Jan 9, 2016
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Boat Riding Through The Fjord On The 474th Floor
[ѕтαℓкιηﻭ вℓα¢ккηιﻭнтﻭσ∂չιℓℓα] [αιιєє'ѕ ѕтαя]


[Ani's C☕ffee-mate #3] [Shady Merchant], Male, from Boat Riding Through The Fjord On The 474th Floor

Should I get a pizza or burger meal on my way home? May 3, 2024 at 1:08 PM

    1. akki
      Is in a mood. Here's to a dreamless sleep. Goodnight all
    2. akki
      *whispers* buy the ticket, take the ride
      1. View previous comments...
      2. akki
        Feb 6, 2016
        Risus likes this.
      3. Blank9
        Feb 6, 2016
      4. Risus
        Feb 7, 2016
    3. akki
      Blink once if it's a yes. Cough twice if it's not a no. Fake faint if it's weird. Run away if you're creeped out.
      1. Arcturus and Ariki_Rastavara like this.
      2. Risus
        Feb 6, 2016
        Arcturus and Ariki_Rastavara like this.
      3. Ariki_Rastavara
        Feb 6, 2016
      4. akki
        *stares back*
        Feb 6, 2016
    4. akki
      awake but not all of me agrees. Need coffee *hints* at @Animester
      1. Poor_Hero likes this.
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      3. kraken296
        @Animester if that is true you might need to relocate your ingredients and already completed product before they get stolen. I can help you relocate it *evil laugh*
        Feb 6, 2016
        akki likes this.
      4. Animester
        No thanks @kraken296 ...I think i would regret it later if i gave u to relocate....
        Feb 6, 2016
      5. akki
        @Animester I can look after them. I promise not to take the occasional sip
        @hayyan hmm away
        Feb 6, 2016
        Poor_Hero likes this.
    5. CDLevit
      Day 0.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. CDLevit
        Hm. Forgot yestarday..
        Feb 9, 2016
        akki likes this.
      3. akki
        Lol. Forgetting after 2 days. That's terrible
        Feb 9, 2016
        CDLevit likes this.
      4. CDLevit
        :p. Forgot to post.
        Feb 9, 2016
    6. akki
      has realised I act nice but really hate people. Well unless you're cool then I like ya. Night all
      1. NeaxD, whosays25 and Poor_Hero like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. akki
        I hesitate to remember. Trust me you wouldn't want to know
        Feb 6, 2016
      4. Risus
        I really~ wanna know now, but...fine...I Wont Ask...
        Feb 6, 2016
      5. akki
        I kept my crazy hidden. Phew dodged a bullet there.
        Feb 6, 2016
    7. akki
      Someone tell me your secrets..........I promise I won't use it to blackmail you...
      1. Poor_Hero likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Arcturus
        27 faces. No more no less
        Feb 5, 2016
        akki likes this.
      4. akki
        grabs knife, kidnaps random stranger, *cut, slash, slice*. Offers face to @hayyan
        Feb 5, 2016
        Arcturus likes this.
      5. hayyan
        Feb 5, 2016
    8. akki
      Zoolander 2 comes out > duck-face picture craze gets stronger > everyone else cringes.
      1. Poor_Hero likes this.
    9. akki
      Time for a late breakfast/early lunch. Or a very super early supper if I don't eat anything for the rest of the day
      1. Poor_Hero likes this.
      2. Nimbus
        Feb 5, 2016
      3. akki
        Is brunch breakfast for lunch or simply just eating between the time of breakfast and lunch?
        Feb 5, 2016
      4. Nimbus
        A meal typically eaten in the late morning or early afternoon as a combination of breakfast and lunch.
        Feb 5, 2016
    10. akki
      Brand new day, nice and bright for once. To all I say Good [............] insert appropriate word
      1. Poor_Hero likes this.
      2. TheGirlWhoWearsGlasses
        Ridance desuyo ?
        Feb 5, 2016
        akki likes this.
      3. akki
        Lol I was going for morning, afternoon etc. good riddance seems harsh
        Feb 5, 2016
    11. akki
      And when the night is cloudy There is still a light that shines on me Shine on until tomorrow, let it be. Good night all
      1. Nimbus, Poor_Hero and slaughter god like this.
      2. Ophious
        *sips tea*
        Jul 9, 2016
    12. akki
      Just watched Noblesse: Awakening animation. So freaking awesome!
      1. Nimbus and Poor_Hero like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. akki
        I have read it @cdlevit stopped reading it though cos felt a bit repetitive. Really want Ability to come back
        Feb 4, 2016
        Nimbus, Poor_Hero and CDLevit like this.
      4. CDLevit
        Well, i've had the same problem. I dislike the existence of few factions in manga/novels.
        Feb 4, 2016
      5. akki
        @Khader isn't that tab still there? I haven't been on mangafox in a while
        Feb 4, 2016
        Nimbus and Poor_Hero like this.
    13. akki
      Next time I get to seduce the rich guy
      1. Nimbus, Poor_Hero and Arcturus like this.
      2. hayyan
        Um..........you're male tho~
        Feb 4, 2016
        akki likes this.
      3. Ldyrdy
        well.. nothing wrong with seducing a guy tho~
        Feb 4, 2016
        akki, Poor_Hero and Arcturus like this.
      4. akki
        @hayyan I may be into guys............nah it was a line out of mission impossible
        Feb 4, 2016
        Nimbus and Poor_Hero like this.
    14. akki
      Staying in bed till I'm brave enough to face the cold. Good morning all
      1. Nimbus and Poor_Hero like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. akki
        Looks interesting. Regular updates as well. I shall order this for my next meal
        Feb 4, 2016
        Nimbus, Poor_Hero and Asf like this.
      4. Animester
        Good morning..~serves coffee to @akki ~
        Feb 4, 2016
        akki likes this.
      5. akki
        Oh much needed coffee. I thank thee m'lady. Or should I call you master?
        Feb 4, 2016
        Nimbus likes this.
    15. akki
      One word, memories flood, tears flow.............goodnight all
      1. Nimbus and Poor_Hero like this.
      2. Risus
        Feb 3, 2016
    16. akki
      thinks there should be a 'Like' feature that would let me automatically like all new profile posts by @Nimbus
      1. Nimbus, episod3ux and Arcturus like this.
      2. Nimbus
        Nil volentibus arduum
        Feb 3, 2016
        akki likes this.
      3. akki
        This might be as I don't think @Tony or @Shio and them would ever create that feature
        Feb 3, 2016
        Nimbus likes this.
      4. The Darkness
        The Darkness
        I don't know.

