Spoiler My Desertion Would Be Faster Than Heros’ Obsession

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Chizuru, Dec 5, 2021.

  1. Yi0104

    Yi0104 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    Oh somehow i always imagine him as a green guy from top to toe
    And about tan color so maybe translator mistaken? U mistaken? Or artist mistaken?
    jalila likes this.
  2. jalila

    jalila Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    Lol yeah i think so
    Yi0104 likes this.
  3. Chizu

    Chizu Active Member

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Hello !! It may be a stupid question, but what does the "XX" mean ? I'm a little bit confused bc they are a lot of "X" or "XX" in the translation but I dunno what does it mean :blob_tilt:
    EDIT : Damn, she curses a lot
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2022
    jalila likes this.
  4. cloerofile

    cloerofile Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2019
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    It's ok if you don't know, good kids should not know what it means :blobjoy::blobjoy:
  5. jalila

    jalila Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    XX is written instead of the curses
  6. Smile_for_me

    Smile_for_me Isekai enthusiast/ knovel lover

    Feb 12, 2019
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    Only seven chapters are out but i feel like i already read half the novel...
  7. Glutton idiot

    Glutton idiot Reader

    May 7, 2021
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    Fr those chapters be long
  8. Mynmyn

    Mynmyn Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2021
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    How are they the monsters? Do they become monsters when they die or were they monsters from the beginning? If so, why are they human like?
  9. Smile_for_me

    Smile_for_me Isekai enthusiast/ knovel lover

    Feb 12, 2019
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    Saw that the tl is now password protected, anyways to access it?
  10. PattyCakes

    PattyCakes Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    seemanta and Smile_for_me like this.
  11. Smile_for_me

    Smile_for_me Isekai enthusiast/ knovel lover

    Feb 12, 2019
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  12. RegisteredToAskAThing

    RegisteredToAskAThing Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    Sarubia, the MC, married Aquila and now is a mother of one child
    This novel will have a webtoon, who knows when.
  13. 0mimi0

    0mimi0 Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2022
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    I recently saw an announcement on twitter about manhwa.I hope it's really soon:aww:
  14. Ulfran

    Ulfran Member

    Mar 5, 2021
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    There was no announcement. The author was asked if there would be a webtoon. She replied that MaYbE someday, ok?
  15. Smile_for_me

    Smile_for_me Isekai enthusiast/ knovel lover

    Feb 12, 2019
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    @_sleepy_foodie_surfing_ thank you so much!! This just satisfied what has been haunting me the past months.

    I really hope ishina doesnt become that big of a contender though :( i really like their brother sister relationship
  16. censura

    censura Active Member

    Jul 1, 2021
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    você pode me enviar por favor?:aww:
  17. Tjanie

    Tjanie Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2021
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    Guy, there is good news. There are 21 side stories that come out:blobparty: on Kakaopage?! So I thought might as well share my treasure as well as I can:blobReach:

    WARNING: mtl

    #Abduction 1. Cool Mint Ice 78th
    "Hey Winter. Do you want to drink today?"

    "Let's drink.

    Those were the words of Altair and Yuri as they entered Winter's house.

    "Alcohol is not good for your health."

    Winter said that, but Altair and Yuri had already grabbed one of Winter's arms. Then he started dragging him.

    "Hey, I heard there is good alcohol prepared at my house today?"

    "You need a drink."


    Winter did not deny that.

    After receiving Sarubia and Aquila's wedding invitation, he often drank with his classmates. Alcohol helped him deal with his grief.

    In fact, taking advantage of Winter's depressed mood, Altair and Yuri were drinking alcohol to their heart's content.

    As Altair unscrewed the cork, Winter silently held out his glass. Altair filled his goblet, and this time Winter poured alcohol into Altair's goblet.

    "Uh, huh? What, what did I do wrong to you?"

    Seeing that the glass was full of bubbles, Altair asked in an absurd tone, but Winter merely put the bottle down with a blank face.

    "Hey, I guess he's out of his mind."

    "So, why is a perfectionist like Winter... He was perfect at pouring alcohol."

    "These days are a bit strange."

    As Altair and Yuri said, Winter was always in a daze after receiving the wedding invitation.

    Apparently, it was necessary to get Winter drunk quickly, so Altair carefully mixed various types of liquor and served it to Winter.

    And after a while....


    Red-faced Winter was half-lying on the floor, sighing.

    "Winter, are you having a hard time?"

    "Yeah, it's really hard...."

    "Hey, I'm going to experience a little heartbreak in my life! I can't meet another woman There are many women in the world."

    However, as soon as Altair said that, Winter jumped up with a serious face.

    "How could that be?"

    "What, what?"

    "It is impossible for a person to let go of what he has once decided to love."


    "Of course, I have no intention of Interfering with Sarubla and Aquila. But my love for Sarubia cannot fade."

    At that, Altair and Yuri met eyes with bewildered faces, and Yuri cautiously asked:

    "So, then you're saying you'll continue to love Salvia?"


    "Hey, that can't be! Sarubia has her husband!"

    "Of course, touching someone who has a husband is very impure. I would never do anything like that."

    "Well then?"

    "It just means I won't forget."

    Even though he was clearly drunk, Winter's eyes were shining brightly.

    "The memory of when I once loved Sarubia will remain in my heart forever. It would be a nuisance to meet another woman in that state, and I have no intention of doing so."

    "Yeah, that's right...."

    Yuri stuttered awkwardly and looked at Altair. Her Altair, like her, was watching her winter with her crazy eyes.

    Apparently, their motives were firmly mad with love.

    "It's amazing that you're going to keep it in my memory...."

    "Is this really madness?"

    While Altair and Yuri were whispering, Winter only drank again with a firm face.


    "I'll just go."


    Yuri narrowed her eyes and saw Winter getting up from her seat. Several empty bottles of alcohol were rolling around beside them.

    "Well, you did drink a lot today. Are you sober now? Do you remember what you said about Saruvia earlier?"

    "I broke all the alcohol. And of course I remember the story of Sarubia."

    "... Was it a valid statement with sober mind?"

    "Then, my heart will be the same."

    Altair stuck out his tongue and allowed Winter to leave first. He seemed to need some time alone to cool his head.

    "How about you stop drinking and go? Excessive drinking is not good for health."

    "Hey, I've seen somewhere that it's better to drink a lot in a day than a little every day."

    "You're saying that drinking too much every day is the worst."

    "... Son, you are correct."

    Altair, caught off guard, shook his head and looked at Yuri sitting in front of him with a drunken face.

    "Yuri, one more bottle?"

    "... let's go!"

    A drunk Yuri shouted bravely. She didn't turn down the drink that came to her.

    All three of them were quite strong in alcohol, so they were not drunk enough to lose their minds.

    But today, as I drank a lot to comfort Winter, it seemed like I had crossed the limit.

    Yuri, who was starting to feel a little bit snarky, began to speak out the words she had stored inside.

    "When I first enlisted and saw you... I wondered if there were all these guys."

    "Hahaha, did you?"

    "uh. Needless to say Winter, you were also madly flattering your seniors, so I thought you both were idiots."

    "That is what I am going to say."

    Altair poured a drink into the glass and said.

    "I thought both of them were so hard on me that my comradeship with my classmates was ruined."

    "Hey, but I'm better than Winter."

    "no it's not?"

    After arguing, Altair opened his mouth again.

    "Ah, come to think of it, why did you break up with the guy you were dating the other day?"

    "He? Oh, that..."

    Yuri made an embarrassing face, then suddenly glared at Altair with an angry face.

    "It's because of you!"


    "My eyes are high, so I can't be satisfied with a tolerable face anymore!"

    "what? ah..."

    Altair recalled the face of the guy Yuri had dated not too long ago, placed Winter's face next to it, and nodded. He just had to break up.

    "It is unfortunate for you. He said he was hot before enlisting."

    "Then you said you were Threk."

    "ha ha ha!"

    Before they knew it, they emptied a lot of their glasses, and Yuri began to feel as if she was floating in the sky.

    Yuri recalled the past with a half-drowsy mind. It was his memory when he had just enlisted.


    "Now, get down!"

    'God, XX, isn't that too much?"

    Yuri at that time was a devout believer, so she put her hands together and prayed to the god. She, of course, threw away her religious beliefs not long after enlisting, but she said.

    Yuri's face turned to despair at the sight that appeared before her eyes.

    Old buildings and rugged parade grounds... It looked just like the army my parents had described!

    The platoon commander left, telling them to wait for a moment.

    While Yuri was making a gloomy expression, the blue-haired man next to him opened his mouth.

    "Hey, are you my classmate?"

    At those words, Yuri finally looked at the person riding the cart with her.

    He was smiling softly as if he wasn't afraid of the situation.

    I remembered how my parents emphasized several times how important motivation is in military life. Yuri answered in the kindest voice possible.

    "Perhaps. It will split into different platoons."

    "Well, it's a motive anyway. So let's get along. My name is Altair."

    "... I am glass."

    Yuri hesitated, then took Altair's outstretched hand and shook it.

    At that time, Altair, who had noticed the surroundings, opened his mouth again.

    "Once again, the two of us are in sync. Be mindful."

    "Why is that all of a sudden?"

    "Someone could play 'recruit."

    "Playing recruits?"

    When Yuri frowned at what he had heard for the first time, Altair explained in detail.

    "Yes, I also heard from my parents that there are cases where senior officers pretend to be recruits and cheat other recruits. Commanders usually say that."

    "Aha, right. I heard from my parents too."

    Looking back, I didn't use the term 'recruit play', but my parents said something similar. Yuri nodded his head.

    "Anyway, let's get along!"

    "Yes, this is also a place where people live, so it will work somehow."

    For some reason, it seemed that comradeship was already burning, so Yuri made up his mind with Altair.

    At that time, the platoon leader came back here and spoke to them.

    "Now, you are all Alpha Platoon!"


    Even if it was a motive, I didn't know that the two would be assigned to the same platoon. Seeing Yuri with a surprised expression, the platoon commander said with a smile.

    "Because a lot of people died in Alpha Unit last time. Come on, let's


    At those words, Altair and Yuri met eyes.

    indeed can i get along?

    In that way, Yuri completed a series of joining procedures and arrived at the women's dormitory in the platoon. There were three seniors in the women's quarters.

    One was April, which I felt now loathsome, and the other two wore corporal epaulettes and had the exact same appearance.

    When Yu-ri looked at her with a puzzled expression, the corporals started talking to her.

    "Nice to meet you, recruit. I am Leeds."

    "I am Lisa. We are twins."


    Yuri was soon able to receive detailed information about life from them.

    Meanwhile, April was also sitting with a smile on her face, so Yuri thought that luckily all the female seniors were kind....

    I had to recant that idea later.

    After finishing the general arrangement at the dorm, the first training time approached. Yuri went out to the parade ground and found three men.

    One was Altair, and one was wearing corporal epaulettes, so he seemed to be the one to train them, and the other....


    Yuri tilted his head as he saw him standing there with his trainee epaulettes on. Looks like a recruit...?

    At that moment, Altair and Yuri's eyes met.


    Yuri was able to realize all the facts.

    He was playing what Altair called 'playing recruits'!
    Yuri went and stood next to them, thinking that he would never make a mistake with that person.

    Everywhere he looked, he had a face that never looked like a recruit. His face was cold beneath his black hair, and his blue-grey eyes seemed to freeze everything.

    'Looking at the angle, it doesn't seem like a late sergeant... Do you want to become a corporal?'

    In any case, it was clear that he had been here for a long time, seeing as his discipline was already firmly in place.

    'Anyway, he's a really great handsome man.'

    I thought Altair was handsome too, but Winter was a handsome man who completely broke the standard of good-looking she had until now. She couldn't believe that there was such a person in the army who couldn't even manage her appearance.

    While Yuri was stealthily peeking at him, the corporal opened his mouth.

    "This is Winter. It is said that there was an administrative error and that it has now arrived in a different cart."

    "all right."

    Responding like that, Yuri did not believe in the slightest that he was a recruit. Ha, where did you look at that person? I need to find someone who can be fooled.

    After that, the hellish training continued without Yuri having time to think about Winter.

    In the meantime, Winter, playing as a recruit, faithfully participated in training. Seeing this, Yuri had a question.

    'No, they say they're going to play recruits...?'

    Perhaps because he had been here for a long time and his stamina was great, Winter didn't seem to get tired at all while receiving the training.

    After a long struggle, the first hellish training was finally over. The corporal who was rolling them left, saying he would go to the bathroom for a while.

    Yuri, who was panting from exhaustion, immediately recalled the situation she was in and became very nervous.

    'I told you to be careful at this time!'

    According to the advice my parents gave me, when there were only recruits left, someone pretending to be a recruit would come and talk to me.

    But Winter was quiet.


    He really didn't say anything. A suffocating silence prevailed.

    In that awkward atmosphere, Altair eventually spoke first.

    "Did you say Winter? Haha, nice to meet you!"

    What are you doing? While Yuri was looking at Altair with worried eyes, he naturally continued his conversation with Winter.

    "nice to meet. what is your name?"

    "I am Altair. This is glass!"


    Winter bluntly bowed his head in response to Yuri's greeting. Everywhere I looked, there seemed to be no attempt to make fun of them.

    'Actually, I'm not a real recruit...?'

    When Yuri began to have such doubts, Altair said.

    "Winter, do you think you can adapt well to military life?"

    "I can't say for sure, but I came home with thorough preparations in advance."

    "okay? I think I can adapt too. The seniors seem like really nice people."

    "That child... I'

    Only then did Yuri guess what Altair was thinking.

    He was trying to flatter Winter by saying something nice to him before Winter, who was playing recruit, asked him about his seniors!

    "James-sama, Grada-sama, Now-sama, Peter-sama- I think everyone is good. Oh, and Commander Ferb too, ha ha hal"

    Seeing Altair's shameless behavior, Yuri shuddered. She seemed to have a great person as her motive.

    "Right. I'm glad they are good people."

    Winter nodded slowly.

    'No, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn't sound like a recruit's game?'

    While Yuri was tilting her head, the corporal who went to the bathroom returned. He instructed them to line up for a ride to the restaurant.

    Winter stood at the forefront, followed by Altair. Yuri whispered to him in a low voice, taking advantage of the gap to get behind Altair.

    "Hey, don't you think you're a recruit? No matter how you look at it, it's not something I'm trying to joke about."

    But isn't Altair looking at the glass with eyes as if looking at something unfortunate?

    "... Phew, what can I do if my motives are so naive?"

    "What, what?"

    "Never be fooled! Coming late because of an administrative error, this is unconditionally a game of recruits!"

    "That, is it?"

    Altair nodded again to the bewildered Yuri.

    "Yes, this must be recruit play!"

    His tone was so confident that Yuri, who was in a hurry, couldn't bear to refute.


    At the end of the day, Yuri asked.

    "Altair, do you really play recruits like this all day long?"

