Comments on Profile Post by AardwarkThe2nd

  1. strixflash
    I didn't even read 1/4th of novel so can't say. The cheat item is a talisman which is necessary for becoming Celestial Son (or Emperor). MC sacrifice beasts to gain advantages from the cheat item. His father the current Emperor wants the cheat item.

    Last I read he has a fiancée (forced by Emperor). And he find some potential girls
    Apr 21, 2018
  2. AardwarkThe2nd
    The introduction on WW said the plot would be like Desolate Era's MC joining Raindragon Guards. Does MC join some super organization?

    Also, why can't the Emperor simply seize the cheat from MC?
    Apr 21, 2018
  3. strixflash
    MC hides the existence of cheat. The Emperor has been searching for cheat but he never found it. MC got it through luck
    Apr 21, 2018
  4. strixflash
    MC is an imperial prince. He do join Celestial Court later on which he creates if i remember it right
    Apr 21, 2018