Spoiler For my deleric favorite/ For my abandoned love(?)/버려진 나의 최애를 위하여

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by SueVal, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. mewylve

    mewylve Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2021
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    I dropped that Trashta after seeing her in that eyesore wedding dress...

    I AGREE 101%. Especially double H. Helios and Hestia when they meet. So funny...
  2. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    it's a pity that they are not siblings hahahaha.
    They diss each other everytime they meet
    Riev and mewylve like this.
  3. mewylve

    mewylve Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2021
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    Yeah. They supposed to be siblings. Plus when the author draw their chibi. So cute...
  4. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    Small Cael: "greetings to your highnesses"
    small helios: "hey Cael! Thank god, you're here! My sister is gonna kill me one day!"
    small Hestia: *step on Helios' feet* "what nonsense are you saying?!! Well...Ca-cael, i-i'm h-hap-happy to see you!" *runs away embarassed and shy*
    small helios: "you see? She's crazy! I was really unlucky to have her as sister!"
    small Cael: "then...why don't you give her to me? I don't have sisters and i don't think that the princess is crazy. She's always so quiet when i see her."
    small helios: "you're my savior! If you want to play with her, you can just pick your things and move in my palace!"
    small Cael: "then we have a deal"
    Riev, VioletBlue, Mi shiru and 6 others like this.
  5. ThisLittle_Josei7

    ThisLittle_Josei7 Active Member

    Jan 9, 2022
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    Where can I read the novel?? Is the novel completed and translated in English??

    Please anyone I want to read the complete novel even if it's MTL'd
  6. Tang Sakura

    Tang Sakura Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2019
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  7. ThisLittle_Josei7

    ThisLittle_Josei7 Active Member

    Jan 9, 2022
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  8. Tang Sakura

    Tang Sakura Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2019
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    The novel is completed. The recent chapter of the manhwa started chapter 9 of the novel

    List of all novel chapters are at the link I posted
  9. ThisLittle_Josei7

    ThisLittle_Josei7 Active Member

    Jan 9, 2022
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    The link you send is completed?? Thank you so muchhh!!!
  10. ThisLittle_Josei7

    ThisLittle_Josei7 Active Member

    Jan 9, 2022
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    Can I have the raws too?!!
  11. _etro_

    _etro_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2021
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    Guys...please become detective and analyze if in this newest chapter that Cael's seed of jealousy is already in there?

    This man really has a steady, slowly but surely starting to feel something for our hestia :blobjoy::hmm:
    Elisee, Arryetty and Tang Sakura like this.
  12. Tang Sakura

    Tang Sakura Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2019
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    Yes his seed of jealous has already been planted.

    You know the scene before the one where Cael said 'The door is open.'

    The scene where both of them are talking and It's zoom out and full of pink and flowers.

    That's Cael's POV.

    It's so smart and subtle.

    It's such a smart move. It's legit Cael's POV. How he is seeing or looking at Hestia and Decima interaction from his spot.

    It's such a good yet subtle incorporation of Cael's POV vision.

    It means that he entered the room secretly and he saw that........ and he interrupted them........

    And you know where he knocked? He knocked on the frickin wall

    Also why tf are you gonna tell Decima and Hestia that the door is open. Who says that.

    Can we also talk about Cael finding out how Hestia deem it impossible to spend and will not spend the Marquis family's money on herself?

    Did you see how disappointed and gloomy he looked?
    Mi shiru, Elisee, Minaeli and 5 others like this.
  13. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    I want to see Cael getting upset seeing Decima with his shirt unbuttoned hahahaahah.

    also seeing Cael getting upset because Hestia didn’t spend a penny for herself, reminds me of Hugo (ML from Lucia) getting upset because his wife never spent a penny for herself haahahahah.
    At that time I was so pleased. I thought “you wanted a contract wife, why are complaining like a child? That’s Karma!”
  14. Leos_Tea_Party

    Leos_Tea_Party Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2020
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    I rarely cry for something like this (my tears dried up for my own reasons) and I hope the webtoon team can make me cry. This seems really sad for ML in fear he will lose his new love. (sorry if my empathy sucks I kinda became numb over time.)
    Eccleia, Nishichi and _etro_ like this.
  15. InTheEther

    InTheEther Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2019
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    I think the key defining characteristic for the OGFL is arrogance. The OGML's actions sucked as well, but I think the audience is tending to set aside their anger at him by the end because his faults generally come down to just being kinda selfish. He turned his back on his friend since it was convenient and ensured he's be the one to get the girl. But we see that he is capable about caring for people, compromising, apologizing, etc. He does everything he can to take care of Diana and cover for her, while at the same time taking his duties as the crown prince seriously and actually working for the betterment of his nation, etc. So his sins seem more like an error in judgement that he can learn from, which doesn't erase the harm he did but does ensure he won't do so again.
    For Diana, she's never going to learn because why should she? She's perfect and correct, its everyone else that should change.