    "Don't be fooled! It can be done in a day or sol"

    The next morning, after rolling in the mud with Winter, Yuri asked.

    "...Altair, are you sure?"

    "Keugh, you seem to be playing more viciously than recruits... It's a ploy to catch us off guard!"

    As the week passed. Yuri asked in an almost angry tone.

    "Hey, this XX! Let go of your beliefs now!"

    "But it can't be!"

    They exchanged words with each other and headed for the parade ground. Winter was already out there with other trainees.

    "Hey, Winter!"

    Yuri thought it was strange that Altair, knowing that he was a senior, naturally greeted him as if he were a classmate.

    However, Altair argues, "You shouldn't be rude, but you shouldn't be overly polite either. He will think that he ruined his recruit game and will hate it."

    Winter, who was always blunt, spoke to them first for some reason.

    "Have you memorized all the monster-related information?"

    "Haha, yet... I got it yesterday, so time is too short. I only memorized grade C."

    "me too."

    After Yuri and Altair answered that, Winter nodded and said.

    "Right. I memorized them all."

    "and! What a surprise!"

    As they clapped, Altair whispered into Yuri's ear.

    "How do you memorize so many things in such a short amount of time? The senior is right."

    "that... is it?"

    Around the time Yuri was fooled by Altair's words, Winter spoke.

    "It would be good for you to memorize quickly. Because I said I was going to check it."

    At those words, Yuri opened her eyes. If a senior who plays recruits said something like that, it must be!

    'You're saying that if I don't memorize it quickly, I'll be really pissed off!'

    "Yeah, I'll memorize it quickly."

    "We should be more diligent."

    "... okay."

    Winter looked a bit bewildered, but seemed to appreciate their passion anyway. Altair added with a smile.

    "Because if I don't memorize it, the seniors will get scolded, haha!"

    Then, as if Winter was thinking about something, he said with a serious face.

    "... But I think that's a bit unreasonable."


    "Beating or scolding recruits doesn't make their memory better, but it's unfair to scold them for not being able to memorize them. Unless, of course, there are special cases where you are being lazy."

    'Wait, is this...'

    Altair and Yuri met their eyes at the same time.

    "No, It's all our fault, ha ha ha!"

    "No, that's right. Seniors are not at fault."

    "... is it?"

    "Yeah, if you can't memorize everything, I think it's cheaper to brush up a bit!"

    "So let's try harder."

    At those words, Winter somehow had a sullen face, but Yuri and Altair smiled brightly at the thought that they had overcome the crisis.

    It didn't go over to the senior who was playing recruit!

    But by the time Winter had been active as a new recruit for two weeks, Yuri had no choice but to question again.

    "Hey, who the hell plays recruits for two weeks?"

    "No, didn't you see that I tried to curse the senior naturally the other day? Why are you doing this even though you saw them selling traps?"

    "It could just be a coincidence, you XX!"

    As they were doing their laundry, the two of them kept their mouths shut because Winter was approaching.

    "It was a bit late because the senior ordered me to clean my sword. sorry."

    "No, it could be, haha!"

    "What were you two talking about anyway?"

    "Ah, I was naturally consulting with my worries, haha. Originally, siblings should get along well with each other."

    At those words, Winter suddenly looked impressed and opened his mouth with a strange expression.

    "...If so, may I consult with you about one concern?"

    "Well then! say it!"

    Then Winter made a serious face and said.

    "I'm worried that I don't get along well with my opposite appointment."

    "If it's a match..."

    "I'm talking about Gagne. My parents said that I had to be on good terms with the opposite seniority, but I don't think I can follow that rule."

    Yuri thought of Gagne in his mind.

    Being one rank higher than the 78th class, he seemed to have an inferiority complex towards those who quickly followed through training. And because of that inferiority complex, It was so obvious that he hated the entire 78th class.

    There was no reason to approach someone who was jealous of you first. So Yuri wasn't even paying attention to him....

    Wait, by the way, doesn't the fact that Winter first consulted with his troubles in this way proves that he is still a new recruit in a relationship with his counterpart?

    "Look, are you really a recruit?"

    Yuri whispered that into Altair's ear, and this time Altair responded by putting his mouth to Yurl's ear.

    "What are you talking about? Finally, the purpose of the recruit game came out. It's a ploy to make us swear at the opposite seniority so that we can distance ourselves from the opposite seniority."

    "What are you talking about?"

    "That's right. Otherwise, why would you bring up such a concern?"

    After saying that, Altair put on a mischievous expression and turned his head back to Winter.

    "Now, now, Winter, what are you talking about? Gagne hates you."

    "But he told me I was unlucky."

    "Ah, what are you talking about? it's all a misunderstanding. The good guy couldn't do that!"

    Then Winter asked, looking at Yuri and Altair alternately.

    "Then are you saying there is no problem with Gagne-nim?”

    "okay! How are you doing?"

    Of course, Yuri was ignoring Gagne, and Altair kept looking for another senior when he appeared, but Altair replied anyway.

    However, at those words, Winter somehow made a sullen expression.

    "Right... It was like that."


    "It seems like I was the only one who wasn't adapting well to the army."


    "You guys get along well with the senior, but I can't get along with the senior by myself. I need to be more diligent."


    "And there..."

    Winter looked at them with a grim face.

    "Looking at you whispering to each other from the other day, you seem to be very close. But I couldn't get close to you, so this is my responsibility."


    "As a sign of diligence, I will hang all this laundry by myself."

    After saying that, Winter took the heavy laundry basket and disappeared into the backyard.

    Yuri, who was looking at the place where he disappeared, said with a white face.

    "Hey, this XXI Wherever you look at that, it's a senior! Anyone can see that he is a recruit being bullied!"
    "Oh, that can't be. Were you really a recruit?"

    "Oh wow, it's frustrating! I've never been fooled by this XX! You are waiting here!"

    After shouting that to Altair, Yuri ran towards the women's quarters. There, April was carefully folding her towels.

    "Hey, April-sama..."

    Over the past week, Yuri has noticed that April's personality is not normal. In front of the corporals, she flinched, but she didn't know how she would react if she were alone with Yuri.


    April responded with a soft smile and a smile on her eyes, but Yuri didn't let her guard down and kept her tension on the question.

    "I- Do you dare to ask me if I can ask you a question..."

    "Don't be silly, just ask."

    "thank you! excuse me... Is Winter, by any chance, an old man playing recruit?"


    At those words, April had a rare confused look on her face, and started to laugh with a puhaha sound.

    "Did you think of your classmates as seniors up until now?"

    "Are you really motivated?"

    "What were you thinking if it wasn't an alternative motive? What, playing recruits? ha ha ha!"

    "I thought Winter was playing recruits... Are you really, really not?"

    "So you're saying I'm lying?"

    "...thank you for telling me!"

    April's face suddenly changed, so Yuri, sensing danger, quickly lowered her head and left.

    After quickly running away from April, Yuri went back to the seat where Altair was waiting and gave strength to her whole body, and....


    "ah! what?"

    Altair, who had been hit on the back out of nowhere, shouted, but Yuri didn't stop and patted him on the back while shouting.

    "hey! April-nim said that, but he's just a recruit! We've been acting like XX all this time!"


    Altair's face was shocked, but he quickly regained his expression and spoke.

    "... In fact, I was starting to doubt it."

    "This XX! So what are you going to do! Winter is suddenly being ostracized by us!"

    "phew... Yes, we must restore the relationship."

    "I've never been close to you, so the word recovery isn't appropriate."

    "Don't hit the bones..."

    That's how they couldn't recover their relationship with Winter for a long time and had to sever it.


    "Yes, that happened..."

    A smile appeared on Yuri's lips as she recalled her stupid and clumsy childhood.

    How did they become friends with Winter, who ruined everything from the start?

    Altair spoke to Yuri, who was quietly recalling the past.

    "What are you thinking?"

    "You mistook Winter for a senior who was playing recruits."


    Altair brushed the back of his neck shyly.

    "Forget about that now... It is a dark history."

    "Eh, when I think about the hardships I went through because of you, you are cheap even if you are constantly teased. I know Winter is nice. Seeing that he doesn't say anything to you."


    Altair laughed awkwardly, then opened his mouth.

    "By the way, is Winter's face your preference?"


    "You said you couldn't date someone because your eyes were getting high because of him?"

    "Hey, that's not it."

    Yuri answered with an angry face at once.

    "I don't like people who don't have social skills like her! He only admits that his face is handsome."

    "okay? Then what about me?"


    "No, they said their eyes got high because of us. Doesn't that mean that my face also matches your taste?"


    Realizing that he had fallen into a trap, Yuri frowned, then took the bottle and poured It Into Altair's glass. And he filled his cup and poured it.

    "Hey, stop talking nonsense and have a drink. Cheers, Cheers!"

    "Haha, yes! Cheers!"

    Altair is also a person who never quits drinking. They clinked their glasses cheerfully and poured the drink into their mouths.

    And the next day....

    "What is it, XX?"

    Yuri was startled by the human body temperature she felt before she even opened her eyes.

    I was shocked to see that he was undressing again.

    For the third time, I was astonished at the fact that I could feel the scent of a futon that was different from my own home.


    "Ah, XX!"

    "Why, what is it- Ahh!"

    "XX, what is this!"

    "That's what I'm going to do... No, but do you even have something to curse at? Isn't that too much?"

    "Do I look like I'm not cursing right now, XX!"

    "You hurt me!"

    ...That's how it happened.


    A few days after that incident, Yuri and Altair gathered at Altair's house again with awkward faces. There was no Winter this time.

    It was because the two of them had gathered together to talk about the last incident.

    "Hey, last time..."

    When Altair got lucky, Yuri shouted first.

    "It was a mistake!"

    "... Yes, it was a mistake."

    "Let's make sure this never happens again."


    The atmosphere seemed to be getting awkward, so Yuri was only rolling her eyes. Altair, who seemed to feel the same awkwardness, jumped up and brought a drink.

    "Why are you drinking so much at home? Do you do business?"

    "I felt resentment for not being able to drink in the army."


    He unscrewed the cork and poured a drink into a glass. Yuri quickly drank a glass of it to overcome the awkwardness somehow.

    "Hey, Altair, do you remember? When we mistook Winter for a senior in our old days?"

    "You said that last time."

    "Uh, do you remember how we became friends after that?"


    Altair laughed out loud as they quickly drank a drink together.

    "I cannot forget. How many things have happened."

    "I did too..."

    Yuri's voice softened. She began to feel dizzy as her aura rose.

    They were usually not drunk, but they seemed drunk with the atmosphere, probably because they had been talking about old things for the first time in a while.

    "Think of our comradeship then...”

    "It was really the strongest."

    "Okay, let's go back to that mindset."

    Yuri recalled the time when he found out that Winter was a real recruit, not a senior.

    At the time, they did everything they could to repair their relationship with Winter.

    When Winter passed by, I tried to raise my thumb and send a wink, but every time I did, Winter only put on a bewildered expression.

    So one day, Yurl and Altair finally made up their mind.

    "It can't go on like this! You have to do something."

    "Is there a way, Altair?"

    "Yes, I think..."

    Altair looked at the glass with a serious face and said.

    "We are helping Winter."

    "Help me?"

    "Uh, then Winter will naturally feel grateful, right? Then we can talk and get to know each other better."

    "Aha, that's a good way."

    It sounds like it makes sense, so Yuri nodded as well.


    "Come on, you guys. Mow the lawn from here to there."

    As soon as the senior's order was given, Yuri met Altair's eyes. Now, saying that you will do more of Winter's share here, you just have to get close....

    "What, what? Did the grass disappear?"

    "I just shaved It all off."

    "What are you talking about? Did you just close and open your eyes?"

    Winter mowed the lawn like a human mower at crazy speed.

    "You guys, clean up the laundry room."

    "Winter, you haven't cleaned this damp place, have you? I specialize in places like this..."

    "Hehe, we can help..."

    "It was all cleaned up."


    Winter was good at all kinds of cleaning. No, he excelled at all kinds of household chores.

    How great was his ability....

    "Hey, a soldier named Winter is good at his job, right? Come and clean the company commander's office."

    "Winter ah ah!"

    "No, no!"

    It was to the point of being dragged here and there by the police officer!

    "Isn't something strange? Our lives are running like a gag cartoon!"

    "I don't know either! We've been insane since we've been mistaking Winter for a senior playing recruits for two weeks in the first place!"

    How the hell did you make that mistake for two weeks? Originally, all recruits were foolish and stupid, but Yuri really wanted to go back to the past and slap her on the forehead.

    "Damn it, not anymore."

    Those were the words Yuri said on the first day she went out to wipe out monsters. Altair also agreed and nodded.

    "Yes, for today, we have to succeed in Operation Winter Help. We're going to battle today, so let's help Winter fight."

    Yuri glanced at Altair. Although he was a recruit....

    "You can be trusted."


    "Yeah, I've never seen someone as good at swordsmanship as you."

    His swordsmanship skills would be enough to help Winter. At those words, Altair gave a happy expression and praised Yuri as well.

    "Since you are strong enough to destroy a log with your bare hands, you should be able to help Winter enough."

    They were evaluated as superior in combat power to most seniors, so they were in a position to help others without worrying about their own lives.

    While Yuri smiled triumphantly at the thought that she had finally found a way, Altair suddenly opened his mouth with a firm expression.

    "Wait a minute, but Winter is much stronger than us."


    "No, he must be stronger than anyone in this unit?"

    "I was pretending not to know, but what if I talk about it!"

    Shouting that, Yuri closed her eyes tightly. It was. Altair and Yuri were said to be strong, but in fact the real strongest was Winter.

    "Even so, eradicating monsters isn't something that can be solved only by individual strength, right?"


    "Yes, he said teamwork is important!"

    When Yuri said that, Altair nodded with an expression of understanding.

    "So Winter alone won't be able to defeat the monster, so we're going to help together."

    "Yeah, don't you think comradeship is formed when we do something together?"

    Yuri's words made sense, so Altair also smiled in agreement.

    "Right, let's show our teamwork!"

    "Let's show it!"

    They marched with enthusiasm, burning with enthusiasm. Looking at them, the seniors told me not to put too much energy into it.

    Their first clearing target was the Kraken. As a B-class monster, it was said that it wasn't bad for a new recruit's first clearing target.

    Yuri glared at the Kraken and fixed his sword. and...

    "Battle begins!"


    As soon as someone shot the kraken head-on, the kraken that had been hit crept out of the lake in a rage and moved toward them. The Kraken came closer, but the firing squad calmly fired at the Kraken.

    And when the kraken finally got close enough to reach them, the order came again.

    "Squad 1, with the left leg! Second squad with your right leg!"

    Yuri, along with the other soldiers, held their ground and swung their swords. The Kraken's legs were hard, so they couldn't be easily cut, but they broke after being hit multiple times.

