Spoiler The Time of the Terminally ill Extra/Limited Extra Time

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Ahmya, Aug 16, 2020.

  1. Mikaela_67

    Mikaela_67 Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    I remember crying a lot when I read the side story ... my family was surprised lol:blobjoy:
    but in the end they reincarnate in the modern world and fall in love again I think this can be a happy ending after all this? hmm...
  2. naruharu

    naruharu Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Back with another spoiler (please, where can we find a Million?). This scene is just ….. 100/100. This is gonna be a lengthy one because this is how the author-nim intended it to be - so I didn’t want to break the flow.



    Note: This was after they did the ‘operation’ to revive Karina. Didn’t put it here anymore, but basically they did something to her heart via magic/enchantment.

    “Good morning, Karina.”

    Million greeted her as usual and sat down on the chair next to her bed. She didn’t open her eyes even after a month has passed. Winston and many other experts were brought in to examine her, but nothing was wrong. They said it was simply a process of recovering.

    It’s been some time - the routine of visiting her every morning, and the greetings that were never returned. Million was used to them. He grabbed Karina’s hands, trying not be anxious. The pulse of her warm fingertips beat against his skin and in an instant, his anxiety left him.

    “The time for the first boat to float here in the North is coming soon. Marine Ariel wrote to me asking to bring you along once you get up.”

    Million whispered, recalling how Karina said she wanted to see the ocean someday.

    He would share what was happening in the North, what happened yesterday, how the weeds now started to grow — even things that were trivial. And as he shared, the smile on Million’s lips, which had been budding, slowly disappeared.

    No matter how much he talked to her, not one answer returned.


    His voice grew hoarse.

    “How long will I wait for you to open your eyes? I want to see you.”

    He wanted to see her eyes, he wanted to look at her. He wanted to hold her warmth in his hands and hear her chirping voice. While he still felt she was so lovely even as she sleeps, he also would like her to wake and be with him.

    “You’re fooling again with me, Karina.”

    He promised to wait patiently every day but in the end, whenever he stands in front of her, everything collapses. He hates how he’s unable to hold it together when he’s with her.

    “I’ll be busy today, so I won’t be able to come in during the day. I’ll come at night. I hope … you’re having a good dream.”

    Million stayed for a while as if waiting for a response, then slowly got up. He carefully put his hand into her blanket, looking at Karina’s face whose complexion has improved.

    “I believe that you’re coming back slowly. It’s okay to rest, so don’t give up.”

    Click. The door closed.

    In the quiet room where Million had gone, only the sound of a small breath slowly settling could be heard.


    “I’ll be busy today, so I won’t be able to come in during the day. I’ll come at night. I hope … you’re having a good dream.”

    Karina had a long dream. It was a very long dream that she couldn’t even tell if it’s a dream or a reality. It was a dream in which she often would hear the voice of a person that she’s longed to see. She wanted to open her eyes but could not.

    “I believe that you’re coming back slowly. It’s okay to rest, so don’t give up.”

    She couldn’t answer that. She couldn’t move even a bit. How much time has passed, she didn’t know.

    ‘I want to get up …..’

    She didn’t know how to. Her whole body felt heavy and painful, as if it had been cut into pieces. Karina took a deep breath; it was hard to move around when it felt like she had been bound by strong shackles.

    ‘….. Please!’

    It felt like something huge was pressing against her - was it a boulder? She tried moving her body in every direction, even trying to hit herself out of frustration.

    After struggling for a while, she gave up moving. She focused all her energy on opening just her eyes. Fortunately, she was able to lift her glued eyelids. Her pupils, expecting to be met with darkness, opened wider.

    ’This … what?’

    Golden threads were tied all around Karina. If you cut it with scissors, you could cut it easily. Despite her hands not being able to move, she gingerly tried to pluck a single golden thread. Then a burst of light came from the thread, and a vision similar to a huge screen appeared.

    ‘Because of your ability, eventually you will come back to me.’

    ‘Wow - that’s … beautiful!’

