Discussion Do you sometimes feel out of place when you are with your friends?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Deleted member 363076, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. Deleted member 363076

    Deleted member 363076 Guest

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    I get ya~~ Gramps.
    Even I want an overflowing silver beard, it gives intellectual vibes.
    elengee likes this.
  2. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Yes, I feel this way when I am at my most depressed. I’ll feel it on occasion at normal times, but often when I’m suffering from depression. How are you feeling otherwise?
    Deleted member 363076 likes this.
  3. elengee

    elengee Daoist Ninefaps

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Even the disney ladies want in on that beardy goodness.
  4. Deleted member 363076

    Deleted member 363076 Guest

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    U r sooooo~ooooo goddamn hilarious.
    I can't keep up with this.
    Hahahahah hahahaha hahahaha
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  5. SoulZer0

    SoulZer0 Heaven Refining

    Oct 25, 2016
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    I always feel like that. But I don't really care much. My real life is merely a facade. My real self is somewhere, on the internet, either in some online video games or online boards throwing insults at people.
    Deleted member 363076 likes this.
  6. Deleted member 363076

    Deleted member 363076 Guest

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    Even I feel like my RL is a facade.~~
  7. Lissi

    Lissi 『Queen of Lissidom』『Holy Chibi』『Western Birdy』『⚓』

    Feb 24, 2021
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    Yes, sometimes~ When I get lost because I don't understand anything they're saying... I feel very alone QAQ
    Deleted member 363076 likes this.
  8. phonebinder

    phonebinder Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2021
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    This happens all the time. Me and my friend go out to play and we don't know what to talk about making the situation awkward.
    When my friend is with another friend, I'm always the one that left out in conversations, so I don't want to go outside anymore. I also want free time for myself.
    By making too many excuses, I feel like my friends now hate me.
    I want to have no social life and be by myself, but my parents force me to hang out with them making these situations even more awkward.
    I also have a hundred relatives visiting each day making my situation even more tough. I want to be myself and read peacefully after all.
    This is my life so far
    Anyone else?
    Deleted member 363076 likes this.
  9. Bobasis

    Bobasis Weeeeee

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Sometimes I feel like that >.> . Like I’m talking with them but I just feel alone .
    Deleted member 363076 likes this.
  10. AliceShiki

    AliceShiki 『Ms. Tree』『Magical Girl of Love and Justice』

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Ah, it sometimes happened I guess... Sometimes I just can't mingle properly and don't want to be there I guess~
    Deleted member 363076 likes this.
  11. Yakinori

    Yakinori Human

    May 15, 2020
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    With my previous churchmates, yes. Went inactive for almost a year and then when I came back, I feel really out of place. My ex-best friend, who's also one of my churchmates, doesn't even talk to me anymore.
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  12. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    He is a pretty clever guy. Lol
  13. Agentt

    Agentt Loves cats and pats and my wife

    Oct 7, 2020
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    I don't have any rl friends, my only precious gems are people here
  14. Deleted member 363076

    Deleted member 363076 Guest

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    Yeahhh~~~ same.:-(

    Hmmmm. Like what's the need to be there(I feel that too)~~
  15. Mr. Tired

    Mr. Tired Professional Idiot

    Apr 21, 2021
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    I felt that way a LOT, and there were many uncountable moments when someone would say something pretty..messed up, or controversial, and high tension would fill the air, or a small fight ensued. Every now and then, the thought 'This is f__king uncomfortable, why/what the hell even?' would cross my mind. It used to be chill, but then people started changing or showing their true colours I guess, and we all fell off.

    A few stayed, and we picked up more people after that. And it was good for a while. Then high school came. And they started changing and becoming dipshits/showing their true colours, or trying to 'fit in' by being an arrogant ass hat.
    Okay Marvin, so you told a rape joke, har har. Now you're a 'peppy cool popular kid' ugh.
    No thoughts.

    Then I dropped them all, found a new friend, and joined her little circle. They were chill, and even though there were quite a lot of them (we took up two entire lunch tables, the kinds that fold up. Fit about 12 or 15 people) I still felt alone, and kind of mingling. I also knew some of them didn't like me. Especially one. Hell, they couldn't even tell me that they didn't.
    They made a friend of BOTH of us (I felt so bad for her. Surprise, no longer friends with her either) go up to me and say, "T doesn't like you..." And I kinda went "Ah..may I know why at least?" And the grimace on her face when she relayed what T said:
    "You know when you just DON'T like someone? yeah, I don't know why or what it is, I just don't like him."
    Aight then, Tiffany. And then I cried later in the bathroom a bit because I had a huge crush on her haha...man, that hurt big time, honestly.

    And then I fell off with all of them two, and I only have 3 people I hang around.
    One is a super close friend since middle school and she is just a really good person, a real raging lovely mom-friend.
    There is another girl from middle school, though less close but like...we touch each hair and hug- not sure how that relays, but physical affection is strong with people we're close with.
    And then a friend of both of them, who I've seen around and only met, but she cool. She swagger.

    And they're all raging lesbians, so I guess..aha, it's kinda funny. And I know nothing will happen between us, I'm just...there. Chilling. With the three swagger people.

    Wow, this kinda turned into a rant, anyway.
  16. Deleted member 363076

    Deleted member 363076 Guest

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    I was brought into my friend grp had known them for a v long time but you know, there is ur pride and all so could never muster up the courage to enter the grp always afraid of not being accepted. But one of my friend from a v long time brought me in, I was welcomed and all, became a part of them, shared secrets, talked a hell lot but I felt that they don't like me the way I do, um, school was a competitive playground being a part of the hierarchy had many cons. They at times just made use of my emotions for them, I felt like I was played.
    Ah!! Maybe that's just how I felt. During difficult times I only had myself.
    Even now we talk a lot, u know ig chats, texting, et cetera. But I still feel a bit uncomfortable with certain members, it just ya know~~
  17. Deleted member 320749

    Deleted member 320749 Guest

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    We are alone. Friends are people who just pass by to your path from time to time. It's normal to feel alone. Yup:blobhero:. Cheer up brother, rather than thinking too deeply about this, why don't you try enjoying by yourself? I now see things in a positive light whenever i don't place my expectations on others and enjoy my time alone. I don't call this being alone rather when then call me loner, i'd like to call it self-love and appreciatition
  18. Deleted member 363076

    Deleted member 363076 Guest

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    Hahahaha yeah!!
    That's just how I content myself too~~
    Deleted member 320749 likes this.
  19. Deleted member 321603

    Deleted member 321603 Guest

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    hmm Whenever I feel like that dunno if my friends can read my mind or something they are always like oi what's with you where have you gone huh and take me with them so I forgot what I was even thinking >.>
    tbh I am quite person and my friends are like you shiuld talk more and ask me alot of questions hahaha I am glad I have them
  20. efo

    efo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2020
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    I have 3 or 4 friends that I hang out with. I'm a very antisocial person, so much that I can stay home for a very VERY long time without getting bored. ( quarantine is like a heaven to me. ) so we usually hanging out at my house ( fortunately we live in the same apartment. ) but when 2 or 3 of them came together I feel "lonely", "out of place" just like you do. I feel like a third wheel or like I shouldn't be there, even though I know that they're not doing it intentionally... ( great. I feel depressed now.:blobsad: )
    that's why I am trying to hang out with one of them at a time.

    ...wait...can I call that "hangng out" since we're not going outside? hmmm:hmm:..........oh well, looks like I still need to learn english more.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2021