A weird dream I had...

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Deleted member 336322, Jul 23, 2021.

  1. Deleted member 336322

    Deleted member 336322 Guest

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    So, it all starts when I’m at an anime store, and I’m 8 years old and a very devoted anime fan. The store was COMPLETELY sold out, except for a large case that looked like a huge book, and it said ‘euphoria’ on it. The tag on it said: ‘euphoria Book case complete set with DVD and game, with stickers, dakimakura cover, and 8” figurines’. It was also $540. Inside was 150 stickers, a DVD for the show, a CD containing the game, a dakimakura cover for every character, and an 8” figurine for every character. My dad, absolutely oblivious to any of the content from that show/game, bought it for me. I knew that the series was quite...inappropriate for an 8 year old, but didn’t say anything until I got home. When my mom was happy to see it and ready to watch the show, I told her that when I looked it up, it was R rated and I didn’t want to watch it. She said that she’d watch it before I did if I was scared and she did just that. After she watched all 6 episodes, she came into my room and said ‘Oh honey, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s not T H A T bad...’

    by the way, for those of you that don’t know, Euphoria is a crazy intense hentai. It’s pretty gross if you ask me, and very, VERY X rated.
  2. Deleted member 369806

    Deleted member 369806 Guest

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    Your dad probably won't tell you but your mother most probably meant to say this
  3. Arcadia Blade

    Arcadia Blade ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!

    Feb 11, 2016
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    Is it weird dream or weird rl stories?

    Well, mine was just a normal night watching tv with my family and one of the shows we watch was a reality series where people would tell their RL stories, from sad to very fcked up.

    One of the shows was R-rated and it visually explains the life story of an 8 year old being raped by her grandfather(not really visualize as in totally show the x-scenes but just a representation of it).

    This story starts out as a normal rural family living a normal life when both parents had to leave their 8 year old daughter and infant kid to their grandparents to find work. The kid was normally living with her grandparents then one night, her grandfather starts to sexually harrass her.

    This girl then told her grandmother what happened but that person was too afraid of her husband that she only kept quiet about it. This got even more weird as her grandfather finally had about sexually harrassing his grandchild and finally decided to rape her. After that, he didn't just stop and raped the kid till she got pregnant, he even went towards his infant granddaughter as well.

    By the time his parents notice what was wrong with their daughter, the grandparents had escaped while finding out their infant child had been raped as well.

    I tried looking for a link on the internet but this actually happened. Now, if I got bad taste on incest.... Let me tell you the necrophilia....
  4. Deleted member 336322

    Deleted member 336322 Guest

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    That’s a...story.
    That story was a dream I had, I would never tell anyone that I even knew about euphoria lol.
  5. Arcadia Blade

    Arcadia Blade ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ You can do it!!

    Feb 11, 2016
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    Ah.... I see...

    I thought it was something of a RL stories such that I kinda mistook and accidentally shared one of mine as well. Well, I also have a weird dream in RL about back was when I was in HS.

    I was kinda mostly grouped up with the most mischievous yet smart kids in class while the principal and even the dean was kinda got used to me meeting them in their office(so many repeated offences that my bad luck tend to dragged me into trouble).

    This story was about the rl depiction of me back in HS but this time, it was kinda silent. Most people usually thought it would be normal for the class to be silent but for me, I was actually freaked out. Even moreso was whenever i get called out in class and even answer some questions, the teachers tend to praise me while my classmates tend to compliment me being the smartest kid in the class.

    For me, it was actually a nightmare as whenever I go, people would either priase and compliment me, a truck would stop whenever I walked through the street and even surrounded by people which I basically freaked out and hide in the darkest corner of a room. Yet they found me whenever I go.

    I finally found out that I was mostly afraid of people idolizing me that my nightmare consist of how a normal dream should have and my mentality is so messed up that I usually think negative thoughts, even on my dream to comfort me.