Forgotten Title BL novel if remembered correctly

Discussion in 'I'm Looking For...' started by GhostlyGuest, Dec 8, 2021.

  1. GhostlyGuest

    GhostlyGuest Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Title;___(Forgotten) [BL I think? YES]
    The Plot that was remembered;
    The MC's Girl-friend wants to break up with MC and MC tried to commit su!c!de with a brick. Same thing happen many time- when his Girl-friend was telling MC about breaking up and MC some how always have the brick with him. When MC finally accepted the break up, he goes off to make money (Because he is poor).
    His way of making money was to sell porridge [I think?] on the roadside. Some thing happen and the ML ended up with a head full of (Extremely sticky) porridge stuck in his hair. ML ended up having to shave his hair off. Then the male lead came to MC to get revenge and have MC hair get shaven off too [I think?]. The ML is especially fond of snakes and have a snake pet [can't remember what kind of snake but it's black? Can't remember] and the MC ended up getting on the good side of the snake by feeding it rats and mouse....

    URGENT!!! Please help...
    Thank you
    From: Stranger on the internet
  2. KazeYuki

    KazeYuki Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2016
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    Sounds like Counter Attack
    GhostlyGuest and Rahmiwu like this.