    Then, a scream was heard from somewhere.


    Corporal Risha was hanging in the air, tied to the Kraken's leg.

    Liz gritted her teeth and held back her rage instead of rushing at the Kraken.

    "Yuri, stay still..."

    April, who was next to her, said that, but Yuri ignored her words and ran toward Risha.

    "Miss Lisa!"

    Because I couldn't ignore the senior who had been good to me in the meantime.

    Before the Kraken could take Risha into his mouth, Yuri stepped on one of the Kraken's legs and climbed up.

    As Risha approached the dangling bridge, Yuri jumped high with full strength in her body.

    'Because I'm strong... !'

    Wishing more desperately than ever, Yuri swung her sword at the Kraken's leg and....


    As the Kraken's blood covered his face, Yuri realized he had succeeded.

    It cut off the Kraken's legs!



    Liz ran to catch Lisa, who was rapidly falling.

    Yuri's body, which swung the sword with all her weight, also fell quickly.

    That's right, if you fall with good posture, you won't get seriously injured if you hit the ground.

    She closed her eyes tightly....


    However, Yuri opened her eyes as she felt something hugging her. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was a familiar face.


    Winter had come running to save her!

    "Did a recruit just save a recruit?"

    "Isn't that great?"

    While hearing the voices of the seniors, Winter carefully set the glass down on the ground.

    "Are you not hurt?"

    Isn't it natural to get hurt if you catch a person falling from the sky with your arms? When Yuri asked, Winter answered in a very calm tone.

    "Yes. I bent my knees as much as I could and caught her with my whole body."

    "...you are so amazing...."

    I had to say thank you more to Winter, but I had to go back to my place because I was in the middle of clearing monsters right now.

    That's how the Kraken was successfully processed. Yuri had to be robbed for leaving the ranks without permission, but he didn't feel bad.

    Because Winter seemed to have affection for the other classmates!

    "Altair, there is a chance!"

    Yuri, who ran to Altair to deliver the good news, exclaimed excitedly. However, Altair was somehow not very happy.

    "I know, Winter seems to like us quite a bit..."

    "Yes, so you saved me! But why are you so depressed?"

    "Because Winter himself seemed to think that we were not close to him."


    It was a sound that made my conscience hurt even more.

    "hey! You didn't have to talk nonsense about playing recruits and all that in the beginning!"

    "You believed it back then too!"

    I grumbled again, but in the end, no answer came out about how to get closer to Winter...


    But the opportunity came sooner than expected, from an unexpected place.

    "Come on, gather!"

    The next day, Yurl, who was doing self-training at the parade ground, ran to the front of the platoon following the voice of his senior.

    Corporal Peter stood in the hallway with an angry face. In his hand was a broom.

    "Hey, who is this XX who left this at the laundry without cleaning up while cleaning?"


    They made troubled faces. There were a lot of small mistakes of that kind, and it was very difficult to find out who the culprit was.

    That's why they usually took turns wearing guns.

    Of course, there was a principle of not requiring recruits to wear arms, but Yuri at that time did not know that. So he rolled his eyes hard with Altair.

    To make matters worse, Gagne looked back and noticed them.

    "Hey, come out among you. So, should your seniors be robbed?"

    Now, they could have refuted, saying, 'What does that mean to a recruit who is at risk of desertion?"

    Thus, they exchanged glances with spleen faces.

    'I'll do it! This time, I will help Winter!'

    'No, I'll do it!'

    "Who doesn't come out soon..."

    "I did."

    After a while, I heard three voices.

    Yuri, Altair, and Winter raised their hands at the same time.

    Yuri and Altair looked at Winter with surprised eyes.

    "Hey, we'll take care of it!"

    "No, why are you here?"

    However, Winter answered in a stern voice.

    "No, you are my siblings, so it can't be. Originally, you said that in the military, what you should value as much as your life is your motives. I also want to be with you like blood brothers."

    At those words, Yurl and Altair eventually couldn't stand it and hugged Winter.

    "Huh, Winter! You are such a wonderful child!"

    "Hey, we're thinking of you as a motive tool"

    "Is it really?"

    "Then, we will never bully you!"

    "You didn't do anything wrong with your military life! We were wrong!"

    "I am impressed..."

    Even the always blunt Winter somehow became frowning and stole his eyes.

    "Are they crazy?"

    "I think it's probably one of the common abnormal symptoms that recruits see."

    No matter what the elders said around them, they held each other like that for a long time....


    "It happened..."

    Yu-Ri's eyes were vague at the thought of that time.

    "Ah, it was so good then. It was youth!"

    Altair had a similarly hazy face. He picked up the bottle and poured the drink into a glass.

    "Hey, It feels good. I can't get rid of it without drinking."

    "Yes, follow me more!"

    Yuri, who quickly shot one shot, pushed out the next glass, and,



    Yurl opened her eyes in a familiar bed and spat out a curse, and now Altair covered her eyes with her hands without saying anything to it.

    "Hey, I'm sure the last four months were due to drinking, but we don't have the ability to learn?"

    "Now I just don't know... Be what you want, what...."

    Yuri and Altair stared blankly into the air for a long time. I couldn't understand why their lives went on like this every day.

    "By the way, I have a question."

    Then, Altair's voice broke the silence.

    "Do you think you can do it with your sober mind?"

    "what? What kind of crazy trash are you looking at me for?"

    In an instant, Yuri shouted in an annoyed voice.

    "I told you! It's because you're my taste, but if it wasn't you, you'd have hit the wall no matter how drunk you were."

    "... Aha, so it's possible with sober mind?"

    At that moment, Altair grinned and stood up, and Yuri, feeling ominous, pulled her body back.

    "Hey, hold on. But first, let's talk a little...."

    "Okay, let's talk."

    "No, not body talk….."

    Just as Yuri slipped back, a voice from outside the door broke the tense tension between them.

    "Altair, is Altair there?"

    "That's Winter!"

    "What's going on in the morning?"

    They came to their senses at the same time and, as if they had promised, quickly picked up their clothes and started putting them on. It was a tremendous speed that did not come out even in the army.

    After a while, Altair opened the door with a fake smile on his face.

    "Hey, what happened in the morning?"

    "I bought apples this time, but there are a lot of them, so I'm here to share them."

    At that moment, Winter, who was holding a basket of apples, focused on Yuri in the corner.

    "- glass?"

    "Yes! They both died in the living room while drinking yesterday!"

    "Haha, I must have run too much! I will drink in moderation from now on.


    Winter nodded and said.

    "By the way, Yuri."


    "The wrong button was fastened."

    At those words, Yurl looked down at her clothes with a white face and saw that the buttons were indeed pushed one by one!

    "And Altair."

    "Uh, huh?"

    "I wore my clothes inside out."

    "Damn it!"

    Winter had a face that now realized the truth.

    "at last. That's how it happened."

    "No, that, that..."

    Altair opened his mouth to make an excuse, but was soon silenced again. Because he was in such a situation that he couldn't even take it off.

    As they looked at Winter awkwardly, Winter opened his mouth.

    "... I don't know why people around me keep following me."

    "Winter ah ah!"

    "shit! We are trash!"

    Altair and Yuri screamed at the idea that they had made Winter, who had been suffering so much recently, even more difficult.

    But soon, the words that came from Winter were unexpected words.

    "But it's okay. Still, you are my precious motive."

    "Winter... !"

    "If you guys get married, I will sit in the front row and congratulate you."

    "Winter, ah ah ah!"

    In the end, as they did a long time ago, the three of them hugged each other and couldn't help but shed tears at the awesome camaraderie.

    Of course, there were relationships that were a bit unreasonable to call it synchronicity, but well.

    Anyway, 'love between siblings' wasn't wrong.

    #Abduction 1. Cool Mint Ice 78th (complete)

    And this why I am still having second male syndrome

    oh! to people who want 'My Desertion Would Be Faster Than Heros’ Obsession' part/volume 2 (73 chapters), pls do dm me
    seemanta and Emma626 like this.
  18. Tjanie

    Tjanie Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2021
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    #Abduction 2-1. small and cute? chestnut bur

    "Nose, nose bridge."

    Aquila woke to the faint sound of a voice in her sleep.

    Turning around, Saruvia in his arms was turning over and muttering something.



    It had been several days since Sarubia muttered her nose in her sleep.

    Aquila, who at first thought that the bridge had appeared in her dream, now needed to think about it a little more seriously.

    'Does Kodari want to eat?'

    One of Sarubia's favorite foods, when she was in the army, was Kodari Gangjeong. As such, it was not strange that the pregnant Sarubia was looking for Kodari...

    Then, realizing something. Aquila raised her head.

    'Food you want to eat when you're pregnant!'

    Sarubia ate food with a strong scent and did not vomit. Besides, she didn't have any particular food she wanted to eat.

    The only thing that changed after the pregnancy was that she became a little angrier. Let's just say she's a little upset anyway, even though she pulled Zayden's hair a while ago.

    But seeing it now, Sarubia unconsciously seemed to want to eat Kodari gangjeong.

    Aquila knew very well that when pregnant, you should always bring the food you want to eat. Otherwise she said it would be a life long one.

    'It's so unusual to want to eat Kodari gangjeong.'

    There were many types of kodarl, but the one that came out of the military was always gangjeong kodarl, so the kodari that Sarubia is talking about must be gangjeong.

    And Kodari gangjeong was a really terrible food.

    If you take a bite with the expectation that it is chicken gangjeong, you will feel the crispy texture of the fish.

    On the day Kodarl Gangjeong was served, booing could be heard from all over the restaurant. Kodari gangjeong was a regular menu on such a subject, which often made his soldiers suffer.

    Well, it wasn't surprising that the food Salvia wanted to eat was unusual. It's probably because of Salvia.

    So the next day, after having breakfast with Sarubia, Aquila decided to leave the house for a while.

    "Sarubia, I have work for a while, so I'll go out and come back."

    "Okay? okay."

    Sarubia obediently let him go without asking for a detailed reason.

    But after leaving the house, Aquila was troubled.

    Kodari is a common fish, so you can get it right away, but...

    "How do I do Kodari Gangjeong?"

    He was not even a cook in the army, so it was difficult for him to make Kodari gangjeong alone.

    Besides, in this town where there are many soldiers, there is no place that sells terrible army food...

    Thinking we should discuss this with someone, Aquila headed to Ishina's house.


    "Aquila, what's going on?"

    When Aquila arrived at Ishina's house, he immediately became concerned. It looked as if something had happened to Saruvia.

    Sitting across from Ishina, Aquila opened her mouth with a serious face.

    "It's a big deal."

    "What, what? Did Sarubia get angry and hit someone?"

    "No, Sarubia wants to eat kodari gangjeong."

    "...Is there something wrong with your sense of taste?"

    Ishina, who was always kind, responded with a slightly puzzled expression.

    "No, if you were pregnant, you wouldn't be able to eat other delicious foods. Why the hell are you trying to eat kodari gangjeong?"

    "I don't know about that, but since Saruvia wants to eat it anyway, I'm thinking of finding a way."

    "Sarubia has a really peculiar taste..."

    Ishina muttered as if lamenting.

    "Sarubia seems to think that the terrible military food is really good."

    "It seemed that the standard of taste was slightly different from mine."

    Aquila tried to package Sarubla's taste, but it backfired...

    When everyone in the Border Guard complained about the terrible taste of army food, Salvia alone insisted that the food was really good. Every time that happened, Aquila and Charon agreed with Sarubia's words.

    After an awkward silence for a while, Ishina shouted with a face that reminded her of something.

    "Oh, there is a way!"

    "What is it?"

    "Do you know the successor named Luna of the Snow Mountain Battalion that Sarubia went to?"

    "Yes, I've met Saruvia a few times since he's a close successor."

    "Luna said that the soldiers there often went out to the kitchen to help cook. It seems that Salvia didn't go out because she's the commander."


    "Yes, the soldiers of the Snow Mountain Battalion might know how to make Kodari Gangjeong."

    At those words, Aquila jumped up from her seat. He was thinking of going straight to see Luna.


    Looking at Aquila who came to visit her, Luna narrowed her eyes and said bitterly.

    "Oh, is that a bit crazy?"


    "Oh no, ha ha ha. What did you come for?"

    She smiled awkwardly, but Aquila didn't mind her laugh and continued.

    "Do you know how to make kodari gangjeong?"


    "Because Salvia wanted to eat it."


    After being silent for a moment, Luna exclaimed.

    "As expected, Sarubia-sama is very special."

    "... Well, wouldn't it be possible for people to like Kodari Gangjeong?"

    "Do you really think so?"


    When Aquila couldn't bear to answer that, Luna brought out a welcome word.

    "Fortunately, I know how to do kodari gangjeong. Did you bring the bridge?"

    "Yes, I bought it just in case."

    "Come Inside."

    Aquila followed Luna inside. Standing in the kitchen, Luna showed Aquila how to make Kodari gangjeong and made it.

    While Aquila was silent watching it, Luna opened her mouth.

    "It reminds me of Salvia-sama's old days..."

    "Can you tell me about Sarubia?"

    Aquila's eyes lit up.

    He always wondered what Saruvia was like when he was in the Snow Mountain Battalion. Of course, she told me everything through letters, but she still couldn't do it when we were together.

    Aquila couldn't bear the fact that there was a side of Saruvia she didn't know.

    Then Luna glanced at Aquila and started talking.

    "That's what happened when I went out to wipe out monsters a long time ago... I was dealing with eight-legged monsters, but some of them couldn't avoid their legs well, so I almost died."


    "So, Gil-gil got angry that Saruvia-sama came back and almost died, and said that she would practice avoiding it from now on."


    "And I rolled up snow and threw it at them. Every time I got hit by a snowball, it added to my spirits."

    At that, Aquila smiled softly. He didn't mind Luna looking at Aquila like a madman, he said in a voice that fell in love.

    "Saruvia... To think that he cares about the lives of his successors more than anyone else...."

    "... After all, he was a bit crazy."

    Luna sighed and continued talking.

    "And there is another. Sarubla-sama used something called 'snow beads'."

    "Eye beads?"

    "Yes, it is to make small balls of snow and make them into a bead shape. And whenever we did something wrong, he sprinkled it in the snow..."


    "Of course, it was extremely difficult to find snow beads because the snow fields were all white. It didn't melt because the weather was cold, but if we step on it, it's ruined."

    "What if I step on it?"

    "How is it? Until Lady Sarubia forgives her, she pretends to keep looking for her, or secretly creates eye beads for her. Of course, if we found out, we searched."

    "oh my god..."

    Aquila sighed with her hands folded. Sarubia is really...

    "You're so wise."

    "yes, yes?"

    "Isn't it amazing that you can come up with a way to punish your successor without hitting him?"


    Luna shook her head.

    "It looks like Sarubia-nim married someone who is really perfect for her."

    "Thank you for the compliment."

    "It's not a compliment..."