        That gives @Nimbus a bit too much power and responsibility.
        Feb 3, 2016
    17. akki
      Dead cat on the side of the road. R.I.P
      1. Nimbus, Poor_Hero and NeaxD like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. akki
        I'm conflicted on whether to like that or not. On a side note I've not had breakfast or lunch so I am starving
        Feb 3, 2016
        Nimbus, Arcturus and NeaxD like this.
      4. NeaxD
        do not worry in the end I will be eating pizza either way. It might have normal meat on it or it might have roadkill but it is pizza in the end.
        Feb 3, 2016
        Arcturus and akki like this.
      5. akki
        PIZZAAAAAA!!!! I WANT!!!!!
        Feb 3, 2016
        Nimbus and NeaxD like this.
    18. akki
      does anyone else tilt their head back when taking pills or is it just me?
      1. Nimbus and Poor_Hero like this.
      2. slaughter god
        slaughter god
        I do if the pills are big.
        Feb 3, 2016
        Poor_Hero likes this.
      3. akki
        I've lost count on the number of times I've gagged on them
        Feb 3, 2016
        Nimbus likes this.
    19. akki
      So the sun has finally decided to make an appearance. Oh, no he's hiding behind the clouds again
      1. Nimbus and Poor_Hero like this.
    20. akki
      Spent the entire day watching Nanatsu no Taizai. Not sure if it was time well spent. Oh well g'night all
      1. Nimbus and Poor_Hero like this.
      2. hayyan
        Feb 3, 2016
        akki and Poor_Hero like this.
      3. CDLevit
        Feb 3, 2016
        akki likes this.
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    Home Page:
    Boat Riding Through The Fjord On The 474th Floor
    [ѕтαℓкιηﻭ вℓα¢ккηιﻭнтﻭσ∂չιℓℓα] [αιιєє'ѕ ѕтαя]
    Akki is a present
    A wonderful person
    Especially to his sisters
    But no one will be bitter
    Cause he's charming like a magnet
    But acts like our very own mascot
    – Pyoo

