considered… an experienced slayer, with results thus demonstrated.”
    Neesiette’s constantly probing thoughts sway between disbelief and possibility.

    “As I’ve said, this vessel is-”

    “‘Vessel’? For this ceremony, what change will come to this ‘vessel’? Though Still holds confidence in spoken agreement, and the others be too fascinated by one’s words and promises to consider difficult thoughts, even if offered such words have been in the manner of an untrustworthy tempter…”
    Intensely staring, Neesiette puffs up a bit, her rigid posture becoming more animated. This affectation soon falls off, however.

    “No, nothing wrong be found with one’s words or seductions. Our situation, truly dire as it be, leaves us to blame for succumbing.” Neesiette halts her own line of thought.

    “Surely you would have options if you feel this path is wrong. Why are you so fatalistic about the outcome?” Her constant acquiescence is a stain on her otherwise perfect utility.
    "What oft be called Fate be a force not accepted by this tool; yet, 'that which is set in motion cannot be forestalled' be a principle this tool understands. Once one's machinations be set forth, with all just rationales one offered... too late a tool found to oppose one's designs..."
    Eyes softening while speaking, she sounds haunted by memories that cannot be shared. Inclining her head after…

    “Expertly manipulated one’s prey’s weaknesses, one has.”

    Adris turns away, a painful feeling assaulting him that breaks his concentration.
    “… Correct she be proved, then. Possessing true ‘humanity’ one does, though such an assertion be not fully understood by this tool. If that be the case, then perhaps good from this be possible?”

    (Shit. You…)

    Even if he can keep himself from giving away tells the majority of the time, the success rate has dipped as of late.

    “Young, yet showing world-wariness and an adult’s cunning? Possessing little of tangible use, but demonstrating extraordinary achievements? One’s approach so daring and open, yet dubiously charming and well played?”
    Speaking of him familiarly, her descriptive words make him feel praised.

    “A calculating rapport tailored for each of us, but neither altogether dissimilar nor forced? Even if one be thought of as charlatan, so committed one’s ploy be, that hateful does this tool’s scrutiny sound.”

    Admitting her “faults” causes his heart to squirm.

    “One, and only one, supremely important, unanswered question still lingers, oh ‘false god.’” With her tongue quick, and her subtle accusations abandoned for a direct one, Neesiette inches closer to Adris.

    “Toying with us, using one against one another, convincing Still to tear at our unity…”
    The most human emotion of all comes from her lips, her crystalline voice filled with apprehension and longing.
    “Can you not inform this tool of the importance for such an action, claimed as one has to oppose the plots of the Alchemaster? What possible ambition drives one to choose… us?”

    The question is painful. It should be easy to answer, but he cannot.

    (The answer is… I need you! No, something is off about that…)

    Caught off guard by a seemingly obvious question, something rails at his mind, the headaches growing worse with each unanswered query.

    (This ceremony must occur. But… but…)

    “What is wrong with any of you? Why should I not desire you, and only you? Who else can save Zennia but you four?” Aggressive as he belts out the questions, Neesiette withdraws as he leans in. Searching his face for understanding…

    “Possessing a more extensive knowledge of us before meeting… such a question suggesting that only our suitability suffices might be plausible; yet, Still and this tool both concur that one’s interests grew organically, with each passing word shared.”
    Fighting back against his presence, she seems like she’s made up her mind.
    “So haphazard our meeting emerged, and with such stress our relationship developed, that only Fate’s decree could explain such an assertion; yet, a ‘false god’ completely denies Fate.”

    (How, and for how long, has Still been observing me?)

    “Possess useful traits our group does, yet far from the ‘elite’ we stand apart. Though this tool may interpret Art perfectly, such benefits provide difficult and limited use at present. This be reflected in all four assembled. A false god shows little discernible compassion for Zennia and foiling such a plot’s rewards be nebulous…”
    Denying their utility and his motivations, a no-win situation for explaining his interests grates on him.

    “… Would you not believe me if I said that, even if there was no pressing danger, I would choose you four?” His voice is level, yet he allows his desperation to show by letting go of his stiff posture.

    (That is the truth. I am fine with anyone, so long as they can grow. I don’t truly wish to halt this plan. To sufficiently harass the Alchemaster is fine.)

    But even with that, something is different, now. The desperation that was clawing at Adris only started to vanish when in these four’s presences. Only when he was admitted as a member of their group did the hatred and longing start to truly subside.

    (Is it more than just needing someone in front of me?)

    Looking at the girl before him, with her immaculate dress that makes her both beautiful and timelessly mystical, her enrapturing aura of fragile pricelessness enhances his impression of wanting her. He’s rarely met a woman who equals, and admittedly likely exceeds, his intellect.
    Though Still is intelligent, she can’t match Neesiette. If the doll were more skilled at human interaction and aggressive in furthering her own agenda, Adris’ plans would’ve been ruined instantly.

    What changed within the tomb with his death is something he cannot control now. Interacting with these girls is a fresher experience than any in recent memory. Even if they annoy him often, for various reasons he…

    … feels finally alive, more so than when simply proving his superiority in games of wit on Xin.

    “… Were you a man possessing interests in Art, that desire to possess this tool would be assuredly both predictable and irresistible. As a valuable assistant or fellow in matters of banal ‘magical’ purveyance, this tool would also be admittedly indispensable. Yet, possess such desires one does not, nor know of-”
    His hand moves to brush her hair, feeling the delicate curls.

    The violet increases in intensity as she stares him down for the rude act, her tongue stilled by his audacity.

    “What is wrong with you as a girl? All four of you, are you not desirable for a multitude of reasons?”
    Neesiette’s exotic appeal combines with a need he can’t define, his desire to have her growing with her resistance.

    (None of this ends after the investment? So, feeling this way is… fine, right…? You can’t get away from me, I won’t let you. ... No, none of you escape!)

    “… A ‘girl’? In what way? Was one not both instructed and demonstrated?” The small existence with brilliant amber hair speaks passively, but there is an incredulity to her words. “A Lunamata be this tool, not a ‘girl’. Only a perfectly made tool, crafted by Luna.”
    Denying her own femininity in its entirety, a raised chin challenges him.

    (Refusing your qualities? I might have promised Still not to hurt you, but we’re equal now. You will see your appeal, as long as I claim to be a man!)

    The touch of her hair is enticing and her body is more flesh than object. Her refusals make him feel like he’s on the hunt.
    “No, you are a tool and a lady. For you to know so much about me in such a short time and list my faults so explicitly, I’m a little moved and also embarrassed by how exposed I am to a woman looking at me so closely. Yet, I feel we don’t understand each other…”

    (You're always oppositional, but being the first girl to ever examine me this closely makes you exhilarating, too. Even Still doesn’t give this much thought.)

    Feeling mildly diminished each time he battles Neesiette in wits, wanting to overcome her feels like a worthy challenge.
    Discord in his mind accompanies the dark desire to own this lady, one reaching maturity when he entered this chapel.

    (A dangerous feeling. A woman I loved betrayed me, and I replace her with a woman who openly opposes me-?)

    Neesiette slaps his hand away, a gesture without much force considering her physique but full of spirit.
    “Illusions, such observations be stated as being. Designed as such, but no, a form consisting of nothing more.” Flatly denying him, Neesiette attempts to end the conversation.

    An uncertain ember now flares into a wildfire.
    “Oh, how so? Were you not ‘perfectly made’? Shaped into the image of a beautiful girl, are you saying that Luna…”
    Smirking at his words as he challenges her,

    “… erred in making you as such?”

    Neesiette’s eyes grow hateful, the violet running bright and deep as her hands clench.

    “… Words, tone, and intent should be chosen carefully.”

    (Yes, you have emotion. You can be reached. If you feel emotion like that, then you are a girl.)

    This conversation is foolish and dangerous at the cusp of Adris’ victory, yet it almost seems more important than winning.

    “This creator, possessing such perfect hands and vision, made you in the shape of a woman, yet you seek to deny the perfection of the result? If you deny the appeal I find in you, then is that not… an insult to the one that made you?”
    The tension leaves Neesiette’s gaze, with her moving a step closer to not have to speak loudly.
    “… fallacious, such an argument be. While beautiful, a tool’s aesthetics do not necessarily change its nature or purpose. Treat a sword as a lover, one would? Such should be doubted.”

    (I actually would. My dead wife was a spear, after all.)

    “What were you created to do?” Such a relevant question leaps to his mind, the way to defeat her presenting itself to him with her own words.

    Blinking, she passively answers his query, though her annoyance diminishes not a bit.
    “… ‘Interpret Art and all that accompanies it, review its permutations and functioning, assist this One in arriving at the perfect and complete understanding of it’, such be a tool's specifications.”
    As if wondering why she answered, she returns to expressionlessness.
    “This information enters irrelevancy, as-”

    Interrupting her, Adris snaps his fingers.
    “How odd, because you seem to be functioning far beyond your original purpose for this group? ‘Precise analysis with imprecise inputs,’ was it? Providing ‘advice’ about adventuring and danger?”
    Bringing his hand to his chin to look mystified, Neesiette subtly balks at his line of thought. Silence continues for a minute, the doll girl staring up at him.

    “… Following such logic, if specifications be exceeded in one way, then the aesthetics of a design allowing one to exceed them in another grants a choice, and possibly an imperative, to do so. Correct, be this interpretation?”

    (Your gaze is captivating, more so than even Ave’s.)

    “Very well, let us proceed then from such an idea: if a tool also be a lady, then logic dictates that only a gentleman should dare to approach.”
    Words supremely haughty in tone and intent easily turn her truest thoughts towards his castigation.

    A gentleman, stands not before this tool.”

    Adris is dumbstruck by the accusation, before realizing she’s not wrong.
    “Right, touching a lady’s hair so forcefully would be quite vulgar. For that, and that alone, I will apologize, Lady Neesiette.” A boyish accompanies a not so sincere apology.
    He claps his hands together, a look of shocked realization on his face.
    “Though I am powerful, I wasn’t raised to be a gentleman. As such, all I can offer you of a gentleman’s nature is… my deepest affection and esteem for you.”

    “… Then, to travel with… ladies, instructions regarding this be paramount.” With a resolute inspection, she takes up the manner of a master instructing her stupid disciple.
    “Consider a primary challenge as such: ‘identify when it is appropriate to touch a lady’. Consider this question, then tender your answer.
    If failing to correctly answer on one’s first attempt, never speak to a lady again, for not grasping ‘how to know appropriateness’ denies the basis for talent in the first place.”

    (… Is this?)

    Pulling at her hair, she offers a promise.

    “Attend to such a task with diligence, and this…”

    “A truly inspiring, perfect lady wouldn’t refer to herself as a tool, you know?”

    His bright voice stopping her in mid-sentence, she momentarily scowls.
    “… A suitable education shall be provided for the benefit of one.”

    Adris tries to let his tongue dance more in his victory, but her demeanor changes as she preempts him.

    “As it is: one still answers nothing, yet only causes further consternation as just demonstrated. Know this, then: should one’s ambitions turn dire, a Lunamata’s ire may linger for ages to come; yet, fear not that in comparison to one who keeps to shadows, for her punishment will not be eternal, but immediately and justly malicious.”

    Lowering her arm after pointing at him, her face and voice lose the previous iciness.

    “Possess one does any doubts and show remorse about a path that might lead us to ruin, then before one begins on this dark path: seek help. Intercession shall be provided, even should it turn Still against you upon becoming known.”
    After the previous threat, she immediately offers aid.

    (I don’t need your help, but it's still appreciated.)

    “With that said, if one truly be what one claims, then concretely and unequivocally demonstrate it here. Do this and… no more shall one hear doubts voiced…”

    Her steel-blue dress swishes as she mechanically walks away, exuding the grace of attendant to an Emperor while denying him a chance to respond. The wobbling ribbon at her waist adds that necessary touch of girlishness to balance out her prickly nature.

    In the distance, Cethran’s eyes silently beckon him. Adris is left alone by the door, which still shakes with the monster outside beating against it, his own heart just as violent.

    (Does “being useful” also entail forgiving others for something as large as this, or am I somehow special? … Still, I want to… make you succumb…)

    This fetid thought grows stronger the closer to Cethran he comes.
    With this thought, the feeling of disconnect between himself and his goals grows, for the doll’s words have pierced through to something that festers deep below all of the logical and calculating lies.

    “Should you not feel free to carry out your services? Does this chapel not stand for all who enter it to use?” Cethran performs her role with exceptional flair, her voice kind as she fools these four without missing a beat.

    Adris’ brief description of their needs very nearly matches the original plan. Subtle words conveyed have allowed Cethran to feel out the situation.

    “Then will you not join me at the altar behind the pillar, should you need to use tools unpossessed by you?” Gesturing with her arm, Cethran indicates the walkway leading to the Spiraling Flesh.

    (Excellent, as always Cethran. … But an altar? I don’t recall…)

    His memory plays tricks on him, an experience easily explained by the discomfort he feels at another’s presence.

    (I was not expecting this interruption!)

    A great, big eye regards Adris. The razor-toothed beak tears up… or salivates a bit as the demonic servant bird watches him from a mere four feet away.

    “[Dandy] like Boss? Boss, ‘cool’ for Dandy?” Kol pipes up with an amused quip, the girl regarding the hideous bird with no hostility.

    (How can you not want to kill this thing?! And what about it is dandy?)

    Sweating at the gaze, he nears Still to escape.
    “Why do none of you want to kill this thing?”

    An edge of urgency comes to the question, the presence of the Castillo’s spy joining with his realization that he cannot feel the ghostly awareness of the Castillo emanating from the walls, confirming his suspicions of the Chapel’s safety.

    Turning her head away from him, Still regards him icily, a manner which unnerves him. Left unsure what he’s done to earn even more antagonism from her, she finally relents at silence and makes snippant gestures as she shifts her posture.
    {‘Kill?’ You mean gild it? And why would you do that? Dandies are harmless. Trying to hurt them is the easiest way to… end your trip in the Castillo.}

    (Of course it is, the thing is a spy! And “gilding”… refers to turning it into treasure?)

    Still’s attention doesn’t turn from Adris, but her hidden gaze follows the stork. Its fore-and-aft-facing, misplaced wings ruffle a bit as it creeps forward to continue its single-minded study.

    Still makes imperceptible gestures, the kind she saves for him, with an alarmed emphasis.
    {Admittedly, I have never seen nor heard of one being this interested in anyone~. What did you do this time~?}
    Rather than answer, he coughs and walks off, leaving the girl stewing in her curiosity.

    (If Cethran didn’t want it here, it would be gone. Since I can’t make others remove it, then fine.)

    Going to join Cethran behind the pillar, Adris addresses the girls before leaving.

    “For the ceremony, I will begin my preparations. To do so requires isolation. Remain here…”
    Looking at Ave, who is rubbing her hands on a statue of a girl wearing clothing that seems airy like hers; and Kol, who is eying Cethran’s pack left behind on the altar, he tacks on another instruction.

    “… and be wary of trouble you might cause.”

    “Ah, I won’t cause any trouble. Um, I’m sorry for… earlier… I will…”
    Ave flinches when he addresses her with everyone.
    Even though she acts as if she’s recovered, she still seems shy about her failure, with a depression that flares up when he gives her explicit attention.

    (You won’t be useless forever, I will fix this.)

    “Kol, not trouble. Others, trouble Kol.”
    The terror instantly responds with a statement that sounds practiced to perfection, clomping off without acknowledging his instructions.

    Suddenly genuinely worried, Adris appeals to the two responsible ones.

    “… Still and Neesiette, will you…?”

    “No misfortune will be permitted.” Neesiette answers with her eyes closed, the girl seated now on the altar by Still, patiently waiting.
    Still makes looping gestures beside her, a hand on the shorter girl’s head.

    {Shouldn’t you be more worried about yourself than… ladies?}

    (… Huh?)

    Her icy response carries an enunciated word that deeply bothers him.

    (What did Neesiette tell you? No, she wouldn’t have had enough time to repeat everything…?)

    With tiredness becoming an omnipresent feeling, he considers his successes and failures, realizing that his mysterious appeal is quickly expiring with results like the last “battle” detracting from it.

    (I need to… prove something, anything to get them back in my pocket. I can’t keep showing weaknesses to them…)

    His lapses in persona during the battle were noticed, at least by Still.

    Walking off, the whole room seems closer as he stews in his inadequacies.

    (… Is this… really going to… work…?)

    His hand is taken up suddenly by another’s, her purple-gloved one firm and reassuring, as her much taller body invites him to reach out and receive comforting guidance from her.

    “Though we have not met, I feel that you might need aid of my wisdom?”

    A benevolent face matches not with the green, vigilant eyes full of ever-present condescension. With her scar still terribly outstanding, even a smile cannot save Adris’ impression of her.
    But, even if he doesn’t trust her...

    (… No, it… will be fine. Everything will be fine… Right, Cethran?)

    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)

    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    [Obscuring Sonjil] - "Man, this thing has gotten pretty strong on Zennia. At first only creating an area of fog, it can now cover a direction? Is something wrong...?"

