Comments on Profile Post by Bitter Sweet

  1. akki
    Write about hunting, killing and chopping NUF members and using their meat to make a Franken Bun
    Oct 12, 2018
    GonZ555, nakimushi and Bitter Sweet like this.
  2. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    ...I was thinking something along the lines of 'Wronged and memed protag haunts NUF members in vengeance.' Although I guess I could just combine the two.
    Oct 12, 2018
    GonZ555 and nakimushi like this.
  3. nakimushi
    What?! But everything in my head is rotten! (jk) (really!)

    Hmm any genre in mind? Horror? Supernatural?
    Oct 12, 2018
    Bitter Sweet likes this.
  4. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    Anything that isn't NSFW(edit: I mean smut-wise) is viable.
    Oct 12, 2018
  5. nakimushi
    Oh that's great, cos all I'm getting is NSFW gory scenes now that I read you guys' comments. The wronged protag could be someone who was banned.

    These might be cliche/random?: stumbling upon a sacrifice ceremony, light in jack o'lantern is sustained by burning flesh/oil, never mess with cute teru teru bozus, (edit: walking in rain when protag realises the rain is red and looks up)
    Oct 12, 2018
    Bitter Sweet likes this.
  6. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    So... the plot currently is: A user is banned from NUF and while upset, intrudes on a summoning ceremony performed by a cult. In the process, he becomes infused with the offering. A frankenstein-esque/jack o' lantern dumpling that is fueled with the flesh of humans. He then has vengeance by consuming novel readers.
    Oct 12, 2018
    GonZ555 and nakimushi like this.
  7. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    I think it needs to be a tad bit more weird before it's truly ready.
    Oct 12, 2018
  8. nakimushi
    Cool how the different ideas work together.

    I think the offering could be a plot twist. Also need to think about how the user gets access to/consumes the novel readers. When they click certain links?
    Oct 12, 2018
  9. GonZ555
    So i became possessed by a banned nuffers?!
    Oct 12, 2018
    nakimushi and Bitter Sweet like this.
  10. GonZ555
    *checks if someone touched my body doubles*
    Oct 12, 2018
    Bitter Sweet likes this.
  11. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    They could get access to a novel reader via a cursed user profile on the fictional version of NUF. Where every interaction with the profile will curse the victim. The curse having side effects that progresses more severely until Evil Dumpling(temporary nick) harvests the victim's soul and whatnot.
    Oct 12, 2018
    nakimushi likes this.
  12. nakimushi
    @GonZ555 Everyone's hungry for meat buns...

    @Bitter Sweet The curse could spread from cursed users to un-cursed users.
    Oct 13, 2018
    GonZ555 and Bitter Sweet like this.
  13. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    And some of the cursed Nuffians could become demon-like existences that eventually, having expanded their reach, start targeting the entirety of society?
    Oct 13, 2018
    nakimushi likes this.
  14. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    Seems like an interesting plot. Especially with an undead evil dumpling ruling them.
    Oct 13, 2018
    nakimushi likes this.
  15. nakimushi
    After conquering this world and bringing the apocalypse upon it, the cursed Nuffians move onto other worlds...
    Oct 13, 2018
    Bitter Sweet likes this.
  16. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    Hmmm... then protagonists and villains fight back in a parody crossover?
    Oct 13, 2018
    nakimushi likes this.
  17. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    This is becoming a novel... not a short story... ">.> *sweats profusely*
    Oct 13, 2018
    GonZ555 and nakimushi like this.
  18. nakimushi
    It could go the antihero route, the conquer everyone with the deliciousness/cuteness of a bun (harem route), protags reverse the situation route, or evil bun becomes good bun route.
    Oct 13, 2018
    GonZ555 and Bitter Sweet like this.
  19. nakimushi
    HAHHA this is what happens when comrades bounce ideas off each other *stares off into the sunset*

    It could be a anthology, end wherever you want for short story 1. hehe.
    Oct 13, 2018
    Bitter Sweet likes this.
  20. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    Wait wwait wait wait. Harem route? Nonono—no thank you! BL— I mean! Smut-related NSFW might be required then! And as for the anthology... yeah that seems reasonable.
    Oct 13, 2018
    nakimushi likes this.
  21. Bitter Sweet
    Bitter Sweet
    I suppose I'll get to writing the skeleton of the story and finish that in 7 days. And if I finish early, start fleshing out the skeleton.
    Oct 13, 2018
  22. nakimushi
    The twist is... it's a BL harem!! Jkjk. !!! Looking forward to it OvO!!
    Oct 13, 2018
    Bitter Sweet likes this.
  23. GonZ555
    *spurt ketchup blood*
    Oct 13, 2018
  24. nakimushi
    So you were ketchup-flavoured?! *tries to squeeze bun to find out*
    Oct 13, 2018