Comments on Profile Post by VannVann

  1. VannVann
    *The workers started to dig at the site. After many days they finally dug out the target. It was a metal relic that strangely had a human shape. It looked like armour.*
    Leader: Strange. It looks like an incident relic but it has no rust on it... and these lights.. it's still active..
    Hooded Figure: *walks to @OriginalChaser who is in hybernation mode and knocks on the suit* {Ancient Language} Wake up old friend.
    Jun 7, 2018
    OriginalChaser likes this.
  2. OriginalChaser
    destroying the world again?
    Jun 8, 2018
    VannVann likes this.
  3. VannVann
    Nah. I'm digging you out
    Jun 8, 2018
    OriginalChaser likes this.
  4. OriginalChaser
    *sparks in random places* looks like I'm in need of weekend maintenance
    Jun 8, 2018
    VannVann likes this.
  5. VannVann
    *nods head*
    Ok then. I'll see you soon.
    *uses poison to kill all the witnesses, melting even their bones*
    If you need me I'll be in the capital
    Jun 8, 2018
    OriginalChaser likes this.
  6. OriginalChaser
    capital of the dead right?
    Jun 8, 2018
    VannVann likes this.
  7. VannVann
    Nope *sly grin* very much the living. The capital ruled by the crime syndicate.
    Jun 8, 2018
    OriginalChaser likes this.
  8. OriginalChaser
    so a living but dead capital.... (no hearts since the syndicate is bleeding everyone's souls)
    Jun 8, 2018
    VannVann likes this.
  9. VannVann
    Aye indeed. I crawl out of the abyss, and the first thing I see was that capital. Truly remarkable. I sometimes wonder it those people are walking corpses
    Jun 8, 2018
    OriginalChaser likes this.
  10. OriginalChaser
    capitalism in the capital at it's finest
    Jun 8, 2018
    VannVann likes this.