    Karina’s eyes filled with astonishment. It was her first miracle - the very first memory she had of the day she painted will all her hope. After a while, the short scene was over and the golden thread she touched disappeared in an instant.

    As she carefully moved her finger, another scene appeared as she touched the nearest thread.

    ‘I hate my brother! You are the only one who understands me.'

    She remembered being jealous of the twins one time.

    ‘I want to be loved too.’

    That was the day she drew a picture while crying because her heart ached.

    Then, memories of Million unfolded before her eyes. She touched another thread. And another.

    Every single thing was a memory. There were a lot of painful ones, but all the recent memories were filled with so much joy. Hundreds of threads, hundreds of miracles - all of which happened while she was drawing - entangled and unfolded itself one by one.

    The thread that bound her was broken and scattered like starlight on a dark night.


    “Hah.” Million, exhausted from the day, narrowed his brow.

    He paused for a moment before heading to the door. He straightened his expression and, reaching out for the doorknob, he opened his mouth as usual.

    “Good night, Karina.”

    He knew that there would be no response, so Million had his head bowed as he closed the door again. But he felt a gaze upon him and he quickly lifted up his eyes --

    “Yes, good night, Million.”

    It was the voice that he had been waiting for so so long. He froze, eyes widening and forgetting to close the door. He turned to the bed: it was Karina, sitting and enjoying the pouring moonlight.

    She was the one where the voice came from.

    Million couldn’t believe that this person was in front of him. He pinched the back of his hand.

    Fortunately, he felt pain.

    “Yes, Million.”

    “Karina … Karina!"

    Million rushed to her and embraced her in his arms. As Karina met the lips that welcomed her, she gently stroked his back.

    “I missed you.”

    “I … me too. I missed you.”

    She didn’t know how much he missed her. He blinked several times as his eyes threatened to blur again and again. He wanted to look into the eyes he had not seen in a long time.

    Million, who had been examining Karina’s face inch by inch, looked again at her. A strange golden haze could be seen in her eyes, which originally was like the blue sea.

    “ … Your eyes are a little different.”

    “Ah - is it strange? I wonder if it’s a side effect …"

    She tilted her head and murmured slowly. Million shook his head and hastily kissed her lips.

    “It’s not strange at all. No matter what you look like, Karina … it will always be you.”

    At Million’s words, she let out of a bashful laugh. She missed his tight hugs and gentle warmth. She hugged him again.

    “You’re finally back.”

    Karina’s expression brightened. She no longer felt like she was in a dark space — it was now a space where the moon shone and Million existed. It was a place that will never be overcome by darkness.

    “I’m back.”

    “Thank you for coming back.”

    As they kissed, Karina smiled shyly. Suddenly, Million lifted her, caressing her back. He closed the distance and placed his lips on her nape. Enjoying each other, lightly teasing and laughing.

    Slowly, he put her down.



    “Marry me.”

    Million said, as he pulled out a small case from his inner pocket. He held it in front of her. He has always wanted to say this. He's always wanted to see the expression in her eyes when he asks her.

    Karina’s eyes widened at the sudden confession.

    “Million, I….”

    “It doesn’t matter how much time you have left. Whether it’s a week, or a day, or a year. Karina … I want to be by your side.”

    His eyes, his will, it was obvious that he has been thinking about it for a long time.

    “I am not afraid of the end. It’s not that I don’t — my heart ... my heart breaks just thinking about it— but I still love you. I love you so much that I can’t bear it.”


    “So let’s go through this together. Please let me be by your side until your last moment comes again, someday.”

    Million bowed and kissed the back of her hand. As if waiting for her answer, he placed his hand on her thigh and lowered his head.

    Karina was silent as she looked at him. Million could tell that she was thinking.

    “You will always be anxious. You will have to constantly look after me.”

    “It’s okay. I will be more than happy.”

    “I will feel guilty, Million.”

    “That … sorry.”

    Million stopped himself from saying that she shouldn’t be. He knew she’ll never listen to him if he told her that she didn’t have to be.

    The bitter smile that formed on Karina’s lips disappeared.