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength – E
    Vitality – E
    Dexterity – D
    Agility – C
    Intelligence – D
    Mentality – C
    Luck – F
    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"

    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”
    "There's little to say, isn't there? Aren't you truly beautiful when you're honest?"
    "Playing up the mystery too much might prove troublesome? A man of only mystery can be angel or devil, yes?"
    "Success breeds confidence, but is confidence always handsome? It might depend on how you assert it, a lesson you might be lacking expertise in?"

    "Even if they don't find you handsome, isn't there something still dashing about you...?"

    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”
    "Losing everything is often an impetus to descend deeper into bad things. In Adris' case, it certainly amped up his energy for harming others."
    "Nothing is off the table for a man with nothing to lose."
    "Winning finally, Adris feels like he should be king of the world, but his tower is crumbling already as four girls keep destroying its foundation."

    "No longer the king, perhaps your true nature is the whipping boy, Adris?"

    "It all starts unraveling the closer you get to kick off time. I know how that feels. Today probably wasn't fun."

    Name: “Kol”
    Titles: Idiot
    Race: ???
    Sex: Female?
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Frontliner
    Discipline: ???

    [Great Round Eater] - "Find enemy, get between all, swing!"

    [Energized Edge] - "Kol, not need worry: every swing, good swing."

    Disposition: Straightforward / Confrontational / Respectful
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Pink
    Hair: White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength - C
    Vitality - C
    Dexterity - E
    Agility - F
    Intelligence - F
    Mentality - C

    Cethran Value – “Are you attracted to rampaging metal? Though in your case, you appreciate the voice, don’t you? Do you long to see more? If she reminds you of a certain someone, then...?”
    "Is forthrightness an attractive quality? What is the difference between truth-seeking as a subject and living a lifestyle of it?"
    "Perhaps an uncomplicated female would be useful for a man that seems so interested in complicating life himself? But why are you fooled into believing she's simple?"
    "If she feels excitement looking at you, then perhaps she isn't as pretty as you're thinking she is?"
    "Vetted by the erotic thief, I would assume that you are already slavering to see her face, yes?"

    "Wounds would be considered decisively unsexy, but you still enjoyed your time together, didn't you?"

    "Brash and forthright, a warrior wielding an axe with two hands forsakes protection to deliver only harm. Contrary to this impression, she also seems interested in a straight up fight. If her words are any indication, she offers little thought to her actions."
    "In addition to being honest, she is also obsessive about certain things, least of which is deciding who is stronger than others."
    "Not worrying about details, Kol prefers to let others deal with them for her, so that she can concentrate on what she cares about."
    "While somewhat behind in intellect, she is far from witless."
    "Having officially lost, she considers it only a win. With Adris as her Boss, she already seeks to direct him at his next 'goal', which is hers."

    "If you have to remind her of her place, then you haven't trained her correctly, yes?"

    "Nobility often mixes with ignoble qualities. Greed and necessity are hard to separate. I like Kol, but she's sometimes hard to write, because it's hard to think with such absolute certainty."

    Name: Still
    Titles: Puddle
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young Lady

    Occupation: Delver, Trickster/Outfighter
    Discipline: ???

    [Perfect Throw] - {I'm going to turn you into a pegboard~.}

    Disposition: Playful / Sadistic / Skulking
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: ???
    Hair: ???
    Skin: ???

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:
    Dexterity - C
    Agility - C
    Intelligence - C

    Cethran Value – "Do you really think it's not obvious? What she possesses is what you've missed all your life, yes? Breasts and curves... are these not a new fruit for you to taste?"
    "While you don't get to see much of her, it may be that her lifestyle is the most appealing thing, perhaps? If she's always surprising you, doesn't that create an appeal of danger?"
    "Possessing feminine pursuits such as sewing and toxicology, isn't she perfect for you?"
    "Do you find yourself losing focus in her presence? You might be weaker to seduction than you think? Or is it something else...?"
    "Given yourself to her already? Even if you say that you're not weak to sexual favors, the fact that you went back for more already means it's too late, right?"

    "But if you are never given the chance for more... can you endure it?"

    "A mute girl who says much with gestures, she also has more going on than she seems to. Though not outwardly aggressive, there's an atmosphere of danger about her. Opposite of Kol, hers is subtle... Yet, she also can protect others. Given to acrobatics, it matches with her dark, but flamboyant, colors."
    "Self composed as always, it won't be easy for Adris to get into her head."
    "Not interfering unless she has to, Still appears to be mild-mannered, but such a misunderstanding might be dangerous."
    "Showing something of her true nature, the girl that says little can surprisingly say a lot when she needs to."
    "Confidently sexual, yet also refusing to let Adris be the aggressor, their relationship seems to move from one extreme to the other as they get past their first agreement and discover more truthful things about each other."

    "Oh, how terrible? Your partnership is dissolving before your eyes, is it?"

    "She's getting pissed at you because you keep doing stupid shit."

    Name: Neesiette vera Luna
    Titles: "Moon"
    Race: Lunamata
    Sex: Female
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Mystic
    Discipline: ???

    [Rod of Force] - "A rod capable of exciting and shooting a ray of pure force. Being struck produces immense kinetic transference. Be this not obvious?"

    ["Brings An End"] - "Would the title not signify its use?"

    Disposition: Impassive / Calculating / Curious
    Alignment: Ordered

    Eyes: Pale Violet
    Hair: Amber
    Skin: Pale White

    Rantil Value –
    Strength - F
    Agility - E
    Intelligence - B
    Mentality - C

    Cethran Value – "First imps, and now short girls? This is certainly becoming a pattern, isn't it? Though you might not fare badly with a girl as beautiful as this, yes? Though she's a little perfect, doesn't she seem oddly demure?"
    "Having her rebut all of your words so desperately, is it her intellect you're falling for? Are you sure that's wise, considering she could dethrone the wisest person you know...?"
    "Having a woman stand up to you... isn't this a strange fetish for you to discover?"
    "A doll? How do you define the limits of your tastes? Or are they 'unknown and unknowable'?"
    "Do you get off on a lady devoting so much of her time to thinking about you?"

    "Was the previous question not foolish of me?"

    "An otherworldly existence, she wears clothing that doesn't fit with the Castillo. With mannerisms quite distinct from all others, even the girls she travels with seem incomparable to her uniqueness. Yet, she definitely seems to be in charge...?"
    "Given to only worrying about what she can demonstrate as true, how does such an uncompromising and uninterested person lead a group of four girls through situations that cannot be easily explained?"
    "The reasoning member of the group, all of her questions are direct and impossible to sneak away from."
    "Finally revealed, her interest in Adris is inextricably tied to the book that he has proved capable of reading. For what reason does one desire to bring an end?"
    "The true Neesiette, one no longer afraid to speak around someone for fear that she will be forced to fight them later, is actually a very nosy and hovering girl."

    "In the end, the one most dissimilar from the rest... no, perhaps from all of the options presented is the one you are interested in? Or is this only the start, Adris?"

    "Neesiette is someone that wants everyone to be a lot more perfect than they are, but she doesn't mean it in a bad way. Probably."

    Name: Avenalliah Aurmaris
    Titles: Lustful Lizard, Elf
    Race: Elf
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young

    Occupation: Delver, Scared Girl
    Discipline: ???

    [Sylvan Calling] - "Hey, hey, come out and play! Spirits rise, prance and bay! If nature is here, it's my friend! Um, why am I flying!?"

    Disposition: Joyful / Impressionable / Cowardly
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Crystal Green
    Hair: Moss Green
    Skin: White

    Rantil Value –
    Strength - C
    Dexterity - C
    Intelligence - C
    Mentality - F

    Cethran Value – "While not possessing your newly favorite curves, isn't a girl with a naive charm also fine? Because she covers so little, you are also left without having to imagine what you could possess, yes?"
    "If you're looking for a girl to protect and curl up with, where else could you find a girl as clingy as this? Does being innocent entice men? Isn't that a stupid question, Mr. Star?"
    "Not being afraid to flaunt her beauty if she doesn't notice that she is, yet cowering at exposure... isn't this a gap?"
    "Another girl that won't shut up, is it? Shouldn't that dissuade you? Or is it okay if it's her bubbly voice?"
    "Isn't it a bit irresponsible to run away from the events you've set in motion, Adris? If a girl falls for you, shouldn't you welcome it? Or do you begin to broaden your understanding of a female world you never knew, even back on Xin?"

    "Does the thought of her being ravaged by others unsettle or unshackle you?"

    "As cheerful as she is skittish, Avenalliah fits an unknown position within the four delvers' group. Though she carries a large sack, that would hardly count as a position... right?"
    "Prone to fits of panic, there's a lot she needs to do to prove her worth..."
    "While a master of avoiding confrontation, she finally finds a backbone after being kicked around enough."
    "The one thing in the world she loves the most is her own people, which makes her a master of everything related to them."
    "Having been both wooed, defeated, freed, and ignored, it's impossible to tell how she'll react to anything said by the boy she's set her eyes on."

    "Isn't this child the cruelest one to you, Adris? So terribly eager to have you, yet everything she does drives you away, doesn't it? Is it because she's more innocent than you could've ever claimed to be?"

    "Adventuring out of your depth is an easy way to be disappointed in life. Everything sounds fun until the responsibilities and revelations pile up."

    Name: Cethran
    Titles: ???
    Race: Human
    Sex: Female
    Age: 40s

    Occupation: Priestess
    Discipline: ???


    Disposition: Inquisitive / Condescending / Self-Reliant
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Green
    Hair: Brown
    Skin: White

    Cethran Value - “Do you not feel that you can just ask?”

    Cethran Value - "Isn't it a strange thing to ask a woman what she thinks of her own appearance? If you were to ask a woman what she thinks of herself, of the beauty of her form, then isn't the answer simple: 'am I not the most beautiful woman you've ever met, and shouldn't you remind me of that so I believe it, too?' Rather than asking a boorish question, why don't you compliment me, Adris?"
    "Perhaps if I am more beautiful now with a fuller smile, it's because you've brought me out of my languishment?"

    "Having seen the beauty that the Castillo and the outside has to offer in more detail, do you find me too mundane, now? Isn't that quite tragic for me?"

    "What is the nature of a person? If we all search for meaning in our lives, do we ever find it without first understanding who we are, first? Then, if you must ask what the nature of another is, perhaps you should do so only after understanding yourself? At the very least, being at ease within the chapel indicates it possesses no danger, right?"
    "To search for answers is a noble goal? Then what goal is more noble than searching for the one answer behind everything...?"

    "Though our goals are often not noble, perhaps somewhere deep down, our hearts are? Can we discover that together?"

    "In the end, everything comes back to the person who gives you your guidance in life. Choose wisely."
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2021
  13. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Chapter 32: Preparations With Purple ☆

    (Was there… always a table here…?)

    Joining Cethran behind the pillar, a small table visible from the Spiraling Flesh’s entrance doesn’t seem familiar.
    Shaking his head, Adris blinks away the heaviness in his eyes before looking back.

    A tall figure in resplendent purple vestments looms before him, far closer than before. An arm covered in black bone seeks to claim him.

    Before he can react, her grip on his shoulder is stronger than even Kol’s. A feeling of danger subsides only with her swiftly moving her free hand, making odd gestures by rhythmically folding her fingers.

    {Aware are you, of the elaborate net of sorceries placed upon your presence? No, would that not be likely, as you move so incautiously with them left intact?}

    (That shouldn’t be possible, right!? Magic upon me has always failed…)

    Examining his body for errant details, no hidden object is found. When Cethran grips his hand with one of her patented, dismissive smiles gifted, she then points it towards the wall.
    Where his shadow is to be found.

    (A shadow isn’t considered a part of you!?)

    Withdrawing her hand, she makes more coy gestures.

    {This cross you bear, is it not antithetical to magic? If I said that your shadow is a door to deeper places, something that is cast by you but not a part of you, yet is still intrinsically linked, how would you… respond?}

    Kneeling down while tensing, he demonstrates for her.

    “Oh my, young boy, for what reason do you move your cross in such a manner?” Smiling conspiratorially, red eyes glitter with humor. Her long, braided hair swishes as she turns from him, silently laughing as she departs from his revenge.

    (Already shifting all blame to me, are you!?)

    With a great windup, he slams his shadow with the cross.

    The tool unexpectedly dips into the darkness cast on the floor, the surface of his shadow rippling out like water when struck.
    Crashing thunder punctuates him striking something within this darkness. An instant later, his shadow snaps back into a solid, unwavering shape, leaving the cross resting on the stone.

    A scream rings out.
    “EH!? Still, what’s wrong!? Why are you rolling on the ground!?”
    A honeyed voice full of deep concern and fear for her idol coincides with a loud ruckus on the other side of the pillar.

    (Fucking Still! Of course she knew as much as she did! She didn’t even have to “interrogate” anyone, she was listening along the whole time!)

    Adris’ assumption that magic against him would fail, save for direct damage he misses blocking, was a pathetically misguided one.
    Joining Cethran as she pulls out a pestle and mortar from a box, her first words are amused ones reproaching the furious boy.
    “Though the majority of these sorceries failed to function completely or properly, isn’t it dangerous that your ever-silvered words should be shared with unintended parties?”

    “How can she use magic like that!? Don’t you have to… feel out the other person to use magic on them!?”

    (I’ve never seen her do anything, nor have I felt it! I should at least feel it, that pull of fake aura.)

    “Why would you have to see someone to target them with sorcery?” Cethran’s question is a confused one, as though she’s unsure if Adris is merely foolish or ignorant.
    “… Hoh, could this be a difference in worldviews? Your ‘aura’ as explained, perhaps you require the capacity to perceive your target or the place you intend to call it to?”

    “Of course, you…!”

    (… have to feel them.)

    An assumption that magic was still similar to aura in this respect was reinforced by his ability to sense it when in the presence of it being weaved.

    (Absolutely stupid! The pig’s “divination” was already dissimilar enough! Am I not smarter than this? Charms and tools are in my wheelhouse, but “magic” should be thought of as a true monster, not simply compared to aura! I should be expecting anything!)

    “Huhuhu, power which grows from the senses? Or does it… flow through them? How fascinating this ‘aura’ is, is it not?” With her mood pushed ever higher, Cethran relishes the prospect of hidden truths revealed.
    “While it seemed plausible from your explanations, confirming my conjectures makes me wonder: why did you not mention such details to me?”

    There is no answer possible, for Adris simply didn’t trust her enough to do so.

    “Well, isn’t that fine?”
    Forgiving him in an instant, she motions with her arm to the table’s setup. “All has been prepared, so will you not demonstrate your craft?”

    Setting his own pack on the table, the four cups and broken spear head are removed, and set beside her larger cup.
    “… The fundamentals aren’t too complex. Merging the invocations into a single litany proved the most complex issue.” With a neutral tone, only the barest details are spared for the purple-loving weirdo.

    “It functions as such: create a pathway between the medium, which is me, and the four girls using a Drop of Creation mixed into a brew with the essence of the medium. Then…”

    Twitching the covered cross, he smiles evilly.
    “The Litany of Despoiling joins with the death of this cross and the speaking of an Oath to create a Modus.”

    Eyes briefly wide before narrowing, Cethran repeats a phrase.
    “‘Drop of Creation’?”

    (Is there no automatic definition provided? How strange.)

    The spear head is held up, with the rainbow hue underneath the damage glinting in the light.
    “Aura travels through an alloy containing a Drop of Creation, making wielder and weapon the same thing. Thus, medium and recipient will be joined…”
    Chuckling, his perfect solution proves to be far more permanent than Zennia’s oaths.
    “Stronger than just words if using this, our Oath will be… one that makes us of one body, in many aspects!

    (I suppose like how Serras and I were?)

    “… Oh, wisdom of the sky,

    You which fell from beyond,

    Desired by all, yet vanishing in Starry Seas,

    Fall again, and let a drop become one with what longs for knowledge.”

    With the litany spoken, the spear head held over Cethran’s cup grows white, then becomes a rainbow that absorbs the light around it while leaving only darkness. Cracking open with a great, metallic wrenching, the two sheared halves are expertly angled to control the fluid collecting.
    With a bit of the rainbow liquid filling the cup, the spear head that’s deprived of its soul turns black and crumbles to dust as it’s tossed away.

    (Goodbye, old girl.)

    “Isn’t it fascinating?” Finally speaking, Cethran’s words almost sound like they’re praising him. “And what of the essence you bind it with?”

    (Typically, the binding agent for oneself would be blood or flesh, but I don’t know if this world holds similar principles.)

    The eternal of Xin is different from here, for Vigor, the only substance he can think of to compare to, is something Adris doesn’t have.

    “Cethran, what is held to have power on Zennia? Power of the body and especially the soul?” Forced to beg for help, an act which would normally rankle him if it’s from this woman, his obsession gripping him in earnest breaks down such barriers.

    “Oh? Such a thing would only be…?”

    Laughing deeply, but calmly, she moves her hands down her vestment-covered torso, an emphasis given to her embroidered hips.

    “Isn’t it the sexual vitality of a person? Is not power and… lasting emotion found here, and sought so eagerly by others?”

    (What? You’re asking me to…?)

    Within this great amphitheater surrounded by innumerable stone statues staring at him, the thought of laying out his white vitality into the cup is absurd.

    “You want me to dump my semen into it!?” Hissing at her, she chuckles at the dissatisfaction in his voice.
    “And why not? Does this world which holds your interest not seem like it would honor such a dedication?”

