Comments on Profile Post by CDLevit

  1. Mizura
    Dec 6, 2016
  2. CDLevit
    I like your comments.. most of them!
    Dec 6, 2016
  3. Mizura
    Haha, that sounds like there are some that you don't like at all, but thanks! xD
    Dec 6, 2016
  4. CDLevit
    Well, there are some that are too difficult for me to understand and digest, it's not your fault, but mine:)
    Dec 6, 2016
  5. CDLevit
  6. Mizura
    Dec 6, 2016
  7. CDLevit
    You've killed me. I was and I am too stupid for math:|.

    Where did you study it?
    Dec 6, 2016
  8. CDLevit
    I used to think that for us to be like gods we lack some things: time, capacity/memory and something else that I can't remember.
    Dec 6, 2016
  9. Mizura
    Why would you want to be a god anyway? We are living amazing lives. Right now, we probably have access to more dishes than the emperors of ancient China, and through games, we get all the fun of being a god, minus all the responsibilities (can you imagine the headaches you'd have right now if you were in charge of Earth right now?)
    Dec 6, 2016
  10. Mizura
    Besides, in this webtoon called Kubera, there's this god who is one of those who created the Universe. That god remembers not only the current universe, but everything that happened in the previous universes, and he can see the consequences of all choices (a beefed up version of just seeing the future). I dunno, I don't want to be him, I'd go totally insane, and said god seemed to have gone senile too. D:
    Dec 6, 2016
  11. CDLevit
    ...well, we don't really want to be a God, but more like to have more liberty:) and more choices to 'taste'.

    Can you imagine how it'll be to love someone and lose that someone? What would happen if you'll find out that a certain someone or something could help that one? But, that also happens in rl - if you have money, then, you can affort a surgery and so on.
    Dec 6, 2016
  12. CDLevit
    You're talking about a god that's like us, something similar to those gods that the greek mythology shows us - where those gods are... like humans on drugs - they have superpowers, but, they die like us, they have feelings and so on. But, there is also the type of god who exists more like a concept.

    Once, I've skimmed this book:
    Dec 6, 2016
  13. CDLevit
    Dec 6, 2016
  14. Mizura
    Haha, I didn't talk about conceptual gods because there's no way we can be one anyway. xD I'm floored by the depth of mathematics for example and find that godly, but no matter how 'powerful' it is, I don't think anybody would want to 'be' maths. xD
    Dec 6, 2016
  15. CDLevit
    ...maths too hard for me. I remember how I've lost the fight with mathematics when I didn't learn constantly and.. I've dislike math as no one bothered to explain to me why I shoud've learn this or that. Well, I was more stupid than I am at this moment!
    Dec 6, 2016
  16. Mizura
    As for liberty, limitations are actually a form of freedom. If you just give a boy a ball, then he'd just be bouncing it around. However, add a few rules, and it becomes football, basketball, you name it, and from there a whole world of possibilities (strategies etc.) arise. It is true that there are many things we can't do, but working with these limitations give rise to so many things.
    Dec 6, 2016
  17. CDLevit
    Oh, you're talking about acknowledged liberties. Yes, that's true. We build up our own prisons - the prisons of mind and ration.
    Dec 6, 2016
  18. Mizura
    It helps to look at things from other perspectives too. It is certainly sad when a loved one dies, but the fact that we -die- is one of the greatest movers of civilization. Could you imagine what state we'd be in if stuffy kings and stuck-up dictators never die off? Because we die, the next generation can pick up and challenge and change what we've left behind. Isn't that a form of freedom?
    Dec 6, 2016
  19. CDLevit
    Imposed freedom is never freedom. Beside that, the lack of resources is what, in some cases, make us choose according to material interests.
    Dec 6, 2016
  20. Mizura
    Haha, but we get choices then, right? Imagine if we didn't need to eat, and/or never get overstuffed. Then we can choose to eat nothing at all, or just eat everything, but where's the fun in that? And in fact, if we didn't need to eat, we wouldn't have most of the dishes we'd have today, because humans went to great lengths to deal with their need to eat whatever is lying around.
    Dec 6, 2016
  21. CDLevit
    Well, in a way, you're right. We'll be like inanimate things, we won't think, nor could think of something else.
    Dec 6, 2016