Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Deleted member 262282, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. lunafreya

    lunafreya Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2020
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    Ahhh yes !! Hopefully we have some preggo spoilers but the novel seems ongoing so it's going to be a while ..:cookie:
  2. Lucky5698

    Lucky5698 Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
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    Hello i recently verified my account to access 19+ and it was very easy. First create a ridibooks account and then send an email to [email protected] (with a photo in jpg format attached of any of your identification card like passport or DL or voter id, it should have your name and date of birth you can strike out the rest of info like your photo) or you can write an inquiry here https://help.ridibooks.com/hc/ko/signin?return_to=https://help.ridibooks.com/hc/ko/requests/new?ticket_form_id=580827
    Please ping me if you have any doubts:blobsmilehappyeyes::blobsmilehappyeyes:
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  3. Lucky5698

    Lucky5698 Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2020
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    As previously mentioned by someone ch 15 has snu snu:blob_blush:. So i will think of an alternative method, since it's not appropriate to post it here:blobsmile:
  4. Hanylee

    Hanylee Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2020
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    [QUOTE = "mina713, postingan: 5827027, anggota: 276905"] [SPOILER = "torture"] Jadi Raphlet sebenarnya tidak tahu bahwa Helio menyiksa Yuriel. Helio hendak melakukan penyiksaan yang lebih mengerikan karena Yuriel tidak berbicara, tapi pada menit terakhir dia menawarkan kepada Yuriel bahwa dia akan membiarkannya tinggal di Albraca di sebelah Raphlet (sebagai pembantunya) jika dia menceritakan tentang kekuatannya dan dia langsung setuju sehingga dia tidak harus menggunakan itu (dia juga seperti wtf ?? ketika dia setuju begitu cepat karena dia menolak begitu keras untuk berbicara sebelumnya). Raphlet sengaja mendengar Yuriel menyebutkan penyiksaan tetapi dia menutupi untuk Helio karena dia ingin memastikan dia menepati kesepakatannya.
    Tidak diragukan lagi Raphlet akan membunuh Helio saat itu juga jika dia tahu. [/ SPOILER]

    [SPOILER = "afrodisiak snusnu"]
    Jadi ada adegan snusnu liar di mana Raphlet dibius? beberapa afrodisiak saya pikir.
    Tetapi beberapa konteks:
    - Ada seorang putri yang sangat gila dan terobsesi dengan monster, jadi dia membenci Raphlet lol karena dia memiliki sesuatu yang dia inginkan (inti di dadanya).
    - dan tentu saja ketika Putri mendengar tentang kekuatan Yuriel, dia menjadi tertarik dan pada dasarnya membuat jebakan untuk Yuriel, tapi kemudian Raphlet datang untuk menyelamatkannya (Putri tidak tahu dia ada di sana) dan akhirnya mendapat potongan dari monster yang sebenarnya mengandung racun yang bertindak sebagai afrodisiak sambil melindunginya.
    - Racun membuat seseorang berhalusinasi dan melihat keinginan terdalam mereka dan afrodisiak hanya akan hilang setelah hasrat seksual seseorang telah dipuaskan sepenuhnya.
    Soooo Yuriel menemukan Raphlet tersentak dan kemudian tertangkap olehnya, sementara Raphlet mengira dia berhalusinasi ketika melihatnya (dan dia selalu menginginkannya, rupanya dia bermimpi melakukannya dengannya sepanjang waktu sehingga dia tidak terkejut melihatnya ) dan dia melakukannya bersamanya .... seperti kebanyakan. : blob_blush:Dia melakukannya dengan sepenuhnya karena dia pikir itu semua hanya imajinasinya
    [/ SPOILER]

    Dalam beberapa adegan snusnu di masa depan, dia menahan diri karena dia tidak ingin menyakitinya dan juga tidak ingin dia muak dengan keinginannya yang agak duniawi / kekerasan. Dia sangat terangsang tetapi pada dasarnya hati-hati lol.