    [Current Death Count: +371]​


    How to kill boredom
    I have tried to answer this question in the past.
    I went on a long journey searching high and low for the answer.
    In the end I came across an old wise man who said he had the answer.
    He had me training day and night, running for miles, lifting heavy weights etc.
    I had no idea why I was training but I decided to put my faith in him.
    Eventually I became really strong, my training was over.
    Finally I asked him why he had me train, how did it help in killing boredom.
    ‘Boredom’, he said. ‘I thought you wanted to kill Bormann’.
    What! I shouted. Wtf is a Bormann?
    ‘Martin Bormann’, he said, ‘He was a Nazi.
    Huh! A Nazi? You had me training to kill a dead Nazi. Wtf is wrong with you?
    In a fit of anger I killed the old man. Thus I began the search once more.
    A search for how to kill boredom….
    Finding boredom
    So killing boredom ended in failure.
    But I trained, got strong, buff if you will.
    Scratch that, buff is a terrible word to use. Forget I even said it.
    But hey, I’m now strong enough to kill boredom when I find it.
    Hmm is boredom an ‘it’? Could it not be a ‘he’ or ‘she’?
    Well I just complicated this for myself now didn’t I?
    Is boredom an intangible thing or is it a flesh and blood thing?
    How does one find out, where does one look?
    When in doubt, Google it. That’s what they say.
    Now don’t ask me who they are, this is complicated enough as it is.
    So where were we, ah that’s right Google. Searching, searching, searching….
    The results…what? You’ve got access to the internet, search for it yourself.
    30,200,000 hits, I don’t have time for this. How do I simplify things?
    Hmm maybe I’ll try researching in the library…..
    Researching Boredom
    I’ve arrived at the library….man I've not been here in years.
    Now where should I start? Asking for help might not be a good idea…
    …’Excuse me, got any books on boredom?’ Sounds stupid right!?
    I’ll just browse around for now; I might get lucky.
    Let’s see, kids, fiction, non-fiction, photography, biscuits, sciences, history, I.T.
    Eh!!! Did I see that right! Yeah…t-that really is an entire section on biscuits…
    It’s not even cook books with recipes. It’s literally hundreds of books about biscuits.
    Wtf is going on? This library, why does- no I’m getting distracted.
    I shouldn’t forget my purpose here. Let’s sear- oops crap!
    ‘I’m sorry; I wasn’t looking where I was going. Let me get that for you.’
    Looking at what fell it's a book, well duh, but why does it look so strange?
    Excuse me miss here's yo- woah a jade like beauty......Why did I say that? I'm losing it haha...
    Here~ huh she gone. Hey you forgot your book, this erm ehhh- Boredom Sect ~ NUF....how..?
    I'm so confused. I need to investigate this...
    Investigating Boredom
    This book, it's old, too old, ragged too. Looks kinda outta place here me thinks.
    And these words~ what is this feeling I get when my eyes brush past them?
    What is NUF? National something? United? Foundation?
    When in doubt, Google it. That’s what they say. I said that last time right?
    Okay let's see; don’t let me down Google sensei~ N U F – search...
    And the top result is: Norskregistrert utenlandsk foretak. Erm I don’t think that’s it.
    Oh wait idiot, forgot the key part. N U F Boredom Sect – search…
    This result looks promising: Discussion - NUF Sects | Novel Updates Forum.
    Hmm it’s missing the word boredom……meh! *click*
    Would you like to see a NUF Sect go against another NUF Sect? (For Fun and for Laughs)
    Eh~ friendly sect wars? And 78.8 % say yes. What have I stumbled on to?
    Forever Alone Sect, Cat Sect, Sectless Sect, Chocolate Sect, Chaos Sect…
    Am I in the wrong place? Where’s the Boredom Sect? How do I find it?
    Maybe I should join NUF…
    "That sound in your heart, what is it?" – Sylar
    Don’t text and drive!
    [Current Death Count: +371]
    Glossary Of Terms
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