    “… But I’ll still be by your side. And when the time comes, I won’t let you hold on to me."

    At Million’s words, Karina looked him in the eye. Eyes that were earnest and steadfast - from the moment they met and until now. From the moment she saw the red eyes that burned like flames, she had already fallen in love.

    “Well, I’ve already gone against providence. You won’t be punished for going against another fate.”

    Karina quietly said.

    “I love you, Million. Please marry me.”

    She said as she placed her hand over the box that Million was holding. His eyes widened. He hugged her.

    “Yes, willingly.”

    Million’s lips closed upon hers.

    Finally, spring came after a long winter.

    Initially, I thought it was so harsh of the author to write a story like this. Whenever I read these scenes, the happiness I feel for them is always so short-lived because it will all end anyway - after reviving her and giving her the life and family she's always dreamed of, she has to say goodbye anyway?

    But the more I think about it, the more my appreciation for this story grows. I realise that it's what makes the story unique. It's not a story of revenge, with plans of betrayal and redemption woven into every chapter, it simply is a story of a girl who wants to enjoy the remaining days of her life. And because fate has decided to smile upon her, she finds love and fulfilment and that for her is enough.

    Having said that, my heart aches for Million. After she died (for good this time lol), he never forgot her.

    (cries in da club)
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2021
    By.Eve, Shendee90, SammieUy and 79 others like this.
  3. terpseachore

    terpseachore Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2021
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    I think I'm one of the few who liked the resolution towards her family. Punishment doesn't have to be flashy. It could be as simple as not having the opportunity to utter the words out of your mouth. No matter how many times you want to apologise or have the chance to hear a single word out of their mouth, you're not given the chance because you lost your right to it. MC knows how traumatising that was.

    And, ugh, the Count finally understood his daughter — that it would've been best if he left her alone. That was one of Karina's fears, right? For her family to suddenly change after knowing her condition, for them to love her only when her days are numbered. I, too, would want to focus on my dwindling future and avoid the dried scabs on my heart.

    Apologies for the ramble. This novel/manhwa really resonated with me a lot. So I'm really glad for the great writing and lovely art~ it's able to convey the story very well. (Ngl, reading this felt like therapy for me lol)

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  4. Lesha

    Lesha Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2018
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    I think the same.
    The family got the ending they deserved; they were neither bully nor cruel to her, just really harsh and taking her for granted.
    The little sister is sick, so she was a little jealous of her older and healthier sister, that's why she stopped her from going to some party. But how old was she when it happened? Under ten? Who at that age was sensible enough to think "I'm sick, but my sister has a party with her friends, I shouldn't bother her", I certainly wasn't.
    In the manhwa we didn't see the little brother do something to her, except to snitch to his parents that she gave him and his twin some food bought from a stall. Then again, he's still a little too young, and when he saw his parents so angry, his first thought was to share the blame or put the blame on someone else (the little sister has done that too). Who hasn't done that in their childhood? I did! Besides, in these 2 cases, the fault lies with the parents because they are too biased and tend to give her faults that aren't really hers just because she's older.
    The elder brother was often away, so I don't think the two of them had spent much time together. For the moment, we all saw her parents reactions to whatever things happened to him (him winning a contest = ignore Karina drawing // him breaking his leg = no Karina birthday).
    So the fault lies with the parents. It's true that they don't have much time since they are nobles and the mother has two young children to take care of and one of the two is sick too so she needs to take extra care of that child, but they shouldn't have treated their second child like she was always a sensible child and she would understand their situation. And they didn't treat their first son like this because he was away for most of the year so when they heard of him of course they would be excited, this is the reason why he grow up to be normal and not a neglected child (just realized this). The parents took for granted that she had to behave like a little adult and that she would understand but totally forgot that she was a child too and constantly asked her for more, and she always did what they wanted her to do.
    Therefore, I liked how she got away from them and never contacted them again because she wanted to live her last year in peace, and I liked how her father understood that. Dunno if they met before her first death, though.

