Discussion Gonna start playing LoL today

Discussion in 'Gaming Discussion' started by Tafyunn, Sep 13, 2022.

  1. Tafyunn

    Tafyunn Gimme your recommendatio- *yawns*

    Mar 17, 2022
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    I did this purely because I want to understand some basic concepts of the game and its feel before I dive head first into the dozens of esports novels I have rotting in my list that center around LoL (League of Legends).

    Just for some background, I already play MLBB (yeah I know).

    Characters I Play The Most:

    Main Account:

    Julian- Fighter/Mage
    Miya- Marksman
    Vale- Mage
    Xavier- Mage

    Alt Account:

    Angela- Support
    Estes- Support
    Kadita- Mage
    Lolita- Tank/Support

    I don't really have a role I play specifically but as you can see, the roles I've played the most are Mage and Support. In my main account I just pick whoever I feel like picking whilst in my alt account I main support-- and I love it. I don't know why but theres something satisfying about being able to save your teammates from the brink of death and help them kill other players without them worrying about dying lol. So, any League champions you guys can recommend me based on it? Any tips for this noob? Ahem also you can add me I'm on Asia server my name is "Tafyun" :blobuwu:

    Btw who do you think I should pick I don't even know who these are but these are the ones that showed up for me while I was answering that little find your champion thing ::blobcatsad::
    Screenshot_20220913-172055_Wild Rift.jpg

    Sorry if theres any gramatical errors and things that don't make sense in what I just said, I haven't slept properly for 3 days.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2022
  2. Ixcez

    Ixcez Intergalactic Xanthic Custom Error Zone

    Mar 31, 2016
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    Was a while since I played but playing Leona support used to be pretty satisfying being able to stun lock the enemy team and just rush in to stun and protect your damage dealer, Morgana + Lux usually worked well also with Morgana being more cc oriented and lux having cc and being able to shield, they could also work well to switch from support to dmg later in the game. I do believe tanky champs were nerfed quite a bit however since they wanted "faster" gameplay.

    Overall you can play any champ with cc as a support pretty much and then switch them to more of a dmg dealer / tank later on since overall most supports don't work well late game and are best early to mid game. Do yourself a favour however and turn of the chat function in game it is or at least used to be toxic to say the least and if you respond you risk getting banned. So for your mental health turn it of and if you wanna chat do match ups with ppl you know and talk with them through some chat program instead.
    ANonMouse likes this.
  3. Tafyunn

    Tafyunn Gimme your recommendatio- *yawns*

    Mar 17, 2022
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    So who is who in this screenshot? :confusedcatblob:

    The beginner MLBB player me would've needed this advice a lot. The first time I got trash talked it really hurt my self-esteem, so much so that I stopped playing for a couple of months lol. Now I'm already pretty used to the toxicity and it usually ends up with me talking back with logic (Like the times where they try talking shit about me because I didn't ult possess them with my Angela I reply with "still on cd." and they usually shut up) or I report them after the match and they get -5 to -8 credit points. Man the range of insults I got, all the way from your mom/dad insults to really specific ones. A core player once told me while I was playing Angela "You're a guy aren't you? *Insert graphic pp insults here*". Some of them are really creative. :blobsip:
  4. Ixcez

    Ixcez Intergalactic Xanthic Custom Error Zone

    Mar 31, 2016
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    In the screenshot you have Sona - Nami - Lux.

    Sona is a support that gives the whole team a small passive boost at all times and everytime she uses a skill, except for her ulti, her passive change and she also gives of an active effect at a short range, either buffing your team with a short movement speed buff, heal someone for a small amount or deal dmg to the enemy team. While her ulti stuns in a large area in a wave attack that starts from her. Overall she's always been fairly popular but very squishy but she's gotten nerfed/buffed a lot because of being so popular so she falls in and out of the meta a lot.

    Nami is sort of a healer and cc support it can be pretty hard to hit with her skills at times since their fairly easy to dodge because of her cc skills being both telegraphed and not hitting quickly unless the enemies are very close to her. She used to be someone I played quite a bit but I just found that if I wanted to play as a cc support, tanky supports like Leona, Alistair or Blitzkrank usually had a bigger impact since their cc is mostly instant and they are not that squishy. Nami does have the advantage or being able to cc a lot of enemies.
    Yeah the comments can be pretty toxic, the weirdest thing is the tribunal or whatever it's called now though to be honest and how it handles it all.

    Like at one point I had the comments on cause I had just installed the game again and forgot to turn it of. Then during the game I played mid and I honestly have no idea why but I kept getting bashed by bot even though I was doing fairly good on mid with like 3-0 and a large gold lead but they got mad that I didn't run bot to help them out cause the AD carry is more important then mid according to them. Anyway they started writing profanities and insult me and my family at first I didn't respond but after a while I just got sick of it and started to reply that yeah it was my fault they overextended and died, yeah it's all my fault were losing the game cause I am only focusing on winning my lane and pretty much just agreeing to most of the stuff they wrote which I have to admit was kinda passive aggressive sort of. Long story short this landed in me getting banned from the game for a week I believe with the support response being that I should have just ignored them trolling and that I was feeding the toxicity by acting that way. They on the other hand were only banned for 2-3 days cause of toxicity. This made me uninstall the game again :D
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2022
    Jojo775 likes this.
  5. ANonMouse

    ANonMouse Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2019
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    Lux is the one on the right. The others aren't shown in that screenshot. Lux is a great choice imo. Can pin, shield, slow, and pewpew. Less of a supporty support tho since only shield directly helps allies and it's not the best support tool either. It's great tho since you can learn her as mid or support.