    (How the fuck am I supposed to do that here? Or anywhere, I only have less than thirty minutes before the Drop dissipates…!)

    His obsession with completing the ritual overlooked a major component.

    “… Are you not worrying about this too much, Ruinous Star?”

    Gripped suddenly from behind, one of Cethran’s arms goes softly against Adris’ chest and pulls him into her body as she leans down. Trying to break free of her, he finds that her grasp on him is very restraining, even though not overly tight.

    “Cethran! What are you- EH!?”
    Calling out softly, Adris feels a hand go to his crotch, her musically inclined touch testing his bulge.

    “… No, you wouldn’t…”

    With her breaths deep, the older woman laughs, sending vibrations through her breasts into him.

    “Are you so disappointed by the thought? Having tasted so much female flesh of this world, does an older body displease you, even if yours might be attractive to me?
    Well, isn’t it fine if it’s purely for assistance and not for affection's sake?”
    Pushing aside her own joke, her hand deftly uncinches his pants before pulling them down. Unable to resist, save by trying to hit her with the cross, he briefly considers it before…

    “We have no time for stalling, do we, lamb?” In the woman’s voice lingers no friendliness, a clinical tone to it sapping him.

    (Was that right? We don’t really have time…)

    With these words, all thoughts of rebellion mysteriously drop from him.

    “Rather than engrossing yourself with me, why not simply think of what truly excites you?” Cethran’s voice is full of disdain for the boy, even as she removes her glove to gently stroke his member. “When we first met, you seemed so distant and haunted, yes? Bereft of all you desired, how does it feel to have hope within reach?”

    Hardening in her grip as she toys with him, the tentative and speculative measurement of his length seems to agree with the dark woman as she makes a pleased “Hmm?” sound. Locking her fingers as she strokes, the blood filling his cock marks his surrender.

    “With girls full of such promise, you seemed disappointed at first? Now, you appear quite close?”

    (No, not close… just, bound…?)

    “Why? Cethran…?” Forcing him to continue, she moves his hand, the tension rising as he’s forced to masturbate for a woman’s amusement.

    “Why, indeed? Are you not missing something with your ritual?” Her voice tickling his ear, the warmth from her body fights against the cold on his legs. “For you to rile up such desperation in all four of them… why, then, do I not feel that same emotional turmoil from you? Where is your overwhelming fascination for the toys you've gathered?”
    Rubbing his full length, Cethran surprises him by adding her hand to the mix. The curvaceous woman strokes the head gently as he is left to focus on his shaft.

    “Do you not… find them spectacular? If you can’t voice what about them motivates you to pursue a plot as volatile as this one, then what concealed, unexplored thoughts justify it to you?”
    A breathless voice demands secrets as she halts her motions, tormenting him by denying him growing pleasure.

    “… Your life on Xin, was it so regimented by choice that you never once considered abandoning everything for a new obsession? Not even the briefest of temptations could threaten to turn aside your calculated pursuits?”

    (… What!?)

    Pulling him tightly to her soft breasts, the woman’s voice grows deeper and more demanding.
    “… Oh, is that the case? Have you never fed sudden impulses? … Have you never done something wrong simply because you were led astray or could no longer resist? Is there always 'principle'?”
    Squirming at the accusation, Adris’ spirit revives slightly.
    “… I’ve… done plenty of things because I… felt like it…!”


    Pulling his hand off, the mirthful woman replaces it with hers as she begins to pump smoothly.
    A warm, wet touch is given to his defenseless neck when she stops laughing, his skin tingling with the loveless tongue which runs along it.

    “Kha!? Ceth-ran!?”

    “… Huhuhu, for a boy such as you to dance around people’s desires so readily, isn’t it quite amusing that you can’t vocalize your own? With a voice as cloying as yours tickling people’s ears, you assault their hearts but leave yours closed off? Harming others for amusement only if it first conforms to your sense of personal justice, is it?”
    A pre-cum slicked hand isn’t as dexterous as Still’s, but the woman is perfunctory in the pleasure she gives.
    “Do you truly believe that you can create a mysterious incident while denying the essential parts? To not realize that this plot is far different from your normal ones…?” Leaving him hunched over and struggling against her bosom, she continues to pester him.

    (… I can… rise to any challenge, you old bitch…!)

    “Then… perhaps wisdom is necessary to be arrived at sooner, rather than later, if we are to salvage this?”

    Whipping him around to face her, the taller woman’s hand moves down to cup his exposed balls, his twitching cock against her wrist as she juggles them. Staring up into her face now without a choice, Adris grimaces to see her expression is pitiless yet also amused.

    “To seek all four out and devote your greatest charade to them, do you not long to have them as more than just puppets?”
    “… Not as puppets? You mean as… women?”
    The priestess’ voice is frying his brain, as her words tread on a place he hasn’t walked before.

    “‘As women’, would this still not be side-stepping the real question?” Lifting his chin, the homely woman stoops her body to bring her face closer to his.

    (Fuck… no!)

    Avoiding it, she instead kisses his cheek, before rising back with a condescending smile.

    Even if he rejects her lips, he finds his right hand grasping her full breasts, squeezing into one as she resumes her pleasuring of his cock. Though too thick of clothing to bully her nipples, he cruelly crushes her flesh to his own satisfaction.
    The woman releases a sigh with a slight grin at his efforts.

    (… Why…?)

    As his fingers wrap around her melon and she glides along his pole, something breaks down inside of him when she reacts positively to a sexual touch born of dislike for her.

    “Oh, is it that… one’s loves and lusts are not so easily separated…? How dangerous Zennia is, for a boy who longs for meaningful flirtations, but goes thirsty instead?”
    Her voice takes on an affectionate tone.
    “Perhaps that’s why you’re so bound by the specter of one woman? Why you so boldly ignore the available flesh you travel with, despite the nature of this world?”

    (Stop… looking down on me!)

    Taking his hand off her breasts, he instead reaches down to grab her ass and starts thrusting into her hand.

    “Hm? Yes, that’s more like it, isn’t it? Do you begin to see the distinction? Why should sex and love be the same thing?”
    Letting him manhandle her thick flesh, she rewards him with faster strokes. The amusing, awkward standing position of the two perverted owners of this small table is forgiven by the sudden attention they give to each other.

    (Cethran… of all the people of this new world, it’s you I don’t…!)

    Ruffling his hair with a rough hand, the smiling woman preempts his thoughts.
    “Why must I have meaning to you for you to seek pleasure? Can you not just use me?”

    (Fuck you! I don’t… know!?)

    Putting his cross arm around her to keep her there, his anger drives him to do anything to humiliate the woman. Reaching down to her legs, he finds that the vestment’ front can be pulled aside.

    (… I’m not going to be the only one!)

    Reaching in…

    “… Oh?”
    A pleased, husky voice comes from receiving the hand that feels at her inner thigh. Wearing no hosiery of any kind, the woman’s soft skin is hot to the touch.
    Sliding up her thigh as she bullies his glans in response, his palm hits against fabric that exudes a distinct humidity.
    “Old woman, you sure are feeling it for someone pretending to be in control!”

    With her hand lightly grabbing onto the side of his face, they make eye contact as she sneers at him.

    “Lamb, when have I ever pretended with you? Are you not the one ever flailing about, hiding behind easily dismissed pretenses?”

    (Fuck you! How about this, then!?)

    Ripping aside her underwear, he begins rubbing along her cleft, feeling hair and lips with his finger. As it grows wetter…

    (You’re the one that’s… ah… losing yourself in this! … Huh?)

    Yet her only response to this touch is to shift her hips, standing wider so that he has better access.

    “… Cethran…?”
    “As it is, you cannot begin to grasp the fundamental nature of desire, lamb. Fortunately for you, is a woman not here to assist you?”
    With her free hand, she grabs onto his right one and forces him to roll it over, his fingers moving against her slit as she encourages him.

    “… Huuuh, the touch of a child such as you, one in both body and sometimes in spirit, is quite invigorating, isn’t it?”
    “I am not a child! Woman, I’ve lived almost as long as… MMMPH!”

    Pulled into her juicy breasts, his cry dies as his fingers are forced up into her slick passage.

    (… I need to regain control.)

    With both of them breathing quicker now, his dick tingles as he begins to buck his hips. His fingers quickly push up into her as she grinds against his palm, her growing heat and slickness strange to Adris, for he never expected a woman like her to allow such actions.

    “… This just won’t do, yes? Even if the technique is there, where is your passion?”

    (I don’t feel anything for an old lady like you… even if it feels good!)

    “Isn’t imagination the most essential part?” Putting her hand to her own pussy, she teases her clit and joins his at her blossomed lips, leaving her obviously experienced body showing that he can’t beat her with only bravado.
    Bringing her hand up, she puts it to his mouth as he tries to turn away, dipping the wet fingers inside.

    “Can you not… put to words the taste, then?”

    The taste of the woman is lighter than Lycia's, a hint of soap giving a mildly acidic, cloying flavor and smell that mixes with an aroused woman's invisible, mind-bending odor.

    (It’s not horrible, but… I don’t want it if it’s-)

    “… If it’s not the taste you desire, then you can't feel joy? Is this the truth of your nature?”
    Choking him with her fingers plunging deep to rake over his tongue, her hard eyes appear to lose patience, even as they never stop tending each other.

    “I see, you are unable to feel attraction without connection? Perhaps that is not bad...? Then...

    What does your unspoken attraction to these girls you show favor to, the depths of your hopeful longings that you lock away, compel you to pursue from them in your most depraved fantasies?”

    (… I…)

    “… Which… one…?” So quiet that he almost can’t hear himself, the question comes out for his confessor to consider.

    Bringing her fingers up briefly to lick them, the squelching sounds of their lower bodies are a bizarre accompaniment to their discussion.
    Smiling, she accepts the responsibility.

    “Very well… why not the… snake?”

    With the question…

    … Adris feels a dam buckling.

    “Ave…? She is… delightfully naive? A perfect mix of innocence and beauty. Her audacious clothing makes you want to slowly pull it off as she watches with terrified eyes…”
    Unbottled thoughts start to flow out from the ever-lying boy, full of desires which sound like they belong to him.

    “I want to feel and see her body, removing that… arrogant bodysuit that thinks it can defend her from me…!?”
    With his voice rising, he begins massaging Cethran’s clit between his fingers as she lightly cradles his hand. As the woman begins to redden with his words and lewd touch, her response drives on his aggressive tale of how he wants to claim “his” elf.

    “Beautiful eyes and a cute mouth, every time she says my name… I want to steal her tongue and make it mine. But, I also want her to tear up a bit, because every time she cries, it’s like watching something fragile nearly break.
    I don’t want to totally ruin her, but I do want to watch her squirm as she starts to service me. With that shy, delectable tongue willingly slathering all over my dick, I’ll get to watch her fail at pleasuring me… She’ll struggle to succeed, all that desperation rising…!”

    (… Is this what I want?)

    The rational part of his mind is falling away, thoughts never admitted to himself coming out now.

    “Oh, have you tasted her tongue yet, lamb? Do you speak from experience?” Her voice ceases to be as clinical, inviting him to continue as her timbre rises. Both hands are on his dick and balls, his full length being steadily massaged as she softly cups him.

    “… Yes, it was wonderful. She wants me more than anything else in the world! Even if she’s part snake… is the fold beneath human?”

    (More than you, I want to taste her!)

    With fingers arching against her inner wall, the boy scrapes along while trying to find Cethran’s g-spot. Hissing at the new sensation, the brown-haired demoness grins in appreciation.
    “Is this not better? Will you… force yourself on her, if given the chance?”
    Visions of other creatures trying to do that end up with him replacing them with himself. The dark feelings that come with this cause him to resist her embrace.
    “Oh, kind are you? At least to her? Then… I suppose you will make her beg for you? Promise she’ll love only you, before you plunge into her?” Immediately switching ideas, Cethran’s words attack Adris’ true inclinations.

    (… That sounds good.)

    “She should… have all her clothes on, except for the bodysuit. She can pull the clothes to the side, showing me everything. Then I’ll have her use her fingers to spread it wide… She… has to be a virgin, right… Cethran?”

    “Are you blind to the looks she gives, those lustful yet stupid glances of a maiden? For the girl’s innocence to be real, she must be truly blessed and dispossessed of average needs, yes?” Increasing the speed of her tugs, Adris’ guts feel turned up by the pleasure, his whole body alive with her ministrations.
    “For being such a rare treasure, don’t you long to be her first?”

    (I do.)

    “I do!” Adris hisses out, his thoughts and words finally the same thing for once in a long time.

    “Tearing through her as she begs for you to do it, claiming her dearest treasure, making it yours forever, then hearing her begging you to deposit your own precious gift into her…? How wonderful would it be?” The priestess speaks decidedly impious words, her voice full of the longing he feels now.

    “But what of the others? Surely you want them, too? How could you not? You are, after all, so greedy, right?”

    (I’m not greedy!)

    “What of the prim girl? What of the cloaked one? Though the one in armor seems quite masculine, you’ve caught her scent, too, have you not?”

    (… They are all… fairly beautiful, right? Especially…!)

    Chuckling, Cethran grips onto Adris’ ass as she hugs him. It becomes difficult to move his arm, his hand forced out of her hot pussy as she crushes his dick to her body.

    “That ladylike presence which contrasts with her unladylike dress? Imagine how small and easy to grasp she is? Picking her up, she could be a tool for only you, yes…?” Offered his next target, Adris begins sharing of his own volition.

    “… Could I even fit inside of her? I could part the front to check that… If she’s as perfect everywhere else, it must be beautiful beyond words, waiting for me to taste it. Ah!” Shamefully moaning as she rubs hard against his dick, she finally releases him.
    “Having her lift the dress so I can pull down her underwear… Watching me disapprovingly the whole time with her mysterious eyes, you can almost fall into the color of them!”

    (Am I dreaming about even Neesiette?)

    “I want her to cling to me as I lift and push in, totally in control of her! That smug girl, quiet until the pressure on her womb forces her to call out… I want her screaming my name in pleasure by the time I release inside of her!”
    Seeing in his mind Neesiette’s beautiful but unchanging face suddenly becoming a woman’s sloppy one, he longs to leave his seed overflowing from her glove-like, tight interior. Only spilling loose when he frees himself, she would be too hollowed out to savor it.

    (… This is… dangerous…!)

    Forcing his hand back to her cunt, she flits it across her lips until he exuberantly lunges back inside to start tending her again. Her head is next to his as she searches out more repressed thoughts.

    “And what of the warrior and the thief?”

    Something truly deranged flows from Adris’ mind.

    “Still? She’s even better for that! I’ve already tasted her once! As short as it was, that canny girl’s hunger is as bad as mine is! She shook from the taste of my semen alone… Then tried so desperately to hide it! A girl like that could… ruin me.”

    “Oh, do you even lust for women with strong wills, too?”

    “That’s just it, Cethran…!” Pressing his face against her breasts, he longs to feel Still’s own freed for him to taste.
    “I want to bite onto her big breasts, feeling the texture of her nipples with my teeth and tongue! With as many men as she’s no doubt ruined with that dexterous pussy, I want to claim a girl like that for me alone!”

    Fighting with the dominant Still, Adris wants to feel her ride on him again. As she demands his submission like before, he’ll roll her over without permission, slamming into her tight, wet pussy as she resists. Trained muscles will drive him to release just like before, a woman’s lithe and nimble body still unable to push off the boy as strong as she is.
    When he releases inside her without consent, she’ll punish him by getting back on top and abusing him again to reassert authority.

    “She’s purely sensual! Nothing about her is innocent! No… there’s innocence sometimes, dissatisfaction when she thinks things aren’t going her way! Hidden doubts creep up when she feels like she’s losing… and I want her to lose!”

    Slamming his fingers into the lying cleric, she lightly calls out in pleasure along with him. He can already feel his orgasm about to come, for while she isn’t particularly good at a handjob, the dedication she provides more than makes up for it.
    With his mind melting at the imaginary scene of breeding Still after tearing her clothes off, Cethran’s stroking hand is replaced by the memory of Still’s pussy.

    “Just like Serras… I want… for her to see only me and nothing more! She’ll be totally mine! No matter how she skulks around, she’ll come back to me, because she knows there’s nothing better than me out there!”

    “Oh? Like Serras? In her… I don’t see the similarity, though… Isn’t that armored girl more your style for aggression and purity of purpose?”

    “Ah… Kol? There’s something deep about her. Simple, but still complicated. I can’t… I can’t really beat it, except by fooling it. I want her to…”

    For a girl whose face he’s never seen, who has claws and white fur in places, he feels a lascivious hunger. A long, silver tail is quite inhuman, but appealing to a boy that considers her as a potential mate.

    “Still said I should bend her over in the halls… so why not!? With a voice that womanly, she can beat even Neesiette or Ave’s once I unmask her! She said she’d surrender herself to me if I beat her… but does she really know what a man can do to a woman that says that!? Instead of beating her with my tongue, I’ll let my dick speak for me! Stripping off her armor, I’ll get to see her beautiful face as I ‘give her a pup’ just like Still said to!”