    For the family doctor's death, I think I know the reason, but is just a speculation of mine based on the spoiler that I read here.
    In a spoiler I've read, it said that Nocturne (the doctor) was in love with Arvelia (little sis), what if he tried to give the dragon heart to Arvelia to cure her and to let Karina die? Wouldn't that be enough of a reason to kill him? The spoiler actually said that Karina wants to give the dragon heart to her sister, but at the end said that the spoiler she's got was confusing, so maybe she/he got that part wrong since mtl sucks.
    By.Eve, Shendee90, SammieUy and 17 others like this.
  5. Thamalasca

    Thamalasca Editing MTL's for "I'll Save this Damn Family"

    Aug 13, 2021
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    @Lesha. Thanks for your input.

    I agree on the smaller kids, behaving well... like kids and be forgiving of them, but in the chapter juste before MC leaves where the parents annonce that simply because the Eldest came home for a holiday they are organising a picnic to celebrate with him and push back her birthday, all this in front of the eldest that doesn't protest and say they can do his picnic AFTER they celebrate her birthday shows that he is just like his parents where his sister is concerned. He is a young adult, probably close to 20 if not a bit more, there is no excuse for his behaviour imo.
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  6. Lesha

    Lesha Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2018
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    @Thamalasca For that you are right.
    In my opinion, is because it was the norm for them. Well, now that I'm an adult I celebrate it when I'm free, like Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, but I still get my "happy birthday" on WhatsApp on my birthday. So when you grow up I think it doesn't really matter if you celebrate your birthday on the exact day... then again, not celebrate the birthday of your daughter because your elder son has free time and you want to have a picnic, your priorities are really messed up. BUT the elder brother told her later to just speak her mind after the dinner, it's just that she doesn't care anymore.
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  7. dontreallywanttoknow

    dontreallywanttoknow New Member

    Nov 23, 2021
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    I think why we don't really have a redemption arc on the family because they are not the focus of the story. It's like they are just people that live with the mc and it's better to forget them becoz they're not really worth it. That's why also in extra the author is more focus on her child and Million becoz they're the really family that our Mc leave so more on them than some people who we better call not her family.

    Also this is tag as a realistic story right?(don't know if im correct?) You don't see many people having regret when someone die in their family when they never even care about her. Also we don't see what happen to her family years after the Mc died since it was more focus on Seren and Million
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  8. MarBoh

    MarBoh Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2020
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    I also want to see the parents to feel more regret and remorse but reading the spoilers about them didn't even surprised me if it amounts to almost nothing. When you ignore/unnoticed someone either it's a distant acquaintance or a very close relative, the basis if they can still notice or care for you is the value that you hold in their heart over time. So of course you ain't feeling of what you thought that you or they would feel, since they're time spent on you has become blurry due time.

    I know it's different for some relationships because people are unique on their own, but if you base it on nature 'humans are fickle beings' (again please don't antagonize me of what I believe) we can't avoid to change, we can't prevent things to change. As Heraclitus said " Change is the only constant".

    In conclusion, I'm not surprised if the parents reaction are bland.
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  9. naruharu

    naruharu Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Yeah, totally agree with your thoughts! And about not having the 'rights' to it anymore, they realised it too. The guilt ... the regret ... not being able to live peacefully, that was perhaps their punishment.

    And here's a Part 2 of the Family's Reaction (First Death). It was in another chapter so didn't realise there was a continuation.

    “What the hell are you talking about, Cassis! Karina … Karina is dead? What happened to Karina?!”

    “ ….. I’m sorry, but I’m tired, Dahlia. I will rest for a while …”

    Count Leopold answered with exhaustion.

    The Count and Infrik returned to the mansion after a month. Count Leopold bowed his head in exhaustion as the Countess rushed to him the moment he arrived.

    “Cassis! Please, please! Tell me it’s a lie that the child is dead … ? Karina, why is she …. ”

    The Countess wailed as Count Leopold’s face became distorted, as if something inside was stinging him.

    “The Duke didn’t say how she got sick — it was only on the way back … they said she died of an art disease! I was kicked out and couldn’t even see her face properly!”

    At the sound of the Count’s voice, the Countess trembled, and her face changed.

