Comments on Profile Post by HesheFell

  1. CDLevit
    ? How are you?
    Mar 18, 2017
  2. HesheFell
    Still alive. Finished last semester by the skin of my teeth. Opened a new savings account. Got my 1st credit card. And just got the new Stylo 3 -$50 on sale+$50 in personally saved gift cards. That adds to a very happy samurai :D
    May 18, 2017
  3. CDLevit
    :) Glad to hear that you are alright! I hope that I'll comment on that topic in the close future.

    Take care and do your best!
    May 18, 2017
  4. HesheFell
    It's been a while. Nice hearing from you too. Nice to know that I've been absent but not forgotten.
    May 30, 2017
  5. CDLevit
    Hello! I rarely forget people.. Good luck wehere you need! Do your best and take care!
    May 30, 2017