    Tapi pemeran utama wanita kami sebenarnya cukup horny xD Ada begitu banyak bagian lucu yang tidak bisa saya ingat semuanya, tapi ini beberapa:
    - suatu kali dia bertanya pada Raphlet apakah dia bisa menyentuh penisnya dan ketika dia mengatakan tidak, dia seperti 'tapi kenapa !!' dan kemudian mulai mendemonstrasikan (dengan lidahnya) hal-hal yang dia pelajari dari kelas pendidikan seks (ya rupanya ketika dia masih muda dia dan banyak orang lain diberi kelas ini serta nasihat dari kakak pelayannya yang lebih tua) dan Raphlet seperti "... . "
    - ^ tepat setelah ini, Raphlet berkata, "kita tidak bisa" dan Yuriel seperti "oh, benar, kudengar pria hanya bisa melakukannya sekali atau dua kali dalam satu waktu, ditambah lagi kamu baru saja kembali dari pertempuran. Kamu pasti sangat lelah, bukan? " - secara tidak sengaja melukai harga dirinya : blobsmirk:dan dia mengatakan kepadanya itu demi dia, dan pada dasarnya melakukan sedikit hal dengannya tetapi berhenti karena dia kesakitan (mereka melakukannya banyak malam sebelumnya) dan dia seperti "sudah kubilang" jadi dia memberi up .... tapi masih bertanya apakah mereka setidaknya bisa berciuman. Dia menghela nafas tetapi melemparkannya ke tempat tidur dan memberikan apa yang dia inginkan: blobamused:
    - Juga, ada suatu waktu di mana Yuriel terluka dan Raphlet memutuskan lagi bahwa dia perlu mengirimnya kembali tetapi setiap kali dia mencoba untuk mengangkat topik, Yuriel merayunya dan dia terganggu : blobrofl:

    Ini sangat lucu karena meskipun mereka sudah melakukannya, Yuriel masih agak .... tidak bersalah lol. Aku tidak tahu bagaimana menjelaskannya. Dia sangat ceria dan polos, dia sangat imut. Dia agak mengingatkan saya pada Yeni dari Rayuan Ayah Penjahat.
    [/ SPOILER]

    Secara keseluruhan, novel ini memiliki tone yang gelap. Jangan berharap unicorn dan pelangi. Ada banyak hal yang perlahan terungkap yang menunjukkan korupsi dan keserakahan karakter / dunia. Kepribadian pemeran utama wanita adalah satu-satunya hal yang xD ceria dan ceria, dan kurasa beberapa interaksi halus antara pemeran utama nanti. [/ QUOTE]
    Need more
  5. Jem3710

    Jem3710 nerd

    Apr 5, 2020
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    thank you!!! Ima leave the mtl I used for all that here

    [QUOTE = "mina713, post: 5827027, member: 276905"] [SPOILER = "torture"] So Raphlet didn't actually know that Helio was torturing Yuriel. Helio was about to commit an even more gruesome torture because Yuriel didn't speak, but at the last minute he offered to Yuriel that he would let her stay in Albraca next to Raphlet (as her maid) if she told him about her powers and she immediately agreed so she wouldn't have to use them ( she also like wtf ?? when she agreed so quickly because she refused so hard to speak before). Raphlet overhears Yuriel mention torture but she covers up for Helio because she wants to make sure he keeps his deal.
    There was no doubt that Raphlet would have killed Helio right then and there if he found out. [/ SPOILER]

