Comments on Profile Post by sinyueliang

  1. sinyueliang
    just. why. ;-;
    Feb 13, 2018
    Effugium likes this.
  2. CDLevit
    Good luck!
    Feb 13, 2018
  3. Donutmindme
    Actually I find those much easier than the mutiple choice questions, because sometimes my mind is blank and can’t remember the right answers, and they’re so specific. Where as the short essay ones I write my answer, and not choose what’s given to me. :/ idk what I’m doing, but good luck on that test.
    EDIT: I jus realized my reply is like 6 hours late...
    Feb 14, 2018
  4. sinyueliang
    @Dountmindme MCQ are easier for me since you don't have to memorize it completely, you just have to vaguely know the answer and seeing it can jog your memory. But that's not possible with short answer and essay questions... sigh
    Feb 14, 2018
    CDLevit likes this.