Comments on Profile Post by Arcturus

  1. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    Why not?
    Dec 3, 2018
  2. Arcturus
    Ah, you haven't heard? Tumblr is banning adult content. And honestly I really only went on tumblr to keep up with certain adult artists and writers.
    Dec 3, 2018
    Femme Fatale likes this.
  3. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    *lols* No I didn't know.
    Also, I didn't know that people appreciate particular adult artists and writers....You learn something new every day.
    Dec 3, 2018
  4. Arcturus
    *shrugs* Its not a very active following. I maybe go on tumblr once a week. But some artists cater to specific fetishes or have art-styles that are quite appealing. For non-erotic artists, they typically are elsewhere.
    Dec 3, 2018
    Femme Fatale likes this.
  5. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    I getcha....but I so wanna tease ya about what you just said. Kinda like....Uh huh.. *smirky face*
    Dec 3, 2018
  6. Arcturus
    :P Hey I'm sure you have your own artists and writers to satisfy your polyamory kink
    Dec 3, 2018
  7. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    I don't! *LOLS*
    Any suggestions? >.>
    Dec 3, 2018
  8. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    I don't see polyamory as a sex thing. Sex just happens to be a part of it.
    Dec 3, 2018
  9. Arcturus
    Not really. I have to agree that polyamory isn't really a kink itself. Particularly not one that really can be expressed in artwork that isn't a comic. And honestly, I don't think I've found any great polyamorous writings that are great in how they explore polyamory in and of itself.
    Dec 3, 2018
  10. Arcturus
    There are enjoyable erotic stories that include open relationships and some small polyamory or stories that focus on a specific fetish that includes elements of polyamory, but the focus is usually on a different specific kink than polyamory
    Dec 3, 2018
    Femme Fatale likes this.
  11. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    Dec 3, 2018
  12. Arcturus
    I've read some of anita blake. It was decent, but I never really got into it.
    Dec 3, 2018
    Femme Fatale likes this.
  13. CDLevit
    Hm, I've forgot, what was Tumblr about, blog postings?

    Usually, the polyamory topic/subject is explored in relation with other type of tags. One was mentioned already. There are few stories who 'talk' only about polyamory in itself and they are, most often, adult themed.

    Femme Fatale, how do you see polyamory?
    Dec 3, 2018
  14. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    What do you mean @CDLevit ? I have had polyandrous relationships. :) What consenting adults do is fine by me. :D
    Dec 3, 2018
  15. CDLevit
    CDLevit've missed my point.

    I was more interested in your take/beliefs/feelings and so on on that aspect, but, well, that's something private/intimate in the end.

    Polyamory, if I'm not wrong, implies that a person loves more than 1 person at the same time. I've read a good article some time ago on that topic.
    Dec 3, 2018
    Deleted member 79325 likes this.
  16. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    Heh, I provided you that in two sentences. Let me expand: I think there are many ways to experience love, polyamory is one of those. So long as everyone is aware of the polyandrous relationship then it's fine by me. If one person is unaware or not committed, then that is not a healthy relationship. I think consenting adults should be able to decide how they want to express their lives without fear of reprisals.
    Dec 3, 2018
    Nom de Plume likes this.
  17. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    I practiced a particular form of polyamory that is called polyandry. One female to two or more men. All poly relationships are unique, but all agree on the consenting adults part.
    Dec 3, 2018
  18. CDLevit
    Well, yeah, you've explained a type of love. Most people have their own way of defining/understanding what love is. Love can have a sexual part/ aspect included, or it can ignore it.

    "If one person is unaware or not committed, then that is not a healthy relationship." - this line's already puting the light on the posible partner of a polyamorous person.
    Dec 4, 2018
    Deleted member 79325 likes this.
  19. CDLevit
    Though, now that I think more, that line can also be looked at from a polyamorous person perspective. But, in the end, I think that I'll ignore that 'lucky'/'unlucky' person and look at the one who isn't polyamorous, but falls in love with a polyamorous person.
    Dec 4, 2018
  20. CDLevit
    "on the consenting adults part", is that about intercourse?
    Dec 4, 2018
  21. Arcturus
    I think it's more of a sort of litigious mindset trying to prevent others from saying that such a mindset includes sexual preferences that aren't legal or approved of in society.

    It's not supposed to indicate that polyamorous relationships can't occur among those who are not adults, among other things. Merely prevent unwarranted criticisms from the biased
    Dec 4, 2018
  22. Arcturus
    I'm also curious what exactly you mean by not committed? Do you mean someone who isn't coming into the relationship accepting of all other partners in it?
    Dec 4, 2018
    Femme Fatale likes this.
  23. CDLevit
    Hm, I think that most of us are aware that there are some ways of having sexual preferences that are almost pointing at what polyamory is, but, the essence of polyamory is the presence of love.

    I can love someone more than myself, I can love someone as much as I love myself. I can love someone for who he/she is. I can love someone for who he/she isn't. Those are but few examples of what love can 'mean' for someone.
    Dec 4, 2018
  24. CDLevit
    I know at least two songs who portray love in a pretty interesting way. For example, one of them made me realize that, love can also mean that you love someone more than you and that means that you can accept his/her gender identity or way of being. What if you're a straight person, but your love one is homosexual, would that change your love?
    Dec 4, 2018
  25. CDLevit
    Would it test it? What if your love one were to become 'gender bended' or act 'deviant'?

