Comments on Profile Post by JustaReader

  1. LittleMadam
    Casually trying not to die... finals are tomorrow and I'm officially screwed
    Dec 12, 2016
    JustaReader likes this.
  2. JustaReader
    I have my exams this week as well. But why did you not study if you are screwed?
    Dec 12, 2016
  3. LittleMadam
    Too many things to do and not enough time to do them. But I'll managed to pull it together last minute (maybe)
    Dec 12, 2016
    CDLevit likes this.
  4. LittleMadam
    My professors seem to think that it isn't a good idea to give as much homework as they can rbe get before finals
    Dec 12, 2016
    CDLevit likes this.