Comments on Profile Post by leegood

  1. Butler
    Hmm, you know that's nice idea, but I'm still busy, since I don't want to keep you waiting so I think I'll be asking you to team up later...

    If you happen to know how to harvest ice cabbages and desert cereals, please tell me, I'm stuck in my first quests, which is why I probably also need help later.
    Oct 14, 2017
    leegood likes this.
  2. leegood
    forgot to reply, but you can ask in the tavern what they could be in OOC or use your creativity to describe them. That's what I did for my items that were 'moon-something plant' I just waited for the moon to come out to collect them.
    Oct 14, 2017
    Butler likes this.
  3. Butler
    Don't mind it, I didn't have much time to chat in tavern orz
    But the second idea might be better, though yours seem romantic, was kind of unsure if my version of ice cabbages isn't weird...
    Thanks @leegood
    Oct 15, 2017
    leegood likes this.
  4. leegood
    No problem~ *hugs*
    Oct 15, 2017
    Butler likes this.
  5. Butler
    *hugs back* hmm, as expected from adventurer senpai.
    Oct 15, 2017
    leegood likes this.