    Morgana is another one of those that work well in mid/support roles, but I remember she fell out of popularity awhile back. No idea if she's back in meta. She also has a pin like Lux, aoe dot circle, CC shield, and tether that stuns if enemies stay in range long enough,

    Leona was actually my favorite support as well. One of my favorite Leona moments was when an enemy Nocturne that was dominating our team dived with ult on our adc who was retreating into our base and I e pinned him mid ult into a stun under a turret.

    The other two supports shown are Sona and Nami. Sona is one of the oldest supports. She's great, but squishy. AP mid sona was a fun meme build for awhile back. Nami is a relatively newer support (I stopped playing a year or two after she came out). She has a slow moving stun bubble that's hard to land but can be game changing, heals, buffs, and a wave ulti that isn't the easiest to get full value out of but can be amazing if used well in a teamfight. She was my support goto when Leona (and other melee supports) was nerfed out of the meta for awhile.
  6. Ruggit

    Ruggit Active Member

    Aug 21, 2022
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    Good luck with league~
    it was fun but was too toxic and tryhard for me; Needing nearly 100 hours to be considered a competent beginner is too much for me, and allchat was nightmare; Thank god for hots; It may be completely stagnant and Blizzard has given up on it, but goddamn is it fun
  7. hypersniper159

    hypersniper159 Creator of NuF’s 7th Enigma

    Jun 30, 2021
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    Don't. The game has gotten so toxic recently. Around 6 years ago, summoner's rift (the most popular map) became unplayable since everyone was always dcing, rqing, or just being so inhumane. So I switch over to ARAM a not so popular map since the player cant choose the character they play so a lot less toxic people play. Back then once every 20ish games you'd have 1 toxic guy. Literally 0.5%. Now every other game has a toxic player. I just quit like 3 weeks ago. If you want to know the strategy, just look up youtube videos or online guides. Honestly, if its for a novel, then just replace every esport word with basketball or s/t and the plot will be the same. Its just a medium to relate to the gamer readers.
  8. 7starkiller99

    7starkiller99 Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2019
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    How’d it go?
  9. Jojo775

    Jojo775 Honorary Algae Knight

    Feb 13, 2018
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    I main support, pretty much don't know how to play other roles lol. I used to be Platinum but now I suck and I mostly play ARAM haha.
    My main is Sona but because I hate playing defensive, when I'm outmatched in my highest ranked games I lose so I wouldn't play her much past Gold. I don't think she's good on defense and the support item gives you gold only if you hit enemy champs which you can't if you're outmacthed and get yourself killed. Her heals aren't aren't that big that you can keep on defensive and she doesn't have wave clear.
    Yeah she gets buffed and then nerfed a lot, to be fair I should be more patient and learn defense but then I'm relying on my teammates and can't make amazing plays, just following adc around and reacting while they are acting, which is a recipe for losing.

    Lux isn't a great support but you can play her that way, especially in low elo if you know you're better than some noob adc, carry the game yourself instead of supporting.

    Nami is decent, I don't play her coz I find other champs more fun and you should stick to 3 champs or so, otherwise you'll be a master of none.

    Always great sups are Leona, Janna, Soraka, Morgana, Zyra, Nautilus.
    Nautilus the easiest tank to play but supposedly worse in teamfights than Leona.

    Another not support is Vel Koz, fun but if you fail, you fail hard. Long range but if you get gap closers in your face you panic and die. Refresh your trigonometry.

    Difficult sups are Thresh and Senna, also great playmakers. Thresh is always the same, never buffed or nerfed. He is a sort of a weak tank, if you don't make the play, you're shit. But his hooks are amazing and fun. If you wanna seriously play this champ, then you gotta play him half the time.
    Senna is probably difficult only for me coz she's and adc sup and that's not my mentality, I just get stunned and die.

    Blitzcrank is a noob champ, works great below Platinum, also supposedly worse than Leona in team fights. Funny thing I can hit almost every hook with Thresh but I fail with Blitz, his speed fucks with the timing on my prediction where the enemy will move.

    I also like to play Zyra coz a lot of the time you can't rely on your adc, and Zyra has wave clear. When your idiot gets killed you can keep the lane, when the idiot is wasting time somewhere, you can go to an empty lane and push. I admit I'm not very good with her coz despite mostly wining I feed, I hate being a sacrifice so the team can win and Zyra is not supposed to do that unlike tanks.

    I recommend watching this, I was stuck in Silver getting ganked all the time before I watched. There are also guides for individual champs. Also install Blitz app, it gives you recommended runes for every champ. In champion select there is not a lot of time to make changes and they reduced the amount of rune pages...so you can't have an optimal page for every champ you play.

    Lastly, understandably you'll want to climb ranks and the easiest way to do this is to play AP support, but when you come to mid elo you'll be stuck coz that's where true supports start to rule. It's better if you learn how to play true supports while the games don't matter in low elo, even if you will barely climb. @Tafyunn
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2022