Comments on Profile Post by ZhaWarudo

  1. ptbptb
    My guess. It was, then too many people watched anime.
    Sep 13, 2017
  2. Shem
    I'm an asian but idk tbh XD
    Sep 13, 2017
  3. ZhaWarudo
    Your guess is wrong, I heard that saying before the internet was even popular and it's who knows how much older than that.
    Sep 13, 2017
  4. Reindeer
    I don't watch western content, but do you see it as often as in Asian content?
    Sep 13, 2017
  5. ZhaWarudo
    Well no because I don't read western comedy, but it is a common saying, perhaps in TV shows you can see it.
    Sep 13, 2017
  6. Shem
    It's a common saying as old as idk lol.
    Sep 13, 2017
  7. ptbptb
    People watched anime before the Internet existed.

    [EDIT] The saying is from at least 1000BC in China. I very much doubt that it existed in Western media before 1970 AD. Prove me wrong. :P
    Sep 13, 2017
  8. ZhaWarudo
    Not in my country(ex commie), also anime was different back then
    Sep 13, 2017
  9. ZhaWarudo
    I heard it from my folks who are born in 53 and 60, did they hear it in the 60's I don't know and won't aske them coz I'm not good with them. Did you consider that word got around BC? After all CN and RU share a border. Even if not, from 1970 'til now is 47 years which isn't little.
    Sep 13, 2017
  10. SoulZer0
    I heard that from my 87 yo grandma. I wonder who said it first.
    Sep 14, 2017
  11. Indiboy
    Probably someone who didn't want to take medicine for cold
    Nov 30, 2017