Discussion The best gift for your partner

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Sawanara murasaki, Oct 1, 2021.

  1. Sawanara murasaki

    Sawanara murasaki Sawa the HEro-sensei

    Sep 23, 2017
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    Ok, what I mean by partner is your current or future lover (special girlfriend or boyfriend). So in my opinion it's better to give them:
    1. Seeds/ plants: I like this the best to indicate the power of love. How? Give this to your partner and see if they can grow them well. If they love you very much, they'll do whatever it takes to grow it even though they're not good in gardening. If it dies, they'll feel sorry. I like flowers the most so one day once I get a partner, I will give him a flower to take care of or even a seed!!
    2. Accessories: the price is not a problem. This is to show how grateful they are to have you. They'll wear the object everyday for example a tie clip perhaps.
    3. Clothes: The same explanation as accessories though. Well, if it's me, I would like to have a pair of cute socks instead because I love socks as a present especially for birthday present because cute socks fit my small feet.
    That's all I guess. What about you? What do you think is the best gift to give to your partner? This gift can be any forms, birthday gift, valentine Day gift or a gift just to make them happy.

    A gift doesn't have to be expensive but the quality of your heart to love them. If they love you, even an empty tissue box can be special or even an empty glass jar!!

    P.S. do respect other people's opinions:)
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2021
  2. Kurotsubaki

    Kurotsubaki Reincarnation of the Seven Deadly Sins

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Wedding ring, duh.
    That's the epitome of gift from a man.

    From woman... I don't knoe... Maybe a warm "welcome home" everyday when coming back from work? That's sure wam my heart
  3. MinUp

    MinUp Maidenless, yet Homiefull

    Sep 19, 2020
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    Different people, different taste. My dad's favorite saying. Anyways, if you want the "perfect" gift for your "partner" then you better get to know her personality, likes, and hobbies first.
    P.S. I'm not saying to disregard suggestions from the internet, just consider their likes and dislikes while considering what to buy.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2021
  4. asaade

    asaade Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
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    a baby is the best gift hahaha joke aside, a plant is a big no unless they really like plants or they already at the middleages but for a young couple its a no, they have too many things going in their life and you just giving them another responsibility just to give your ego a boost or a way to emotionally blackmail them when the plant or flower dies, unless you or the giver dies then the plant will have a sentimental value, so plant is a no
    pillows is a good gift or the hotdog pillow is much better.
    watch is also good it doesn't need to be expensive
    jacket/hoodie/cardigan depends on the gender, this is also good just make sure it lookz good on them
  5. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Personally, I’d go with something special like a Fulgurite jewelry. Something just screams magical. Imagine when the Heavens and the Earth became one. Nature wanted a memory of the moment. And created fulgurite. Lightning Glass.

    Sawanara murasaki likes this.
  6. Resplendor

    Resplendor High Lord of Souls

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Dude, no.
    It's not about things.
    Give your partner your time. Best gift in the world.
    Help them with projects or travel plans they always wanted to do. Go out to eat together. Say good morning, welcome home, and goodnight every day. Snuggle and watch your favorite shows together. Do some chores you know they find annoying. Cook or go pick up food for them. Build Legos together. Go dancing. Go shopping together if that's their thing. And if they need time alone, give them that too.
    Things can burn or be destroyed. 80% of them you don't even need.
    It's the memories your share that are attached to those things that make them special.
  7. Deleted member 348269

    Deleted member 348269 Guest

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    Gifts depend on their individual's tastes. It can be as simple as taking care of the kids that day so they can relax and take a break; it could be cooking their favorite meal and its ready to be served when they come home.

    Plants not because they don't take care of them and it'll make them feel bad, but because and only if that individual truly like those plants. Otherwise its a waste of space or more things to take care of and becomes a burden just to proof that they love you when they could find other better ways of saying they love and care for you.

    I second this. Its the memories we want to share and keep. Sure, it can be materialist items and we may feel happy getting it, like say someone getting an xbox and another getting some jewelry, but only if its what makes them happy and these things can come and go and be replaced by the next new thing. Making great experiences and memories to look back too on the other hand, are not so easy to replace.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2021
  8. Lissi

    Lissi 『Queen of Lissidom』『Holy Chibi』『Western Birdy』『⚓』

    Feb 24, 2021
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    Plants are cute but I would never ask for/give them. They die in my hands... :blobcry:

    I usually give desserts or something I bake.
  9. Bachingchung

    Bachingchung Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    1. Don't gift living things, they're a responsibility that most people don't want. Same w/ pets.

    2. That depends on the duration or the event. It's too much for a regular gift.

    3. Male & Female gaze are different so they usually collect dust in your drawers.

    I think the best gift would be attention. We tend to take our partners for granted, so they'll apreciate this more. They might even mention some little things that they probably thought unneccessary or too shy to admit, but wanted it anyway, so that as a gift would be nice.
    Deleted member 348269 likes this.
  10. Shio

    Shio Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2015
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    A friend of mine have her bf's wishlist, then make a raffle based on it. She'll buy the one that came out.

    As for me, I just directly ask.
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  11. MisterBubbles

    MisterBubbles [The Omnipotent No. 2 at Everything]

    Jan 9, 2021
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    :blobpeek: Money and a date to go buy what they want
  12. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    You, yourself, the chance to be with the magnificent you being its own reward— if you value yourself enough, that is. :blobpeek:
  13. Shizukani

    Shizukani Chronically stressed

    Dec 8, 2016
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  14. deadlyexistence23

    deadlyexistence23 ❝ And maybe, for a while that was true ❞

    Jun 29, 2021
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    Hmm, if I don't know what to buy(material things) to gift to them, (or maybe even not material things)I'll just go-
    "Hey darling, guess what kind of gift I'm going to give you?"
    If they answered, then I'm going to gift their answer to them XD,

    If I'm going to get a gift, I have to know my partner's likes and dislikes first and their personality as well, Whether they are a materialistic person or a person who likes spending time with you, my love language is giving material things, so I just give them what they like then spend time together with them XD and I'm pretty sure I have a bucket list of what my partner wants, dislikes, and likes (I like to take notes about everyone infos)
    I'll most likely pick a thing in there depending on how much they want it and if the timing's right.
  15. Zeusomega

    Zeusomega M.D of Olympus Pvt Ltd. Seeking [Boltzmann brain]

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Meh.... I don't put too much thought into gifts and all...it is the act that matters.

    A seed, jewelry, clothes, anything as long they made the act it is good as it can get...
  16. mirukii

    mirukii Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2021
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    If it was me, i'd clear up my schedule for the whole day or if possible, two days then tell my partner that we're free to do anything we want, yes, anything...
  17. Mr. Tired

    Mr. Tired Professional Idiot

    Apr 21, 2021
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    I immediately remembered the 4 plants my father gave my mother (before their relationship turned sour....cough) when they were in love.

    It's called a 'Resurrection plant' or the Rose of Jericho. You have to TRY to kill it if you want it to die. It can live for about seven years without water without damage, and all you really have to do when it dries up is add water again. It doesn't take too long for it to 'come back to life' either.

    Just a thought. :blobReach:


    Usually, as of current now, I haven't really given any 'give-able' gifts for my gf that are obtained, but rather activities or places since we both enjoy exploring. Her favourite to my somewhat dismay is the lake. I can't swim... :blobcatblush: Also, a leech got on me once and I freaked out and screamed like a 5-year-old girl and she had to remove it but couldn't because she was laughing too hard.
    But she still enjoys the lake somehow? I dunno.

    We both love going on car rides when we have the time. Sweets are often traded and shared, I guess those can count as gifts. She bought me cologne once from B&Bworks when we were at the mall, but I've yet to open it yet and actually use it.

    I think spending time with your partner imo, is the best gift and just getting to be with them and love them. blobmelt_thumbs
    Simply enjoying each other's company is our favourite thing to do.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2021