    Soon, Luna held out her nose leg gangjeong towards Aquila with a weak face.

    "It is complete. I'm going to wrap this up for you, but would you like to try one before that?"

    "Yes, thank you. I will definitely repay this favor later."

    Saying that Aquila accepted the chopsticks from Luna. Before bringing it to Sarubia, she thought of tasting it herself first.

    And Aquila, who carefully put one Kodari gangjeong into her mouth...


    "Why, why is that?"

    "It tastes like jjambab...."

    It was. At Kodari Gangjeong, I really felt the taste of the old military.

    No matter how much I thought about it, Aquila couldn't call this food delicious.

    'Will Sarubia really like this?'

    Such doubts began to rise in his heart. No matter how much I thought about it, it seemed that no one in the world would like this type of food.

    "Where am I... Suck!"

    Luna's impression as she followed Aquila into her mouth was frowned at once.

    "Ugh, the taste of jambab!"

    Aquila nodded eagerly in agreement.

    No matter how much Sarubia really wanted kodari gangjeong, it seemed impossible to bring this food to her. Perhaps her anger might be expressed against Aquila.

    But first, just in case, Aquila left Luna's house, taking care of the food Luna had packed for her.

    'What should I do?'

    I don't think Sarubia would want such a tasteless kodari gangjeong. Doesn't delicious kodari gangjeong in this world exist?

    At that time, the one who was the best cook among the members of the Cledore Mountain Battalion came to mind.


    Proving the proverb, 'Patty and Matty have their uses too', Matty was a good cook. She might be able to make delicious Kodari Gangjeong.
    "Okay, let's ask Matty."

    Aquila once again bought a kodari and headed to Matty's house, and after a while...

    "Was Kodari Gangjeong able to taste like this?"

    Aquila said that with a genuinely surprised face.

    Apparently, the Kodart Gangjeong he knew only tasted like the military, but this was really delicious!

    "Thank you, Matty. At this level, I can bring it to Salvia."

    "Hehe, no."

    Aquila went home with a brightened face, holding the kodari gangjeong that Luna and Matty had packed.


    When Aquila arrived home, there was a spicy smell wafting from inside.

    "Sarubia, did you cook?"

    he asked with a puzzled look. This is because Aquila was in charge of all the cooking after Sarubla was pregnant.


    Sarubia, who was standing in the kitchen, looked back with a bright expression and smiled while holding a spatula.

    And the food in the bowl in front of Sarubia...


    Aquila, who saw the food she had tasted so badly today, made a sound without even realizing it.

    However, Sarubia spoke in a bright voice, as if she hadn't noticed Aquila's feelings.

    "Yeah, I did this because I wanted to eat kodari gangjeong these days!"

    "Yeah, that's right."

    Aquila approached Sarubla with a trembling voice. As he placed the packaged food on her table, Sarubla opened her eyes wide and asked.

    "huh? What's this?"

    "...I want you to mutter your nose bridge in your sleep. I asked people around me to make Kodari Gangjeong."


    Sarubia smiled happily in admiration from the bottom of her heart.

    "You should try this too."

    "Oh, the one on the left will taste better than the one on the right."

    The one on the right was Luna's work with a strong military taste, and the one on the left was Matty's work.

    "okay? Eat mine first."

    Saying that Sarubia picked up the gangjeong with chopsticks and held it out to Aquila. He opened his mouth and took in the gangjeong and are it.

    And what he felt...


    He sighed at the strong scent of the army!

    This one had a stronger military taste than the one Luna made. It feels like you made a huge amount at once. Obviously, only a small amount of Sarubia was made, so how could It taste like this?

    When Aquila, who had become disenchanted with the taste of the military, relaxed, Sarubia put the gangjeong made by Matty into her mouth. She tilted her head.

    "huh? how young...."

    This time, her chopsticks went toward Luna's.

    Soon after, Saruvia put it in her mouth and smiled.

    "Oh, this is pretty good! Of course, it's not as good as what I made!"

    "That, is it?"

    "Yeah, maybe it's because I made it, so I think it's the most delicious.."

    At that, Aquila closed her eyes tightly.

    sure Normally, when other pregnant women were looking for strawberries or Jellies, Sarubia's appetite developed towards military food.


    "Can it really be like this?"

    Aquila was troubled as she watched Sarubia cook with a happy face in the kitchen.

    He said he would cook for Sarubia, but Sarubia insisted that the food he wanted to eat could only be created with his own hands, so he couldn't stop Sarubia.

    So Sarubia has been working hard to make the food she wants to eat these days, for example...

    "Now, stir-fried sausage and vegetables."

    "It reminds me of the old days."

    Aquila smiled softly at the food he hadn't seen in a long time. It was because she remembered her past memories with Sarubia.

    Sausage and vegetable stir-fry was common food in the army and was one of the soldiers' favorite meals.

    Yeah, so far so good.

    "I tried duck bulgogi this time."

    "I remember the old days. Strangely, duck bulgogi was often served."

    "It must have been because of the bird flu then."

    "Right, it was..."

    If a particular food appears frequently in the military, you should suspect something is wrong.

    For example, when the bird flu was spreading, they ate chicken and duck meat every day, and when the price of bean sprouts plummeted. they ate rice with bean sprouts, bean sprout soup, and seasoned bean sprouts.

    It wasn't bad so far.

    "Remember this? It's ham stew."

    "ah- It will be really delicious."

    Ham-jjigae is a stew made with only ham and is also a regular menu item.

    I ate it deliciously back then when all meat was welcome, but now I tend to get a bit sick of eating it, and I miss vegetables.

    However, since it was made by Sarubia, he ate without saying anything and kept a face that seemed really delicious.

    "Yes, because Saruvia did it herself."

    How can you cook like this with your little hands? Thinking that way made me feel moved.


    "Now, it's a hamburger with chicken patties."


    Aquila swallowed at the feeling of the scent of the army slowly rising.

    I ate it deliciously only when I was in the army, but there was a big pitfall in that food. that's right...

    "Isn't this patty made of chicken heads?"


    "Isn't that bad for your body?"

    "Originally, it was good to eat deliciously."

    Yes, the chicken patties in the military were questionable.

    '... Can I let Sarubia eat her food at will?'

    Of course, Sarubia did not eat unhealthy foods such as coffee or alcohol. Saying that she could get diabetes, she tended to refrain from unnecessary snacks.

    However, when it was time to eat, they tended to create food with a strong military flavor.

    Aquila was torn between the idea of drying Sarubia and the idea that it would be better to let him eat as much as he wanted, but he decided to leave Sarubia alone for now.


    "Now, today is bean sprout soup, bean sprout soup, and seasoned bean sprouts. For some reason, the bean sprouts were pulling."

    "I see..."

    Sarubla wants to eat bean sprouts, so what can I do? Besides, bean sprouts are a healthy food. Aquila ate bean sprouts in silence.

    "Come on, Aquila! today!"


    "I prepared seaweed stem stir-fry."


    However, when 'stir-fried seaweed stem' finally appeared. Aquila's pupils also began to shake. It was the only food he didn't like, and he had never seen anyone like it when he was in the army.

    Even Winter said, "Stir-fried seaweed stems. It was cooked for us, so we should eat it deliciously without leaving any leftovers." After saying to Altair, "Winter, your expression is too rotten to say that, right?"

    "The chestnut song said he wanted to eat this."

    However, since Sarubia said so, Aquila Immediately changed her expression. 'Night Song' was the birth name of their child.

    What could Aquila do when Sarubia went so far?

    "Yeah, It looks so delicious."

    In the end, Aquila decided to give up her appetite for love.

    'Yeah, my opinion doesn't matter.'

    Anyway, Sarubia said she wanted to eat it, so he calmly ate seaweed stem stir-fry... Because that's what love is.


    "Sarubia-sama, Salvia-sama omg!"

    As soon as Karon came to Sarubia's house to play, he jumped back and stepped back.

    Instead of Sarubia standing in the kitchen, he clung to Aquila, who was watching her, and shivered.

    "Why, why do you smell boiled lotus root?"

    "I want to eat Sarubia."

    "Isn't braised lotus root delicious?"

    When Sarubla said that, Charon closed his eyes and shouted.

    "Yes, taste, it looks delicious!"

    "... Has your attitude changed?"

    When Aquila asked as if it were absurd, Charon replied with a teehee laugh.

    "Yes, if Sarubia-sama says it's delicious, that's right."

    "I must learn this attitude. I must have lacked a lot."


    "No, I dared to doubt Sarubia."

    In fact, Aquila had serious doubts about Sarubia's taste. He wondered if he might have been enchanted and cursed his taste buds.

    However, he needed an attitude to trust Sarubia a little more. Yeah, one might like some army food.

    "Let's try to like military food like Sarubia."

    But after a while he was saying:

    "...But why do you like it?"


    "Today is eggplant stir-fry."

    I put on a happy face while frying the eggplant.

    These days I've been obsessed with cooking. I haven't been able to use my body properly since I was pregnant, but it was like relieving that stress through cooking. Anyway, it was nice to have something to immerse myself in.

    At that time, I put down the spatula and wrapped it around my stomach because of the sudden pain in my stomach.

    It had been a strange feeling since before, but it was certain. I guess this...

    "I think I'm in labor...."


    The moment Aquila asked with surprised eyes, I frowned at the sudden pain. It seemed that the first labor pains had come.

    "Are you sure!"

    I lay down on the sofa and cried out to calm myself down, but the moment I realized it, I felt the pain intensify.

    "Wait a little!"

    Aquila shouted and hurriedly ran out the door, and I put my hands together and waited for him. It just felt like a very long time.

    Just then, the door opened and a face I knew appeared.


    "Ishina Nim!"

    "It took me a while to bring the doctor and the wizard, so Aquila comforted me while watching you. Are you okay?"

    "Nothing is okay...."

    I said that, but still, having someone next to me made me feel as if the pain had gotten a little better.

    After Ishina waited for a long time, listening to the words that kept me awake, Aquila appeared with a doctor and a wizard.
    The doctor was a gynecologist I had already seen several times. And the sorceress was a face she had never seen before, and she seemed to have brought her in case something dangerous happened during childbirth.

    Aquila and the doctor carried me to the room, and the doctor said after examination.

    "I think it will take some time for the cervix to open. I'm going to give you a booster. If you can move your body, you can do some exercise and wait for the next contraction to come."


    After that, it wasn't hard to endure until the third contraction. I tended to tolerate the pain well, and I did squats and waited for the next contraction because I exercised in the National Guard.

    But from the fourth contraction, it was hell.

    So I cried out to Ishina in the living room outside the room.

    "Don't worry, I will kill you!"

    "Hey, Isina-samal Please kill Aquila!"This XX, you make me suffer like this? I won't let you go!

    "Yes, yes, Sarubia! I must die!"

    Aquila and Ishina shouted that, but I cried even more and shook my head.

    "No. don't kill...."

    "Ah Okay! I won't kill you!"

    "Aww! no! Kill me!"

    "okay! I will kill you!"

    "No, don't kill me!"

    "Yep! I won't kill you!"

    Repeating the skit, I endured the pain for a really long time, and finally

    "Mother, I'm here!"


    The moment I heard the baby cry, I think I lost my mind.


    After a while, I realized that I had woken up.

    I couldn't sleep while going through labor pains, so I think I fell asleep as soon as my mind was relaxed. Of course, half of them would pass out.

    Still, I was glad that I was alive and well. Since it's a romance worldview, I was worried that I wouldn't become a mother of romance children who would die after giving birth, haha. No, jokes like this can become reality, so I have to be careful. As soon as I opened my eyes, Aquila, who was sitting next to me,


    grabbed my hand. Tears welled up in his eyes.


    "You came out safely. The doctor is out there right now."

    "Yes. Are you healthy?"

    "Yes, because they resemble us."

    Well, if you resemble us, you can't help but be healthy.

    I pictured a child in my head.

    Hmm, if it's the child of the male lead and female lead in the romantic story, It's obvious.

    Originally, the couple in the romantic story has two children, one is the son of the female lead and the other is a daughter who resembles the male lead.

    The point here is that appearance and personality are opposites. If the face resembles the female lead, it resembles the male lead's personality, and if it resembles the male lead's face, it resembles the female lead's personality.

    Hmm, since it's the first one, which one? After all, a daughter who resembles Aquila? Or a son who looks like me?

    "Are you a son or a daughter?"


    If so, it must resemble Aquila, with black hair and red eyes. The tail of the eyes is like a cat. No, it could be that the corners of the eyes went down like me.

    Just as I was stretching my imagination, a doctor holding a child appeared.

    "The child is healthy. He cries very well."

    "thank you..."

    With trembling hands, I handed the baby over from the doctor.

    "Sniff, our chestnuts are so warm..."

    Feeling like I'm about to burst into tears, I sniffed. And what I saw...


    My child seemed to have thick hair since he was born, but the important thing was the color of his hair.

    Yes, Chestnut's hair color was pink!

    "Why, why is it pink? Why?"

    "What's wrong, Sarubia?"

    Then, the child opened his eyes. Then what appeared....

    "Yellow eyes?"

    Yes, the baby looked like me throughout!

    what? Why? Originally, wasn't it a national rule that when a daughter was born, her husband would resemble her husband?

    As I was in my confusion, Aquila spoke in a hazy voice.

    "It's so nice to be like you, Sarubia."


    I took a closer look at the child. The double eyelids seemed to resemble me, and the overall features were identical to mine.

    However, when I looked closely, the hair color was a little different. If my hair color was coral, the child's hair was the classic Ropan pink hair. Yes, our chestnut clusters were completely like Ropan Yeoju!

    "Aquila, where did this hair color come from?"

    "well... Maybe it's Sarubi's parents?"

    Come to think of it, I didn't know the faces of my parents. Hmm, maybe it's an atavism.

    It's obviously the daughter of a female heroine and a male lead, but a daughter who resembles a female heroine and an atavistic inheritance, really once again all the laws of romance have been broken. Yes, in the first place, in my life, the law of romance has been violated once or twice.

    As I was looking at the child with curious eyes, I heard a familiar voice.

    "Sarubia, are you feeling better?"


    In his hand was a pink bouquet. Ishina gave it to Aquila, who gave it back to me.

    "Congratulations, Sarubla."

    "Aquila ordered me to buy it."

    "Oh, thank you."

    I looked down at the flower with a pleased expression. I thought the flower looked just like our chestnuts.

    After seeing the child, Ishina also said with a satisfied face.

    "I'm so glad Sarubia resembles you."


    "Aquila doesn't look like that bastard."

    oh-- I still don't have the slightest affection for Aquila...

    Looking down at the chestnuts, I fell into serious trouble.

    "By the way, what is your name?"

    We had no grandparents to name us, so we had to name ourselves.

    But the important thing is that I didn't have a good naming sense...

    "I want it to be the name of a flower that resembles you, Sarubia."

