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Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Darkcrow., Sep 5, 2021.

  1. Darkcrow.

    Darkcrow. Foul Tarnished

    Feb 8, 2018
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    I know this is going to piss off quite a few people on this forum, But I have to say it. FUCK DIVERSITY. Yup I said it. Fuck force diversifying tv series and movies just for the sake of it.
    Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with female leads or race (Hell I am brown), But it’s just pisses me off that they had to go and ruin the entire show (Dr who) just to show that they are diverse enough. I mean if you want a diverse show just create a new one, don’t diversify the classic ones just for the sake of it.
    Now a days new shows are more centared upon diversity rather than good story line. And what’s with so many armature directors and story writers creating franchises of big production companies. I mean they even managed to ruin teen titans which could have been a great series of it’s own sigh…..(The story just seems too rushed and the acting? Muuua, It’s god level [notice the sarcasm])
  2. Deleted member 369806

    Deleted member 369806 Guest

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    Well, you might know the saying "Go woke, go broke" XD
  3. Anra7777

    Anra7777 All powerful magic grammar hamster queen pirate.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Doctor Who was not ruined by having a female doctor. I think Jodie Whittaker still has potential to be a great doctor. Chris Chibnall just wasn’t a good choice as showrunner.
  4. Tecchan123

    Tecchan123 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2021
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    Ngl but I pretty much agree. Diversity is great!! But there are some cases where it kinda feels forced just for it to look more "socially acceptable" . Same with the female empowerment movies nowadays where it's just remakes of famous movies where the protagonists were originally male (e.g. like the Ghost Busters movie from 2016)

    Is it really that hard to come up with new scripts?? I'm noticing that lately there's been a lot (maybe too much) remakes, sequels, spin-offs, etc. of successful films/cartoons that are way worse than the original in the western film industry lol (which is why i barely watch them anymore)
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
  5. MangoGuy

    MangoGuy Rambling Mango

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Filmento on YouTube makes some good film reviews when it comes to movies with agendas. In an unbiased manner.
  6. Darkcrow.

    Darkcrow. Foul Tarnished

    Feb 8, 2018
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    Thankfully light novels and mangas are not following this trend for now. Even when a female lead is strong in Manga/Anime you don’t get the feeling of Women Empowerment as it’s only purpose, it just feels natural.

    Ohh he is good, I have seen his Charlie’s Angles review.

    All of the Doctors were male for nearly 50 years, And then they had to go gender bender on us.

    My last straw was when they added another doctor, This time a Black women, To make the show more diverse. I stopped watching the show after that episode.
  7. ongoingwhy

    ongoingwhy Meat Pie Lover

    Oct 22, 2016
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    It's not an issue with diversity. It's just bad writing. Diversity doesn't magically cause the plot to go south.
  8. PotatoZero

    PotatoZero Well-known Potato

    Feb 5, 2016
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    the settings
    MEGA SPARTA CHICKEN likes this.
  9. Seigin

    Seigin [Lolicon][GenderBender Banzai!]

    Jan 22, 2016
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    Pretty much, a well executed film with diversified characters are great! To bad the films themselves are subpar tbh.
  10. aintg

    aintg Fairy Queen of the Demonic Sect

    Jul 22, 2016
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    Thankfully, light novels don't jump in the bandwagon, but the same thing can't be said for mostly western novels. I've read some novels trying too hard to join the "woke" trend by making their protagonist black, Asian, etc., which stories aren't even that original.

    Then there is also a novel trying too hard to build a setting like that of a shonen manga/anime. Smh.
  11. Nightow1

    Nightow1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    I kind of see his point, if something is written well, it can include diversity IF THERE IS A GOOD REASON FOR IT. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your point of view, social activists are more emotional than skilled, hence the slew of barely passable casting and scripts.
    Personally, my belief is that if something comes of age, it will naturally occur and trying to force it like activists tend to do often result in backlashes and unnecessary resistance and even sometimes unnecessary violence. But then that won't make activists feel "valued" would it? They like to think that they are the ones initiating change when all they are doing is often just "riding the wave" of a fad of the time.

    Hell, remember Star Trek, the Original Series? It had a racially diverse "crew", very uncommon at that time, yet nobody took offence at it because it was thought that in the far future, the whole planet would be one so a racially diverse crew would make sense.

    Of course then there is the "trampling over everyone's fond memories" remakes.... and the irony of it all is that the remakes tend to lean along the lines of sexual suggestiveness like the female Ghostbusters mentioned before. Why is it that changing an all male cast to all female sounds like a good idea, yet no one seems to like the idea of an all male Charlie's Angels? :D

    Sylvester Stallone for Sabrina, Arnold Schwarzenegger for Kriss and Van Dame for Kelly? :ROFLMAO: That would fit, right? Right?!
    Tecchan123, ongoingwhy and Seigin like this.
  12. IceLight303

    IceLight303 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    Well, I can't say if the new Doctor was good or not :blobpeek:
    I have never liked doctor Who. Tried to watch it multiple times but can never stay interested.