    It can’t be.

    Wasn’t that child always healthy?

    Before she went out, definitely ….

    ‘Weren’t you healthy?’

    It was then that a thought came to her mind. The news that she wasn’t feeling well, skipping her meal times, it happened at the same time when she left … then it was rare to see Karina’s face at the table, and her skin was always white.

    'Was your skin white? Or were you actually pale?’

    The Countess’ face fell in deep anguish.

    “However, Cassis …. Karina! We should have gone to her funeral!”

    “The Duke said he was going to cut ties with us. They told me to take care of it on our own … what could I do … it was our fault for not believing it!”

    And that was the problem. Not seeing things as they were, thinking that everything was okay when they weren’t. He couldn’t turn time back. Even if he apologised, that child would not have looked back.

    “How can you say you’re going to the funeral when we do not have the right!”

    Count Leopold said with a distorted expression. He felt in his soul a deep fatigue, his face seemingly exhausted. While it was a shock to be treated that way, the news about Karina that he heard throughout the trip made him even more distressed.

    “ ….. It’s our fault."

    “I …… I …..”

    The Countess lowered her head. Not once did they thought that Karina was not their child. But if asked if they were proud of her as a daughter — she couldn’t answer that. But Karina Leopold was most certainly her child. However, for some reason, her daughter distanced herself.

    Whenever she looked into the clear and earnest eyes of her eldest daughter, she would often feel reluctant, and compared to the charming youngest, she admits that she definitely looked at her less. She thought that she didn’t have to take care of Karina much. There were so many children to look after … to take care of …. So she paid less attention.

    “They filled our wagon with gold. They said it was the price they raised so far …”

    “… For that child?”

    “Yes, a lot has changed. It seemed that she laughed a lot —"

    Next to the Duke Million Pestillo, Karina was a different person. She laughed well and expressed her emotions openly.

    “Dahlia, do you remember when last smiled brightly in front of us?”

    “…. What?”

    “I… honestly …. don’t remember.”

    Slowly, the Count passed by the Countess, his steps slow and weary, and his back seemingly so small.

    The Count’s butler followed in his footsteps.

    “If there’s nothing urgent, I’ll attend to it tomorrow.”

    “A few days ago, a document came from Duke Pestillo.”

    Count Leopold’s eyebrows narrowed at the name he didn’t want to hear too much. The Count turned his head, and the butler bowed, as if worried how to break the news.

    “There were a few projects that we were working on with them. They said they wanted to withdraw.”

    “All of them?”

    “Yes, and not only that, but some of the business partners that we have from the North said they would stop delivering by next month …”

    Count Leopold, who touched his throbbing head, sighed deeply.

    He wanted to get things done now, but it was as if someone put a knife to his chest. He was so tired and had no strength to move. Mentally, physically, emotionally … he felt so exhausted.

    Count Leopold nodded roughly.

    “I’m tired today. I will look into that tomorrow.”

    “Yes, sir. I’ll prepare the necessary documents and update it by tomorrow.”


    That was the end of the conversation.

    He went inside his own room instead of the couple’s shared room, and collapsed on the bed. Today, he didn’t want to be disturbed.

    “I’m tired ….”

    The past month left him devoid of all energy. Seemingly old and weary, dealing with the surge of guilt, the whirlwind of emotions, the hundreds of regrets …

    Count Leopold slowly closed his eyes.

    An eerie darkness engulfed his world in an instant, dropping him to the end of the abyss.

    Note: the above is a continuation of this spoiler I posted earlier:
    After the above, Karina was revived, and below is the reaction of her family (actually on the Count and Infrik) when they found out she was still alive:
    She then had 5 more years with Million and Seren before she finally said her final goodbye.

    To those asking whether her family found out that she died 'again' ... there were no mention of that in the book. Perhaps the author intended it to be that way, the Count and Infrik letting Karina live the life she's always wanted (only the Count and Infrik knew that she was actually 'alive' or in this case, revived.) The Countess would continue feeling the guilt, and the twins would never be the same.