    Aquila looked at chestnuts with eyes dripping with affection and said.

    "Sarubia is a child who looks like you."

    "Well, not bad..."

    We put our heads together and started thinking about a name for our child.

    "How about lilacs?"

    "Not bad, but....*

    "amaryllis? hibiscus?"

    "Too long..."

    "What about Lilina Rose?"

    "It's too short and too common."

    After spitting out the name for a long time, Aquila looked at me with a face that looked complicated in her head.

    "hmm... What about Azalea?"


    At that moment, my eyes lit up.

    Azalea was the name given to Western-style azaleas. I liked that the overall name felt similar to mine, and it was perfect that the color of Azalea's flowers was similar to that of Chestnut's hair.

    Besides, isn't it an elegant and lovely name? It was perfect for our nightspot.

    "I love it!"

    "okay? Then let's go with Azalea."

    Aquila caressed Azella with loving eyes.

    "Hello, Azalea."

    At that moment, Azalea was crying loudly, so we had to struggle for a while to get her to sleep. Well, I also like that he's not a meek kid.


    I repeated the name in my mouth. The name chestnut song still sticks to it, but soon you will get used to this name too.

    I will raise my beloved Azalea into a brighter and more lovable child than anyone else.


    "Sarubia, don't you want to eat military food these days?"

    When Aquila asked such a question as she casually hugged Sarubia lying on the bed, Sarubia answered with her eyes wide open.

    "I know? You don't like that kind of food these days, do you?"


    "Woo-wook, who eats that? ...oh I ate Were you out of your mind for a second?"

    Seeing Sarubia's expression, he was genuinely relieved. He returned to the Saruvia he knew! As a normal guy, he doesn't like army food!

    "Then what I liked about military food..."

    "Maybe Azalea wanted to eat?"

    At those words, Aquila had several realizations.

    First of all, it was a good thing that Sarubla let her eat whatever she wanted. She says she wants to eat Azalea, but what can she do?

    As expected, all of Saruvia's judgments were correct, and it was right to follow Saruvia's words.

    He vowed to trust Saruvia's judgment in the future.

    And secondly...

    'Azalea is such a wonderful child.'

    Looking for military food from the stomach, it seems that Azalea is an extraordinary girl.


    Half a year after giving birth, when I felt that I had fully recovered, I started seeing clients. And the most memorable of them all....


    Darlene marveled at Azalea with her fluffy pink hair. She dropped her hands full of baby gifts on the floor.

    "too! It's so cute!"

    "okay? Do you want to hug me?"

    I said that and offered Azalea to Darlene, but then withdrew my words.

    "...No, you are not trustworthy."

    "Ah, please trust me."

    Darlene smirked closer to me and stared at Azalea.


    Darlene's gaze at the child contained surprises.

    "As a child, Isn't she already very pretty? You look exactly like Salvia- sama!"


    "Besides, her hair color is really pretty. hmm..."

    But Darlene, who was watching Azalea carefully, tilted her head and said,

    "Is it because Sarubia-sama and I look alike? It looks a bit like me too."

    "What do you mean...."

    Having said that, I stopped talking.

    Darlene had great beauty, befitting a romance heroine. She says that, thanks to her snarkyness, though that appearance is often buried.

    But when I asked where I had seen her face, Azalea was really....

    'You look like Darlyn!'

    what? As I was making a questioning face, Darlene added:

    "Maybe I and Sarubia-sama are distant relatives. Aren't our hair colors similar?"

    In fact, since neither of us knew our parents, it was quite possible that we were related but..

    "no! I absolutely hate that!"

    "What am I saying!"


    We can never raise our Azalea to be like Darlene! I will definitely raise Azalea as the best child!

    Especially with a kid who has nothing to do with the military!

    Sometimes you need to sacrifice things for love, even if it means your appetite.
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  19. Tjanie

    Tjanie Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2021
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    #Abduction 2-2. How to raise a child right


    Arriving at the village, Ishina let out a long breath.

    Three months have passed since I left the village to visit my parents.

    In the meantime, he often exchanged letters with Sarubia, but he was still worried about Sarubia.

    "You must be raising the child well..."

    Azalea, the first child of Sarubia and Aquila, turned four this year.

    Azalea was such a lovely girl that anyone who saw her would immediately fall in love with her. She used a charming tone, and liked to snatch the hems of her grown-ups' clothes.

    After all, Azalea doesn't look like Aquila at all! There was not the slightest trace of Aquila in Agelia!

    Isina liked that the most.

    Ishina became a great uncle to Azalea, and Azalea also followed Ishina.

    Sarubia and Aquila also loved Agelia very much, but the problem was that they cared too much for Agelia.

    They tended to pick a star from the sky if Azalea wanted it. So Ishina was worried that she might not have raised Azella too much while he was away.

    Ishina unpacked her bags at her house in the village and headed straight to Sarubla and Aquila's house.



    As soon as he knocked on Sarubla's door, he heard a familiar voice along with the sound of footsteps running.

    Ishina opened the door with a big smile on her face, and found a small girl standing right in front of the door. A girl with her pale pink curls hanging down blinked her eyes at her innocent face.


    As Ishina Immediately embraced Azalea, Azalea became happy and dug deeper into Ishina's arms.

    Ishina entered the house holding the child and found Karon sitting on the floor.

    "Charon? You came first."

    *Isina-sama, are you back?"

    Karon, with a somewhat tired face, opened his mouth.

    "I was playing with Azalea!"

    "Aha, that's why you're tired."

    Only Azalea could defeat Charon, who had great physical strength. Because no one can match the physical strength of a child.

    Of course, adults used to praise Azalea for resembling her parents and saying that her physical abilities were amazing. In fact, they praised every single action of Azalea.

    "and! Isina-sama!"

    As soon as she knew Ishina had arrived, Sarubla ran out of the kitchen with a spatula in one hand. She said maybe she was cooking.

    "If anything happened while Isina-sama was gone... I went to the market a month ago, well...."

    "Slow down on that."

    Putting Azalea on the floor, Ishina said. Sarubia, who was chattering like that, could usually go on talking for hours without getting tired.

    Aquila, who was sitting on the sofa, bowed briefly to Ishina. Even so, his eyes were fixed on Azalea. It was the attitude of a great father.

    "Azalea, what were you doing with Uncle Karon?"

    Ishina lowered her knees to Azalea at eye level and asked in a friendly voice, and Azalea, who turned excited, climbed on top of Karon. and...

    "I was playing jumping!"

    She jumped up and down on Charon's stomach.


    Ishina had a hard time accepting the situation, but Karon, who was lying on the floor, and Aquila, who was sitting on the sofa, clapped at the same time.

    "Azalea, you run really well."

    "wow! Azalea! You are so cool!"


    what? Did children originally play like this?

    While Ishina was making a confused face, Sarubla and Aquila started a conversation.

    "Aquila, by the way, should Azalea also go through prior studies?"

    "I don't think you need it yet."

    "I can't see my Azalea getting discouraged by the other kids!"

    "Well, then we can just kill the other kids, well."

    "That's right."

    Ishina's eyes widened at the absurd content of the conversation, but they seemed too calm.

    "By the way, I heard that Jennie next door has already started studying math at school. She's afraid she won't brag about it to Azalea."

    "Jenny originally had a talent for math. Azalea doesn't seem to like math."

    But at that very moment, Azalea, who came down from Charon's boat, stomped her feet on the ground and shouted with a dissatisfied face at once.

    "Why are you complimenting someone else in front of me?"

    And at those words, Aquila soothed Azalea as if it was natural.

    "That's right. Azalea must be in a bad mood. I'm sorry dad."

    Sarubia also made a face that sincerely sympathized with Azalea.

    "Right, of course I feel bad when I praise others in front of me. Are you upset about our Azalea?"

    "Yeah, that was bad! Because I'm better than everyone else?"

    Upon seeing this, Ishina's pupils began to shake.

    "Azalea, what do you want to play with? Let's play with Uncle!"

    Charon, who was crushed by Azalea's feet, shouted in a very clear voice.


    "Hey, I went to the market and bought donuts."

    "I've been watching you since before, but he's really smart, and he's been good at expressing his opinions since he was little."

    After seeing the 85 personalities who live nearby naturally open the door and come in and say that.

    he realized

    'I'm the only one..."

    Sarubia and Aquila cared too much for Agelia.

    No, it wasn't just them. Charondo, personality-breaking 85 prayers, and maybe even April and Darlene!

    What did Azalea see when she grew up!

    If you go that way, Azalea will end up becoming a dog chap who will make a name for herself in the Empire!

    Ishina was the only person in charge of the child's character education...!


    After the shocking realization that Azalea had grown too big, Isina ran straight to Winter's house.

    "Mr. Winter!"

    "Isina? What is it?"

    Altair and Yuri were also at Winter's house. Seeing them so naturally attached, Ishina frowned involuntarily. It wasn't anyone else, and I didn't know that the two of us would do well.

    "Winter, I'm here to discuss an important matter."

    "What is going on?"

    "Ishina, sit down for now."

    Altair tapped the chair next to her and said that, so Ishina sat down next to him. Then, after taking a sip of the tea Altair had handed her, she opened her mouth.

    "Winter, do you know about Azalea's personality?"

    "Azalea? Azalea is really cute."

    Surprisingly, Winter showed a hearty smile that Ishina had never seen before.

    Despite being the child of Aquila, who was once his rival, Winter truly regards Agelia as his own niece.

    According to him, he cares for Azelia very much, 'because she seemed to have given birth to Sarubia alone'. He always lavishly opened her purse for her Azalea.

    "you're right. Azalea is really cute... No, this is not it!"


    "Azalea's personality is starting to resemble Saruvia!"

    "That is very serious." Winter hardened his face at once.

    "Do you know how this happened? Something is wrong."

    "If you can guess, there is."

    Winter, with a serious expression, continued.

    "First, Blair and Topio of the 85th have recently moved near Sarubia's house. That's why I heard that the traffic has increased."

    "You say you have frequent contact with the 85th group that broke your personality? That's a really big deal." As if Yuri understood the situation, her face resembled Winter's.

    According to Sarubia's expression, she really had a 'cool mint ice frozen' face.

    "And of course, Charon is too soft on Azalea..."

    "That's right. Charon likes anything related to Saruvia in the first place. He can't help but like the child Sarubi gave birth to."

    "Azalea seems to regard Charon almost as her real brother."

    Altair added.

    "Oh, and April-nim and Darlene love Azalea too. Azalea complied, calling her aunt. Every time we see her, she buys her presents."

    "I don't think that's ever a good thing...."

    "April-sama and Darlene? Man, what a terrible combination."

    In fact, Sarubla and Aquila did nothing particularly wrong. They just let Azalea be pampered by those around them.

    But the problem was, the people around them were never ordinary...

    "If I continue like this, I will end up with a mixed personality of Sarubla and April-sama, and Darlene and the 85th class of Personality Disruption!"

    "That is a terrible thing."

    As Yuri shuddered, Altair laughed heartily and said,

    "Oh, what a big deal. Azalea is cute, so it's okay for her personality to be a bit too open."

    At that, Yuri narrowed her eyes and looked at Altair.

    "Altair you... Come to think of it, haven't you been to Sarubia's house often lately?"

    "... Haha, did you?"

    "You were also one of the culprits who ruined Azalea's personality!"

    While Yuri grabbed Altair and shook it, Winter and Ishina quietly met eyes. They made serious faces at the same time.

    "A person's character is very important. We should help our children develop good character."

    "you're right. I'll have to pay close attention to Sarubia and Aquila as well."

    Their 'Raise Azalea Great' project started that way.

    "What's wrong with Azalea's personality?"

    Ishina stared at Sarubia, who had an unfair look on her face.

    "Sarubia, are you asking because you don't know?"

    "I passed on all the knowledge I learned in my life to Azalea."

    "So that's the problem! The knowledge you have learned while living in the world is by no means general!"

    In the end, Ishina grabbed the back of her neck after a long time. She didn't expect that within three hours of returning to town she would be grabbed by the back of her neck.

    "Okay, Salvia. Then I'll talk to Azalea from now on. Just watch over you."

    "All right..."

    Sarubia had a sullen face, but Ishina, determined, started a conversation with Azalea in front of Sarubla.

    "Hello, Azalea. Today, my uncle will give you some quizzes."

    "Quiz? I know a lot of that monster's name!"

    "... Other than that, it's a more fun quiz."

    "Monsters are fun..."

    Azalea puffed out her cheeks and mumbled, but Ishina never fell for the cuteness. Now that he's acting soft, Azalea will become the country's greatest slut.

    "Come on, Azalea. Azalea is walking down the street with her friend when her friend falls. Then what are you going to do?"

    "Hey, what are you doing with that much? I endured more pain than that!"

    "Eulteuhr Num Doog Bz..."

    Ishina gritted her teeth and clenched her fists at the familiar scent.

    "Then, I'm writing dictation, but the friend next to me says he doesn't/know. Then what are you going to do?"

    "I don't need the weak, so leave them alone!"


    It was obvious whose view of life belonged to the weak-willed.

    "A friend confessed that he likes seeing Azaleal Then what will you answer?"

    "you are handsome?"

    "... Well, just a normal friend."

    "Eh? Hey friend, have you looked in the mirror?"

    "The one who stopped by was Metsun, who-."

    Everyone from the Cledore Mountain Battalion knew that traumatic tone.


    Ishina looked back at Sarubia with sad eyes.

    "Do you think it's okay as it is?"


    Sarubla was silent and closed her eyes tightly. It was her unspoken acknowledgment that her child was not an ordinary character.

    In the end, after talking with Sarubia, Ishina asked Aquila and Sarubla for three things.

    First, ban the meeting with Darlin, April, Personality Break 85, and Altair.

    Second, Aquila and Sarubia should not be overly concerned about Azalea.

    Third, instead, increase the time spent with Ishina and Winter.

    Since Azalea's personality could not be called general, Saruvia also accepted the conditions Ishina put forward.

    "Then I'll have to talk to Winter-sama again."

    In order to decide how to discipline Azalea, Ishina thought she would have to join forces with Winter. Winter was perfect for teaching someone.


    "Baby, have a nice dream."

    "Give me a kiss and go."

    I kissed Azalea on the forehead. Aquila followed suit and carefully placed her lips on it.

    Eventually, after confirming that Azalea was fast asleep, I left the room with Aquila.


    As soon as I got to the main room and lay down on the bed, I called Aquila's name in a sullen voice.

    "Did we do something wrong?"


    "I mean Azalea. Did we raise it too much?"

    At that, Aquila put on a worried expression for a moment, then replied as if it were simple.

    "But Azalea is so cute."

    "That's right."

    As Aquila said, our daughter was very cute.

    As Azalia's pale pink hair grew, it curled up to follow me. Her yellow eyes, which were pale when she was young, are now completely dark yellow like mine.

