Comments on Profile Post by Notaborax

  1. pocketbear
    Ah yea, it finally is back to normal today. It was horrible all weekend, okish monday, and fine today finally. ....i think it was an allergic reaction to injesting mold accidentally, cuz thats all i can think of, my bread mustve gone bad and i ate a sandwich... orz
    Apr 11, 2018
    Notaborax likes this.
  2. pocketbear
    Thank you for asking ~♡
    Apr 11, 2018
    Notaborax likes this.
  3. Notaborax
    glad to hear that:3 ugh i think most people will be like that if they ingested mold kek
    Apr 11, 2018
    pocketbear likes this.
  4. Notaborax
    glad you good\o/
    Apr 11, 2018
    pocketbear likes this.
  5. pocketbear
    Whats odd is usually its my arms that react to mold badly cuz im horribly allergic, but maybe it was a difference between it being present outside versus inside my body hahaa
    Apr 12, 2018
    Notaborax likes this.
  6. Notaborax
    i is worried that this seem to happen multiple times O.O be careful>.<
    Apr 12, 2018
    pocketbear likes this.
  7. pocketbear
    first time for my eye, but like.. if my bathtub grows mold and i dont see it, my arms will have a small rash and i know there is mold nearby... like spidey senses hahaha
    Apr 12, 2018
    Notaborax likes this.