    (… they will… all be mine…)

    “The way she looks at me… with reverence and respect, but also opposition and impatience! I want to shock her by kissing her, just before I paint her white inside! She’ll learn what true strength is when she feels that heat and goes wild with satisfaction! I’ve never… missed an opportunity to prove I can pleasure someone!”

    As if to prove his point, Adris continues to bully Cethran’s wet clit, even as it becomes hard for him to stand with the weakness of giving in to her.

    (… I want to… show you how wide I can make you inside, old woman…! No! That’s giving in too much!)

    Delusions break his mind, a desire to fill this woman warring with his revulsion for her. As she buries him in her breasts again while they both shake, a flat voice denies the idea of her ever succumbing to him.

    “Finally touching what you’ve denied yourself this whole time, do you now understand what Zennia requires? Though you might sway their hearts through words and posturing, without tapping into your deepest thoughts you cannot truly ensnare them to you, understand?”
    The older woman who often seems terribly apart from the world offers him advice that finally makes sense to him.

    “… Even if I… want all of that… how could I possibly let myself be revealed so nakedly by lust!?” Choosing this moment to refuse her, the dangerous motivations towards these girls stand ready to throw off his plans.
    “How can a ‘godlike being’ so easily fall into depravity!? They’ll know I’m a fake!”

    Locking eyes with the temptress again, both of their faces red, he laments how absurd this whole scene is.

    “I can’t… just tell them something like this!”

    Laughing apologetically, the woman rubs his head.
    “Are you so certain? If your desires encompass such things, then why not seek to answer them in your own way and time, and just disregard a fixed plot? You may find yourself surprised by the result of unleashing your desires on them, perhaps discovering that they respond in kind almost exuberantly?”

    (As if I could do-)

    “After all… if you wanted to see her face…?”

    Whispering into his ear…

    “Then why not simply ask her, as she’s already seen yours from over there? Watching your tongue slink out desperately as you speak of forcefully ravishing her, yes?”

    With his blood freezing, he whips his head to look at where the pillar curves, his eyes wide open with fear. The knowledge that he’s been discovered by Kol destroys his thoughts, assaults his very soul.

    But, there’s nobody there: only statues, darkness, and whispers.

    “My mistake, isn’t it?”
    Cethran speaks, right before her hand pokes a finger into Adris’ butt, the finger slick with her own juices as it pushes deeper without resistance. As it enters and pokes at the worst, but best, spot, Adris yells out in surprise, indignity, pain, and pleasure.

    (C-Cethran, you bi-!)

    He moans without reservation, his dick shooting a rope of semen into Cethran’s waiting, cupped hand. His own fingers shake inside of her pussy, furiously scraping against her as she twitches. While her soiled hand keeps milking him directly onto her skin, he holds her tightly as she sighs, too.
    When Adris begins to lose strength, her finger withdraws so that her arm can support him with an unusual strength.

    The boy almost passes out from his pleasure, the release made impossibly strong by the delusions he was wrapped up in. Almost as if he has unloaded inside of Ave, Still, Kol, and Neesiette all at once, his thoughts boil from the feeling of accomplishment and a hunger being sated.

    The hunger, however, is as yet unvanquished, and he feels that it can never again be buried.

    “Don’t you long to complete this little date with the future, so that you can finally taste your prizes in earnest?”

    Though forced into it unwillingly, this tryst with Cethran leaves him feeling fundamentally altered. The unfriendly woman’s voice has returned to normal, but she still smiles in that unnerving manner as if she’s gloating.
    With Adris left wondering if the woman found satisfaction in their embrace, he’s pulled away from her and forced to stop fondling her warm hole. He is concerned upon finding that he both longs to continue and feels greatly relieved to be freed.

    (… Do I feel this way about them all? I’m supposed to be… more focused than this…?)

    With that longing for focus, Adris is revisited by the notion that what he’s about to do might be dangerous.
    “What if something is wrong with trying to do all of this at once… what if…?”

    Picked up again into a tighter embrace, her malevolent voice flays his heart as she holds him like a favored pet.

    “… Do you really believe that after all of this you will be permitted to back out, Adris? As I am bound to explain things to you: the thing you seek, you must find, or else can you be said to have understood my wisdom? This desire you have discovered which was secretly consuming you must be answered, unless you wish to be destroyed by it, yes?”
    Cethran’s unfeeling words deny him any escape.

    “‘Who you are’ will be answered by this investiture.”
    This point alone is an absolute truth, spoken by a woman who represents honest deceit.

    “Unless the totality of you is presented… is ‘who’ truly explained? How can I be freed of this oath, without ensuring you are fulfilled by your… experiment?”
    Polite, but final, her words alert him to his unchangeable future.

    After letting him go, Cethran lets white globs slide from her pale hand into the cup, a strange lesson conveyed as she gives him a side-glare.

    “If our most furtive and longed-for ambitions are considered essential to our existences, then will not what you seek to cause… have desire as the key to your request?”

    Adris recovers himself while dwelling on that question.

    (… Right, it doesn’t matter what Cethran wants. I started this for myself! If this is who I am, then I will not run from it!)

    The obsession from before consumes what’s left of his rationality. Beginning with a need in his youth to avenge himself upon the world, he now tastes the chance to, in some way, conquer this Zennia that has tormented him since his rebirth.

    Smiling kindly, Cethran invites him to join her with a waving hand.
    "With Zennia rewarding what is sought in earnest, then isn't it essential that you search yourself in order to discover the ever concealed truths?"

    (I need truth? Fine, then. If this darkness can give me power… then let’s force the issue, even if it requires a bit of honesty! A Modus that makes it impossible for them to escape from me could also bring me closer to them, letting me have all of them!? How perfect!)

    The sweet smell of the mansion’s air is no longer a foreign presence. Returning to Cethran’s side to begin mixing, his wicked smile is every bit the match of hers.

    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)

    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    [Obscuring Sonjil] - "Man, this thing has gotten pretty strong on Zennia. At first only creating an area of fog, it can now cover a direction? Is something wrong...?"

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength – E
    Vitality – E
    Dexterity – D
    Agility – C
    Intelligence – D
    Mentality – C
    Luck – F
    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"

    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”
    "There's little to say, isn't there? Aren't you truly beautiful when you're honest?"
    "Playing up the mystery too much might prove troublesome? A man of only mystery can be angel or devil, yes?"
    "Success breeds confidence, but is confidence always handsome? It might depend on how you assert it, a lesson you might be lacking expertise in?"
    "Even if they don't find you handsome, isn't there something still dashing about you...?"

    "Being used by older women seems to be your fate, isn't it?"

    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”
    "Losing everything is often an impetus to descend deeper into bad things. In Adris' case, it certainly amped up his energy for harming others."
    "Nothing is off the table for a man with nothing to lose."
    "Winning finally, Adris feels like he should be king of the world, but his tower is crumbling already as four girls keep destroying its foundation."
    "No longer the king, perhaps your true nature is the whipping boy, Adris?"

    "The more you try to gain, the less you're able to hold on to. At least in Adris' case, he seems to be trying to hold onto the things he might care about?"

    "Red flags! Crimson!"

    Name: Cethran
    Titles: ???
    Race: Human
    Sex: Female
    Age: 40s

    Occupation: Priestess
    Discipline: ???


    Disposition: Inquisitive / Condescending / Self-Reliant
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Red
    Hair: Brown
    Skin: White

    Cethran Value - “Do you not feel that you can just ask?”

    Cethran Value - "Isn't it a strange thing to ask a woman what she thinks of her own appearance? If you were to ask a woman what she thinks of herself, of the beauty of her form, then isn't the answer simple: 'am I not the most beautiful woman you've ever met, and shouldn't you remind me of that so I believe it, too?' Rather than asking a boorish question, why don't you compliment me, Adris?"
    "Perhaps if I am more beautiful now with a fuller smile, it's because you've brought me out of my languishment?"
    "Having seen the beauty that the Castillo and the outside has to offer in more detail, do you find me too mundane, now? Isn't that quite tragic for me?"

    "Despite not desiring me, you certainly seemed content enough to fake it, didn't you?"

    "What is the nature of a person? If we all search for meaning in our lives, do we ever find it without first understanding who we are, first? Then, if you must ask what the nature of another is, perhaps you should do so only after understanding yourself? At the very least, being at ease within the chapel indicates it possesses no danger, right?"
    "To search for answers is a noble goal? Then what goal is more noble than searching for the one answer behind everything...?"
    "Though our goals are often not noble, perhaps somewhere deep down, our hearts are? Can we discover that together?"

    "Isn't it nice that we can work together?"

    "I think everyone has a general idea of what's going on, right now. Never trust anyone that appears to be a religious authority!"
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2021
  14. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Reading List:
    Chapter 33: Investiture

    (Creation, essence, and base…)
    Adris works feverishly, using Symphonia’s carving knife to engrave the cups. Precise and exacting hands replicate the strange ideograms of the Alchemaster’s emblem.

    The whistling sound from Cethran’s kettle leads to her picking it up, pouring the liquid into the container with the previously mixed ingredients. Using a metallic spoon, she begins stirring according to Adris’ specifications.

    “Symbolism and intent, right, Cethran? Perfect fabrications.” Picking one up and peering at the details, she nods slowly, setting it back down and returning to her task.

    (And with these, we’re done!)

    The small wooden tray that she produced easily carries the cups. Pouring into each from the larger one as he measures the remaining liquid, they all get the same amount and density of mixture.

    (So long as they get the minimum amount, anything after is wasted.)

    The techniques he’s had to dig up from his mind, ones unused since Serras’ development, were shockingly easy to reach.
    A separate cup holds the base mixture of the Drop of Creation absent his “gift” added in, which is knocked back in one shot after readying for its effects.

    A gagging feeling immediately assaults him, the boy leaning over as it washes down. His body rejects the mixture at first, pain receptors firing as Cethran steadies his wavering body. Shivering and sweating, his dry heaves continue as the rainbow poison completes its rampage.
    Experiencing extreme synesthesia towards the end, he retreats into his mind and cuts off his senses to maintain his sanity. When the disused aura core within him draws the rainbow to coil around it, the concoction finally settles with its reactivation.

    (Now I understand… the hatred of how it escalates! How do later ascendants manage!?)

    Having ingested this liquid twice before, once when awakening to Clear Mind as is standard and second when pairing with Serras, he finds the disparity between second and third enough to never consider a fourth.

    “From my perspective, aren’t you fluctuating…?” A quiet, yet eager sounding, question comes before it’s abandoned.
    Before he can respond, she releases him to lean against the table.

    “… It’s not usually hazardous until the fourth time.”

    When she offers to carry the tray, he shrugs her off and picks it up himself to begin his march around the pillar.

    (I am not cowed by pain! This is my show, old woman. Everything from now is proof of my power!)


    Re-entering the altar area, he takes in the girls’ various activities.
    Ave has a finger on the organ’s keys as she tepidly examines it, while Kol is making strange twisting motions in front of the Dandy bird, which mirrors the movements to the best of its ability. Still stares up at the headless statue holding a book, making small gestures as Neesiette and she converse about it.

    Still and Ave notice him first, with only the latter deciding to greet him.

    “That didn’t take long~! Hmm, was that already prepared?”

    “… Your sense of the passage of time is uncertain, is it?”
    A smirk accompanies his dismissal of her. With the preparations, including Cethran’s molestations of him, taking twenty minutes, the rituals of Zennia sound much simpler than the enlightened ones of Xin.


    Looking perplexed, Ave seeks help from Kol, but even the armored girl seems confused by his statement as she finishes her game with the bird.
    A demonic watcher that returns to its duty of spying on him.

    (You want a show, you evil creature, then prepare for one.)

    Setting the tray down on the altar after motioning the girls to stand before it, Still assists Neesiette in hopping down before they stand in a line. The fake priestess and Lord of Purple moves off to climb the dais, coming to sit on the bench with her hands placed upon the organ.

    Everything that is to happen, doesn’t it rest solely on you now?”
    These were the final words Cethran shared.

    (Play your tunes and stay enigmatic.)

    Scanning the four young explorers arrayed before him, he truly takes in their qualities for the first time absent all extraneous worries.

    (Even if it’s not a massive improvement, this lie born of the cross should provide, with sufficient training on teamwork and specialization, a considerable-enough advancement to make this all suffice.)

    Within this grand chapel dedicated to nothing but questioning faces, the walls’ open dismissal and disbelief will soon be destroyed by the boy’s plot. A real enough investiture, joined with blurring the line between truth and fiction, will turn the theatrical into reality.

    (Real and unreal will soon be the same thing. I’d like to see even you dismiss the effect I can weave from the right words, Cethran!)

    As Adris dwells on this, he feels a sudden shift in the air of the chapel, as if a great breath passes through it.
    The invigorating atmosphere is noticed by his astute senses for the first time, a perception of what could be pushing away the mansion's usual mind-bending scents.

    “What was that!?” Ave shivers as she looks around with sudden fright.
    Even the deadpan Neesiette seems on guard, lifting her right hand with the feeling of the wind, then letting it fall when nothing comes to her.

    Tension like that before combat fills the four girls.

    “Are you so scared of possibility?”

    When the organ starts with its reverent notes, expertly produced by the hands of a woman given to questioning the nature of life at every turn…
    Adris’ equally questioning hand is raised to the missing black heavens, his pose daring as it invites them to be enthralled by this starting play.

    “Within a place known as a Godless Chapel, one dedicated to the unknown within a monstrous mansion, surely you must understand the events that can transpire?
    Why is a little wind so unsettling, since you reside in the shadow of the Alchemaster herself?”

    Adris takes back the initiative by moving the cups forward, looking down on the girls dramatically as he begins the ceremony in earnest. Throwing his arms wide and lifted, he lets his cape fly with the motion and roars out:

    “You who seek the power borne by a false god, the Star of Ruin cast down from another world!” With a sweeping arm brought up into a clenched fist, he finishes quietly.

    “Step up, and claim thy boon.”

    With them eying Adris with much more uncertainty as they approach the altar, only Neesiette remains unchanged as he continues:

    “Pillars of wind, fire, earth, and water sit before you. Power shall pass in the form of an oath made to the one who holds power over them. The oath is made by drinking the contents and receiving your authority.”

    He sweeps his finger over the group.

    “If you desire to overthrow Fate, then step forward and claim that authority! Even the Alchemaster you fear is no threat if you follow this path to its end.
    Become those who fight only for your own desires!”

    The final sentence challenges the quiet of the Chapel, before succumbing to it as he muses internally.

    (As you surrender yourselves unwittingly to mine, as I am the center of this formation!)

    Hiding laughter at this trick, this investiture's rituals are all designed to function only if he is ensconced as their arbiter.

    (You can’t cast away the physical core! I don't know what form this link will take... but it will happen!)

    Still cocks her head with a deceiving look drawn upon her mask, though he knows enough now about the girl to infer that she is immediately deciphering his plans.
    In contrast to her reticence, Kol’s tail moves swiftly, her shining pink eyes lost completely in what she stands to gain.
    Ave looks both awed and desperate, smiling and nodding her head as if she’s having a conversation with herself about what is occurring. The elf ever seems to see the world only through her own hopes and fears.
    Only Neesiette is imperceptible, her arms crossed before her lazily, though Adris feels her piercing, violet gaze as a weight on his mental health.

    (You’re the one that has to be most impressed, not Still! You will believe!)

    After Adris says nothing more, Ave curiously asks,
    “And… now what?”

    (Your innocence is ever my ally!)

    Leaning forward, he intones his offer.
    “… Only one may be blessed by the wind-”

    Ave shouts suddenly as she tries to rush the altar, before Kol jumps her and drags the struggling girl back to her spot even as her tail resists uselessly. Adris, receiving a pleading look from the snake girl to show favoritism, almost loses his flow.

    “… Or fire, or earth, or water. Each holds a different place in my plan to crush our enemy. Before you choose, know what you desire. This desire will become your focus…”

    As Kol tilts her head in ignorance, he clicks his tongue and thinks.
    “Your purpose and commitment to a path! Once you take this path, you can never return from it. You will be bound to this power and to each other.”

    Still tenses at this part, but doesn’t contradict him. Kol releases Ave then, causing the girl to fall to the ground and yelp.
    Walking fearlessly up to the altar, Kol grips it while raking her claws on the stone.

    “Kol have power, win against all? Never lose?”

    “Power which will well up from within, born of your longing and potential! So long as ‘never losing’ is your desire… then such a possibility exists should you grasp it to its fullest.”

    (Whatever you want! Even if it’s a half-truth, it can be made real with sufficient words, actions, and efforts!)

    Sweating at the thoughts streaming from a dark place, the boy’s tongue dances with ease, stringing together the honeyed lies necessary to win them over.
    The shorter girl’s body is still clad in leather and metal, yet Adris salivates at that which is hidden beneath.

    (… You have such an interesting smell, even from this distance, Kol.)

    “But remember who is the intercessor for this power and that, while it may belong to you, understanding its nature is likely only through me.”

    Nodding, Kol is joined by the others as they close in. Left mute, they contemplate the cups while also sizing each other up.

    Ave finally breaks the silence.
    “I-If I take wind… then who is taking the others?” Plainly seeking to establish her choice, Ave meekly appeals to Still with a cheesy smile. Still ignores her desperation and doesn’t hesitate, going straight for the water cup.

