Arrogant Young Masters

Discussion in 'Novel General' started by maggitt147, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. maggitt147

    maggitt147 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2018
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    So I'm planning to make a story titled This Arrogant Young Master's Mistreated Servant.
    I've read so many stories with arrogant Young Masters in them but finding it hard to think of some now that I need them.

    What are some arrogant Young Master situations you have encountered in your reading career? Include the dumbest, funniest, most entertaining, most annoying, most infuriating, events you read. I'm not picky really, I just need any at all.

    With this list it'll be easier to manipulate the plot into going certain directions based on the young master's decisions and interactions.
  2. elengee

    elengee Daoist Ninefaps

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Best profile avatar ever.
    aintg and maggitt147 like this.
  3. slightofhand

    slightofhand Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2017
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  4. Despapa69

    Despapa69 Revered 17 Syllable Sage

    Oct 12, 2020
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    They're too many examples to count. Think of them as pretentious picks who'll do anything to get the MCs woman.
    UndyingSLIME10295 likes this.
  5. UndyingSLIME10295

    UndyingSLIME10295 [•Figment of your Imagination•]

    Apr 10, 2021
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    Treasures as well.....
  6. Despapa69

    Despapa69 Revered 17 Syllable Sage

    Oct 12, 2020
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    I want a young master wo only strives to be stronger. Sigh.
  7. Nightow1

    Nightow1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    You don't need to read about it, just go into youtube and search for Karens, they are the female versions of arrogant young masters.
  8. Aachiin0914

    Aachiin0914 ☼Sunnyshies☼

    Oct 19, 2019
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    well, if its being arrogant...of course it needed some background settings.

    such as, family bg, the environment which the young master grew up with. Peers influence and of course, parent attitudes and behavior towards this young master.

    Cale Henitus in TFc, the original was an arrogant drunkard young master...well, he was spoiled. He was indulged by his father. His step mom and step bro and sis ignored him and stay away from him. and everyone else did it too. He was very short tempered and love to break things and throw the bottle of wine in his hands. But, Cale said that the original cale never hurt a person before. He was just arrogant, proud typical young master.

    The crown prince in "I want to be a matriarch in this life"-- he lived his live under the pressure of his mother the empress. he was arrogant, prideful, proud person with huge self esteem, still he grew up a listening to his mother's words. His mother's words is like a devil's whispher for him. Always following him in every actions he takes. So, he grew up thinking that he was above everyone else, so since he was the future emperor like what his mother had said then everything here was his. He hated what his mother hate, he followed his mothers words. Anyway, he's just a puppet, but his arrogance as a royal blood was etched in his bones.

    The eldest cousin of Tia in "want to be matriarch in this life"-- his the typical arrogant young master. he looked at himself as the best, but at the same time, he was actually drowning himself with inferiority complex. and this cousin of Tia is a great example of arrogant young master being eaten away by envy.

    The mc in "Nurturing the Hero to Avoid Death"--the original lived a pampered life and he doesnt know what's right or wrong, but cause his family will agree to everything he wanted to do. While the mc, the one from japan. He was a kind hearted boy, but he needed to act as an arrogant and prideful young master from a rich family. BEcause of it, he became a tsurende. Having this kind of young master is actually cute...hahah its bl, btw.

    The mc in "Parenting In Full Bloom! The Former Villainous Noble Son Who Found His Love Nest". The Mc here is of course arrogant and proud and self important. He was like those typical noblemen who just wanted the result and didnt care about the process, but he was still kind. Its just that he didnt know that it was wrong, and just know that it wasnt right...this kind of arrogant young master, was a character that usually turned for the better after a major collapse in their life.

    The mc in "death flag no sign of ending" the orig, well, he was evil young master. since his parents are also evil he followed after them and just did what he wanted. But then mc who came from japan, not a tsundere I think. Cause tsundere, is dere. anyway. His character was influenced by the orig character settings, and everything he said will be reversed. But if you took away this kind of settings, then mc will become a young master, who knew right or wrong from the very start but choose to hide his nature due to the danger of the enviroment he was living. He became arrogant young master who abuses his people since he dont have a choice...

    Sheesh~ so this is so long...anyway thats it!!! XD
    aintg and maggitt147 like this.
  9. Lissi

    Lissi 『Queen of Lissidom』『Holy Chibi』『Western Birdy』『⚓』

    Feb 24, 2021
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    The most annoying... "it's cold today, let XX company go bankrupt" :blob_coughblood::blob_coughblood::blob_coughblood: