Discussion what's your tips for non phone/pc relaxation method?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Miku, Oct 31, 2021.

  1. Miku


    Oct 7, 2018
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    So... I'm feeling stressed at work. It's not like the workload is hard, but the long hour, from 7AM to 9PM is just not sustainable. My official work hour is 7 to 4, but it is expected to complete the task given, which leads to all nighter. It's not like tghe boundary is that clear by working from home.

    So... I gamed. Not at weekday, only at weekend. I have no motivation to go outside, since for me saturday is a rest day. The problem is that I am a completionist. So... it's just stressing me more seeing my gaming progress slowly. Gaming is just another stressor for me.

    Honestly, I hate my phone. If there's a group notification, I always wonder, is it another work? On the other hand... I can't just shut my phone up, even on weekends. It's too risky.

    So, I really want to relax. De-stress. Suggest me an inexpensive method?
  2. Zeusomega

    Zeusomega M.D of Olympus Pvt Ltd. Seeking [Boltzmann brain]

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Get lost.

    No really, pack some essentials for a day and start roaming.

    Take a transport to countryside or hitch a ride...

    Or not, find a library and get lost in the words of wisdom and flamboyance.
    gyan7 likes this.
  3. otaku31

    otaku31 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2015
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    Same here. I have colleagues who blithely mute chat/call notifications beyond work hours. I can't cuz it'd make me fret more worrying over missing out work emergencies or directives. Rather than work intruding into my leisure hours, it's more the apprehension of work that keeps me on the edge, and while I can see no perfect solution to my anxiety issues, what seems to work somewhat is switching over to physical copies instead of ebooks/webnovels as that accomplishes the objective of taking my mind off work equally well while simultaneously keeping the offending phone away.
    gyan7 likes this.
  4. Elementarteilchen

    Elementarteilchen Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2018
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    I like to learn new things, that are unrelated to work, f.e.:

    "Secrets of Mental Math
    The Mathemagician's Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks"

    The book is cheap, it keeps your mind busy and you forget about anything else, because you have to focus a lot, but it is also relaxing at the same time, because there is no pressure to study.
    gyan7 likes this.
  5. Deleted member 369806

    Deleted member 369806 Guest

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    A hot shower
    Some time of sleep
    Some stretches
    gyan7 likes this.
  6. ladyartemis

    ladyartemis Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Hmm. I feel you as I am also becoming more and more stressful lately. I have two jobs - one as an employee of the company of my choice and an exec in our family's company. Since I cannot possibly give up one for now, I just do these activities to cope up:

    1. Meditation and exercise before or after (I prefer after though) working hours - it gives me enough stamina and energy to face the enormous workload given to me.
    2. Taking a 5-10 min break every two hours of work - well, I need to since my attention span is on the shorter end. Haha also that way, I can move a little to circulate my stagnant body.
    3. Before off work, I make a list of to dos for the next day so that one I got home,I do not fret or feel guilty for disconnecting myself . You see, I mute or even put my phone on a plane mode so there will be no disturbances.
    4. I have organized a set schedule for my meetings, hobbies and other activities. It's so that I am spared from thinking too much.
    5. I read novels. And I travel to scenic spots to relieve my stress. Oh, and also coffee - I regularly visit coffeeshops and read books there. At least that works for me. :blobsweat_2:

    My key takeaway is that we have different ways to cope up with stress. Just sharing mine in hopes that this might help you. Keep safe.
    gyan7 likes this.
  7. Cutter Masterson

    Cutter Masterson Well-Known Super-Soldier

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Sadly enough. I’m the same. On. Every. Single. Point.
    You may not like my answer. Because it’s more for men than women. I fap.
    For a women. Everyone else ideas are pretty good. But I’ll offer a different solution. Try people watching. Especially, today since it’s Halloween. It’s pretty interesting out there. Lol
    gyan7 likes this.
  8. Lissi

    Lissi 『Queen of Lissidom』『Holy Chibi』『Western Birdy』『⚓』

    Feb 24, 2021
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    Maybe go out for a jog?
    gyan7 and Bad Storm like this.
  9. Bobasis

    Bobasis Weeeeee

    Jan 3, 2021
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    A relaxing bath day! Slap on a face mask and take a relaxing bath.
  10. That One Average Fellow

    That One Average Fellow Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    Playing with pets/animals, stargazing or learn how to draw/sketch. I prefer playing with pets though but that's just because I have a lot of dogs.
    gyan7 likes this.
  11. Scyphoza

    Scyphoza Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    Get a hobby drone and add a remote controlled nerf gun to it. Then carry out nerf drone strikes on your neighbors. Not only is this relaxing but smiting your enemies and neighbors just feels amazing.
  12. gyan7

    gyan7 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2021
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    First, drop gaming. I can sort of understand you because I also have the urge for perfection. You have to sit with yourself and make yourself understand that what you're doing is playing a game to enjoy! Not to let your OCD about 'completing' stuff kick in. And its not easy so atleast temporarily, stop gaming!

    Second, to let yourself relax.. you will have to experiment a bit to see what helps calm you down. Do you enjoy painting? Going out for walks? Is there a public beach or a hiking trail around where you live?

    Third, your stress is piling up because you're breaking your back doing this. I don't know what kind of a job this is but if you're working 14 hours a day.. even you said it yourself. Its just not sustainable! I think that you need to make sure that you take small breaks in between. Maybe 10 minutes every hour? Or 30 minutes every 3 hours? Whatever works best for yourself. Atleast we can reduce it from piling up over and over and becoming a mountain weighing on your mind & body. Use those 10-30 mins. to walk around, stretch your back.. get a drink/snacks. Chat with a friend or take a small walk around the area.

    Fourth, methods that aren't expensive.. doing yoga would be ideal. You can find YouTube videos on it and do it at home but make sure that your poses are done right or it can backlash if you aren't doing it exactly like its supposed to be.

    Fifth, I don't know if you enjoy socializing. You can try meeting up with friends at the park or downstairs wherever you live. Invite them over to your house. If you don't, that's okay.

    Sixth, on your weekends.. see if you can "hand over" your phone to someone in your family to keep an eye on it.. see if an important notification comes up. And they will tell you, otherwise you don't have to continue carrying it on you. Honestly, just don't hold your phone or electrical devices around yourself on the weekends if possible. And if you can't let go of your phone because there isn't anyone that you can trust or you need to absolutely hold onto it then try to see if you can stow it away for the morning or whatever amount of time you think would be safe-- before you need to check to see if you got any notifications for the day. Put it on silent mode and be notification free atleast for a certain amount of time so you're not sitting there 'dreading' a ping.

    That's all I can think of, hope it helps.
  13. ANonMouse

    ANonMouse Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    if it's an option, I find it pretty relaxing to go on a nice drive at night with music you love playing. Sometimes I just do slow hour drives where there's basically no one around.
  14. applebeans

    applebeans Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2018
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    I like to look for a quiet corner. Maybe listen to quiet chill cafe jazz

    Game: I play farming sim game or clan building game that doesn’t have clear goal aside form spending everyday.

    Another way might be those coloring apps/books. Wood blocks, or dress up game!

    Books, non fiction books, puzzle or 3d puzzle, playing clay— Just make shapes with no clear goal

    Make bread, make dishes you never did before, but make sure it’s easy enough

    Cleaning, washing dishes, mopping floors, fluffing up pillows, hitting mattress and pillows


    Play a song and sing along (maybe shout nonsensical lyrics, it doesn’t matter)
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2021