Comments on Profile Post by Wicked Cat

  1. Princess Renesmee
    Princess Renesmee
    What should I call you? Joy or Frans or killer-cat? XD
    Jun 12, 2018
    Hate and Wicked Cat like this.
  2. Wicked Cat
    Wicked Cat
    Call me joy.. and i'm a cat that love to kill someone that disgusting and not respect every cat (even though cat sometimes disgusting and not respect human tho) XD
    Jun 12, 2018
    Princess Renesmee likes this.
  3. Princess Renesmee
    Princess Renesmee
    Actually I don't like cat.. >_<)
    Jun 13, 2018
    Hate and Wicked Cat like this.
  4. Wicked Cat
    Wicked Cat
    I'm not like other cat that only act nicely when need something from other.. but an antihero that safe everyone from bad guys while acting like wicked one..

    *I have about 5 cats in my house
    Jun 17, 2018
    Princess Renesmee likes this.