Comments on Profile Post by AardwarkThe2nd

  1. LoliSlave
    Well i got time, RIGHT I'll do it. for you aardwarkthe2nd and may the Loli be with you.
    Mar 6, 2018
  2. LoliSlave
    Wait @AardwarkThe2nd the page doesn't work and "If you cannot access the page:" doesn't really solve my problem. do i need points or something?? and once again the question 11 doesn't really answers my question.

    P.s my internet is slow and i'm sad ::(

    May the loli be with you.
    Mar 6, 2018
  3. AardwarkThe2nd
    To upvote the proposition, you need points. To get points quickly, you can press on the green buttons here: for 1 point.

    If you like a novel on LNMTL, you can propose terms so that it reads better by clicking 'Add Glossary Term' button on the novel page for 5 points.

    To get 100 points or so, you will require a week as propositions need to be vetted by mods.
    Mar 6, 2018
    LoliSlave likes this.
  4. LoliSlave
    Ok thanks, But how do i vote for your fantasy world transmigration?. Because the page said "#403: No permission. You don't have permission to do that" XD
    Mar 6, 2018
  5. LoliSlave
    Oh~~, i see so i need points to up vote your novel to get points i can click on the green thumps up and that give me one point but i'm limited on how many green thumps up i can give a day?
    Mar 6, 2018
  6. LoliSlave
    Hey @AardwarkThe2nd i realize that asking all the questions would of been annoy so just let me apologizes. Sorry.

    May the Loli be with you :D
    Mar 7, 2018
  7. AardwarkThe2nd
    @LoliSlave I realize that finishing all your posts with
    'May the Loli be with you :D'
    would be annoying but I am replying anyway!
    Mar 7, 2018
    LoliSlave likes this.
  8. LoliSlave
    Thanks. Well i am thine Loli pope the Listener of the Loli god, the speaker of thine lord words to thine followers XD. But really thanks for the help and thanks for telling me about Overgod Ascension that novel seem really good can't wait. Thanks.

    May the Loli be with you.
    Mar 7, 2018