Spoiler Honey, I'm Going On A Strike

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. Detained_in_switzerland55

    Detained_in_switzerland55 Active Member

    May 15, 2021
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    Meanwhile this might be true to some people, I have different opinion. I personally think this is a matter of point of view.
    Cassia (FL) is the Main Character, the story is told from her point of view. Most readers automatically will be more considerate to the MC because they hear more story from her, they understand her better, some of them probably won't even bother consider thinking about other character point of view.
    Imagine if this story is from the ML point of view : I loved my wife, I always work hard for her to get money so she can live a luxurious life like she used to have but she seem to hate me even when she's dying she ask me for divorce. If it's like that do you think most readers will side her like how they side to FL right now? No. I bet most readers will call her ungrateful.

    For example The Emperor Reverses Time is a story from ML point of view. Imagine if it's from the FL point of view, I doubt the ML would still receive as many as positive responses like right now even when he tried his best in present life since most readers don't fully understand him. Well I don't know if you read that story but if you read The Emperor Reverses Time you probably get what I'm trying to say.
  2. cklaighe

    cklaighe Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2018
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    See you sooner Rael!
    I can't wait for the next chapter. *crying* HUHUHUHU
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  3. Anidori

    Anidori Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2021
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    Good point! I think the POV matters as well.
    NGL this ML might be the dumbest (??? or at least the most naive) ML I've seen in manhwas so far so I'm not a big fan of him either but I get his POV, which I'm sure the FL would have known too if she ever bothered asking him or if he ever bothered to tell her in the first timeline. :blobsweat_2:
    But definitely, knowing someone's POV changes things. Which applies to real life too.

    I'm just very curious why the ML seems to give Vita obvious special treatment. 'Cause I think that's a big (if not the biggest) part of FLs bad feelings for him. He doesn't even seem to actually particularly like her considering the way he treated her after the courtesan incident. Is it just a promise he made to treat her well? I wish they sold the book in google play so I can read or someone drops that spoiler bit and find definitive answers. :blob_catflip:
  4. Arekushieru

    Arekushieru Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2019
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    Actually yes I believe it is going to be fun because we get to read about actual growth in a relationship not one that is stagnant, one-dimensional and oh so boring in a story that is supposed to be adult-like not childish.

    Nah what one would think this looks more like is: as long as you're not deliberately treating an innocent person like garbage, not wanting to get hurt is just called having one of many feelings. They're why we're humans. That's how humans grow, otherwise, similar to my point above, we would just remain children forever.

    I wouldn't be happy about this because it would not be considered consensual.

    I loathed the ML in The Emperor Reverses Time because we did have the story told from his perspective. I also loathe the FL in Poisonous Lily (and many other stories) for the same reason. Why? It goes to the rule I pointed out to keikomushi in turn: both leads deliberately treat innocent people like garbage. MLs however, unlike what the other poster stated, are the ones who generally get a pass for behavior like that while FLs typically get dumped on for responding to such behavior 'inappropriately'.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2021
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  5. Scarlet Reed

    Scarlet Reed Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    that's only half right imo. mls usually get a pass for bad behavior, true. but only if it's not towards fl. it's the, 'oh the ml is cold except to everyone except the fl thing'. ex. tyrant mls who are mean to evryone but nice to fl. but when an ml is mean to fl too (or vice versa) then that's when we see mob lynching. i can't say i agree with fl usually being dumped on for bad behavior in general. for example, we have roxana in 'the way to protect the female's lead's older brother' who is a schemer and murderer, tia from 'the villainess lives twice' who is also a schemer and had no qualms in sacrifing even the innocent, or even rosalite from 'if you touch my younger brother, you're all dead' who is just out to use the ml and bullies him into doing what she wants. you don't see readers dumping on them, or at least not a lot of them. readers just tend to side and support FLs because they are the MCs, story is told from their point of view AND also because of girl power. it's not an always kind of thing, but it is a more often than not kind of thing.
  6. TragicFlower1547

    TragicFlower1547 Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2021
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    Neither the male or female lead are completely in the right or wrong. ML was naïve/dense (he didn't understand the importance of nurturing a relationship with his family among not paying action in general to other things) and the FL never addressed any of the issues she had with him (She didn't even tell him she was dying, and like her husband, she took things at face value.)
    Point: Communicate, communicate, communicate (A lesson needed in so many stories)
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2021
  7. babayagu

    babayagu Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2021
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    Ian has confirmed that one of the high level magic stones in his possession has gone missing, which is why he has to depart home at the earliest. While the FL is relieved to hear of his plans of departure, as she was just planning on kicking him out to better manage the issue of paid war participation and insuficient funds, she is curious about it and asks for more details.

