Comments on Profile Post by SweetPink13

  1. doomeye1337
    goukigenyou~ Kyō wa genkidesuka?
    May 4, 2017
    SweetPink13 likes this.
  2. SweetPink13
    @doomeye1337 sorry i don't understand a lot of japanese words. All I could understand is the last part. :D
    May 4, 2017
    Axiel likes this.
  3. doomeye1337
    first phrase is what ojou-sama types say as a greeting, second phrase is asking how you are doing today :p Once you level up your weeb powers enough, you too will easily be able to do this~
    May 4, 2017
    Axiel and SweetPink13 like this.
  4. SweetPink13
    oh i see~
    hontou ni arigatou gozaimasu.
    i'm gonna try my best to be on that lvl. xD (ง •̀ω•́)ง✧
    May 4, 2017
    doomeye1337 likes this.