    At the end of the 5 years, only those close to Karina, her husband, child, friends, were given the privilege to say goodbye to her.

    PS. Is there a way we can have a table of contents to collate all these in the front page of the thread lol
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
  10. Herodanish

    Herodanish Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2020
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    May i know why and how nocturne died?
  11. naruharu

    naruharu Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    I'm not 100% sure about this, but apparently:
    In terms of how he died, this is from the novel:
    In the chapter after that, Million mentioned that it wasn't an accident (meaning it was intentional) and they just made it seem like it was.

    But as to why, I'm not 100% sure (I only bought the last volume) (y)
  12. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    new special sode stories came out right? is anyone kind enough to translate them?
  13. Plumpuppeach

    Plumpuppeach Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    I just read ch.12 and of course Perial has long silver/white hair, those are characteristics of a 2nd ML


    Well in this case it's obvious he's 2nd lol
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2021
  14. naruharu

    naruharu Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Someone on this thread translated it already... it should be on Page 4.
  15. Plumpuppeach

    Plumpuppeach Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    Wait so was Million behind Nocturne death?
    Wtf did Nocturne do to get that kind of death:blobjoy: author EXPLAIN

    As naruharu said they're on pg.4
    I will add that these "new" specials aren't really new they're just being re-added on Kakaopage after they were removed from Kakao Stage a week before the webtoon released
    naruharu likes this.
  16. naruharu

    naruharu Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Super curious also what happened with Nocturne that warranted the anger of Million lol - but author-nim didn't explicitly say who. Reading between the lines, it seemed like it was Million :)

    Including here the only description in Book 5 regarding the death! (Aside from the other spoiler)

    For three days, Perial and Million worked hard to publicise the death of Karina Leopold.

    At the same time, Nocture was chased away.

    Upon hearing of Karina's death, Nocturne was in disbelief, but that was all.

    Million was already angry with him.

    Nocturne was beaten and dragged out of the territory by the soldiers and eventually driven out of then Northern checkpoint, where he died.

    On the surface, it seemed like it was death due to an attack by a band of thieves.


    I mean, the only one who can order those soldiers would be Million? I'm super curious why. That's it... I'm tempted to buy Book 4 lol
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2021
    Legnakra, TyShaye, SammieUy and 53 others like this.
  17. seoktonin

    seoktonin burning eyes

    Nov 23, 2020
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    ooo i see thanks!!
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  18. Plumpuppeach

    Plumpuppeach Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    Damn....i wouldn't fuck with Million even if its something small...

    I kinda feel bad for him, let's hope he did something bad to deserve that cause if not idk him dying were his body is so unrecognizable is an overreach if it's some small that he did
    But Thank you for the spoilers and answers ♡
  19. darkcrystal

    darkcrystal Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2017
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    “What the hell are you talking about, Cassis! Karina … Karina is dead? What happened to Karina?!”

    “ ….. I’m sorry, but I’m tired, Dahlia. I will rest for a while …”

    Count Leopold answered with exhaustion.

    The Count and Infrik returned to the mansion after a month. Count Leopold bowed his head in exhaustion as the Countess rushed to him the moment he arrived.

    “Cassis! Please, please! Tell me it’s a lie that the child is dead … ? Karina, why is she …. ”

    The Countess wailed as Count Leopold’s face became distorted, as if something inside was stinging him.

    “The Duke didn’t say how she got sick — it was only on the way back … they said she died of an art disease! I was kicked out and couldn’t even see her face properly!”

    At the sound of the Count’s voice, the Countess trembled, and her face changed.

    It can’t be.

    Wasn’t that child always healthy?

    Before she went out, definitely ….

    ‘Weren’t you healthy?’

    It was then that a thought came to her mind. The news that she wasn’t feeling well, skipping her meal times, it happened at the same time when she left … then it was rare to see Karina’s face at the table, and her skin was always white.

    'Was your skin white? Or were you actually pale?’

    The Countess’ face fell in deep anguish.

    “However, Cassis …. Karina! We should have gone to her funeral!”

