Comments on Profile Post by lacerem

  1. doomeye1337
    how else would you as a transmigree convert people to your culture if you have no way to lure them in? ;p
    Sep 25, 2018
  2. lacerem
    Everyone have things they loved and shaped their taste buds... I have been living in my current country for about 4 years and can't stomach most of their food and we ae from the same timeline and planet ㄟ(▔ ,▔)ㄏ
    Sep 25, 2018
  3. doomeye1337
    true. In the end it's all about satisfying their ego as having a superior culture *shrug* nothing different from harem fantasies and such
    Sep 25, 2018
    lacerem likes this.
  4. lacerem
    Yep totally agree, I would love to see and MC trained in other worlds for something other than material arts
    Sep 25, 2018
    doomeye1337 likes this.