    [SPOILER = "snusnu aphrodisiac"]
    So there was a scene where Raphlet was drugged? some aphrodisiac I think.
    But some context:
    - There is a princess who is very crazy and obsessed with monsters, so she hates Raphlet lol because she has something she wants (core in her chest).
    - and of course when the Princess heard about Yuriel's powers, she became interested and basically set up a trap for Yuriel, but then Raphlet came to save her (the Princess didn't know she was there) and finally got the cut from a monster that actually contained poison acting as a aphrodisiac while protecting it.
    - Poison makes a person hallucinate and see their deepest desires and the aphrodisiac will only disappear after a person's sexual desire has been completely satisfied.
    Soooo Yuriel found Raphlet flinched and then caught by her, while Raphlet thought she was hallucinating when she saw him (and she always wanted to, apparently she dreams of doing it with him all the time so he isn't surprised to see her) and she does it with him .... like most. : blob_blush: He did it to the fullest because he thought it was all his imagination
    [/ SPOILER]

    In some of Snusnu's future scenes, he holds back because he doesn't want to hurt him nor does he want her to be disgusted by his somewhat mundane / violent desires. He's very aroused but basically careful lol.

    But our female lead is actually quite horny xD There are so many cute parts I can't remember all of them, but here are a few:
    - once she asked Raphlet if she could touch his cock and when she said no she was like 'but why !!' and then began demonstrating (with his tongue) the things he learned from sex education classes (yes apparently when he was young he and many others were given this class as well as the advice of his older servant sister) and Raphlet was like ".... "
    - ^ right after this, Raphlet said, "we can't" and Yuriel was like "oh right, I heard men can only do it once or twice at a time, plus you just came back from fighting. You must be really tired, right? ? "- accidentally hurt her pride: blobsmirk: and she told him it was for her sake, and basically did a little bit with her but stopped because she was in pain (they did it a lot the night before) and she's like" I told you "so she gave up .... but still asking if they could at least kiss. He sighed but threw her on the bed and gave her what she wanted: blobamused:
    - Also, there was a time where Yuriel was injured and Raphlet decided again that she needed to send him back but whenever she tried to bring up the topic, Yuriel seduced him and he was interrupted: blobrofl:

    It's really funny because even though they've done it, Yuriel is still kinda… innocent lol. I don't know how to explain it. He is very cheerful and innocent, he is very cute. He kind of reminded me of Yeni from Bad Father's Seduction.
    [/ SPOILER]

    Overall, this novel has a dark tone. Don't expect unicorns and rainbows. There are many things that are slowly being revealed that show the corruption and greed of the character / world. The personality of the female lead is the only thing that is cheerful and cheerful, and I guess some subtle interactions between the leads will come later. [/ QUOTE]
    Need more
  6. Manimanga

    Manimanga Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Did they drop this novel?
  7. honingzoet

    honingzoet Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2020
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    no; they said on the woopread discord that the translator is currently dealing with some irl issues
  8. Thclownn

    Thclownn Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    Last edited: Mar 9, 2021
  9. Geedi

    Geedi Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2020
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    Am i reading this right this girls a freak
  10. Thclownn

    Thclownn Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2021
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    What do you mean?
  11. aqilwall

    aqilwall Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2021
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    It is completed. There are no side stories.
    The ending was really abrupt. A lot of readers were pissed and disappointed with the ending. I felt like many scenes were cut out.
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  12. aqilwall

    aqilwall Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2021
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    What is the definition of Happy ending? It is hard to answer that question.
    At the end FL and ML were alive and living together. The rest of people were all killed by ....... There were more shocking things at the end.
  13. Sweet potatoes 123

    Sweet potatoes 123 New Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Does someone have the raw? I can't make an account on ridi books.
  14. overtanned

    overtanned Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    Will Helio die in the ending?
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  15. aqilwall

    aqilwall Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I dont remember.
    But the guy who did the prophecy died and returned as monster. Basically everyone was killed by ML except FL.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2021
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  16. overtanned

    overtanned Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2020
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    Thanks for the answer :aww:
  17. Isaac20

    Isaac20 Dark Lord | RS

    Oct 12, 2020
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    Wow...just wow..The cover of this novel is hot and as I guessed it's a R-18 story. So I have to wait.:notworthy:
    Juslikejazz and Manimanga like this.
  18. blacknevar

    blacknevar Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2021
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