    As for the teen Titans I also did not watch it because I have long since lost faith in book and movie adaptations. Some will be good, most will be bad and even more won't resemble the original work.

    Honestly I think it comes down to bad casting and directing. If you want a female actor to play a traditionally male role, okay just find a good actress. I'm still mad about Kristen Stewart in the huntsman, or Channing Tatum in every movie. I can never get into their acting and they ruin movies I might have liked if they hadn't been in it. Casting and directing are very important.

    Can't the male Charlie's Angels be younger? All three of those actors are already in the expendables. Michael B Jordan would be good. I've liked him in a lot of his works.

    I agree with the remakes that trample over memories. I can't get over the new lion King, people say it's because of memories but I just can't bring myself to like it.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
  13. LittleBigSnowFlower

    LittleBigSnowFlower 悪くないよねぇ 〜

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Oh god don't ever make this even reach LN/WN lol... Just remember the sh*tshow that happened when animes like Redo and Goblin Slayer did that almost made a dumpster fire on twitter. Thankfully the team were sensible and didn't care for this LMAO.

    Also, you're right. If you're gonna just make a different cast to fill up the roster without even taking account of the source material for "diversity". might as well make it different altogether. People these days smh.
  14. Nightow1

    Nightow1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    To be fair though, I can't stand the new Battlestar Galactica too even though it is nice for the new generation. Besides the cognitive dissonance, it feels like they were trying to cram as much political "hot topics" and controversy in it as they can. The original was a survival show, the new one felt more like a political animal.
    IceLight303 likes this.
  15. deepon

    deepon One who inevitably awakens

    Feb 9, 2016
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    I only have one question. If they really like diversity, why don't they diversify black panther and wakanda ? Or perhaps they could diversify the cast of 12 years a slave, especially the slaves.
    The woke population is nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites, with the ring leaders having political agendas and the followers being dimwits. We even recently had a he-man series with a practically female lesbian lead. What next ? A trans male He-man for the sake of diversity ?
    I completely agree that they should just create new shows instead of dragging old classics through the mud.
    As for Dr. Who, It's a human who is a time lord on the inside. Will the show runners start calling them a trans time lord ? Technically the current female Who is a trans male, since she is a man on the inside(due to past iterations, or genderless if you get really technical). But she hasn't gone through surgery or hormone therapy, so is that still a trans man ? Or because she became a woman from man, she is a trans woman ? Also when are we getting a Mexican or Sri lankan Dr who ?

    PS: I am not against the trans community or any other minority communities around the world, I believe we should treat them exactly like we treat everyone else. Including but not limited to making jokes about them, and not giving them any special treatment or perks. The more you put them on a pedestal, and force others to sympathize/pity them, the more hatred they will attract for getting something they didn't really do anything to deserve.
    Wing0, Jojo775 and Kyaaaaaaaaa like this.
  16. Kyaaaaaaaaa

    Kyaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    I think this is the stage where directors are trying to get used to casting diverse methods and eventually that won’t be their main focus and soon the story line will be.

    It is annoying for me when someone makes a TV show and puts gay people on there to not add substance, but for the sake of it. I’m like “at this point, don’t even do it,” because I’m getting annoyed by these characters defined by stereotypes and not substance. Remember that LGBTQ members won’t always be dressed in flashy outfits and whatsoever, but are normal like us with normal lives. Being gay or whatever shouldn’t be their defining characteristic but something treated with acceptance.

    But at the same time, nowadays the entertainment industry is getting so commercialized I don’t think good storylines will be as common. Take Marvel: it has the classic powers, save the world with a little comedy vibe and it’s not gonna change cuz the audience loves it. Even if there is a show with a good storyline, writers overdo it and make it trash to make more money off it. Sigh. I do hope good storylines come back one day.
  17. Amaruna Myu

    Amaruna Myu ugly squid dokja (●´∀`●)

    Aug 28, 2016
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    I tend not to watch any series or movies involving real humans.
    Western shows especially because I find those strange
  18. Mnotia

    Mnotia The Trash Man

    Apr 12, 2017
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    Diversity is not the problem. Its the writers, the directors, the fucking producers. Never say "Forced Diversity" when it's just people writing shitty stories. "Forced diversity" doesnt mean shit.
  19. IceLight303

    IceLight303 Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2018
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    This definitely this. A lot of things are trying to copy marvel.
    Said said more eloquently than I ever could.
  20. Lissi

    Lissi 『Queen of Lissidom』『Holy Chibi』『Western Birdy』『⚓』

    Feb 24, 2021
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