    “AH, Puddle stop!” Kol moves in, slapping away the taller girl’s arm.

    As the two square off at each other, Kol getting big and Still looking languid, Ave begins to fret and slides in to stop them, while also making sure to stay out of a direct fight.

    “Puddle try take, take without talk!” Kol accuses Still, while the other makes the motion of a headache and dancing in place.

    {You just want to talk instead of making a decision.}

    “I-It’s okay… there are still three after wind…” When Ave tries to unsubtly influence the discussion, Kol then menaces her.

    “Want wind, give what? Dust! Where wind, when Boss crown Kol?”

    Ave looks stabbed in the chest then tries to slink back, but Kol follows her, saying “Kol front, maybe wind fast? Elf already wind, right? Why need more?”
    Trying to respond, but stared down brutally, Ave’s words are lost as this elf frog stares down a rusty serpent.

    Adris watches this, before noticing Still standing before him, wearing a face on her mask that seems bored.

    “Made your choice, have you? Choose wisely.”

    With a fast hand and no reply, she nicks the water cup before lifting it to her face, pulling up her mask and downing the contents while turned away from his view.

    “Sneak Puddle!”

    Swinging her axe diagonally, it lodges into the altar after missing the surefooted girl that casually flings herself to the side at the last moment.


    Hastily keeping the spinning cups from spilling as they clatter, Adris yells at Kol.
    “Causing havoc in such a momentous moment, do you not understand what dangers you risk!?”
    Pointing the bound cross at her, Kol furtively grinds on her axe handle while staring at Still, yet the dark girl only seems locked in place…

    … until she begins twitching violently, before calming moments later.

    (… What is this?)

    Bringing her hand to her stomach, she manages to balance the cup on one hand after turning to Adris, making a couple of gestures.

    {… And… what is the secret, all-powerful ingredient to this fabulous concoction, partner?}

    “… Proof of existence, of course. Should you have doubts of the benefit, offer them to the results forthcoming, girl.”

    With a level voice and dry tone, Adris completely disregards her.

    The effect is that Still quietly puts the cup back on the altar, slinking away while glaring at him icily; yet, also “saying nothing”, almost as if spooked.
    When Neesiette looks surprised at the testy exchange, Still simply hovers over her to ward away unseen dangers.

    (No more games. No more jokes.)

    Regarding Kol with a piercing glare, Adris then smiles self-importantly, offering a question with the implication of already knowing the answer.

    “And which for you, Ravager?”

    Perking at the title, Kol happily barks a query over her back.
    “Moon, which strongest?”
    Silent until now, the brilliant scholar in steel-blue only blinks before responding succinctly.
    “As unrelenting and inexhaustible as a wild blaze be one’s nature, Kol.”

    “So… fire?”

    Not the least perturbed at the lack of full comprehension, Neesiette confirms with a slight nod.

    Rubbing her hands with immediate happiness, Ave brightly smiles and affirms her choice. “Kol is very passionate, fire is a warrior’s element!”

    Picking up the cup, Kol sniffs it briefly.
    “Smell good!”
    Instead of being offended, she hungrily gulps down the contents poured from above through her visor.

    (… If you like the flavor, there is plenty more waiting for you, you monster with a sexy voice.)

    Leaving Ave to stare down Neesiette, Kol returns to her original spot while glaring at Still.
    Coming to stand together by necessity, the defensive elf looks down at the prideful automaton and squeakily scrambles for supremacy.
    “Hmph, you obviously know what you are, right?”

    Unbothered, Neesiette looks forward and quips at Adris.

    “Wind, correct?”

    Choked up and crying, Ave blubbers at Neesiette, “No! If anyone is wind, it would be an elf, not a… a… short, flat pipsqueak!”
    With a dismissive, lazy gesture, Neesiette sweeps her arm around the room before returning.

    “Where be the elf? Would ‘flat’ not refer to a reptile's physiology, too? Be this not one's natural state?”

    Briefly collapsing as a person, Ave quickly reconstitutes herself and hisses at Neesiette, exclaiming “There’s only one elf here! I’m here! H-E-R-E!”
    With even shriller emphasis while cupping her own breasts, she tacks on “Also, I’m bigger than you are!” while leering at Neesiette’s cutting board chest.
    Seeking validation, the self-proclaimed elf begs toward Adris with a wavering look while emphasizing her meager bosom with both hands.


    Briefly thrown off by the question, he refuses to be swayed by the cute, yet troubled, look. Flashing handsome eyes, he makes her the sum of his gaze as he leans toward her.
    “Should you truly not know, perhaps I can aid you with the measurement, but... are you resolved for my help to leave you breathless?”

    Gaping at the response, her blushing confusion gives way to a bubbly exhilaration. Rather than receiving immediate affirmation, a hint at something far more carnal leads to her moving her hands to her breasts and mouth, shifting in place while avoiding his attention.
    The tiny, well-dressed doll's face sours as she huffs.

    “Were you truly an elf, would your wind not aid us instead of our enemies? More care be given to one’s petty attractiveness than usefulness, as ever. A boy's equal pettiness in leading on inexperienced bundles of lewdity grows ever more revolting, as well.”

    Shrinking back, Ave tries to think of a retort, but can’t. Alternating between anger and sadness before loudly screaming…

    “AH! Wind waits for no one!!!”

    Stealing the wind cup with a streaking hand, she escapes from Neesiette at full speed, gulping down the contents greedily. With a look of genuine pity offered to her, Neesiette then acknowledges the boy she just insulted.

    “One’s ritual remains bizarre. A grand tool’s design exists far beyond the trivial mundanity of an ‘element’, yet this tool be left with ‘earth’ as the option. An insult this might be taken as, considering the destitute nature of Zennia’s firmament…”

    Chuckling, the boy with pretenses of being a master ritual overseer chooses a direct jab instead of banter.

    “Ever are you undone by your lack of initiative, oh perfect lady.”

    Flashing anger at this momentarily, she then immediately calms as she rubs the edge of her large book.
    “… Though rude, admittedly not inaccurate; yet, worthless be this charade, so the choice be equally worthless. Nothing of this matches with the reality of Art, as this tool shall note for one’s last sake.”

    She picks up the earth cup and gingerly inspects it, before drinking it with an apparently unpracticed swallow. He wonders if this creature is even properly designed to ingest fluids, as he has yet to see her eat.
    Perfunctory in motion, she sets the cup back into its original spot, turns, and walks away.

    With all four returned to their line, Adris declares victory.

    (Now it doesn’t matter what the outcome is. After imbibing of the mixture, you’re all bound by the destruction of the cross the same as I am. One way or another, this ends.)

    The reverent music from behind begins to clash as his thoughts elevate. A cheerful, joyous sound wars with darker notes of descent into desperation.
    Holding the cross before him, the litany comes to his thoughts as he uses his last moments to try and define the nature of the world’s fragility he’s witnessed from the corner of his eyes so often.

    “As was promised before, the end of the Alchemaster shall be offered. More importantly, however… I offer the end of all your previously held beliefs about the unchangeable nature of Zennia.”
    With open candor instead of veiled aspirations, Adris addresses all present, including the demonic stork whose feathers ruffle with the random air drafts.

    “Rather than the cruelty of Modi which demand subservience, pure violence, or base greed, I instead offer this-”

    Crossing his arms over his chest, he calls out for what he wants from this darkness.

    “An end to all certainties! A path to power which throws off the notion that the strongest shall always win, guaranteed by the machinations of the all-mighty in clearing a path for their favorites!”

    (I despise all of you who are born under fortunate stars! Those who have fates foretold by ascended beings and perfect routes to glory!)

    Sweating as he speaks, all pretense exits, every roadblock between himself, and his deepest regrets and wants clearing. Even if these girls before him are to be his pawns, he longs to convince them of the justness of his thoughts.

    “Every last one of you appears imprisoned by Fate! These chains are not self-made, though! They were cast and affixed without your knowledge or consent!”
    At the intensity of his words, an elf grows fearful while rubbing the bracer on her wrist.

    (Are those your chains, Ave?)

    Slamming the cross’ long end on the altar, he takes on a religious vocation, letting the image of Cethran from his dream take over his mannerisms.
    “Instead of power which comes solely from depriving others or denying yourself, I choose instead to offer one that comes from pursuing only one’s desires in earnest! While alike with the Alchemaster’s corrupting enticements, it differs in not wanting treasures external, but rather internal! Each of us has something within dying every day as it struggles to break out!”

    (… I am tired of living in the shadows of others, but equally tired of them trying to force me into their mold! If you call impersonation and trickery lies, then I say...
    Who decided that one’s power is solely in the ability of handling a blade or in lording over others through divine authority!?)

    A boy lost in his own desires seeks to mold theirs to his.

    “So: break out!”

    As a child, he was locked within the cloister to rot for eternity, then escaping, only to struggle to survive in a gang of other kids that talked of brotherhood, but who would’ve let him starve if he hadn’t played them against each other.
    As a youth, he was pressed into service by cruel superiors, who treated him as disposable if he didn’t get results and stroked their egos by placing his successes on their shoulders, all while caring for a girl who he could never really understand.
    As an adult, he survives by carving out his own path through lies and half truths, being a charlatan who weaves his own version of what it means to be heroic, a tale built on the tears of those who fail to use him and the palms of those who need him, working towards goals ever bigger than previously.

    And, now, as a kid again, he will entrust himself to these desperate, yet willful, girls, as they latch onto him while looking for any leg up.

    (No more despair, this time I can make something permanent. I never have to worry about them getting away!)

    Throwing the cross wide with an overly energetic swing, he is almost carried by it. Offering his free hand to be taken up by them, he promises everything.

    “Deny their rules entirely! Long not for their Modi or ways of life, but choose only a path which agrees with you! Be selfish and discerning! I state that the world as you know it, and especially as you perceive it, is inherently crumbling around you at this very moment!

    Though this form appears frail, it is the emblem of this offer! Only those who seek to grow may achieve limitless outcomes! While mortals led by gods and great evils gain power by divine or fell whimsy, we who carve our own path outside of the ‘correct’ Fate can reorder the world while laughing at them crying for our subordination!

    Why pine for false assurances of security, when you can embrace… the absolute darkness of possibility and potential!? Why choose what you call reality when you can instead have all of your desires, even if they appear as lies to others!?”

    Flinching at this statement, the cowled killer suddenly understands something realized far too late as she looks around for a way out.

    (Yes, so you know what I’m talking about! Then it is real, isn’t it, Still!?)

    “Rather than serving in Light of either good or evil, why not simply rule in dark!?”

    Before she can act to stop him.

    (Truth and lie, let’s mix them up a bit.)

    To the bombastic sound of a collapsing song as long fingers hold powerful keys with great emphasis…

    … Adris pulls free a purple cloth, which unravels in only a moment by its own strength the instant his intention is to liberate its captive.

    A silver cross, so bright that its gleam seems to wash away one’s mind, assaults everyone in the room with its presence.


    (GAH, but you’ll… take way too long!)

    As the awakened and mystified object directs its anger at the boy holding it, he is already reciting his litany as his meager aura pushes back against the cross’ influence.

    Its foretold death has arrived.

    Oh, terrible fate, you remnant of death and starlight.

    Give up your power, for it is unwanted for you.

    Return it to your requester and be lost.

    The cross quivers, assaulted by the demand. Its silver tarnishes and gems chip as Adris’ empty body joins with the words to begin to suck at its aura marrow. As the incredible quantities of aura begin to move, Adris creates the jury-rigged path to traverse.
    Merging disparate rituals, the boy prays he’s half the genius he knows himself to be.

    The soul is a star, burning bright!

    Let that brightness flow to become yours!

    Take warmth and guidance offered of a snuffed star,


    The star is now a heart, and not a star,

    At the center of two breaths which flow to two hands!

    With the sudden jump in the rituals, Adris’ already ruined Inner Expanse begins to fold and rip. Two Xin rituals from distinctly different disciplines, one of his own making and the other of a sect he knows nothing about, carry meanings that war with each other.

    (SHIT! It will work!)

    Keeping his breath, he muscles on as his limbs start to vibrate, the aura circulating threatening to rip out of him.

    A perfect circle connects all and joins around this heart,

    As the circle becomes a dance of elements!

    Wind fuels the fire,
    Fire heats the earth,
    Earth moves the water,
    Water births the wind!

    Breaths and hands in perfect harmony,

    Carry, too, the life of all!

    As on Xin, so is it reflected on Zennia, sister world across the beyond!”

    (The two… are the same!)

    Unlike the rest of the litany, the last words produce interest…


    … from the Chapel.

    Adris blinks as tears form at the corners of his eyes, while all the faces in the Chapel seem to be staring at him now. Wind whips up around him, joining with sounds at the edge of his hearing. The entire room seems to spin slightly, as if his equilibrium is constantly pulling him to turn to the left.

    The cross which was resisting his attempts to crush it almost entirely now seems to quiver in horror. No longer indomitable, the cross suffers with the maddening fascination of these faces staring at it, as its desecration increases exponentially.

    Though Still’s shortsword is out finally, she doesn’t rush him, leaving Adris reassured by the world distorting before him at his beseeching.

    (Why… isn’t she moving, though? No, it doesn’t matter! Complete this!)

    All of the statues and edifices join with the eyes of the girls, merging with the droning music that seems to be nearing its climax.
    No longer in contrast, the song’s verse is but one message.

    What is darkness, but the fascination we have with the unknown? If it is unknown, then does it not grow stronger the nearer we reach the core of the mystery?”

    A lesson Adris does not remember receiving prompts him to finalize his thoughts.

    He calls out to the unreal, letting the guise of his mentor take over his image as he owns it, letting her voice come out while speaking his thoughts. The quaking cross, which still tries to lunge at his mind even as the web of the litany he spoke crushes it, is held before him.

    “Darkness which arises from interference! Desire and emotion which gives it life, answer now the calling of those who wish to overturn Fate! Only a miracle can change our paths! Only the unknown and unknowable can provide a solution! Only the horrors of the unpierceable night can bind us together, equally!”

    Still radiates strong emotion at these words, something like hatred and awe mixing together. The look on Neesiette’s face is bleak, as she understands he is successfully calling to something powerful.

    (I will risk everything! This power will be yours or I will die!)

    With the cross finally succumbing, the impossible aura within beings to radiate physically from it. Tendrils of shining darkness lance out, slashing into the altar and floor as Adris struggles to keep himself from its wrath.

    (Whatever this power is, it's waiting for me! This is finally my payoff!)

    The nearness of aura excites his senses, as the same force present at Rantil's end seems to gather at the edge of recognition. Though he can use no aura from his body, the room feels like an Inner Expanse as it breathes around him.
    Begging him to give it form.

    “Descend upon us, oh unconquerable, yet unseen, truth! Hidden from view only by thin obfuscation of our sight! Crack the barriers between what is real and what isn’t! Peek out and give guidance! Show us once and for all the nature of our path!”

    (Give me everything that I long for, if you are so powerful!)

    With Adris' demands, what follows after is…

    … only silence after powerful chords end.

    The wind dies in a moment, all energy stolen from it as the Chapel’s artworks cease to show interest.

    Standing before four shocked girls while holding a cross that burns with anger and a power that can incinerate aura users in one glancing blow, Adris suddenly feels very abandoned.

    (… No, inconceivable. Something, anything should’ve happened!)

    The boy’s heart sinks.
    With the appeal to darkness to forcefully guide the cross failing, the makeshift conduit for its power will be completely unsupported, with its malevolence allowed to warp and destroy both him and his chosen targets.

    (The aura is…! Wait… why can’t I feel it?)

    Despite no longer having the power to stop it, the cross struggles against not the boy’s meager resistance….

    … but against the space it appears frozen in.

    “Ah… isn’t this superb?”
    A reverent voice comes from the dais.

    When trying to turn to look at her, Adris finds that his body no longer responds. Frozen in place, he notices that Neesiette, Ave, Still, and Kol appear equally locked in the last state of their defensive motions during the chaotic speech he gave…

    “To be honest, how could I have truly believed that you would deliver as well as you have? To place faith in a one-in-a-million chance, one so vague in likelihood of success that even freeing you of inhibitions would seem unlikely to aid much, is it possible you are the one I’ve been waiting for?”

    The kindness and cruelty in her voice become the same thing, as Adris hears footsteps approaching him.

    (… Have I… screwed up…?)

    “Shouldn’t you not feel bad, I think? To be honest once more, wasn’t there quite a lot that was removed by me in order to push you into the correct frame of mind? While it’s fair to say that you are essentially greedy, you are certainly also not… stupid, correct? If allowed to progress as you normally are, wouldn’t you easily see the flaws?”
    For the first time, he receives a compliment from his haughty benefactor that sounds like actual praise.

    “And so… with all interferences removed and only obsession remaining, even if one tempered by me, aren’t you still missing something?”

    (… No, I’m not missing anything! My solution was…!)

    “Perfect, yes?”

    A reverberating laughter accompanies the sudden horror he feels at being preempted.

    “But aren’t you still missing an important component?”

    With the Chapel’s atmosphere frozen, its suffocating feeling is one of expectation now rather than outright failure.
    Almost as if what was designed to happen is in the process of occurring, but missing a catalyst.

    “Even if you have obsession, Adris, what is… darkness?”

    (Desire, obsession… and…)

    The other parts don’t come to mind, almost as if something is obstructing them.

    Yes, desire, obsession, but also… mystery, fear, and most importantly…”

    Pain flows through the heretic boy’s body as he becomes acutely aware of a foreign entity snaking through his veins. A splitting headache grows while the tendrils in his body withdraw from his brain.
    With a chuckle from the old woman, Adris’ mind finally uncoils.

    How did Still not know about the oath, despite spying on me the whole time?
    The oath made with the “unknown and unknowable?”
    The oath that I had already made, guaranteeing that nobody but Cethran and her god would know about my conversations or plans?
    Isn’t it obvious!? She didn’t know because something was already interceding! An oath I made originally never ended!
    Why does she know my true name, when it was never spoken in front of her?
    How can anyone possibly be so ahead of someone else’s thinking, despite supposedly knowing nothing about them? She’s been inside my thoughts somehow, the whole time!?
    Why did I let her prepare the mixture!? She obviously could’ve tainted it!? No, WHY WAS I DRINKING HER TEA IN THE FIRST PLACE!? AM I FUCKING RETARDED!?
    The most dangerous thing of all is… this woman!

    This whole time, isn’t she the thing I should’ve been escaping from!?

    What fills his right now is the strongest and most inescapable…

    “How is watching the entire world crumble before your eyes, as everything you know is proved wrong?”

    (… Only someone truly insane would willingly call forth this thing called darkness and believe it’s a fake, just because she is!)

    His hubris played him into the hands of another, bringing about his own destruction.

    “Isn’t it wonderful? This terrible sense of doubt?”

    The air in the Chapel ceases to be frozen as his fear at the uncertainty of the mystery before him finally being revealed flays his confidence, causing him to question all of his motivations for doing this.
    When he questions the core of his ambitions, he feels something run down his face.

    The same feeling is on his hands, as well, as he watches the silver from the cross run away, like water cascading slowly down a fountain.
    Underneath the silver…

    Is the largest, purest chunk of auraic alloy he’s ever seen. The gems set into it fall off, shattering on the floor as the cross’ functioning suddenly makes sense to Adris.

    (Oh stars, it’s a synchronizing tool, designed to be a pure reservoir for power that connects outward. It’s just… a solid piece of Creation.)

    The amount of aura that could be contained within this cross is too much for anyone to handle, much less steal. Even if he relies on another to help control the flow, what comes out will soon ream him more hollow than the giant rabbit’s dick would’ve.
    Left about to die, he wonders how such a seemingly purposeless tool could offer such wonderful gifts that it has.

    The auraic alloy flares.

    Rainbow light bursts out with a droning sound, as the shining darkness from the Emperor’s tomb explodes from the cross to whip about.

    Pain assails the boy without end, the conduit between him and the girls open and now filling with the force of the release.

    As the rainbow from the cross attacks him, he sees the girls become consumed by whirlpools of the same stuff, it flowing out of their bodies from gleaming, newly forming cores within.

    And in response to this transfer…

    The sounds of dolorous bells, mad beyond words, ring out without ending.

    … The entire Chapel begins to darken.

    A great groan is heard, as the arches and unseen ceiling above begin to lose support. The very walls buckle and collapse as they become fluid.

    Great cracks in the floor and walls offer a torrent of ephemeral sludge from beyond that once Adris demanded, now spilling into the room without cessation.

    It flows towards the boy.
    Blackness is only what it appears to be on the surface.

    The moment Adris’ senses are applied to it, the blackness both rejects and assaults him.
    The moment he tries to interpret it, his mind longs to fall into depravity and be liberated.
    The moment it touches his body, he will succumb to it and change.

    Like a technique, all of the darkness bears wisdom, but its nature is clearly that of lessons on the depths of the uninterpretable truths of the world and especially that from outside of it which shouldn’t be known.

    The entire Chapel quakes with the descent of this unknowable entity, as every object and surface within it sloshes about.
    No longer whispers, unintelligible ravings exist all about, their words promises of fulfillment for wants he can neither describe nor name.

    Even the demonic stork is carried away by the tide, its eye locked on him the whole time as it turns black and begins to deform.

    “… Ah, how many years has it been since I’ve witnessed this? Adris fehl Dain, Star of Ruin, false god from another world, I thank you from the bottom of my heart… for reuniting me with the one who pretends to replace me before my God.”
    Cethran’s last words are full of true happiness and gratefulness, offered to the boy that will now be sacrificed.

    “The darkness you have called, done without name but with conviction and sufficient insight, how far will it spread before He’s forced to advent?

    Ah, how will He regard me when He arrives?
    Will He be full of wonder at my actions?
    Will He not see the difference in quality between this… trash and I?

    I long to know…”

    (How is this not what you worship!? Cethran, do you believe in something even worse!?)

    Mind burning at the sight and sound and sensations of the Zennian darkness’ arrival here, a fear like that of primal night drives him crazy.
    He longs to die to escape from it, somehow feeling that it’s his only way out.

    Great shapes begin to crawl out from the space around him.
    The figures on the walls cry out for release, plunging like corpses into the mass below, before returning to life and flailing in it.
    The golden doors ahead stain with dark shadows, darker liquid flowing through the crevices.


    The Emperor’s cross’ blazing starlight and darkness does not aid the approaching darkness in destroying Adris, as he thought it would.

    Instead, it wars with it.
    The droning darkness lashes out at the liquefying world around Adris, connecting with the girls in front of him and sheltering them from it, Adris feeling the cross reinforcing the link he made. Arcing, shining energy forms an aura barrier around his body, lancing at the masses of rolling, corpulent black corruption flowing all around.

    “Oh? Perhaps you have a chance, lamb? If that is the case, then am I not obliged to offer you a choice in how you proceed, yes?”

    Released from the shock and horror that has paralyzed him, the doubts and evil thoughts subside momentarily as the snaking thing within his veins goes completely inert.

    “If it is possible for you to not only survive but also to thrive, then…”
    The old woman muses softly, but her words regain affection.

    “‘Within this deluge of the beyond, a hopeless fool from another world discovers the missing thing his whole life has pursued without realizing it’, would this also not be an acceptable mystery to pursue, you who would rule, unseen and unnoticed?”

    (FUCK! THINK!)

    There is no way out on the outside, trapped inside like this.

    (I HAVE TO SAVE... us!)

    All Adris knows is that this darkness preys on the mind explicitly, seeking to ride his senses to his very essence and make him see the world in its horrifically twisted ways.
    Only the cross’ power prevents it from immediately flowing into him.

    (Darkness is desire, doubt, obsession, and mystery! How can you survive within it and keep it out!? Remove your ability to feel it or bring it within, and refuse to acknowledge what it is…!?)

    Adris thinks of two items, then.

    (And if we're joined by the aura synchronization, now, I can reach them through the link!)

    Pulling up Cethran’s cloth to his chest, he touches a book hidden underneath his jerkin with his free hand.


    After yelling the oath that a cheap villain from Xin would offer while fleeing a deserved death, she begins to laugh uproariously in her husky, yet sultry manner as he chants evil words.

    “From the deepest depths of desire, through curtain unseen, darkness, to me, become one and join with me, for your name is…!”

    The name he screams is drowned out by the droning cross and roiling darkness that consumes the entire room, with the second slamming through the cross’ hasty barriers to pick him up into its whirlpool.

    But in place of these barriers…

    A cloth wraps around his head, proving that he and everyone connected with him by a cross from another world cease to perceive this thing called reality.

    Name: Adris fehl Dain; “Mister Meat”
    Titles: Scholar Bound in Madness, Greedy Informant, Lycia’s Little Brother, True False God
    Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ?? – Young

    Occupation: Crossbearer; Charlatan/Swindler; Xin’Reh (former); Soldier of Fortune (former); Bounty Hunter (former)
    Discipline: Crossbearer – Cursed Aura User; Spear Veteran (former); Aura Warrior, School/Specialization: Self-Taught (former)

    [Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


    [Unknown Protection from Poisons/Compelling] – {A MAN WALKS, HIS STEPS UNWEARIED AND RESOLUTE. NONE CAN STOP HIM.}


    [Unknown Mental Domination] – {A MAN DEMANDS. THOSE WHO HE DEMANDS OF, OBEY.}

    [Familiar] – “Through means unknown, a familiar has been acquired. Aren’t familiars a kind of tool? Isn’t this sort of strange to consider a ‘power’?”

    [Obscuring Sonjil] - "Man, this thing has gotten pretty strong on Zennia. At first only creating an area of fog, it can now cover a direction? Is something wrong...?"

    Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: Black
    Hair: Black, with strands of White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value – “Idiot master receives idiot information~”
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength – E
    Vitality – E
    Dexterity – D
    Agility – C
    Intelligence – D
    Mentality – C
    Luck – F
    Charisma – D

    "If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!"

    Cethran Value – “If all men looked like him, it might not be odd for women to think that the gods had painted the world in only the drab color brown? While not ugly, would he not exemplify the idea that ‘normal’ is perhaps indistinguishable from ‘undesirable’?”
    "There's little to say, isn't there? Aren't you truly beautiful when you're honest?"
    "Playing up the mystery too much might prove troublesome? A man of only mystery can be angel or devil, yes?"
    "Success breeds confidence, but is confidence always handsome? It might depend on how you assert it, a lesson you might be lacking expertise in?"
    "Even if they don't find you handsome, isn't there something still dashing about you...?"
    "Being used by older women seems to be your fate, isn't it?"

    "Will you be more appealing as a monster?"

    “A rather plain-looking man wearing traveling robes, what he carries hidden is far more dangerous than his appearance lets on. A disarming smile, leads to you being suckered. A clever tongue, leads to your sorrow. Possessing quick wit and intellect, hubris and arrogance are certain to follow. Well known across the floating islands of Xin, but not by name, only by reputation. Owed many favors, but not with great joy, and certainly not love. The only person he seems to care about other than himself is his lifelong partner.”
    "Losing everything is often an impetus to descend deeper into bad things. In Adris' case, it certainly amped up his energy for harming others."
    "Nothing is off the table for a man with nothing to lose."
    "Winning finally, Adris feels like he should be king of the world, but his tower is crumbling already as four girls keep destroying its foundation."
    "No longer the king, perhaps your true nature is the whipping boy, Adris?"
    "The more you try to gain, the less you're able to hold on to. At least in Adris' case, he seems to be trying to hold onto the things he might care about?"

    "When finally presented with the option of succeeding, he did."

    "You got what you asked for, in spades."


    Name: “Kol”
    Titles: Idiot
    Race: ???
    Sex: Female?
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Frontliner
    Discipline: ???

    [Great Round Eater] - "Find enemy, get between all, swing!"

    [Energized Edge] - "Kol, not need worry: every swing, good swing."

    Disposition: Straightforward / Confrontational / Respectful
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Pink
    Hair: White
    Skin: Tanned

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:
    Strength - C
    Vitality - C
    Dexterity - E
    Agility - F
    Intelligence - F
    Mentality - C

    Cethran Value – “Are you attracted to rampaging metal? Though in your case, you appreciate the voice, don’t you? Do you long to see more? If she reminds you of a certain someone, then...?”
    "Is forthrightness an attractive quality? What is the difference between truth-seeking as a subject and living a lifestyle of it?"
    "Perhaps an uncomplicated female would be useful for a man that seems so interested in complicating life himself? But why are you fooled into believing she's simple?"
    "If she feels excitement looking at you, then perhaps she isn't as pretty as you're thinking she is?"
    "Vetted by the erotic thief, I would assume that you are already slavering to see her face, yes?"

    "Wounds would be considered decisively unsexy, but you still enjoyed your time together, didn't you?"

    "Brash and forthright, a warrior wielding an axe with two hands forsakes protection to deliver only harm. Contrary to this impression, she also seems interested in a straight up fight. If her words are any indication, she offers little thought to her actions."
    "In addition to being honest, she is also obsessive about certain things, least of which is deciding who is stronger than others."
    "Not worrying about details, Kol prefers to let others deal with them for her, so that she can concentrate on what she cares about."
    "While somewhat behind in intellect, she is far from witless."
    "Having officially lost, she considers it only a win. With Adris as her Boss, she already seeks to direct him at his next 'goal', which is hers."

    "If you have to remind her of her place, then you haven't trained her correctly, yes?"

    "Nobility often mixes with ignoble qualities. Greed and necessity are hard to separate. I like Kol, but she's sometimes hard to write, because it's hard to think with such absolute certainty."


    Name: Still
    Titles: Puddle
    Race: Human?
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young Lady

    Occupation: Delver, Trickster/Outfighter
    Discipline: ???

    [Perfect Throw] - {I'm going to turn you into a pegboard~.}

    Disposition: Playful / Sadistic / Skulking
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: ???
    Hair: ???
    Skin: ???

    Rantil Value –
    Attributes by Grade:
    Dexterity - C
    Agility - C
    Intelligence - C

    Cethran Value – "Do you really think it's not obvious? What she possesses is what you've missed all your life, yes? Breasts and curves... are these not a new fruit for you to taste?"
    "While you don't get to see much of her, it may be that her lifestyle is the most appealing thing, perhaps? If she's always surprising you, doesn't that create an appeal of danger?"
    "Possessing feminine pursuits such as sewing and toxicology, isn't she perfect for you?"
    "Do you find yourself losing focus in her presence? You might be weaker to seduction than you think? Or is it something else...?"
    "Given yourself to her already? Even if you say that you're not weak to sexual favors, the fact that you went back for more already means it's too late, right?"

    "But if you are never given the chance for more... can you endure it?"

    "A mute girl who says much with gestures, she also has more going on than she seems to. Though not outwardly aggressive, there's an atmosphere of danger about her. Opposite of Kol, hers is subtle... Yet, she also can protect others. Given to acrobatics, it matches with her dark, but flamboyant, colors."
    "Self composed as always, it won't be easy for Adris to get into her head."
    "Not interfering unless she has to, Still appears to be mild-mannered, but such a misunderstanding might be dangerous."
    "Showing something of her true nature, the girl that says little can surprisingly say a lot when she needs to."
    "Confidently sexual, yet also refusing to let Adris be the aggressor, their relationship seems to move from one extreme to the other as they get past their first agreement and discover more truthful things about each other."

    "Oh, how terrible? Your partnership is dissolving before your eyes, is it?"

    "She's getting pissed at you because you keep doing stupid shit."


    Name: Neesiette vera Luna
    Titles: "Moon"
    Race: Lunamata
    Sex: Female
    Age: ???

    Occupation: Delver, Mystic
    Discipline: ???

    [Rod of Force] - "A rod capable of exciting and shooting a ray of pure force. Being struck produces immense kinetic transference. Be this not obvious?"

    ["Brings An End"] - "Would the title not signify its use?"

    Disposition: Impassive / Calculating / Curious
    Alignment: Ordered

    Eyes: Pale Violet
    Hair: Amber
    Skin: Pale White

    Rantil Value –
    Strength - F
    Agility - E
    Intelligence - B
    Mentality - C

    Cethran Value – "First imps, and now short girls? This is certainly becoming a pattern, isn't it? Though you might not fare badly with a girl as beautiful as this, yes? Though she's a little perfect, doesn't she seem oddly demure?"
    "Having her rebut all of your words so desperately, is it her intellect you're falling for? Are you sure that's wise, considering she could dethrone the wisest person you know...?"
    "Having a woman stand up to you... isn't this a strange fetish for you to discover?"
    "A doll? How do you define the limits of your tastes? Or are they 'unknown and unknowable'?"
    "Do you get off on a lady devoting so much of her time to thinking about you?"

    "Was the previous question not foolish of me?"

    "An otherworldly existence, she wears clothing that doesn't fit with the Castillo. With mannerisms quite distinct from all others, even the girls she travels with seem incomparable to her uniqueness. Yet, she definitely seems to be in charge...?"
    "Given to only worrying about what she can demonstrate as true, how does such an uncompromising and uninterested person lead a group of four girls through situations that cannot be easily explained?"
    "The reasoning member of the group, all of her questions are direct and impossible to sneak away from."
    "Finally revealed, her interest in Adris is inextricably tied to the book that he has proved capable of reading. For what reason does one desire to bring an end?"
    "The true Neesiette, one no longer afraid to speak around someone for fear that she will be forced to fight them later, is actually a very nosy and hovering girl."

    "In the end, the one most dissimilar from the rest... no, perhaps from all of the options presented is the one you are interested in? Or is this only the start, Adris?"

    "Neesiette is someone that wants everyone to be a lot more perfect than they are, but she doesn't mean it in a bad way. Probably."


    Name: Avenalliah Aurmaris
    Titles: Lustful Lizard, Elf
    Race: Elf
    Sex: Female
    Age: Young

    Occupation: Delver, Scared Girl
    Discipline: ???

    [Sylvan Calling] - "Hey, hey, come out and play! Spirits rise, prance and bay! If nature is here, it's my friend! Um, why am I flying!?"

