Comments on Profile Post by Kudaranai

  1. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    It is moments like that where you know that God has a plan and it's always great. XD
    Sep 3, 2018
    Kudaranai likes this.
  2. Kudaranai
    Yeah, sadly he's being bullied by my dogs...
    Sep 3, 2018
  3. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    Hmm.....sounds like you need to socialise them.....that means you have to oversee their interactions for a while and make the dogs feel that the cat is part of the pack.
    Sep 3, 2018
    Kudaranai likes this.
  4. Kudaranai
    I see, I'll try to do that.
    Sep 3, 2018
    Femme Fatale likes this.
  5. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    Good luck with that.
    Sep 3, 2018
    Kudaranai likes this.
  6. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    You threw your cat into the bathroom too hard and it hit the wall??
    Sep 3, 2018
    Novela and Kudaranai like this.
  7. Kudaranai
    It's a he... and I'm not that barbaric...
    Sep 3, 2018
  8. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    My first thought was she~
    Sep 3, 2018
    Novela and Kudaranai like this.
  9. Kudaranai
    ... honestly I only recently figured out his gender...
    Sep 3, 2018
    Novela likes this.
  10. Gandire Alea
    Gandire Alea
    .... How barbaric
    Sep 3, 2018
    Kudaranai likes this.
  11. Novela
    Did you think he was an uke and mistaken it for a she?
    Sep 3, 2018
    Kudaranai likes this.
  12. Kudaranai
    ... nope, just didn't bother checking.
    Sep 4, 2018
  13. Novela
    Horse~nii how could you not know the gender of your new family's like mistaking your baby (cat, since some peopel thing of pets as their babies) for a girl when it was actually a guy...
    Sep 4, 2018
  14. Kudaranai
    If only having the cat was as dramatic as having a baby...
    Sep 5, 2018
    Novela and Femme Fatale like this.
  15. Novela
    Sep 5, 2018