Comments on Profile Post by dryzzle

  1. MrS4n
    ohh it is yzrahc..
    too busy nowadays finishing my FYP..
    not enuf sleep now....
    Dec 7, 2016
  2. dryzzle
    yep, it is me.... xD
    what's FYP? first year program? :P
    ....then you have to go back to sleeping then \ (•◡•) / for enuf sleep...
    best luck! (p^-^)p
    Dec 7, 2016
    MrS4n likes this.
  3. MrS4n
    Lol if first year program then i would just sleep all the time...
    It is my final year project (FYP)...
    It need to much money..
    Dec 8, 2016
  4. dryzzle
    O.O whoa~ now that is truly woah.... that sure will take a lot of time and yea monies... you're gonna go poor... xD
    Dec 8, 2016
    MrS4n likes this.
  5. MrS4n
    yeah already in the redlinee...
    Dec 10, 2016