    Disposition: Joyful / Impressionable / Cowardly
    Alignment: Neutral

    Eyes: Crystal Green
    Hair: Moss Green
    Skin: White

    Rantil Value –
    Strength - C
    Dexterity - C
    Intelligence - C
    Mentality - F

    Cethran Value – "While not possessing your newly favorite curves, isn't a girl with a naive charm also fine? Because she covers so little, you are also left without having to imagine what you could possess, yes?"
    "If you're looking for a girl to protect and curl up with, where else could you find a girl as clingy as this? Does being innocent entice men? Isn't that a stupid question, Mr. Star?"
    "Not being afraid to flaunt her beauty if she doesn't notice that she is, yet cowering at exposure... isn't this a gap?"
    "Another girl that won't shut up, is it? Shouldn't that dissuade you? Or is it okay if it's her bubbly voice?"
    "Isn't it a bit irresponsible to run away from the events you've set in motion, Adris? If a girl falls for you, shouldn't you welcome it? Or do you begin to broaden your understanding of a female world you never knew, even back on Xin?"

    "Does the thought of her being ravaged by others unsettle or unshackle you?"

    "As cheerful as she is skittish, Avenalliah fits an unknown position within the four delvers' group. Though she carries a large sack, that would hardly count as a position... right?"
    "Prone to fits of panic, there's a lot she needs to do to prove her worth..."
    "While a master of avoiding confrontation, she finally finds a backbone after being kicked around enough."
    "The one thing in the world she loves the most is her own people, which makes her a master of everything related to them."
    "Having been both wooed, defeated, freed, and ignored, it's impossible to tell how she'll react to anything said by the boy she's set her eyes on."

    "Isn't this child the cruelest one to you, Adris? So terribly eager to have you, yet everything she does drives you away, doesn't it? Is it because she's more innocent than you could've ever claimed to be?"

    "Adventuring out of your depth is an easy way to be disappointed in life. Everything sounds fun until the responsibilities and revelations pile up."


    Name: Cethran
    Titles: ???
    Race: Human
    Sex: Female
    Age: 40s

    Occupation: Priestess
    Discipline: ???


    Disposition: Inquisitive / Condescending / Self-Reliant
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: ???
    Hair: Brown
    Skin: White

    Cethran Value - “Do you not feel that you can just ask?”

    Cethran Value - "Isn't it a strange thing to ask a woman what she thinks of her own appearance? If you were to ask a woman what she thinks of herself, of the beauty of her form, then isn't the answer simple: 'am I not the most beautiful woman you've ever met, and shouldn't you remind me of that so I believe it, too?' Rather than asking a boorish question, why don't you compliment me, Adris?"
    "Perhaps if I am more beautiful now with a fuller smile, it's because you've brought me out of my languishment?"
    "Having seen the beauty that the Castillo and the outside has to offer in more detail, do you find me too mundane, now? Isn't that quite tragic for me?"
    "Despite not desiring me, you certainly seemed content enough to fake it, didn't you?"

    "Can you really call this a betrayal? Why do you scowl so much?"

    "What is the nature of a person? If we all search for meaning in our lives, do we ever find it without first understanding who we are, first? Then, if you must ask what the nature of another is, perhaps you should do so only after understanding yourself? At the very least, being at ease within the chapel indicates it possesses no danger, right?"
    "To search for answers is a noble goal? Then what goal is more noble than searching for the one answer behind everything...?"
    "Though our goals are often not noble, perhaps somewhere deep down, our hearts are? Can we discover that together?"
    "Isn't it nice that we can work together?"

    "Won't you show me the nature of a false god, as I demonstrate the nature of a priestess of My God?"

    "If you ask why the MC sometimes does strange things, always seek why."

    "Darkness" - "What is truly feared by all. Everything that is hidden, but desperately sought, it is a nebulous word that describes nothing and everything, all at once."

    Cethran's God - "Everything is wrong."
  15. nonothing

    nonothing Member

    May 18, 2021
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    Chapter 34: Vanishing World

    Walking on an unchanging, shifting path, the complete unknown before him is familiar.

    (Why am I here? Where are…?)

    Four names he should remember don’t come to him. As the scratching sounds hampering his recollection worsen, he forgets the question.

    When the boy searches his adult hands for a sign of what he was doing, his body evaporates in the next moment, joining with the rushing colors that become a hut…


    The man sitting in a loincloth flashes a brief greeting when the shining-black-haired beauty lifts the flap to enter. With her dark-blue caftan drenched in blood, the attractiveness is marred to all but his practiced tastes.
    The smell of carnage, after being next to it for so many years, no longer registers except as a fact.

    “I see you dealt with the problem on your own without waiting for me! Well, it’s not like you can’t. They made a point to piss you off, too; though, it’d be nice if… no, that’s fine.”

    Reaching into his pack, he throws a water flask made of animal stomach to her, followed by a bag containing a scent wafting from it.
    “We’ll get some food later~. I’m almost done with my next idea. Don’t really want to stop in mid thought, y’know?” Gifting his normal smile that contains no real joy, he returns to his actually important work.
    The moment he does, the true, evil grin returns as the malignancy in his eyes increases with this rediscovered purpose.

    But, the boy notices something wrong with the scene that the man doesn’t.

    Gripping the bag so hard that she crushes its contents, starting even more floral notes lifting up to fill the hut, the woman then begins quivering.
    Instead of a hard expression as is ever her mask, tears form, joining with the red stains on her cheeks. The proud sword at her hip seems too heavy for her as she sags, staring at the man scribbling with ecstatic energy.

    “Help me.”

    The softest whisper, one that the man’s sharp senses should still detect, results in…

    … nothing from him, as he snickers at what he just wrote.
    But the boy’s ears tingle, a soft, hard feeling gently tweaking his lobes as they’re torn off.


    “HE——LP… M-M-M…. E!”

    The old man had taught him to use aura, yet for the one being dragged away it is an evil present to be bestowed.
    Kindness given to an orphan easily turns into an anesthetic applied to honey wine shared with him.

    “Sorry, m’lad, no choice. Curse me in good health. No apology ’s gonna suffice, I’magine.”

    Pitiless eyes watch the men adorned in coppery armor drag the black-haired boy with white streaks away, the victim using his meager skills to force his numb body to twitch and speak. Though the man reveals nothing with his face, there is a brief spark of self-hatred visible in his green eyes before it is quickly snuffed.

    (I will… NEVER FORGIVE-!)

    The mental words the boy can hear unsaid by the one being dragged away sound very similar, echoing through his quiet heart that beats wildly.
    Though it had happened before, it had never happened before this with the same intensity. This was where the hatred was born.

    “Impossible! Who would pay that much for this…!?”


    Cooking blood off her blade with a look of disbelief locked on her face, the normally impassive young woman covered in viscera stares at the slightly shorter young man beside her. When she’d entered, she’d been sweating bullets in anticipation of a fight promised to be the worst of her life, so far.

    “You’re saying… that was the bounty target? He didn’t even put up a fight!?” Eyes changing from disbelief to suspicion, the young man reads it easily as it starts to shift to him. Shrugging with a mystified look on his face while inspecting the room half covered in red blood, to the eyes of spectators he would seem just as confused as her.

    “Hey… if he wants to die then it’s easy money, right?” Smiling from ear to ear, the young man repeatedly pats the sticky shoulder of his comrade. “As long as we get paid, does it really matter?”

    Shaking her head while sighing, the young woman flinches when a calm hand comes to rub her head and lovingly stroke through her hair.

    Opening her mouth for a moment, she then turns away with a difficult expression.
    Moments of this pass, eyes moving from him, to the body, and back, before she clicks her tongue and loses all prickliness, unsteadily giving herself to the affection.
    Finally closing her eyes, she totally immerses herself in it with a passive face.

    “… I mean, if someone wants to throw their money away, who are we to argue? Whoever paid for it…”

    His voice is light as he congratulates her.

    “… I hope they got their money’s worth~!”

    As the blood in the room begins to swirl and form hands to grasp at the old man’s sundered parts strewn about the room, they sink into the mire spreading around.

    Watched over by a boy who is not present and the young man with a cold, dispassionate face…

    “… Did you expect something different? The man surrendered to suicide, but why? Is it always… HARD TO TELL WHY OTHERS DO THINGS WHEN YOU LET THE EMOTIONS DRIVE YOU?”

    The young woman’s voice is too close for-


    “… Though, it would be stupid to worry about you.”

    Looking up at him with cold, but beautiful, black eyes, the reserved woman is indifferent to the noisy throng nearby. Meeting in a small tea shop with too many customers on the outskirts of a nearby town, their rendezvous coincides with…

    “… Ah… yeah, everything worked… out just fine~!”

    His usual acrobatic posturing seems strangely absent as the bustling tea aficionados in the house follow his every strained movement.
    Even though the woman doesn’t pay attention.

    “You succeeded, as always…” With a bored voice, she goes back to her tea. After sipping it, she finally makes eye contact, with the man wearing his winning smile with a hint of a sheen on his neck easily missed.
    Seeing his average face showing signs of victory, she finally breaks character.
    Cracking a slight grin…

    “… Well, sit down. Impress me with your wit.
    … Your latest ‘joke’ after a dry spell might actually be… amusing?”

    The woman who always seems distant opens up at news of his success, but completely misses something important as he hobbles to the table.
    Sitting down, he angles the movement to hide his back where a red spot has soaked in.

    Laughing, he launches into his story.
    “Ah! You’d have loved it! Went off without a hitch! The important part was the false wall, as I said it would be! Quickest getaway I’ve ever made!” When she pours a cup for him, as is protocol for a close female companion of a man, the boy notices the man’s pain seems to lessen briefly.

    “Right… you never fail. It’s just a matter of how you make them lose.”

    Along with a sentence containing something like respect, dark eyes and eyelashes flash dangerous signals. Though never confident, the woman is ever able to dip into her reservoir of flirtation when desired.
    In the rarest of times, often when the man seems strong.

    “Hey, you seem to be bleeding, sir.”
    A hand at his shoulder attempts to ruin his entire life.

    The man grips the hand viciously, evil eyes showing hatred to the stranger who dares to destroy his persona by trying to betray his weakness.


    “But you’re poisoned… AND… your money pouch was… a LITTLE LIGHT… that day…?”

    Whether the interrupting stranger is a patron, a servant, the owner, or a ghost is unknown, for all of the watchers look the same.

    The boy shakes his head, though he cannot move it, as the scratching joining with declarations of the truth become more like whispers from everywhere all at once.

    “Wasn’t that… THE TIME YOU LOST? Even if they died, falling to their DEATHS as you caused them EARNESTLY, leaving without a single… coin…?”

    “Fuck… you…”

    Pushing onto his throbbing wound, the man tries to hold back the tears as the woman pours him another cup with a loving expression.

    The rarest face she shows, one he never wants to miss.

    Quickly finishing, she pushes forward a small, earthen-ware bowl containing a sweet sauce that she dips a piece of cooked rabbit meat into.
    Offering it up for the man menacing an unknown stranger…

    “Try this, [ ]. It might be… almost as good as the sauce you make.”
    The alluring eyes, almost flirting but never quite making it, draw attention to her wet lips. A figure which is between athletic and thin holds sexual appeal that he’s cultivated for over a decade, willingly igniting with the man’s tale soon offered for her consideration.

    The woman is… always better when the man wins, fondly looking at him as if he holds value in her heart, as the boy recalls.


    A question that seems to be voiced from everyone’s mouths is actually hurled by…


    Stabbed as he is in every major appendage joint, the painful question comes from the man desperately crawling with one half-functioning arm over rough ground. Pulling at the roots of bushes in this wooded area, he longs to flee an inescapable death.

    Haunted and hunted by this boy/man and his wife, the Beloved plunges into the man’s shoulder again and again, until the ball joint finally shatters with an appealing cracking sound.

    “AHHHH! STOP! STOP! The sect already… paid you for the blood and hair!? Why are you…!?”

    The man’s face is caked in dirt mixed with his never-ending tears, the ground turning muddy and liquid as the salty fluid contaminates the world. Pale, thin, and having a sickening sort of glow to him as always, a handsome face is now suitably twisted.

    Sighing in satisfaction, the butcher smiles kindly as he leans in, grabbing the spear and twisting it before yanking free. The squirt of blood joins with the hideous yell of the quadriplegic man at his mercy.

    “Weeeelllll, I’m not actually pissed about that. Business is business, and you really helped… us out with saving me from her troubling debts. If anything, I appreciate it! Very much! But, you know… there’s one thing…”
    Squatting beside the man, the demonic attacker applies an ointment to the man’s wounds to desperate pleadings not to. The bleeding stops fairly quickly, the exposed inner flesh turning an awful purple color as the body twitches and writhes.

    Vines lick about the soon-to-be-corpse as the two share this scene alone, all of the flora soaking up the violence with great gusto.

    “It was all fine until you just had to use those lips for something they didn’t need to be used for. Weaving stories about ‘releasing a bird from its cage and showing it the world’ before… touching some lips that don’t belong to you as a reward…
    No, I’ll give you credit: that was a damn good line. I’ll remember that one, in your honor~.”

    Planting his spear in the thick detritus of the forest bed, the insane killer with an affable smile leans over his unfortunate prey.

    “But I gotta say, the only intimate relationship you’re going to have with a hole is one you’re not going to lust for, Torrel~!
    … No, if it’s you, you might?”

    Grimacing, the incredible anger seeping from the man’s deceptively strong body destroys the deception of being merely a traveling merchant of dubious wealth.
    Instead, a powerful, former Xin’Reh reveals his mercilessly tight lips to his prey.

    “… The joke won’t work if you swing that way. Oh well, ‘the sparrow when visited by the cat is either late to lunch or part of it’. Too late to change the jest!”

    The boy is torn between revulsion and delight, with them both being far too similar, as he watches this justifiably impermissible act about to reach its conclusion.
    Spitting into the crying man’s mouth when he tries to beg for his life, the monster pretending to be human grabs the other’s useless, dead arms and starts pulling him along the leafy carpet.

    “Nobody takes her from me.


    And you won’t have her heart, much less outside of her body. It’s mine! And you are…”

    Taking a moment to rest while dragging him, the man breaks the other’s face in with a hard, aura-augmented stomp. Left with a flat nose and a cheek punctured by bone, the man who should be in shock manages to find words for his killer.

    “… No, but even if you put me into that barrow and leave me to die for a week with medicine prolonging my agony… that’s not actually going to make HEEEEEER closer to you, RIGHT? Because… you never intend to actually tell her what you did… so…”

    The boy and man are both surprised by the next words.

    “IS THIS FOR HER, OR FOR YOU? ISN’T IT HARD TO TELL THESE DAYS, [ ]? … Coming to Me, This Lady can think of only two reasons…”


    Silk sheets rustle, the woman’s overly thick body pulling to a much leaner one. Though her skin has seen better days, the quality of beauty she maintains is still genuine. A life of pampering and rare mental discipline gives her a lasting youth others would be denied.

    “… [ ], My… suitor, tell me truthfully: is it This Lady, or what you’ve already no doubt found?” A voice neither grating nor gratifying, but completely ruined by heavy pleasure, seeks an audience with her desperate paramour. With an arm thrown over him, a silent man with sweat and juices staining his body is pulled into an overly warm and equally liquid embrace.
    The man's shivering is what alerted her, it having begun during the story she braggingly told long before his climax inside of her.

    “This Lady is neither a fool nor a genius, yet capably observant. A pretense for your hidden transgressions is permittable, should you merely voice your eternal oath now. Say it and… This Lady…

    … I… will…”

    The self-proclaimed direct descendant of the Emperor asks only that a man abandon the world and remain within her closed one. Unable to recall the thoughts that led to the decision forthcoming, the boy wonders what was so wrong with this outstanding offer of dedication.
    Even though her suffocating jade eyes are merciless as always, her heart betrays her as easily as the man does. A wild beating shows that she does not care if the truth is spoken, only that the correct words are honestly said.

    Staring at her with a handsome smile…

    … for the first time in his entire life, something drains from his naked body, with the guilt revealing after.
    With lust sated, the brief and perpetual moment shared still cannot overcome what he feels elsewhere, no matter his genuine, fake feelings discovered with this desirable woman he was denied meeting until it was too late.
    Quickly snuffing those emotions, he laments the cost of the treasured story she shared at the height of her passion; for, even if he says he did this for another's sake, he did finally stray.

    “… It… wouldn’t be real. Even if I say that… I… to you…

    … I do care… but, if it’s… me…”

    Voice freezing at every other word, the man finally smiles openly for the first time in his life with another present.
    At least another that isn’t also always covered in blood.

    “Well, sorry. I’m a… sinner and a horrible man.
    I have someone else and always will, even if I don’t ever tell her I… love her? With you… it just…?”
    The words uttered by a total idiot in a room full of immeasurable pleasures state how lost he is, leaving him forced to sigh.

    “I couldn’t be with you if it’s not… right, you know? And I already used you, so it's… too late for that, and also for me.

    But, I will always treasure this moment and you-”

    A bone-jarring slap occurs when the man lets it.
    The woman’s last words are honest, too.

    “If what is 'right' matters to you, dung-tongued [ ], then go tell that… whore… now, before you can’t…!”
    A calculating woman’s mask drops, her rage at being denied for the first time a first for him, too.

