Comments on Profile Post by Emmyy

  1. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    It depends in how you take it but mostly life is intersting :3
    May 11, 2018
  2. Emmyy
    Of course it is! Thats a happy bday message to a very dark person.. Haha.. Hope he likes it
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  3. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    I see.... whoever this is for- *cough* life is shit bro, but if you learn to live it you'll find the beauty to it :D i did, most of the time xD try it! O7
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  4. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    @Emmyy sure he will xD dont worry amd good luck :3
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  5. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Aso hapy bday, to whoever this goes. Another year of wisdom, getting old and lookimg better :3
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  6. Emmyy
    He paints himself in Vantablack one day.. But who knew it washes off with soap and water the next.. Moody haha
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  7. Emmyy
    Some people you will always worry about.. I hope he sees the irony in life.. Lol
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  8. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Ahahahah really? Well we all have been thorough that at least once xD but well, he'll find the joy of life im sure of it
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  9. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole and how are you? Im getting ready to go camping and chill w/nature
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  10. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    He will, dont worry xD
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  11. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    I just had coffee :3 so im sitting enjoying the cloudy afternoon and see if I can chat with someone :

    And so you like to camp? Awsome! I cant do it but sounds cool
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  12. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole I like your positivity.. Must thank doomy.. who I don't really know for the intro.. tbh when I saw that yesterday I burst out persona is one of sadness? rofl
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  13. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Ahaha I'm just tryin to become who I want and all. Ive come ways and all xD and lol yah im sad as well and u, sadness? Idk tho but well, you cool so what gives :3
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  14. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole I like you more every minute I too am having a caramel macchiado enjoying the day!
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  15. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole I am chatty when I have the time.. But I am a very slow typist w typos.. Bear with.. I write sad stuff but basically Im a very happy person.. Just one person flipped my world for awhile waaaahhh
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  16. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    \O/ me too cus idk u r different i guess idk xDD and hnnnggg thats so delicious I waaaant! :3 well I'll go make more coffee, its black to but well coffee is laifu
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  17. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Really? XD its okay I dont mind :3 its okeoke and I try to be cheer and be noice and happy tho im dead morally and inside xDD but ive accepted myself so all cool and fun :D and its great you a happy person I admire those ppl :)
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  18. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Also wao someome flipped ur world? Good luck!! *thumbs up!* I get that feeling
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  19. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole you are funny! Thx doomy and my old frenemy Fate for throwing us together! I will be away til Tues..Since school is out I have much tiempo en mis manos.. I do have 3pt time jobs bit for now I can relax
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  20. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole I think you might be in a moral coma possibly I sense life.. you seem amiable..
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  21. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole luckily once you are flipped someone comes along and sees you in a heap on the ground and offers you a hand..thats just life.. One down one up
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  22. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Ahahaha youre one of the few that say im fun im not lool and auaha yup, thanks to Doomy and Fate? Who is that? XD or is it fate like in fate fate? xd Also whats with the spanish? You do have free time it seems xD
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  23. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Ahahaha nah idk anymore i feel ded :3
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  24. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    And well... *cough* Life is like a box of chocolates xD :D youre rly cool
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  25. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole hahaha Fate as in Fate the mysterious.. that messes with people.. Paths crossing.. Chance meetings.. I have a specisl relationship with the snarky fellow, he likes to trip me and see me stumble thru life.. I forgot its NUF he could have an avi lol
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  26. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole I dont know why you feel that way but you are 22 and have hazel eyes life should be sweet!
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  27. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    I see hahahaa I thought it was an user or smth xD and well fate is a cunt. Thats all I know :3 btw I rly hafta ask this u know a lot of spanish?
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  28. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    I told ya I dooooont xD I have boring old plain brown eyes sorry I deceived youuuuuuu *kneels* sorryyyy I just thought to put that would be cool I dont have such amazong eyeeees D: !!! XD
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  29. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole I will mention I dont know many slang terms like lool
    and auhua I had to google XD when I first joined.. Never been
    on online forum or social media
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  30. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    What? Really? XDD I'll try not to use them too much then xD smth = something ; btw = by the way ..... I'm just making sure xDD
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  31. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole Im sure your brown eyes are soulful and beautiful.. Must have missed the dont have haxel eyes.. Note to self be more alert to alerts.. My bff has brown eyes I love them so deep looking
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  32. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Ahahahaha nah they boring, really really brorig and I have ded eyes xD souless ded eyes xD
    May 11, 2018
  33. RTS
    @doomeye1337, it seems like you did the right thing to introduce them to each other.

    Btw, brown eyes are also loved by the women, @Ale Cole.
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy and Ale Cole like this.
  34. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole I feel sooo cool right now I googled btw and use it frequently haha I knew smfh cause my friends text me that all the time hsha they are social butterflies and hate my unwillingness to conform lol
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  35. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Ahahaha I just have IG i kinda hate the othe media cus idk i dont hate them just bored of them xDD and well you cool already :3
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  36. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    @RTS Idk everyone here has brown eyes so them girls all want green and blue :'v I have boring eyes tell ya
    May 11, 2018
  37. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole eyes are the window to the soul and your soul seems awesome! Must finish packing or I will be the weak link.. See you on Tues.. No internet there I go with my friends.. I pretend its the Jianghu.. Im the beautiful transmigrater dressed as a boy gollowing the hero haha
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  38. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Ahahaha thanks even tho I am not xD but thanks :3 also good luck with your packing and camping!! *thumbs up* and lol well, be careful with the arrogant young masters xD see ya tuesday then!! *waves* good luck, bye~
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  39. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole anyone who only wants a certain color of eyes..or what not is lame..why care what they think.. Im a beautiful girl haha pats self on back for being narcissist..Brown eyes are awesome.. So are blue.. Green.. fav ML..dont worry about what shallow people think..
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  40. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Ahahaha I know I dont care about their thoughts why would I? XD I myself just think they boring lol and well idk how u look but kudos I guess? XD
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  41. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole must gather supplies haha.. Transmigrating at 4..actually getting picked up in SUV..driving to wilderness.. Have an awesome weekend!I feel we will be amigos que bueno! I live in Az. throw out my 4 yrs of HS Spanish sometimes I obviously wasnt the best student lol
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  42. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Ahahah I see, get all the gear ready then~ and you should be really tan then if u live there :3 also Spanish is my native :v so in case someday in ur life u need pointers I can help :D and yah seems we gonna be great pals~
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  43. Emmyy
    @Ale Cole If you are fluent in Spanish you must have laughed at my feeble attempt haha..So keep your soul well nourished and morally healthy over weekend . Lets get it off life support and out of danger.. You are not morally dead..also dont psss off fate by calling him that really bad 4 letter word.. He's emo.. Adios!
    May 11, 2018
    Ale Cole likes this.
  44. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Ahahaha okay okay I wont piss him off and I promise nothing xDD I usually die a bit more over weekends xD
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.
  45. Ale Cole
    Ale Cole
    Also I chuckled a bit xD bye~
    May 11, 2018
    Emmyy likes this.