Comments on Profile Post by littleshanks

  1. Mizura
    I don't usually keep track of the names of translators (I'm bad with names- I only remember Tann because he's active in the forums), so um... which series are you translating exactly? @_@
    Mar 27, 2017
  2. littleshanks
    Rebirth Thief on Wuxiaworld. :l It's okay I know I'm not popular.
    Mar 27, 2017
  3. Mizura
    Huh, I admit I haven't read that one. To be honest though, I haven't read the great majority of CN novels out there, be it Xianxia or gaming: ISSTH, DD, ATG whatever, I haven't read any of them. It's because the first Xianxia I read was My Disciple Died Yet Again, and well, turns out it's not really a good idea to start with parodies of the genre. 。-。
    Mar 27, 2017
  4. littleshanks
    Ah, no worries. It's VRMMO and by Mad Snail (terrible rep), but at least it's a series he actually completed to the end without rushing.
    Mar 27, 2017
    akki likes this.
  5. Mizura
    Huh, it's true that most Xianxia seem to have extremely rushed endings. It's such a shame. D: The earlier links from NU are broken by the way. I'm logging off for today, so have a nice day! :D
    Mar 27, 2017
  6. littleshanks
    Ah, see ya later. That's because the earlier chapters were hosted on my blog. I moved to Wuxiaworld later on. I'll get it fixed.
    Mar 27, 2017