Comments on Profile Post by AardwarkThe2nd

  1. bonifide
    none at the moment been trying RRL novels and dropped by all of them lmao.
    I'm just waiting for lntml to get some novels I like and not unheard of stuff.
    Jan 26, 2018
  2. AardwarkThe2nd
    God Level Demon
    Mythical Tyrant
    Martial Emperor Reborn
    Heaven Awakening Path
    Mechanical God Emperor
    City of Sin
    Very Pure Very Vague
    Thunder Martial
    Eternal Life
    Dark Civilization

    Top 10 of LNMTL survey, like any?
    Jan 27, 2018
  3. bonifide
    Just read over 1k chapters of God Level Demon. So far I pretty much love it. I tried out translated chapters first. It has some problems but the MC is consistent. It's way better than Ultimate Scheming System and The Strongest System. Plus the MC love fighting unarmed so thats a plus for me.
    Feb 16, 2018
  4. AardwarkThe2nd
    The retranslation happened today, so the terms must have changed. Latest chapter is 1291. What is the most evil thing MC has done?
    Feb 17, 2018
  5. bonifide
    Trick some kids to give him money. He was joking but the kids didn't think so it left a bad taste in my mouth. He said he would pay them back with interest for 100 years. Other than that the MC just love to talks shit and brags thats exactly what the novel is. I will say this him not having a rival makes it lose a lot of suspense. I hope we meet somebody with a Good talking type system to challenge him.
    Feb 17, 2018
  6. AardwarkThe2nd
    Okay, what was the thing or mission that gave him the most points?

    And in the last chapter I read, MC used his past-life knowledge to write a erotic novel on the net. What happened with that plot thread?
    Feb 17, 2018
  7. bonifide
    He did it just to make money and get a lot of hate points lol
    Feb 17, 2018
    AardwarkThe2nd likes this.
  8. AardwarkThe2nd
    How does he get hate points?Kills off beloved characters? Suddenly abandons the story? Makes enmity with the censors?
    Feb 17, 2018
  9. bonifide
    Talking shit causing chaos. Offending everybody and anybody. If he see's a beauty he already claims her as his wife. If he see's her father he be like hello father in law. lol. I can see why there is no romance though you can tell who he likes but if he has a weakness he's pretty fucked. I'm glad he solved money problems way earlier in the novel.
    Feb 17, 2018
  10. bonifide
    Your reading Seeking the Sword Path raws right. If so did he reach the Dao yet this whole mess seems like that annoying Dao Fusion from DE that made me dropped the novel.
    Feb 19, 2018
    AardwarkThe2nd likes this.
  11. AardwarkThe2nd
    Yes, he did novel is now on a week hiatus for CN new year.
    Feb 19, 2018
  12. bonifide
    You still reading The Wizard World and in Seeking Sword how many paths did he do when he got to the Dao realm. I remember reading he did like 6 but I can't remember.
    Feb 19, 2018
    AardwarkThe2nd likes this.
  13. AardwarkThe2nd
    It was 9 or so if I remember right. After reaching Dao Realm, you can master even more Dao-paths for that realm to go stronger.

    Dropped Wizard's World, got really uninteresting.
    Feb 19, 2018