Comments on Profile Post by Imawa

  1. HavekZero
    You should relish in the thought that you put this really really erotic lesbian make out scene in my mind....

    Aug 24, 2017
  2. Hotato
    *pat* `-`
    Aug 24, 2017
  3. asriu
    love is 50~50 chance after all~ you need invest lot of time and attention to make increase it chance~
    Aug 24, 2017
  4. Osamaru
    *pats @Ema_non*
    Know that feeling. Rofl!
    Aug 24, 2017
  5. Imawa
    I feel down n a bit morose... To pick up the sticks n try again? Or just live the way we are atm. Friendzoned. Actually, Ema doesn't really know if ema HAS been friendzoned or not...
    Tssch its so confusing let's just go on a shopping splurge and think of it later.
    Aug 24, 2017