    Diana is a character type that I personally am very predisposed to hate. The character who makes a big performance and may even genuinely believe that they're virtuous, but are never going to put forth the the thought and effort to actually help anyone. She has empathy in a broad abstract sense (woe for the faceless masses I'm not actually interacting with), but absolutely none for anyone standing right before her.
    Let's be real, the fact that she grew up a commoner doesn't mean she couldn't have figured out the princess thing. And its an amazing position to actually do some good works... which as far as I can tell she never does. Cutting out wasteful extravagance in the palace isn't necessarily a bad idea, but what good does it do to serve guests subpar food? It doesn't result in the commoners having more or better food, and if the saved money's going to some other cause its never mentioned. The only result is that she gets to sit there and be smug over how she's better than the other nobles because she 'sympathizes with the common people' or something. During the whole confrontation over the soap business, why the heck is she hung up on the fact that the soap smells nice? Realistically, the price increase between scented and unscented has to be negligible. And her stance of "you should give it away for free" is incredibly short sighted and just stupid.
    Lets genuinely break it down. If the MC actually gave it away for free, that is just not sustainable. You can't only have money going out but nothing coming in. So at some point the whole thing would need to end, and since its a consumable the common people would very quickly be right back at where they started. And you know who would be most upset about the business going bust? The commoners working all the blue collar jobs involved with the business, who are presumably drawing a paycheck. What the MC is doing is the way to make a lasting improvement, providing a steady and fair income to employees and making sure that the final product remains something that is both affordable and beneficial to everyone. It does way more good than straight charity ever would.

    If Diana really cared about the common people there was so much she could do. Historically, many a queen/princess/whatever have made fashion choices to highlight a certain trade (Elizabeth I made it a law that formal court dress had to include a wooly hat to invigorate the english wool market), or popularized strategic fashions and trends to get others to pour money into certain businesses or trade. There's a legit argument that it was mostly performative, but ladies' charitable organizations were a pretty widespread thing among aristocrats. Make it a thing for noble ladies to sponsor trade schools, throw a charity ball to feed orphans, if you're going to cut down spending in the palace have the saved money go to a pay raise for the servants or a tax break for the lower classes, do something. All she really does is sit there in a position of privilege while looking down on others for their positions of privilege, and patting herself on the back over her moral superiority.
  16. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    i think that the root of her behaviour was just ignorance. The only knowldge she had was the one provided by the church but the problem is that the church teaches the common people to live a good life according to god's teaching not a more humanistic and realistic education. It's strange that before becoming a princess, no one taught her economy, politics and more culture.
    It's a contradiction that persist even today: many average people blames the rich families for being rich and their lifestyle: "they are so rich, how can they spend 150k dollars for useless things instead of giving them to the poor like us". I was like also like this but after studying law, economy and politics, i got to know more about the complicated environment of the "high floors".
    I think that Dian a at a certain point became arrogant because she was "chosen by god" and thought that it gave her the right to change the world.
    She doesn't have a sense of respect toward the authorities of the empire because she is "god's messenger"
  17. Tang Sakura

    Tang Sakura Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2019
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    It all comes down to upbringing. Diana said that for almost her entire life, she has been a disciple of God, meaning for almost if her entire life, she has been at the temple, and so of course majority of her education is on the teachings of the temple and the priests.

    It also comes down to isolation. Because she is the saintess, she was isolated. She didn't learn proper interactions with people since all they almost showed to her were respect and their good side since she is blessed by God. She wasn't put into different situations where she can learn about the good and bad sides of people, and learn on her own to survive on her own and become mature. Plus, she never had the opportunity to learn anything other than what the priests told her and her duties as saintess also didn't allow her to study other subjects before meeting Helios and Cael.

    And nobody would tell her that what she was doing was bad since who would dare to do that in front of a being 'chosen by God's?
    Minaeli, Nishichi and _etro_ like this.
  18. InTheEther

    InTheEther Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2019
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    Yeah, I get why she has the inflexible attitude she does, and her inability to see anything other than black or white. But I'm still kinda confused on the lack of her actually doing anything to further her ideals. Again, in a position to do so much charity work ... which she doesn't. At all. She also manages to forget her disgust over Cael being a murderer when she needs his help. She chides the MC for marrying into the aristocracy, but it seems like she herself never wavered about doing the exact same thing. Nor does she hold any hesitation or mixed feelings over it only being possible because of her being complicit to Cael's murdering.

    Just pointing out that even by the viewpoint of someone extremely naïve who has been basically indoctrinated into a fundamentalist philosophy, she's really only paying lip service to those ideals and not actually following them outside of condemning those she sees as falling short. If she truly believed in what she preached then I feel like a fair amount of her actions would have been different.
  19. KristinaMariaSara

    KristinaMariaSara Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    i think it's because she is weak.
    She doesn't even know what she really wants and feel. She is attached to her "mission" because it's was her only reason to fight and live.
    I hope she will take care more about herself than the world.
    Nishichi likes this.
  20. Tang Sakura

    Tang Sakura Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2019
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    In a way Diana and Cael is similar in this aspect.