Free to play games!?!?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Lois., Mar 22, 2022.


Should I pray for your soul?

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  2. Non.

  3. I'm already a soul :'<

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  1. Lois.

    Lois. ❲.❳ Wooosh.

    May 19, 2021
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    if you've clicked on this thread I am horribly sorry for that scam like title. I will pray for your soul.

    But yessss FREE TO PLAY GAMES!?!?

    When you think about it aren't really free... I understand the need for developers to earn money for their work and maintenance and well life. A lot of things though in these "free" games need to be paid to achieve maximum ease! Maximum fun! Maximum maximum plussss ultraaaa! (I just wanted to joke a bit about that... and yes I like dogs...)

    Complaints aside, I don't think players actually have the right to complain about the game content and very openly "hate and show dissatisfaction, spread negativity" towards the game. Like just delete the game and shut up... If you're dissatisfied go make the game yourself and think about all the hard work of the makers just to nitpick a minuscule detail they also prolly spent a lot of time working on especially if you're not spending enough money in game to keep the game running. Reporting bugs and game problems that are valid are an completely different matter though.

    I'm gonna go in hiding because of the amount of threads I made (big confidence,much social) today and my introverted self screaming why did I even post this.
    ChiliJam likes this.
  2. unlucky

    unlucky Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Here is the thing, 'they spent a lot of time on it' isn't an excuse if it isn't good. Free to play games are for the most part a player's market so if the game isn't up to the player's standard that is a loss for the developer not the player. especially if they didn't invest enough time to pay money into it yet. so developers have to be very careful about what they deem as pointless nitpicking and what is legitimate criticism. there are plenty of stories out there about games that tanked their popularity and hype simply because the dev reacted extremely negatively to mild criticism.

    If a developer wants the player to pay money to support the game then the player has every right to voice their opinion about a game that is demanding their money to continue existing. showing dissatisfaction doesn't equate to spreading negativity.

    one point that I am confused about is that you are saying that players can't complain about game content and then mentioning nitpicking small details when those are two completely different things, players have every right to voice criticism to the content of a game that they are expected to play for a prolonged period of time and that cannot and should not be equated with nitpicking details. because the moment you treat genuine criticism as trolling you lose the plot and antagonize your player base for no reason and when that happens you invite the trolls to actually fuck with you.
    Mr gentleman likes this.
  3. Ryuukage

    Ryuukage [Professional Lurker][Loli Head Patter][Lazy Fox]

    Mar 6, 2016
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    There is one though, a free to play.
    The minesweeper, solitaire, hearts, and spider that were given as default. You didn't paid for the game, but you paid for the OS though

    Edit: I didn't read, way too f-ing long
  4. Harry

    Harry Now you see me

    Dec 13, 2015
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    There are only 2 types of free games
    1. Completely free from the developer, or
    2. The one you got from pirate site
  5. ChiliJam

    ChiliJam Sunflower Goddess' Devotee

    Mar 13, 2022
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    Well, yes. Also, thank you for making this thread, I need it for my 100 message goal.