Comments on Profile Post by BlancFrost

  1. Osamaru
    >_< thanks. Its more like a muscle I've not used in a long time. Kinda stiff and awkward at first, but it feels good to work out those knots.
    Jun 27, 2017
    BlancFrost likes this.
  2. BlancFrost
    I look forward to more poems then~ ah do you want to be added to the calling list? It's pretty much for alerting people when a new theme is up. Otherwise you're welcome to just drop by ^-^
    Jun 27, 2017
    Osamaru likes this.
  3. BlancFrost
    Doing more is usually the key to being more comfortable with something we have done before.

    Jun 27, 2017
    Osamaru likes this.
  4. Osamaru
    Sure, always fun to take up a challenge every now and again. ^_^ looking forward to seeing what's next.
    Jun 27, 2017
    BlancFrost likes this.
  5. BlancFrost
    *clap clap clap*
    Jun 27, 2017
  6. Osamaru
    the last stanza is a little choppy, but I'm tired lol.
    Well, It's been fun for tonight. I need sleep.
    forgot how much I liked doing quick poems like that though.
    Jun 27, 2017
    BlancFrost likes this.
  7. BlancFrost
    I think it turned out beautifully~

    Sleep well o/

    Lol doing poems is a good outlet \o/
    Jun 27, 2017
    Osamaru likes this.
  8. BlancFrost
    Astray, off-track, disoriented(?)

    ^perhaps those for a better title. Just suggestions though. I think you ended the poem well. Sometimes we can just keep going with poems. But you won't know when to stop when that happens. Cutting it off cleanly might be best if you want to stop at a certain point. Otherwise you can always do a part 2 for continuation ^-^
    Jun 27, 2017
    Osamaru likes this.
  9. Osamaru
    I thought of Astray as well, but the feeling I was trying to go for was more along the lines of ;
    "Sometimes, we miss what we are looking for, not because we are not looking, but because we are so focused on what we think we want, we don't see what we need"
    Hummmmm. I have something on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't seem to form it.
    Jun 27, 2017
    BlancFrost likes this.
  10. BlancFrost
    Tunnel Vision XD

    Hopefully that word comes to mind then~
    Jun 27, 2017
    Osamaru likes this.