    Those are some iInteresting which I like to explore in a form or another, especially by reading. - I like the article & the comments.
    Dec 4, 2018
    Deleted member 79325 likes this.
  26. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    @Arcturus What I mean by commitment is that like a monogamous relationship, polyamorous relationships requires everyone involved to be working towards making the relationship work. If one person is unfaithful or dishonest, it affects the polyamorous relationship. Infidelity can happen in a polyamorous relationship, for example, and be devastating. Um...does that answer your question?
    Dec 4, 2018
    Nom de Plume and CDLevit like this.
  27. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    What if you're a straight person, but your love one is homosexual, would that change your love? - I don't know, would it change yours?
    Dec 4, 2018
    CDLevit likes this.
  28. Arcturus
    I actually think that gender bending is something that very much has to do with romantic love, since romantic love has a sexual element to it. While it might not be the end of a relationship, someone who defines themselves by their sexuality (solely straight), won't be able to have a happy relationship with someone who is not of a compatible gender
    Dec 4, 2018
    CDLevit likes this.
  29. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    You know, the older I get, the less I see absolutes in relationships. For love, people will do and put up with lots of stuff.
    Dec 4, 2018
  30. Arcturus
    See, I think people will put up with a lot of things to maintain relationships. To me, love isn't something that it's really possible to have for any one person throughout one's life. You will almost certainly fall out of love with them at some point (not 100%; I also don't believe in absolutes).
    Dec 4, 2018
  31. Arcturus
    Can you love them again? Yes. That's what making a relationship work is. It's choosing to try to love someone again. Some succeed in doing so; some fail. And even if people fail in loving again, they may choose to maintain the relationship for a variety of reasons and even be happy.
    Dec 4, 2018
    Femme Fatale likes this.
  32. Arcturus
    It all comes down to your personal identity and your ability to change (ironic isn't it, for relationships between multiple people). Someone whose identity is rigidly defined by a sexuality and unwilling to compromise on it won't be happy in a non-compatible relationship. Can they still experience love? Oh yes. But that doesn't mean they will be happy in the relationship.
    Dec 4, 2018
  33. CDLevit
    And, in the end, all comes to personal beliefs, no? If we were to change the point of view, we'll reach another question: "Why should I sacrifice myself/my beliefs for you?". Is love worth effort?

    In the end, you, yourself, give value to what you value.
    Dec 4, 2018
  34. CDLevit
    You don't have to change to be in love. You don't have to change for you to love. You don't have to change for you to be loved. Love's just love. You love because you love. You don't decide when to love or when not to love, that's not how love works. Or, is that wrong? I don't know. In the end, most forms/type/s of love come from your being, from your inner self.
    Dec 4, 2018
  35. CDLevit
    Can a angel fall in love with a devil? Can a devil fall in love with a angel? Why not? The 'problem' come/appears when they have to choose. What? Well, I won't say what. But, for sure, there are ways for that love to exist and bear fruits, it's just that those who are part of that relationship need something for the relationship to work.
    Dec 4, 2018
  36. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    @Arcturus Exactly. Relationships change with time. Its something I became aware of with my poly relationships the most, I guess because I found I needed to be more communicative than my more traditional relationships. See, with usual relationships you can fall back on tradition or societal norms for guidance/acceptance when relationships go through a rough patch.
    Dec 4, 2018
    CDLevit likes this.
  37. Femme Fatale
    Femme Fatale
    @CDLevit Love is a verb and a noun. As a verb, love changes. :) If you want to be with the person you love, then you have to make choices and sometimes change your behaviour. If love between people does not change with time then I think it's a bit weird and stagnant. Even our relationship with the divine, which is about pure love in Christianity, changes as we grow spiritually.
    Dec 4, 2018
    CDLevit likes this.
  38. CDLevit
    Well, there were few words/thoughts from your comments that I've really liked, Femme Fatale. While I'm kinda interested to know you better as a way to understand better how you've reached them, how they've 'became' yours, that's not really important.

    Now, I want to point out at the fact that, what I've wanted to write/wrote, is the fact that some people just don't act on their love.
    Dec 4, 2018
  39. CDLevit
    The fact that you can choose not to be with the person you love, the fact that you can choose not to choose or to change your behaviour.

    As for that relationship with something like a God etc. that's something different.. .and I'm interested in talking about human love, about 'laic'/wordly love. Though the comparations is interesting.
    Dec 4, 2018
  40. CDLevit
    It made me remember what a teacher wrote, I think that It was Kidd "we learn everything, to be friends, to be lovers, to be parents, to be siblings" - the quote's written from memory and it isn't true to it's form.

    As a person 'grows', he/she'll reestablish his/her own inner world. That means that, as a person 'grows', he/she'll be subjected to posible changes.
    Dec 4, 2018
    Nom de Plume likes this.
  41. CDLevit
    I'll borrow two words from your last post and combine them to form 'stagnancy in growth' - that's what can destroy a relationship. And, the time spent while being in love is also a type of growth.

    Hm, I feel that I'm going haywire so.. I'll stop here.

    Thank you, Femme Fatale & Acturus for the chance to have this conversation.
    Dec 4, 2018