Comments on Profile Post by akki

  1. Carm
    Welcome to NUF!! \o/
    Merry Christmas!
    Huh a black hole, are you dense?
    Hmmmm reminds me of Bakatrina, do you read that @yzrahc ?
    Hope you enjoy the holidays~!
    Dec 25, 2016
    Blackhole32 likes this.
  2. Blackhole32
    Thank you and Merry Christmas!
    I'm not pretty sure I'm as dense as Bakarina but people sometimes called me dense... really...

    And those other black holes were just devoured by m--- I mean, I'm just the 32nd XD
    Dec 25, 2016
  3. Carm
    Dec 25, 2016
  4. akki
    You're welcome~
    Dec 25, 2016
  5. dryzzle
    O.O 32nd? Are you sure you're not adopted? How did your blackhole parents had 32 baby blackholes?

    XD welcome to nuf...and Merry Christmas!
    Dec 25, 2016
    Blackhole32 likes this.
  6. Blackhole32
    Merry Chrismas!

    We just *cough* duplicate *cough*
    Dec 25, 2016
    dryzzle likes this.
  7. dryzzle
    *pat pat* it should be hard having to see 31 look alike blackholes xP
    Dec 25, 2016
    Blackhole32 likes this.
  8. Blackhole32
    Not really. I'm always with them and they're always within me, they're tas----
    Dec 25, 2016
  9. dryzzle
    ..tas----ked to be with you? o.o
    Dec 25, 2016
  10. AliceShiki
    @hello , @Welcome to NUF !

    I hope you have plenty of fun on this crazy place! \(^^)/

    And congratulations on being the number 2 dense person on NUF! You'll never beat @OverlyFriendly though.
    Dec 25, 2016
  11. OverlyFriendly
    Dec 25, 2016
    AliceShiki likes this.