    Although she wasn't a 'son like her mother' or 'daughter like her father' like the Ropan formula, Azalea was a girl who looked like me anyway. It was to the point that I heard that she gave birth to me alone.

    And surprisingly, Aquila was not at all upset about it, but rather satisfied.

    "I like it because it seems like there are two of you."

    This was Aquila's opinion.

    Anyway, that's why we loved Azalea so much. She couldn't help but listen to what Azalea wanted. It was understandably difficult for her to voice her dislike to Azalea.

    But now It was time to admit that it wasn't a good way to teach. Maybe we weren't good parents.

    "Aquila, we must be wrong..."

    "It's okay, Azalea is still young, and...."

    Aquila looked at me and said.

    "What if your personality is a bit peculiar? You can still be a great adult who does his job well."

    "Why are you looking at me and saying that?"

    "... I will correct it."

    As I continued to put on a gloomy expression, Aquila continued as if to soothe me.

    "But from now on, we need to do well. Ishina-sama also said that he helped me a lot."

    "Is that so? Can we do well?"

    I thought about the various parenting programs I had seen in my previous life. Hmm, well, even the kids who used to be really timid and easily angered there changed their personalities with the help of experts.

    There may not be such parenting experts here, but it's still a matter of our will.

    "But it's so hard to scold Azalea. Azalea is so cute."

    When I said that, Aquila nodded.

    "Right, because Azalea looks so much like you."


    At that time, Aquila, who was lost in thought, said with a face that came to mind.

    "Sarubia, there is a way."


    "I don't think Azalea looks like you, I think she looks like someone else."

    "Who? Wait a minute, maybe...."


    "You mean Darlene?"

    When I shouted with wide eyes, Aquila nodded again.

    In fact, as Aquila said, Azalea looked quite a bit like Darlene. but...

    "How can you say that our Azalea resembles Darlene!"

    "... Isn't Darlene treated too much?"

    "A day or two."

    As if to soothe me with a sullen face, Aquila spoke.

    "Of course, I will try to punish Azalea when she does something wrong. It means let's try together."


    "Right now, there are only people who like Azalea, but as Azalea grows, there will be people who hate her. You can't let it go like that."

    "yes... When Azalea is wrong, she needs to be corrected."

    In that sense, Aquila's advice was quite useful. If you think Azalea resembles Darlene, you won't be shaken when you scold her.

    We've been raising Azalea for a long time, and now we need to be strong.

    In the end, I closed my eyes with a positive meaning and held Aquila's hand.

    "Okay, let's do our best from now on."

    I clenched my fist and said.

    "We will be able to raise Azalea to be a wonderful child."

    "Then, of course, it will."


    "Oh, Azaleal Shall we put the puzzle together?"


    Looking at the puzzle Ishina had brought, Azalea pursed her lips.

    It's been nice to spend a lot of time lately with her favorite uncle, Ishina, but somehow Ishina has a tendency to teach herself.

    "I'm going to play with mom!"

    Azalea shouted and tried to run to the master bedroom, but before she knew it, Azalea was in Winter's arms.

    "Azalea, your mother says she is sick today."


    "Now, aren't you nice? Shall we play with the uncles?"

    In the end, Azalea fell for Ishina's words and played together by putting the puzzle together.

    Even so, Azalea tried hard to roll her little head.

    Why am I spending so much time with my uncles these days? And above all...

    "Azalea, friends are always there to help each other. For example, I was able to overcome the difficult military life thanks to being with two friends."

    "...Mr. Winter, please speak more gently to the child."

    Winter has been saying boring things to Azalea lately!

    Winter was an uncle she liked because he often bought her presents and was seen caring for her, but at the same time, she thought Winter was boring.

    He kept saying boring things to Azalea, and he didn't even play fun with Azalea.

    "I want to play with Uncle Karon!"

    Azalea shouted the name of Charon, who did anything she wanted, but/Ishina shook her head.

    "Uncle Karon is busy these days. Let's play with us, Azalea."


    Still, putting the puzzle together was quite fun, so Azalea was able to devote herself to putting the puzzle together again.


    Then, I heard someone knocking on the door.
    "Come on in."

    Azalea looked up and confirmed the identity of the person who entered through the door.

    Jenny, who lives next door, came over to play.


    Azalea greeted her by name. Jenny was Azalea's most frequent playmate because she did everything she wanted to do.

    "Jenny, let's put the puzzle together!"


    Jenny sat down across from Azalea, and Ishina moved away with a/pleased expression.

    "Jenny, you guess the cloud. I will match the castle."

    "I want to match my last name too!"

    "no. last name is mine So you guess the cloud."

    Jenny nodded as always and backed away, but Winter's voice Interrupted when she saw her.

    "Azalea, you have to cooperate and play with your friends. I should talk to her friend."

    "Then it's no fun!"

    "Azalea, It will be more fun together, huh?"

    In the end, Azalea put on a blunt face. Her uncles who keep trying to teach her are annoying!


    Azalea ran over and opened the door to the master bedroom. She saw her mother lying down.



    My mother woke up and blinked slowly.

    "Mom, why are you still sleeping?"

    "Yeah, I couldn't sleep last night because insects came out."

    "It must have been scary!"

    "Mom is an adult, so it's okay."

    Azalea soon burrowed into her mother's arms and began whining in a disgruntled tone.

    "Mom, my uncles keep teaching me strange things."

    "Anything strange?"

    "It's a business that keeps telling me to play with my friends. But it's my heart!"

    "Ugh, that's right. But isn't that what Mom said to Azales not too long ago?"

    "You keep repeating what your uncles said!"

    "Isn't that right, so maybe I'll do it again?"

    "No, that's wrong!"

    Mom put on a thoughtful expression, then opened her mouth again.

    "But maybe your uncles are right?"

    "No, I'm right!"

    "Won't uncles be more fond of a child who obeys what they taught?"


    Azalea shook her head wildly.

    "No matter what I do, my uncles all love me."


    Mom continued by stroking Azales slowly.

    "Go ask your uncles. Uncles will only like a boy who follows what he taught them, right?"

    "Ugh, no..."

    "Should we check who is right?"

    Azalea flopped down on her mother's lap.

    Seeing my mother come out so strongly, it seemed that she was right this time.

    'If I listen carefully to my uncles, will they like me?'

    Azalea Imagined her uncles and aunts no longer liking her, then gnashed her teeth as tears welled up in her eyes.

    "I can't!"

    "Yeah, can't you?"

    "I know what to do!"

    Seeing Azalea like that, Mom somehow smiled happily. However, Azalea's heart was burning with her will.


    "Azalea, what are you doing?"

    I watched with concern as Jenny, the next door neighbor, was snooping around looking for Azelia.

    Jenny was Azalia's best friend, but at times she tended to lead Jenny to her will.

    Of course, Azalea could have been a child with such a tendency, but I was anxious because it didn't seem like the right relationship anyway. Please she should get along with Jenny as Azalea taught her adults....

    "Looking for me?"


    Azalia crossed her arms uncharacteristically, looked at Jenny, and gestured for her to come in.

    "Let's play house, Azaleal"


    Azalea said in a determined voice.

    "Today I am going to draw no no."

    Azalea suddenly saw me and Aquila, who were staring at her, and Isina, who was hiding behind us.

    "Okay, let's play house."

    "really? Wow, so good!"

    Jenny immediately put down the toy utensils she had brought in front of Azalea.

    "Let's cook our rice."


    "Let's make fairyland pasta."

    "no! I'm going to make rainbow pudding!"

    "really? Can't we make fairyland pasta?"

    "..do it."

    I smiled heartily when I saw the two children pretending to make foods such as 'Fairy Country Pasta' and 'Rainbow Pudding'. How can you listen to what your friend is saying?

    "I think Azalea has changed a lot over the past few days."

    I whispered to Aquila in a low voice, and Aquila, who was looking at Azelia with loving eyes, nodded.

    "Yes, it really is."

    "Thank you, Isina-sama."

    Ishina, who had been greeted by me, also nodded her head with a hearty smile when she saw Azalea.

    "Because Azalea is originally a good child."

    "you're right. Our Agelia has been a fairy since birth."

    "That's right."

    "Azalea, let's graze outside!"

    Just in time, Jenny shouted at Azalea, and Azalea put on a worried expression for a while before standing up.

    "Okay, let's go!"

    I smiled proudly as I watched the two children hold hands and go outside. Our Azalea has grown so much!


    Meanwhile, as soon as she came out, Azalea pursed her lips in displeasure and spoke to Jenny.

    "Don't you know I hate playing outside?"

    "uh? You said earlier that you would come with me...."

    "That was at home! The sun is shining and it's hot outside."

    "Didn't you play with me the way I wanted today?"

    "Heh, no. I will do as I please!"

    Jenny's face turned sullen at those words, but Azalea proudly put her hand on her waist.

    "You, shouldn't you forget to laugh in there?"


    "From now on, you have to keep smiling in front of my mom and dad, uncles and aunts! After all, we are friends! He said he laughed when he was with his friends."


    Azalea smiled triumphantly as she looked inside the house where her mother, father, and uncle were.

    If your uncles only like kids who follow what they teach you, then you only have to do it in front of your uncles!

    "Jenny, you go and graze quickly!"


    That's right, the way Azales behaves behind the scenes won't change!

    As Azalea, who had already realized the meaning of life, stood proudly, she heard a familiar voice from behind.



    Her mother, her mouth wide open, was standing there.

    Mom staggered and covered her forehead with her hand.

    "Oh my God, Isina-sama said that she would only know when she gives birth to a daughter like you, so this comes back..."

    After saying that, Mom suddenly hardened her expression.

    When Azalea was taken aback by what she saw, her mother started talking to Azales in a stern voice.


    When I saw Azales giving orders to Jenny, I thought I would pass out.

    Oh my God, our Azalea learns such a double personality!

    I was already proud that my child was so smart, but on the other hand, I felt proud because I seemed to have grasped the logic of the world well. Well, you understand that people sometimes have to lie.

    Besides, it's cute, so it's okay... No, wait. What if the opponent acting like that was Darlene?

    Only then did I realize that something was wrong with this situation. I was looking too positively at everything Azalea did.

    I made a stern expression on my face, bent my knees at Azalea's eye level, and said.

    "Azalea, did you cheat on your mother?"

    "No, that."

    "I have something to say? I'll listen, so tell me what Azalea thinks."

    But Azalea said nothing. It was her face that recognized her own faults.

    Holding back a sigh, I opened my mouth.

    "Azalea, your mother is very disappointed in you over this."

    Wait, is this a familiar tone?

    "... Anyway, Mommy is so upset that Azalea lied to me like this."

    Then Azalea looked at me with a face full of tears and carefully grabbed my collar.

    "I'm sorry, Mom..."

    "Do you know what Azalea did wrong?"

    "Pretending to be fine from the front, but giving orders to Jenny from behind..."

    "Why did you act like that?"

    "Just... Aunt Darlene acted like that, so I thought I could too."

    At that, I closed my eyes tightly.

    Darlene, who had become a full-fledged army officer, was given orders every day. Azalea had learned from watching that.

    After all, every action of a child has a reason...

    "Aunt Dalin is a military officer, so she can give orders to the soldiers. Didn't I tell you what an officer was?"


    "But Azalea and Jenny are friends, not officers and soldiers. Friends can't do that. friend...."

    After thinking about it for a while, I gave an explanation that matched Azalea's eye level.

    "Friends are like motives."


    Azalea also nodded with an understanding face.

    Azalea had heard a lot about the military from us, and especially knew how important the spirit of 'loving motives and loving country' was.

    "Azalea, you can't do that from now on. In the future, if you don't listen to her friends and only give her orders, people around her will be very disappointed in her. Just like how my mother is disappointed in Azalea right now."

    "Is your mother disappointed in Azalea too?"

    "Yeah, I was disappointed."

    "Okay. It's my fault..."

    As I said that, Azalea shed tears, so I hugged her. And tapping her on the hip, she said.

    "Now, I need to go and apologize to Jenny."


    It wasn't until I saw Azales approach Jenny that I finally let out a sigh of relief.

    Raising a child was also very difficult.

    Still, did I do well?
    That evening, while Azalea was brushing her teeth, I crossed Aquila's arms and said,


    When I told him what had happened during the day, Aquila told me I did well.

    "You handled it well, Sarubla. She was a great mother."

    "It was so hard being a strict mother to Azalea."

    "But if you keep acting soft, we'll ruin Azalea."

    "Will this continue to happen in the future?"

    "Since Azalea reflected on herself, wouldn't it be okay?"

    However, Azalea already had several problems, and just because her order to her friend was fixed didn't guarantee that the rest of it would be okay.

    "What are we supposed to do? Maybe you need some time too? Because it cannot be changed immediately."

    When I said that, Aquila's face suddenly seemed to have come to mind.

    "Sarubia, come to think of it."


    "Azalea told me something before. If that's true... Maybe Azalea can become more dignified."


    Instead of answering my words, Aquila went with me to the bathroom. Azalea, who had just brushed her teeth, looked at us with round eyes.


    "Azalea, Dad has a question for you."

    Aquila, who bent her knees and met Azalea's eyes, opened her mouth.

    "Does Azalea want a sister?"

    At that moment, Azalea's eyes suddenly changed, she exclaimed with her lively eyes.

    "huh! very!"

    "What, what?"

    I was a bit taken aback, but the conversation between the two seemed to go well.

    "What will Azalea do if she has a younger sister?"

    "You will do just fine. I will be a wonderful older sister."

    "You're not my sister, are you my sister?"

    "Yes, I am a sister!"

    It was an incomprehensible logic, but Azalea insisted that she be her 'sister' anyway.

    At those words, I finally remembered something. In the meantime, Azalea tried to be her older sister, arguing with her Jenny's and her own birthday.

    'Azalea, you must have wanted your sister...!'

    Of course, that didn't have anything to do with Azalea's current personality, but she was hoping for that anyway.

    "If I had a younger sister, would I really become a dignified older sister?"

    "Yes, promise!"

    After Azalea said that, she and Aquila exchanged pinkles.

    That night, after Azalea fell asleep, Aquila said.

    "Sarubia, did you hear what Azalea said earlier?"


    "Of course it is your heart. Because it's all up to you."


    I squinted my eyes and looked at him. What I see now is what he means....

    "I just want to do it now, but aren't you making an excuse?"

    "... well."

    Aquila averted my eyes, and I groaned in agony.

    Actually, Aquila wasn't wrong at all. Besides, we originally had a second plan... I didn't expect that to be the case now.

    At that moment, I flinched at the soft feeling that touched my neck. Aquila, whose face was buried in her neck, lifted her head and looked up at me.

    "Sarubia, how are you?"

    After looking down at him for a moment, I turned my head away to hide my blushing face. And he answered in the most calm voice.

    "I think you are right..."


    "Hmph, so that's a reasonable thing to do."