    Turns out, the missing magic stone's inscription is part of the inscriptions brought by Ivan to ask the FL's help with, the one about regret and second chance at repentance after a certain price is paid.

    Ivan is visibly confused how this could have happened as they have tight security and the magic stones are periodically inspected. The most important details about all of this however, is that he himself checked the stones right before he set off the visit the FL's territory and all was as should be.

    Obviously, the FL begins to suspect this stone was responsible for her turning back in time and keeping her memories and even lets Ian in on her theory. She doesn't let him know about her personal circumstances, but does propose the idea that if the high spell had anything to do with turning back time, somebody could have used it in the future, and as a consequence, the stone itself disappeared in the past. That would explain why somebody managed to get their hands on the stone when there is such tight security around their storage.

    Now, with the context out of the way, I wanna discuss that little temporal clue we're given in constructing the timeline. While this isn't a story that focuses on time travel and its philosophical implications, nor a self-titled sci-fi story, time travel does play a significant part in setting up the main scene for character growth and for the romance to take shape. With it being one of the great mysteries of this story, I am crossing my fingers that the author didn't simply ignore the paradoxes created by the time traveling aspects.

    So, onto the issue:

    While Ivan came rather quickly in the story to visit the FL in her territory, and not long after the FL wakes up in her second life, some time had still passed since she awoke in her younger body. Yet, the magic stone disappeared a bit after this, but not soon enough for it not to be a plot point, a mystery and a hint for the FL.

    Was this sloppy writing? Was this purposely done and clarified later on? Did the stone disappear because the FL became aware of it and the part it played in her second life? If she indeed does have angelic blood in her veins, was it a last favour from an empathetic god and thus divinely designed? Part of some greater scheme?
  8. iamwhoami

    iamwhoami Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2021
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    Hmmm... it does not make sense, at the same time it still make sense. Im confused
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  9. cklaighe

    cklaighe Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I believe the reason he gives the obvious special treatment is because of their history and lack of confidence. He never got out on the feeling that he worked as a slave for Vita's family and it was engraved in his entire being like what is happening with his war commissions. He never got to appreciate that he was awarded with a title because no one was to guide him.

    Truth. Communication is the basic fundamental in any relationship. I think their issue stemmed with the lack of confidence with each other: because ML feels he is unworthy unless he earns for the family; while FL was just to busy and with her losing all sorts of morale as a woman because Vita existed. They never had any previous proper relationship that's why they can't compare and know how to treat your beloved or such. The employees of the mansion can not go against their employer so there was really no one who teach them the basics of the relationships. Maybe if Vita didn't exist on the first 2 years of the relationship their progress would have been better. I am actually a fan of this story's ML because he is PURE in all sorts of way, a little bit next to Hades (IBTHM) which i rank best dad/husbando
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  10. iamwhoami

    iamwhoami Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2021
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    What's IBTHM?? Is it nice?
  11. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    I'm sorry but no matter the reasons r, the ml is really shitty for letting that childhood friend in. And I get that his naive, but rlly my dude??? U take her side instead of ur wife?? He really said "she's not a maid, so don't treat her like that. She's one of the ppl I trust" LIKE RNT U SUS THAT UR WIFE IS DOING THIS?? Man this dude sucks. Fucking sucks. And u just let her call ur name casually.

    And why tf would u let another woman in ur ROOM??? How dumbfuck is he???? Ofc the wife is gonna misunderstand. I hope she changes man's, but ofc that dude is still the ml. Ugh.

    And it took a DOCTOR to tell him to remove the friend because she might get a miscarriage. LIKE DUDE???? Nah I don't like this. One of the worst ml.
  12. cklaighe

    cklaighe Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2018
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    I Became The Hero's Mom.
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  13. Scarlet Reed

    Scarlet Reed Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2021
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    caIl his name casually?? ? they're friends. do your friends call you anything other than your name?
    what a bunch of double standards. have you seen the way FL interacts with HER OWN friend? some intimate skinship and calling each others own names there too. but somehow it's ok if she does these things with her friend but not ok for the ml to interact and be on first name basis with HIS friend?
    the ml IS pretty dumb tho fer sure
  14. cklaighe

    cklaighe Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2018
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    And not to forget that he was a slave turned noble.

    He hasn't learn anything about etiquette and neither did he had a chance to learn from his previous life. He didn't have the privilege to learn it. He didn't even consider if asking for opinion was an option because he was in the position he was suddenly pressured to earn enough for his domain without even knowing his actual value. Nobody has taught him anything yet in his previous life.

    The FL didn't mind because he was the lord of the castle and he can do what he want. And ~insert more more bunch of reasons here~. Even with all of these, he hasn't even realize he had all this rights.

    Just see how precious he is learning someone appreciated his efforts for the first time.