Comments on Profile Post by HarleyQ.

  1. Accidentally
    What happen to your back Q?
    Dec 26, 2016
    HarleyQ. likes this.
  2. HarleyQ.
    .-. lower back pain problems
    ....not sure tho :/'s been happening for 3 days now :/
    Dec 26, 2016
  3. heartantares
    back pain is awful..... there was this one time my back stopped functioning after i picked up a couch cushion off of the floor. i was in so much pain i gained like 15 pounds..... from being unable to move for 2weeks.....
    Dec 26, 2016
    HarleyQ. likes this.
  4. heartantares
    supposedly there are various stretches you can do to prevent throwing off your back/lower the chances if its just your muscles thats the problem... I dunno bout bones...
    Dec 26, 2016
    HarleyQ. likes this.
  5. heartantares
    how bad is the pain... can you still walk around? and/or did you recently take a tumble somewhere?
    Dec 26, 2016
    HarleyQ. likes this.
  6. Tenor
    Yeah, George Michael also just passed away :/
    Dec 26, 2016
  7. Accidentally
    First thing that come to my mind about this is... how hard did you do that till your back gave out?

    Dec 26, 2016