Comments on Profile Post by SquadCammander354

  1. SquadCammander354
    Now, for a thread it's different when mentioning someone, like this; [USER=63771]Master[/USER] is a loli~

    Just so you know, if you attach the @ to a name, and that's it, if you post it, you can edit it immediately after to get rid of the @, it's the one to the right, not left.

    This works for both profile and thread posts~
    Mar 1, 2018
    freeLoading likes this.
  2. hothotpot
    Welcome! \(o ̄∇ ̄o)/
    Mar 1, 2018
  3. freeLoading
    ohh, I didn't know this, thank you Sensei for teaching me
    Mar 1, 2018
    SquadCammander354 likes this.
  4. freeLoading
    hahaha, pretty cool feature
    Mar 1, 2018
    SquadCammander354 likes this.
  5. SquadCammander354
     |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
     |在这里努力工作~! |
     | ________ /
      ∧_∧ ||
     / づΦ
    Mar 1, 2018
    freeLoading likes this.