Comments on Profile Post by Eternal Liar

  1. Sleight
    Well... i guess u can see happiness that way too... but if u dont do anything about those minimised desires then ur gonna end up sad or smth...
    Jul 26, 2017
    Eternal Liar likes this.
  2. Eternal Liar
    Eternal Liar
    Happiness is happiness, if you're happy with a cake as a person is happy with a sports car. Your quality of happiness is the same but cheaper and more achievable
    Jul 26, 2017
  3. Sleight
    But if u dont buy cake then u cant be a happy guy...
    Jul 26, 2017
  4. Sleight
    Besides... cake sucks...
    Jul 26, 2017
  5. Eternal Liar
    Eternal Liar
    You need $10 to be happy while the other guy needs $50000
    Jul 26, 2017
  6. Sleight
    Yeah... big money.. 10$ i mean...
    Jul 26, 2017
  7. Osamaru
    True, to a point, but if you're Happiness is too cheap, then it starts to loose its value.
    If you are happy at every little thing, then every negative thing will be amplified as well.
    I would say Happiness is less about your desires, or even finding a balance.
    Its about appreciating the Good things that happen, while not stressing to much over the Bad.
    Jul 26, 2017
    Eternal Liar likes this.
  8. Seraphic
    Ooh, science has this one answered! According to a Princeton study, maximal happiness is achieved, in the US at least, with approximately $75k yearly, with people generally being less happy with less money and no significant gains in happiness with more money.
    Jul 26, 2017
    Eternal Liar likes this.
  9. Osamaru
    Na, that "study" was flawed from the get-go.
    Jul 26, 2017
    Eternal Liar likes this.
  10. Seraphic
    Though it's certainly true that being in debt makes you less happy :D If you can stay happy in all circumstances, you're probably insanely delusional and I really respect that :P
    Jul 26, 2017
    Eternal Liar likes this.
  11. Eternal Liar
    Eternal Liar
    It's all about trying to not stay sane, you're happier that way
    Jul 27, 2017