Comments on Profile Post by rilakkuma

  1. Hotato
    Dec 7, 2018
    rilakkuma and diviningknife like this.
  2. Bad Storm
  3. diviningknife
    Oho, to be given the forum records all in one go. Thanks for handing down the scrolls senior disciple. ;3c
    Dec 8, 2018
    rilakkuma and Bad Storm like this.
  4. diviningknife
    Many happy returns to @Hotato and @Bad Storm also, in auspiciously welcoming me to the way of cultivating novels. I hope we may all enjoy more wonderful years in this study together.
    Dec 8, 2018
    rilakkuma, Hotato and Bad Storm like this.
  5. Bad Storm
    Bad Storm
    *uses my most solemn face*
    Work hard, junior. If you experience anything that hinders your cultivation, find any of your seniors and ask guidance.

    *leaves with the flutter of my non-existent sleeves*
    Dec 8, 2018
    rilakkuma and diviningknife like this.