Comments on Profile Post by Haxagen

  1. Land of The Fallen
    Land of The Fallen

    Tch. I thought I stayed low key enough to avoid the birthday cake wave... Oh well, free cake~
    Jan 20, 2018
    Haxagen likes this.
  2. Haxagen
    How is it? Enjoying your extended holiday at the momemt?
    Jan 20, 2018
    Land of The Fallen likes this.
  3. Land of The Fallen
    Land of The Fallen
    No... While I am technically better... I'm stuck with a really bad sore throat and runny nose... ;-;
    It sucks when your family goes out to eat good food and you can't enjoy it cause runny nose=no sense of smell=no sense of taste and sore throat=hurts to swallow
    Jan 20, 2018
  4. Land of The Fallen
    Land of The Fallen
    And the homework... When you want to get started... You can't cause all your textbooks and workbooks are in school...
    Jan 20, 2018
    Haxagen likes this.
  5. Haxagen
    Drink a salt solution. It helps with the throat inflammation. Also, use warm water to rinse your mouth.
    Ask a classmate to send a picture of the homework to you? *Tilts head*
    Jan 20, 2018
    Land of The Fallen likes this.
  6. Land of The Fallen
    Land of The Fallen
    Did that, unfortunately a bunch of them need to be done on the ws... At least I have a bunch of essays I can write at home...
    Jan 20, 2018
    Haxagen likes this.
  7. Haxagen
    You still have tomorrow to do those~ Ganbatte o/
    Jan 20, 2018
    Land of The Fallen likes this.