Comments on Profile Post by MrSplashy

  1. GonZ555
    Why? Internet news is idiotic/fake?
    Nov 16, 2018
  2. MrSplashy
    That and some other stupid shits happening in Europe and somehow understanding how it will affect the world in various ways and how it will destablize the whole continent, causing a somewhat small - medium financial crisis on some nation, and so on and so forth. Especially the migration of Africans and Middle Eastern to Europe unsanctioned and without proper procedures.
    Nov 16, 2018
  3. MrSplashy
    There's a lot of things that I can comment but eh it's already 2 in the morning, I need to take a sleep.
    Nov 16, 2018
  4. doomeye1337
    too much news is bad for your health.
    Nov 16, 2018
    MrSplashy likes this.
  5. Refan25
    If you don't read the news your uninformed,if you read the news your misinformed...not always but mostly (*꒦ິㅂ꒦ີ).Anyway sleep well hooman. ヘ(`▽´*)
    Nov 16, 2018
    Miaka_Mei, doomeye1337 and MrSplashy like this.
  6. MrSplashy
    @doomeye1337 - It actually is, it drastically changed my world view and my personality to the point that I became a pessimistic, lazy-ass, sun of a bitch that you can mostly find in their mother's basements. I feel very disappointed and cannot fathom and understand why people can't understand the logic, the effects, and the reasons on some things... Welp I am sleeping, peace!
    Nov 16, 2018
  7. Refan25
    Peace indeed. o(-_-;*)
    Nov 16, 2018
    MrSplashy likes this.
  8. Miaka_Mei
    hmm some people are just not meant to be leaders. You're definitely born to do something far suitable for u.

    May God bless u.
    Nov 16, 2018
    MrSplashy likes this.
  9. MrSplashy
    I couldn't even sleep sometimes tbh, I am having a big trouble of sleeping because of it.
    Nov 18, 2018
  10. Miaka_Mei
    @MrSplashy maybe you're sleeping too much, or slept at the wrong time. You should exercise more, find new passion, little by little. Take good meals, drink more water.
    Nov 18, 2018