    Ending up flung out of her meager, but serviceable, palace covered by shade trees while still completely naked, he at least stole the valuable truth.
    She watches him depart from the great, golden window bearing the Emperor’s burning sigil engraved into it, a single scream of frustration despising the man who made the wrong decision.
    The black clouds falling from overhead will soon devour all these minor disagreements, yet…

    “If you truly care about her, then why did you BETRAY HER!?”


    The boy looks in horror.

    The man thrust without contest.
    The spearhead is lodged between her breasts.
    The heart he’d aimed for is completely burst by the sharp head.

    Within a cursed tomb whose rock walls grind and twitch like the inside of a creature’s stomach, a hateful face is directed toward the woman painting the floor red.
    Clattering on the ground, her dropping blade joins with the bodies of the Xin’Reh behind the man.

    As she strangles the spear penetrating her dark-blue caftan, shock alone causing her to grip it, her beautiful face and black eyes twist with the immense suffering.

    But instead of the man’s rage, her eyes reveal sadness and… the feeling of being betrayed.


    Screaming from nowhere at all, the boy finally speaks.

    Only doing what was necessary, the man kills the one who sought to kill him.

    Struggling to breathe, her lips run over with crimson lifeblood as she rejects that statement.
    “No, isn’t this… a more supreme betrayal? If you love me, then how… how could you possibly… do this…?” The woman’s arms go slack, as the light drains from her eyes.
    She falls to her knees, only the spear keeping her upright.

    The man/boy recoils in terror at the implication.

    Words spoken by a dedicated fake…

    … finally start to become a wisdom he can digest, as the one he loves dies without any point.

    The dead body stares at him, her mouth still moving.

    “… DO YOU GET IT NOW?”

    Words flow from the fresh corpse, a tone that produces an itchy feeling on the boy/man’s skin.
    A hand goes to his flesh, raking the hardening stuff.

    “Right? Isn’t it more your fault?”
    “She was the one who was ‘less intelligent’, right? So this all falls on you, yeah, because you didn’t guide her?”
    “If you really loved her, you would’ve filled in for what she was lacking, or is it all about you?”
    “Why couldn’t you see what was so fuckin’ obvious, man?”
    “If anything… you should know inside that you were the cause of it all, okay?”

    The boy/man looks behind him, shocked by the Xin'Reh soldiers whose skins are greenish and black, the deadly poison inflicted upon them leaving them capable of speech, too. Even though the blood has caked at their sealed mouths, their words flow unchallenged.

    At these words, the hidden poison inside of the demon wearing a boy/man/human’s skin breaks out, its dermis starting to feel flush with liquid, oozing freely along him and leaving him embarrassed at how he must appear.



    His mouth is full of blood as his body is impaled against the wall.

    Staring down at the woman, she finishes the last twirl in her dance as the crimson paints the room with his ground up body.

    Left silently facing each other at this climax…


    The boy’s mind is collapsing.

    All of the repressed violence inside bursts out. He pulls at the spear, longing to drive it into her, willing his body to move despite half of it being destroyed completely. The intestines fall out, depriving him of another method of ending her.

    As rage consumes him, he finally notices what he missed at that moment.

    Her mouth is quivering.
    Tears are falling.
    She’s nearly collapsing.

    “… I just… wanted you to stop… lying…”
    Holding her hand forward, open and shaking, she begs the man impaled to the wall with all her might.

    “… you just had to surrender. You’re… always smart. Smarter than… You would’ve… given up to anyone else…”


    Roaring in hatred, the feelings bottled up over a life wasted on petty vengeance choke him as the blackness regurgitates from his mouth. Worse than the lifeblood that he suffocated on the first time around, it corrupts him from the inside before escaping.
    Large tears tumble from her face as her nose fills with snot, the proud beauty who always shows such a condescending attitude looking like a lost child as she shivers. Despite being the winner of the fight, arms lift to hug him.

    “… [ ], you can’t… die…
    I need…!

    Pleaaase, DON’T LEA-!”


    In opposition to her desperation, one vicious word silences the entire exchange.
    More mocking than the boy remembers, the man of now denies her with all his might, seemingly having heard the admissions and being revolted by them.

    Her face goes white, a mouth mechanically closing.
    Features tighten, the same look as always returning to her.


    There’s no light in her eyes.

    [ ], at his moment of death, had also horribly murdered [ ].

    The selfish and vindictive boy ended the life of his rage-filled and hateful partner.
    A hopeless, twisted love died by equal blows.

    At the conclusion of her death, a creaking body stumbles forward. Arriving at the sarcophagus, it climbs until the wraith-like thing is staring at him from behind long, black hair stained red.

    “… Hey, [ ]? If you have to ask who betrayed whom, then wouldn’t that person… no, the original betrayal always be one begun by you?”

    The boy’s mind goes wild, as the darkness all about him is finally revealed.


    A storm of voices and shadows, all tumultuous, impatient, and reverent, circle the thing at the center of its attention.
    With its body collapsing…

    “Heeeey, it’s pretty easy to understand a life like yours now, right?”

    The girl wearing torn sack clothes with long, black hair that drips blood at all times dances around it, pestering it childishly as flesh changes and a mind expands with true knowledge. Even now, the sharp bones break free from the fragile arms.

    “If you think about it, isn’t the one wrong from the start you?”


    “No, isn’t that unkind, hee! Not from the start!” A fat man in frayed robes that ill-fit him moves to look down at the thing that is wallowing on the floor.
    Hee, you were just… the best assistant. The quickest, hee, and always the smartest!” Kneeling with enormous effort, the man with elegant jowls reflects delight in his void-filled eyes.

    Hee, hee, you always acted like you weren’t listening, hee, like it wasn’t sinking in…”

    With bubbling warmth on the fat man’s face, he smiles gaily in congratulations, his skin greasy with his own rotted death.

    “… but you proved me wrong, son. All of the useful things, hee, I tried to teach, you just stretched your wings and soared with them! Hee, you were far better, hee, than I ever was…!”

    Full of warmth, the man’s voice is more genuine than it ever was in the thing’s youth. A kind hand pats the monster’s back that then bursts open to reveal expanding chitin.


    “Rather than worrying about destiny and Fate, shouldn’t you worry about…”
    Bending down, the butcher girl grips its head, bringing the revolting killer closer.

    “FaCiNg WhAt YoU aRe?”
    Producing jagged teeth, her unusually kind smile ends in a kiss.

    The sludge that flows freely, spewing about the monster’s form and reflecting the satisfaction of the babbling spectators, cannot be traced to its origin.

    “WhO iS [ ]?!???!”
    Unable to say the name, the decades-long dead man begs his protege to understand, with a hissing wheeze coming from where his lunges show through.


    The scampering lifeform’s attempt to announce its newfound freedom is prevented by its inability to speak, now. The form it longs to share with others is quite new and immensely natural to the black thoughts it was formed from.
    It races around in the collapsing world on two limbs, trying to find the exit back to where it was sent from, remembering explicit instructions…


    Grains of rainbow impact him as he falls towards a brightening light, the layers of shining stone he slips through like gelatinous crystal flowing over his body, as he ascends to the source of the beckoning voice.

    The man stands in a grand courtyard.
    All around him is a synchronized drone.

    As the man looks around, he realizes he knows this courtyard, though he has never personally visited it.
    To be more specific, he recognizes the grand Imperial Bridge which crosses into the inner sanctum.

    All around him are tiered walls.
    On these walls, heavily draped human forms sit, their arms lifted to the heavens while their fleshless mouths linger forever open.
    These living creatures do naught but cry out a name, unburdened by anything that can inhibit their praises.

    The golden-trimmed, jade-adorned walls, overhangs, and architecture bleed rainbow. From the red markings of the Emperor’s sigil, inscribed on every important surface, a great, shining darkness emits.

    Looking up over the inner sanctum, a building so large and foreboding that it consumes the very air around it, appearing more like a great oak made of stone than a building…
    The man sees a collossal cross stretching to pierce the clouds.

    The whole air is captivated by its presence.
    The sky itself darkens overhead, the caliginous energies moving to join with it from the rotating clouds above, before spreading out over all of Xin.
    Darkness like that which radiates from the sigils confirms to the man that the cross and the sigils are designed to work together, blanketing the entire continent with the will of the one that controls it.

    On the bridge.
    Is the monster that is the will of the cross.

    “The Emperor!?” A strangled scream is the man's hateful accusation.

    “How incredibly observant, peasant.”

    Scoffing with its eyes still closed, the godlike ruler graces the man with a musing sneer. Its voice like the masculine burn of strong alcohol is measured and sarcastically inciteful.

    “A slave has finally answered the call of its Owner. How dutiful the recipient of My boons and a pledged servitor Xin'Reh continually demonstrates itself to-”
    Black eyes with white irises open slowly to gaze upon him, before a minor emotion comes to its face when it stops speaking.

    When the monster betrays unexpected emotion, the droning from the assembled masses increases in furiousness. More walls rise with grinding, metallic screams, thrusting more pleading voices skyward.
    The entire area centered over a pit that has no apparent bottom is filled with plaintive cries bemoaning this supreme existence's sudden annoyance.

    “… HAH, even when specifically summoned by name, this disrespectful whelp sends a puppet, instead. Such piety!” A short laugh accompanies the monster’s disbelief, the evil eyes narrowing to hostilely regard the man who is now less than dirt in its eyes.

    White skin is a contrast against its incredibly long, woven black beard and hair, both of which meet the ground. The thing’s face is the definition of “royal,” yet so rigid its flesh is that it resembles a mask.
    All of its features scream pride and arrogance, with an eagle-like nose possibly its only detriment, giving its broad face a sort of jagged knife stabbing towards what it shows condescension to.

    The thing’s masculine voice warps with its craning stature of over seven feet, the thing's overly thin body wearing a mesh-gold robe tailored to render its inhuman tallness as a sculpted, peacock-like display.
    Liquid Drops of Creation, which should not be able to hold form as jewelry, adorn its body while clasped by silver chains. The necklaces layered over its neck are sufficient to crush an average man’s spine, every Drop priceless beyond imagining.

    A decrepit, but powerful, hand lifts to curl its mutant, long fingers, beckoning him.
    The man is carried onto the bridge, his legs moving without him willing it.

    “Worthless simulacrum of the fool that plundered My divine sleep and drove My eminence to this fell place: answer one question, and one question, only. Dissemble not, nor seek to fool.”
    This Emperor of Emperors’ voice fills the man with trepidation, the self-importance denying the existence of all creatures other than it, of the idea that anything but this ruler has true sentience.

    “Why does a speck refuse to rule, even if undeserved? When offered… everything, living flesh desires… nothing?”

    The man’s voice comes out when disallowed refusal.
    “I don’t need to rule like a king! I don’t want it! I don’t need it! No responsibility for it do I desire, no greater purpose needed for my life! All I want is to have what I want to have!”
    The man’s thoughts flow like water from a broken dam to rush off this bridge, where his voice can barely be heard over the synchronized cries of this ruler’s slaves.

    “Everything will go wrong, eventually! You have power, people come for it! All I want is… for them to know just how I can beat them with less! I don’t need them to obey! Just… acknowledge me!”
    Collapsing a bit, the man then lets his anger carry him.

    “I… want… to… not… be…!”
    Even with the Emperor's irrefusable demand, the most undignified reason cannot be admitted, because it's not included within the man's memories.

    “I want that… and… also…!”
    Images of a woman with long hair are replaced by four girls, their silhouettes not coming to the man, nor information about them, solely a small feeling that he desires to have them.
    “I want them! I want to have a life of my own, with them around! I want them to be there, to listen, to grow! I want to share it! While I make them mine!


    A contradictory stream of words flow out, overwhelming greed mixing with romantic longings. The royal creature in front of the man finally scrunches its face as if ill, with the man growing angry at the lack of respect.

    “You old ghost! All you know is slavery! I saw the images! You simply want to destroy their ability to resist! If I listened to you, those girls would belong to me… as brain-dead husks! I don’t want puppets, I want women, you self-aggrandizing, dickless corpse of a man!”
    Raising an eyebrow, the creature’s face is emotionless as it asks a sole question.

    “Believe this puppet does, that such disjointed ramblings represent a way of living that is superior to My Will?”
    The even tone seeks to deny the man’s entire life.

    “FUCK YOU, YES!”

    The untamed spirit of the man still exists, trapped underneath all of the lies and failures, the weight of the passage of time still not having killed his ridiculous self-image.
    “I refuse to let anyone decide my life for me! It’s happened for far too long! I’ll never give in again!”
    Cackling with insane glee, the man manages to point a shaking finger at the Emperor which rules all of existence, producing a mild look of curiosity and surprise from the golden conqueror.

    “Shitty old tyrant, I’ve ruined everyone else in my life! Why not try to fuck up your day, too!? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
    Finding his cursed nature the most lovable thing of all, the man finally loses what’s left of his shattered psyche's stability.

    Bringing its hand up to stroke the longest beard one can grow, it shakes its head finally.
    The monstrous Emperor joins briefly, if in a deadpan manner, with the madman’s cascading laughter.
    Its eyes look tired as it dismisses the heap of trash in front of it after the shared moment ends.

    “What sort of futile life creates a thing like this?”

    Trying to lash out in outrage, the man finds he cannot.
    The droning voices increase in intensity, instead.



    A great roar assaults the man’s mind, his knees going weak as his sense of worth and self drain out through his feet, never to return.

    “… Such hubris, from a mud-covered whelp's perspective. Of all of the banalities mentioned, only one saves such a roach from being considered perfectly worthless.”
    Walking away from the man who is trapped where he stands, the Emperor stops on the bridge and twirls in place to return its gaze.

    “VERY WELL. I am still a… roach’s Emperor, as sad as that be, and thus it is My responsibility to hear and understand all desires…
    … regardless of worth, for that was My Decree.”
    A silver cross flies out from inside of the thing’s golden robes to land in its decrepit hand.
    The Emperor holds it aloft.

    “Outside, and outside alone, demands My undeserved Mercies granted, so that total destruction may be averted.”
    The cross begins to shine in darkness, the larger cross above increasing to join it. The voices calling this thing’s name become joyous as they await for its power to manifest, their bodies shaking in ecstasy.

    “Desire not to rule, does an insect? Then do not!
    As punishment, I shall give a fitting gift, for tomb robbing is in need of correction!”

    The cross’s darkness lances into the man, who begins screaming as if he’s being vivisected alive. Indeed, his insides begin to spiritually change.

    “Bear this message enscribed upon memories, puppet:

    [You shall never rule another, only yourself! Others shall seek to rule you!]

    [You shall never hoard treasures unused, only what you yourself wield! All other wealth shall be transitory!]

    [You shall never be known to others, for all your successes will be spoken of in rumor! All will see only your station and remember your shadow!]

    [You shall never be loved, except by those who choose to latch onto you! All who see you shall instead loathe your presence, as if you are the day of reckoning they know forthcoming!]”

    The oppressive, continent-spanning voice foretells the man’s doom.

    “Ah, but is at least one aspect not somewhat commendable?”
    Smiling like a perverted old man now, the Emperor licks a black tongue over its dry lips.
    “‘For the sake of women,’ I feel kinship to this lust. So, for a lesser kindred, I shall decree this:

    HAVE ALL THAT YOU CAN! In fact, live not if you cannot.
    [All that you shall mark this world with is your conquests, that and nothing more. But ever shall conquests appear before you for tempting…! Muuuu-kukuku!].”

    Smiling with sharpened teeth, the creature before him chuckles at its own private joke, lifting the cuff of its robe to its mouth as it lingers in its mirth.
    The man is slack-jawed, unsure of what to do, before the creature in front of him notices his lack of action.

    “Do not further gaze upon My Perfection, puppet. Complete a task, now, and carry this wisdom across the demarcation of My Heaven:

    A medicine may heal when imbibed correctly, but when taken falsely it is pure poison. If the medicine which may heal only slightly fails to cure, then more relief may come from the maker of it, should one barter for a superior version.”

    Finishing its words, the Emperor nods its head once, wiping its sandpaper face with a black satin cloth before turning around. It strides back to its inner sanctum with true art in its footsteps, a dignity the man has never witnessed before being demonstrated.

    The drone of its slaves changes in tone as it departs.

    The man looks up to the great cross above and sees that it is shining white, the dark clouds above it parting, something… from beyond these clouds descending rapidly.

    A rainbow-colored beam crashes to the stone tiles, obliterating the man before he can even scream, as its brightness disintegrates the entire world.

    Name: [ ]
    Titles: Successor
    Race: Darkworlder (Former Human)
    Sex: ???
    Age: As Old As Human Nightmares

    Occupation: Horror
    Discipline: Unspeakable


    Disposition: DISGUSTING / VIOLENT / Sinner
    Alignment: Chaotic

    Eyes: EVIL
    Hair: ???

    Rantil Value – “Master is kind of weird, now~.”

    Cethran Value – “Are you not the most beautiful of all?"


    "WHO IS [ ]!?!?!"





    Name: ???
    Titles: Emperor of Emperors
    Race: Xin'El (Previously)
    Sex: Male
    Age: ???

    "Yet again, My eminence cleans up after the mistakes of others, even on disparate worlds. Waste not My time with annoying eccentricities such as this."


    "Emperor of Xin" - "Pathetic worm, pray a roach's answer is correct."