    ...After a while, the body fell backwards. And that's pretty much it.


    After about a month. Azalea's personality definitely improved compared to before.

    Azalea no longer gave orders to Jenny, no longer jumped on Charon's boat, and knew how to greet adults politely.

    And now we were talking to Azalea like this.

    "Azalea, do you remember the promise you made to your father?"


    "You said you would be a great older sister if you had a younger sister."


    Azalea's eyes sparkled again. As if expecting something from her, Azalea stared at me.

    Amidst those gazes, I opened my mouth in a slightly embarrassing voice.

    "Tada, I have a little brother."


    At those words, Azalea ran over and hugged me tightly. It seemed that I understood that a child was growing inside me.

    "Then when did it happen?"

    "Yes, we have to walt for the next nine months."

    "Nine months!"

    Azalea sternly clasped her hands.

    "So how old am I then?"

    "When Azalea turns five, her sister will appear."

    "Then I will become an older sister!"

    Azalea seemed satisfied, so we made eye contact and smiled proudly. Yes, Azalea is becoming her older sister in this way....

    "...But Azalea, what will you do if you have a younger brother?"

    "But I am a sister!"

    "I see..."

    It seemed that according to Azalea's logic, whether it was a younger brother or a younger sister, she was the older sister. She thought like a child.

    Meanwhile, Ishina, who heard the news, showed a puzzled expression.

    "So, you said you had a second child to make Azalea dignified?"

    "Yes, Azalea uses a lot..."

    "That must be an excuse!"

    Ishina looked at Aquila with angry eyes.

    "Aquila, you are garbage!"

    "Why do I..."

    "Anyway, from the moment you married Sarubia, you were garbage! So know that!"

    "Yes, I understand."

    Aquila agreed to Ishina's words with surprising speed... Sometimes, if you look at him, he has a corner where he is quick to accept in strange places.

    "Azalea, are you getting along with Jenny now?"

    "Yeah, you can ask Jenny! I'm not lying anymore!"

    "Isn't there anything you're hiding from your mother?"


    Above all, we are now adults who can correct Azalea when she does something wrong.

    Come to think of it, our plan to raise Azalea to be a great kid ended up with Aquila and me growing up.

    After all, in order to raise great kids, you have to be great parents first.

    Anyway, that's how our plan came to an end...


    "Jenny, they say I have a younger brother!"

    When Azalea went to Jenny's house and said that, Jenny clapped her hands and was happy as if it were her own work.

    "Wow, I really envy you! I want a younger brother too, but my mom and dad say raising just one is too much for me."

    "okay? Maybe."

    Not knowing what that meant, Azalea gave a rough nod.

    Anyway, today's Azalea was in a very good mood. The fact that she had a younger sister made her elated.

    Azalea played house with Jenny. Playing house, Azalea didn't give orders to Jenny like before.

    It was shocking that people around her could hate her if she acted unruly.

    Azalea was accustomed to the affection of the people around her, and of course she thought that people around her would like her no matter what she did.

    But seeing her mother harden her face in front of him for the first time, it didn't seem that way. Doesn't that mean that other people can also scold Azalea?

    Uncle Ishina, Uncle Karon, Uncle Winter, Aunt Darlene, Aunt April, Uncle Blair, Uncle Tobio, Uncle Jason, etc.... I hated even imagining them leaving his side.

    That's why Azalea decided not to be selfish anymore.

    At that time, Jenny, who had been watching Azalea for some reason, cautiously opened her mouth.

    "Azalea, I have a question."


    "Why don't you order me now?"

    At those words, Azalea widened her eyes and replied with a smile.

    "Yeah, it's okay for a military officer to give orders to soldiers, but it's not okay for siblings to give orders!"


    "So I decided to become a military officer!"

    "page... school?"

    "Until I become an officer, I will never give orders to anyone else!"

    Jenny didn't understand what it meant to be an officer, but she seemed to understand one thing.

    "If you become a soldier, will you take orders?"


    "Then I must become a soldier."

    At Jenny's words, Azalea asked in a startled voice.

    "why? Wouldn't it be nice to give orders?"

    "No, I like taking orders."


    "huh. I like to live without thinking. So if you give me an order, I can just do it, so it's comfortable. Then you won't order me anymore?"

    "Yes, then I will give you orders when I become a military officer."

    "Okay. Wait until I become a soldier too."

    It was a conversation that could have been skipped if others saw it, but that's how the two children's careers were decided...
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  20. Tjanie

    Tjanie Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2021
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    #Abduction 2-3. How to Raise Two Kids at the Same Time


    When I already passed three digits of nausea, Aquila quickly brought out a peach.

    His sword danced in the air, and in an instant, the skin peeled off and the chopped peach landed on the plate.

    'Aquila... It has become a peach peeler before I know it....'

    How can you waste your talents on something like this?

    When I had Azalea, I didn't feel much discomfort. Of course, there were problems such as stomach bloating, constant sleep, and uncomfortable sleeping posture, but there were no common problems such as morning sickness or acne.

    However, after having my second child, aka 'Acorn', I suffered from severe morning sickness. All I could eat was chopped peaches, yogurt, and sparkling water.

    I tried to get morning sickness just from swallowing saliva or brushing my teeth, to the point that even though I had a baby, I didn't gain much weight compared to when I was pregnant with Azalea.

    As I sat on the sofa looking like I was dying. Yuri and Altair, who had come to our house to play, looked worried.

    "Oh, that's really bad."

    Oh, they got married a while ago. However, she was told that they had agreed to live together and not have children.

    Altair, who stared at me as I continued to vomit, opened his mouth.

    "Oh, come to think of it, if you get morning sickness often..."

    "Do you do it often?"

    "I heard there's a good chance you look like your dad."

    At those words, Ishina, who was peeling mangoes next to Aquila, opened her mouth wide.

    "Ah, you look like your father..."

    "Yeah, since Azalea resembles Sarubia, isn't it highly likely that the second one resembles Aquila?"

    "I like acorns!"

    Azalea, who had been listening to us, responded brightly, but Ishina still had a face in despair.

    "No way. It can't be...."

    But unfortunately for Ishina, the fact that acorns would resemble Aquila even if it wasn't for my morning sickness was already an established fact in my head.

    Because Azalea resembles me!

    Originally, it is a natural law that in Romance, children are born one by one, one daughter and one son, and one child who resembles the male lead and one child who resembles the female lead.

    Azalea is a daughter who looks like me, so maybe Acorn is a son who looks like Aquila. Azalea's personality is similar to mine, so even her acorn's personality must be similar to Aquila's.

    When I listened to Altair's words and nodded as if it were natural, not only Ishina but also Aquila looked slightly depressed and said.

    "Even if you resemble me, it would be useless."


    "The child must resemble Sarubla to be cute."

    It was a really absurd statement, but surprisingly, Isina seemed to sympathize with the remark.

    Anyway, a son who resembles Aquila.... I imagined for a long time what the soon-to-be-born child would look like.


    Giving birth to acorns was much easier than giving birth to Azalea. They said that the second birth was easier than the first birth, and that seems to be true.

    Of course, since childbirth is basically childbirth, the terrible pain overtook me, and I had to scream frantically, "Kill Aquila!" just like the last time.

    After the ordeal, I looked down at the acorn in my arms with rapt eyes.

    Acorn's hair had grown far less than when Azalea had just been born, and it was light brown, so it would probably turn black when it grew.

    Acorn did not cry and was calm. The child's eyes, which were closed and invisible, occasionally revealed, were a scarlet color.

    In other words, acorns resembled Aquila.

    As I kissed the acorn's forehead and looked down at the child, Aquila kissed my forehead.

    "Good job, Ruby. love you."


    But my eyes were fixed only on the acorns.

    "How is it? How does it feel to have a daughter again?"

    "I like it very much."

    It was. Acorn was a daughter. I thought that one son and one daughter were the basics in romance, but isn't that rule broken?

    Aquila gave a small smile.

    "I thought that a daughter who looked like me would not be cute, but looking at it this way, she is very cute."

    "Yeah, really."

    "I guess all daughters are like that. I'm glad I'm not your son."

    It was a statement that Ishinana could have made.

    "And I really like Azalea too. That she has finally become her big sister."

    "Ah, that's right."

    As soon as I got the acorns, Azalea definitely became more sophisticated than before.

    He didn't rush to buy anything anymore, he ate rice calmly without being picky, and he didn't play on Karon's stomach anymore.

    When I thought of the two children playing together after the acorns grew a bit more, I smiled.

    "What shall I name you?"

    When I asked that, Aquila gave a thoughtful expression for a moment.

    "Saruvia said you must be my son, so I thought of the name of my son a lot..."

    "Yes, so did I."

    "Will the name of the flower be good this time?"

    "That would be the unity."

    "Wouldn't it be nice to have a red flower...."

    Aquila looked down into the child's eyes, and suddenly her face brightened. He spoke in a raised voice.

    "How is Zinnia?"


    That was the name of the crape myrtle.

    Azalea, Zinia... There was definitely a uniformity, and the color of crape myrtle went well with the color of Acorn's eyes.

    "Yes, Zinnia."

    I stroked Zinnia's forehead and whispered softly to her.

    "Your name is Zinia from now on, Acorn."



    Seeing Zinia, Azalea exclaimed.

    "My dear! baby!"

    'You're a baby too.'

    I thought so to myself, but I didn't say It out of my mouth for Azella, who was excited about becoming an older sister.

    "Azalea, are you going to be a dignified older sister now?"

    "huh! promise! I won't bother anyone anymore!"

    ...Have you ever been bullied?

    Anyway, I smiled wide-eyed at the sight of my baby holding it. It was a blissful sight.

    Of course, I didn't know at the time. How hard it is to raise two children...


    "Make a rainbow!"

    Azalea holding the prism held it against the sunlight coming through the window.


    Zinnia clapped for joy when the rainbow appeared, and I...


    I frowned at the light stinging my eyes.

    After Zinia was born, Azalea focused all of her attention on Zinia. Her desolate Jenny insisted that her Zinia and she have similar names, so she should play with him too.

    To that extent, Azalea played well with Zinia, but...

    "Let's blow bubbles!"


    I touched my forehead to the soap bubbles that filled the house.

    It was. Azalea was a great troublemaker.

    Until Zinia was born, Azalea, who had a little personality problem but was a calm daughter, suddenly turned into a troublemaker in the process of playing with Zinia...

    And Zinnia's personality is also very calm like Aquila's, so she was always introverted and quiet, but only my sister followed her very well.

    "Guys, bubbles are blown outside. If you blow inside, the floor is slippery and you stumble and fall."

    "Fall down?"

    "Yes, will it hurt if I fall?

    "Then no! Zinnia, let's go outside!"


    Azalea took Zinia's hand and sprinted out into the yard. Seeing this, I let out a sigh.

    Raising two children was really difficult.


    "Look at this! Aren't there a lot of soap bubbles?"


    Zinnia looked at the soap bubbles her sister made with sparkling eyes.

    Her own sister was really cool. Doesn't she pretend to do anything? Besides, her sister could burst into bubbles at breakneck speed.

    "Zinia, do you want to explode It too?"


    Azalea then blew bubbles at Zinnia, and Zinnia burst them one after another.

    Then the bubbles went out of the yard, so Zinnia stopped at the door with a hesitant face.

    'My mother told me not to go out without a word...'

    As Zinia was troubled, the older sister said to Zinia with courage.

    "Zinnia, it's okay! I'm with you!"


    My sister is my sister, so if we are together, it will be okay to go out of the house for a bit!

    Zinnia went right out to the yard and popped all the bubbles. Then, this time, Azalea put a bubble-blowing tool in her hand, Zinia, and she said.

    "Come on, Zinnia. You blow it this time!"

    "Can I just blow it?"

    "huh. You can blow after it."

    Zinnia tried blowing soap bubbles as her sister had told her. She did. and she really did. The sky was filled with soap bubbles identical to the ones her sister had blown. She was so beautiful that Zinnia gazed intently at the sky, her eyes twinkling.

    "Look at this, how fast is it?"


    Azalea popped all the bubbles, and this time Azalea blew them at Zinnia.

    Popping soap bubbles together like that, they were getting from the house little by little. farther away


    "what? What about those chicks?"

    Sanchez, who was chopping firewood in the yard, frowned at the sight of something small walking by.

    He was active as a member of the garrison guarding the village, and today was his day off. On days off, he would finish off his overdue chores and learn swordsmanship from Benny.

    Sanchez, who narrowed his eyes as to which house the puppies had escaped from, soon realized they were little girls.

    And the fact that you know who those kids are!

    "Azalea! Zinnia!"

    The children were the daughters of Sarubia and Aquila!

    Sanchez never visited their home personally, but their children knew.

    And, in fact, Sanchez liked children.

    Although he couldn't get close to the children because of his appearance, he would sometimes sneak a peek when Saruvia and Aquila went out with the children.

    Sanchez panicked and looked around, only to realize that no one was around the children.

    It was probably as if the children had left the house without the adults!

    Sanchez, who hesitated for a while holding the axe, eventually put the axe down and secretly followed behind the children.

    There were no adults around to protect them, so he had to protect the children himself!


    Azalea, who was walking along while blowing bubbles with Zinia, soon noticed that she was in an unfamiliar place and widened her eyes.

    "uh? Where is this?"


    Feeling uneasy, Zinia grabbed Azelia by the hem of her dress and whined, but Azalea held out one hand bravely. Zinnia took her hand carefully.

    "Are you okay! I can go home!"


    Zinnia, believing in anything Azalea said, nodded slowly.

    Azalea looked around, but there seemed to be no adults around to help her.

    "uh? what?"

    It seemed that something moved behind the mailbox, was it an illusion?

    She looked again but couldn't see anything, so Azalea turned her head again. In any case, it seemed that this time they would have to find a way with their own strength.

    Azalea began to remember what her mother and father had told her to do when she got lost.

    "Umm, when you get lost."

    "Azalea, when you get lost, you have to stand still and wait for Mom and Dad, okay?"

    "It was, but uhm, I don't think it will come even if I wait..."

    I thought it would be better to go to the adults and ask about mom and dad.

    Having made up her mind, Azalea took Zinia's hand and walked forward bravely.

    It seemed like she could hear someone following her from behind, but whenever she turned around, no one was there, so Azalea thought she had just heard it wrong.

    At that time, I saw a dog that was untied in front of me. Azalea stopped in her tracks.

    Normally, I would have rushed at the doggie saying it was cute, but that dog...

    "Uh, sister..."

    The large dog growled fiercely at them, baring its teeth. He was ready to run towards them at any moment.

    "Eh, let's run away!"

    Saying that, the moment Azalea tried to run away with Zinia.


    The dog suddenly hid its teeth. Then it rolled its tail and ran away somewhere.

    "uh? what?"

    As Azalea tilted her head, Zinnia spoke in a shy voice.

    "Sister, didn't that dog run away because it was scared when it saw us?"

