Comments on Profile Post by akki

  1. Refan25
    And it's expensive considering there's so little of it only unique to Indonesia.( ^ω^)Could go between $2,500 considering it's called the king of the expensive fowl. ଘ(੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧
    Dec 21, 2018
    rilakkuma likes this.
  2. GonZ555
    Extra fact: Ayam is Chicken
    Dec 21, 2018
    rilakkuma and Archaic pickle like this.
  3. Archaic pickle
    Archaic pickle
    An additional fact: I heard it tastes like chicken.
    Dec 21, 2018
    rilakkuma and GonZ555 like this.
  4. Kuroihagane
    Nobody buys that chicken to be eaten, usually it's used for a mystic ritual
    Dec 21, 2018
    rilakkuma and GonZ555 like this.
  5. Nahrenne
    What made a chicken evolve to be like that?

    Dec 21, 2018
    GonZ555 and rilakkuma like this.
  6. Archaic pickle
    Archaic pickle
    Was infected from people bringing moon rocks to Indonesia, unbeknownst to them a Symbiote was on one and then venom rooster was born.
    Dec 22, 2018
    GonZ555 and rilakkuma like this.
  7. Nahrenne

    *noms on a juicy pickle*

    Dec 22, 2018
    GonZ555 and rilakkuma like this.
  8. Archaic pickle
    Archaic pickle
    Friday after next: Pimp down, pimp in distress. >_>
    Dec 22, 2018
    GonZ555 and rilakkuma like this.