    “The Duke said he was going to cut ties with us. They told me to take care of it on our own … what could I do … it was our fault for not believing it!”

    And that was the problem. Not seeing things as they were, thinking that everything was okay when they weren’t. He couldn’t turn time back. Even if he apologised, that child would not have looked back.

    “How can you say you’re going to the funeral when we do not have the right!”

    Count Leopold said with a distorted expression. He felt in his soul a deep fatigue, his face seemingly exhausted. While it was a shock to be treated that way, the news about Karina that he heard throughout the trip made him even more distressed.

    “ ….. It’s our fault."

    “I …… I …..”

    The Countess lowered her head. Not once did they thought that Karina was not their child. But if asked if they were proud of her as a daughter — she couldn’t answer that. But Karina Leopold was most certainly her child. However, for some reason, her daughter distanced herself.

    Whenever she looked into the clear and earnest eyes of her eldest daughter, she would often feel reluctant, and compared to the charming youngest, she admits that she definitely looked at her less. She thought that she didn’t have to take care of Karina much. There were so many children to look after … to take care of …. So she paid less attention.

    “They filled our wagon with gold. They said it was the price they raised so far …”

    “… For that child?”

    “Yes, a lot has changed. It seemed that she laughed a lot —"

    Next to the Duke Million Pestillo, Karina was a different person. She laughed well and expressed her emotions openly.

    “Dahlia, do you remember when last smiled brightly in front of us?”

    “…. What?”

    “I… honestly …. don’t remember.”

    Slowly, the Count passed by the Countess, his steps slow and weary, and his back seemingly so small.

    The Count’s butler followed in his footsteps.

    “If there’s nothing urgent, I’ll attend to it tomorrow.”

    “A few days ago, a document came from Duke Pestillo.”

    Count Leopold’s eyebrows narrowed at the name he didn’t want to hear too much. The Count turned his head, and the butler bowed, as if worried how to break the news.

    “There were a few projects that we were working on with them. They said they wanted to withdraw.”

    “All of them?”

    “Yes, and not only that, but some of the business partners that we have from the North said they would stop delivering by next month …”

    Count Leopold, who touched his throbbing head, sighed deeply.

    He wanted to get things done now, but it was as if someone put a knife to his chest. He was so tired and had no strength to move. Mentally, physically, emotionally … he felt so exhausted.

    Count Leopold nodded roughly.

    “I’m tired today. I will look into that tomorrow.”

    “Yes, sir. I’ll prepare the necessary documents and update it by tomorrow.”


    That was the end of the conversation.

    He went inside his own room instead of the couple’s shared room, and collapsed on the bed. Today, he didn’t want to be disturbed.

    “I’m tired ….”

    The past month left him devoid of all energy. Seemingly old and weary, dealing with the surge of guilt, the whirlwind of emotions, the hundreds of regrets …

    Count Leopold slowly closed his eyes.

    An eerie darkness engulfed his world in an instant, dropping him to the end of the abyss.

    That's y I don't like that mother more than that Father I mean all the sacrifices that girl made for u people u never counted them and now u don't have a reason to feel proud on her beside comparing her with ur charming daughter ok good job and what about being healthy thing that she always keep spouting on fl I don't understand anymore she heard fl is not feeling well but never visited her or atleast asked her what happened and now thinking if u r white or just pale seriously what a great mom u have so many children to take care so just no need to care of fl is a good excuse right.
    I didn't know this spoiler exist but it's very satisfying my fav part is how ml given that dad a lot of money as repayment to raised Karina all this time which is itself a biggest slap on their face beside kicking them out of ml house and not let them attained her funeral as if ml clearly declared "u don't have that right anymore so get lost" plus breaking all business ties with them but most importantly atleast dad able to witnessed how happy Karina is without them but along the Duke side.
    Thanks to arranged them in order @naruharu :justabotheart:
    Tho I want that mom to know carina was alive at that time and became the most famous artist on her own power so now do u still want to know any reason to being proud on her but who cares what u think because it's now irrelevant even for fl herself.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2021
    Shendee90, Bolovis, yana5656 and 31 others like this.