    "Seeing us?"

    "Yeah, Mom and Dad said we would be the best!"

    "Ah, I guess so! They must have run away because we are stronger!"

    Proud of coming to such an absurd conclusion, Azalea walked the road again with Zinnia.


    "Hey, Topio. I'm really glad that business went well today."

    "I mean."

    After being discharged from the military, Topio and Blair started a shop called 'Swearing Soup' and were on the rise.

    Oddly enough, people enjoyed hearing them curse. According to Sarubia, they call it 'Hotple.

    "What, what?"

    Blair, who was walking down the street flirting with Toplo, stopped walking in bewilderment at the scene unfolding in front of her.

    I could see Sanchez following the two little girls, trying to hide his large size behind them.

    At first, Blair held her breath, wondering if Sanchez would fight with young girls now...


    He was confronting a dog that was threatening girls, baring his teeth!

    The dog rolled up its tail and ran away, as if it were suppressed by Sanchez's spirit.

    "Sat, Topio. What am I looking at?"

    "Could Sanchez be helping them?"

    Saying that. Toplo narrowed his eyes and, realizing something, patted Blair.

    "Hey, Blair! Azalea and Zinia!"

    "what? Our Azalea and Zinia?"

    When Blair looked closely at the children in the distance, those familiar hair colors were unmistakably Azalea and Zinnia!

    They were one of the polar uncles who loved Azalea and Zinia so much that they were instantly recognizable from a distance.

    "What, why are Azalea and Zinia here? Without Salvia and Aquila?"

    "No. Couldn't they have left the kids with Sanchez?"

    "No way, do you think you entrusted it to me?"

    When Blair pointed at Sanchez, who was emitting terrifying force like a bandit, Toplo nodded.

    "Yes, the kids will cry when they see Sanchez's face. That's what Sanchez is tailing."

    "Then why are you tailing me?"

    At that moment, realizing something. Blair lightly clapped and shouted.

    "Oh, errands!"


    "What does it mean that Azalea and Zinia came out without mom and dad? It's an errand!"

    "Maybe I'm lost?"

    "Then would you be brave like that?"

    Azalea was now humming and waving Zinnia's arm. Topio agreed with Blair's words. If he had really lost his way, he couldn't have been so fearless.

    "Sanchez must be following the kids because he's worried about them.

    "Hmm, that makes sense. then..."

    They looked at each other and said at the same time.

    "Let's follow too."

    Azalea and Zinia's first errand, I couldn't miss such a historic moment!

    Blair and Topio excitedly chased after Sanchez. Sanchez looked back with a grim look on his face, but now that they have adapted to Sanchez's face, they said confidently.

    "We will follow."

    "Let's follow together."

    "You have to be careful not to startle those chicks."

    Sanchez said something that didn't match his rugged size in the slightest, but Blair and Topio nodded.

    So they started walking along with Azalea and Zinia.

    "Since I was born as a citizen of the Empire, there are many things to do."

    Azalea hummed a meaningless song as she walked down the street.

    It was a song my mother would sing to me sometimes while she was asleep, but I couldn't figure out what it meant.

    "Sister, there is a person over there."

    Zinnia said that and pointed forward, so Azalea looked at where Zinia's fingertips were pointing.

    As Zinnia said, several boys were standing there. however...


    When the boys saw Azalea and Zinia, they suddenly assumed a stern-looking posture. That look must be...

    "I saw it in a book!"

    Azalea exclaimed, excited at the thought that she had finally found out what she knew.

    "I called that a thug!"

    "Ha, what?"

    One of the boys said dumbfounded.

    "Did you just call us thugs?"

    Then, as if they were laughing, they started talking among themselves.

    "Hahaha, you're not wrong!"

    "Yes, hey, we are thugs, what."

    They smirked among themselves, saying unfunny things. Then, the boy standing in the middle held out a hand to Azalea and Zinia and said,

    "Pay the toll to pass through here."

    "I have no money!"

    Azalea exclaimed proudly. The boy then made a grim expression.

    "Then you can't pass by here. This is our area."

    "no! I love you!"

    Azalea had never been unable to do what she wanted to do. Zinnia, frightened of her, was tugging at her sister's dress, but she, Azalea, was unwilling to back down.

    "My mom is the Minister of Education and my dad is the deputy commander of the National Guard! When I go back, I will tell my mom and dad!"

    "What, Minister of Education?"

    Suddenly they jumped up from their seats as if indignant.

    "It's because of him that we are studying every day like this!"

    "School is such a nightmare!"

    "What about my mother!"

    Azalea, noticing that they were saying negative things about her mother, huffed up, and Zinia, next to her, also made an angry expression.

    "Mr. Lee, anyway, you guys can't pass by here!"

    And right at that moment.


    A voice came from somewhere, and the boys made frightened faces as they looked behind Azalea and Zinia at the same time.

    "You want to know what a real thug is?"

    "The little ones have already sprouted."



    The boys were already running fast.

    Azalea and Zinia looked back at the same time, but no one was there.


    "It's strange, those were Blair and Uncle Topio's voices?"

    "Right, I did..."

    They were puzzled, but continued on their way. Anyway, they had to find an adult to help them!


    "Whoa, whoa..."

    Meanwhile, at that time, Blair, who quickly hid behind a tree, gasped.

    Toplo, who had become one with the wall, trembled as well.


    Sanchez, who had tumbled and hid in the yard of an unknown house, escaped by tumbling again.

    "Who dares to take our children?"

    Blair sighed and clenched her fists. Then, a familiar voice came from behind her.

    "What are you doing here... ?"

    It was Zayden who was looking at them with an absurd look!

    From what they heard, Zayden started a clothing store. It is said that Zaiden, who is good at flattering people, is quite popular because he compliments his guests with amazing skills.

    When Blair and Topio explained the situation to Zayden, he said with wide eyes.

    "It's not possible! It's none of my business what happens to Lady/Saruvia, but the children must be safe!"

    "That's right!"

    "I can't see Sarubia-sama doing XX again!"

    Zayden, who was so heartless, joined their party.


    "...Azalea? Zinnia?"

    Suddenly realizing that it was quiet outside the house, I raised my head with a white face.

    I opened the door and went outside, but the children were nowhere to be seen.

    "Azalea! Zinnia!"

    There were no children in the alley right in front of the house. I raised my voice and shouted, but no voice came back from anywhere.

    Yes, the children were gone!


    My head was so complicated that it was difficult to think properly.

    Aquila was working in the guard now. I had to tell him about this.

    Okay, let's think calmly. There's Winter's house on the way to the guards, so I'll have to ask Winter for help. I had to ask as many people as possible about the whereabouts of the children.

    However, it was unavoidable that I kept having negative thoughts.

    'Couldn't it have been kidnapped?'

    The security of this autonomous city was quite good, but I couldn't be relieved. Aren't they still young children, so they could be abducted?

    I quickly ran to Winter's house and slammed the door.

    "Winter-sama, Winter-sama!"

    "What is it, Sarubia?"

    Seeing me crying, he seemed to be taken aback. I said to him with tears in my eyes.

    "The children are gone!"


    He, too, hurriedly came out with a rare look of bewilderment.

    "When and where was the last time you saw it?"

    "I went out to play with soap bubbles outside the house, but at some point it disappeared..."

    "It will be fine, Sarubia."

    Soon Winter began to reassure me with his characteristic calm demeanor.

    "There are many adults who know the children in this town, so they may be sending them home by now. Anyway, don't think bad thoughts."


    Perhaps because he was so calm, soon I was able to calm myself as well. Yeah, maybe I'm simply lost. If so, that's what I'm looking for.

    Then, suddenly, an ominous thought popped into my head again.

    'What if Zinnia gets scared?'

    Azalea was a courageous character who was not afraid of any situation.

    Zinnia, on the other hand, was easily frightened.

    And when Zinnia gets scared...

    "no! We need to find Zinnia!"


    "Sister, my leg hurts."


    Hearing those words, it seemed that her legs were also hurting, so Azalea stopped walking.

    After thinking for a while, she sat down on the floor. Zinnia followed Azalea and carefully sat next to him.

    "Then let's wait for mom and dad here."


    "Maybe they will come find us."

    Azalea wasn't worried at all about the situation. Because she said her mom and dad were incredibly strong people!

    Besides, there were a lot of uncles and aunts that Azalea knew among the people in this village. Maybe they would come out if I knocked on the door anywhere.

    Azalea sat still and looked around, before realizing that they had reached the entrance of the mountain.

    "ah! I know this mountain!"

    Azalea shouted with a raised voice.

    "Once upon a time, I came here with my mom and dad!"


    "Yes, they said that if you go up here, the magic tower will come out!"

    Azalea pointed at the top of the mountain excitedly. The mage tower had a corner that stimulated children's imagination, so she was excited just by putting the word into her mouth.

    "He said Uncle Jason was here!"

    "Wow, really?"

    "But we can't go up here. They say It's still dangerous."


    "Sometimes, monsters that fail in experiments come out."

    "I'm afraid of monsters..."

    Zinia, who had become teary-eyed, mumbled.

    While Azalea used to look at the monster book as a hobby, Zinia was frightened at the mere mention of monsters. Because of that, she didn't like Zinia's mage tower very much either.

    At that time, a loud noise began to be heard from the top of the mountain.



    Azalea tilted her head and looked carefully at the top of the mountain. and...


    Azalea jumped up from her seat in surprise at the sight of a strange lump of mud splashing down the mountain.

    Azalea, who had been looking at the monster encyclopedia for seven years, knew what it was. It was mud slime!

    "It's a monster, a monster!"

    "A monster?"

    Frightened, Zinnia snuggled behind Azella.

    "I know! I heard you used it often when experimenting in the Mage Tower!"

    Azalea thought that the mud slime might have escaped from the mage tower.

    "Sister, what is that?"

    "It's mud slime! It's not very dangerous, but it smells like mud when you get close!"

    "Ugh, I hate the smell of mud..."

    "If we keep quiet, they might not come close!"

    At that, Zinnia held her breath as she followed Azalea, but the mud slime made a plump noise and jumped straight at them.

    "Hey, yap!"

    As the mud slime got closer, Azalea picked up a twig from the floor, thinking she had to protect Zinnia.

    But the next moment, Zinia...


    Eventually, she got scared and started to cry.

    As soon as she heard that sound, Azalea panicked and quickly gave Zinia a branch.

    Because when Zinnia cries....


    Black smoke began to rise from the branch Zinnia was holding.

    It was an aura of darkness.

    Zinnia wept bitterly as her face was drenched in tears, then blew her blade at the approaching mud slime.

    The mud slime fell to the floor, and Azalea clapped softly.

    "Awesome, Zinnia!"

    The next moment, suddenly, applause erupted from behind.

    "Zinia, you are a genius too!"

    "As expected, this is our Genia!"

    "Uncle Blair, Uncle Toplo? Even Uncle Zaiden?"

    And there was a big uncle he didn't know.

    Zaiden came closer and held Azella and Zinia in his arms.

    "I was going to step out, but you guys were faster. Our princesses, are you really great?"


    Suddenly, the children were smiling brightly, forgetting their fear.

    Strangely, he avoided their mother whenever he saw them, but he was still their favorite uncle because he often bought them presents and played with them!

    Just then, a voice came from behind them.

    "Azalea, Zinnia!"


    As soon as she saw her mother's familiar face, Azalea ran towards it. Zinnia, still weeping, pushed her way toward her mother.

    "Are you lost? How did you get here?"

    "Yeah, I'm lost! But Zinia defeated the monster! Aren't they great?"

    When Azalea looked at her mother, she was looking at them with a puzzled look.


    'No, what the hell is this...'

    I was a little taken aback by the situation unfolding before my eyes.

    First of all, the fact that the monster appeared in front of the children was embarrassing. This could have seriously injured the children.

    It was fortunate that it was mud slime.

    And secondly...

    "Zinia, you used the aura blade..."

    Whenever Zinnia burst into tears, she manifested an aura on the object she was holding. It was also an aura of the dark attribute!

    Since Zinnia first manifested her aura at the age of two, we were delighted to say that Zinnia was the genius of the century.

    Although, as I learned later, Winter first manifested his aura at the age of one.

    Anyway, it was absurd that Zinia used her aura to defeat the monster. and...

    "What the heck, what..."

    When I asked the four tough men standing behind the children, Blair cleared his throat and answered.

    "Hmmm, I wonder if the kids are running errands. I followed you."

    "No, couldn't you just talk to the kids first?"

    "I'm afraid I'll get in the way of my errand..."

    "Why did you think the kids were running errands..."

    This time, when I turned my head to Sanchez, Sanchez said briefly with a disinterested face.

    "Because it's difficult when children get hurt."


    what? Why do I feel the tsundere vibes from him?

    And, finally...

    "Zyden, what the hell are you?"

    "Ah, why are you only quarreling with me?"

    "Quiet! Even if you get into a fight, you're cheap!"

    "I was afraid that the children would be in danger, so I followed them! I won't help you next time!"


    "Mom, what are you doing to Uncle Zayden? My uncle plays psychics with us a lot."

    "That's right, we played house together the other day."

    "Is that so?"

    It was really absurd that even Zayden stepped out to protect our children. Zayden, to be honest, behind the scenes, you were admiring our kids...

    Still, it was fortunate that our children were not wandering the streets alone. Even if something dangerous was going to happen in the meantime, those humans would have protected me. Who dares to touch the children when they are behind them?

    "Well, anyway, thanks everyone."

    After saying goodbye to them, I took each child by the hand and went home. As soon as I held my hand, Zinnia stopped her tears.

    When he returned home, Aquila was already there. Seeing the children's faces, Aquila instantly became relieved.

    "Princess, where have you been?"

    "Yeah, I came here to play with soap bubbles! And Zinia defeated the monster!"


    "It was mud slime!"

    Seeing Aquila breathe a sigh of relief once more, I explained in detail what the children had been through. In the middle, Azalea also interjected with an excited voice.

    "There was a scary dog, but it saw us and ran away!"

    "He probably saw his uncles behind him and ran away."

    "And some kids were trying to extort money from us! But he ran away!"

    "That's because he saw his uncles and ran away. Let's say thank you next time we see them."

    How could you go through such spectacular things during such a short outdoor activity? It was just amazing.

    After reminding the children to never leave the yard without a word, I met Aquila's eyes. He was looking at me with the same tired face as me.

    "Raising two kids is really tough..."

    "I know..."

    "Are all the other houses like that?"

    "It won't be as special as our kids."

    Well, it's not common to see a girl who displays an aura whenever she cries, and a girl who doesn't get scared under any circumstances.

    "Oh, and there is a lesson I learned from this incident."


    "A child is really raised by an entire village..."

    Ten fingers would not be enough to list the people who helped raise Azalea and Zinia.

    It truly took an entire village to raise a child. That was the lesson of the day.
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